copulasso <- function(data, marginals,
control = list()) {
control <-, control)
if(ncol(data) != nrow(marginals))
stop("Dimension of data and marginals do not agree!")
if(lambda >= 1) {
Omega <-
Sigma <-
Corr_star <- diag(1, ncol(data))
return(list(Omega = Omega,
Sigma = Sigma,
Corr_star = Corr_star,
copulasso_code = 0))
} else {
data_g <- vapply(seq_len(ncol(data)),
a_to_g(a = data[, i_feature],
pi0 = marginals[i_feature, "pi0"],
mu = marginals[i_feature, "mu"],
sigma = marginals[i_feature, "sigma"]),
rep(0.0, nrow(data)))
Corr_star <- cor(data_g, method = "pearson")
S <- get_s(cor_data = Corr_star,
pi0 = marginals[, "pi0"],
glim = marginals[, "glim"],
g0 = marginals[, "g0"],
sigmaMod = marginals[, "sigmaMod"])
Omega <- diag(1/(diag(S) + lambda))
z <- which(rowSums(abs(S) > lambda) > 1)
z <- seq_len(nrow(S))
q <- length(z)
if (q > 0) {
S_conditioned <- condition_ridge(S[z, z, drop = FALSE],
lambda = control$lambda_ridge,
method = "ridge1")
out.glasso <- huge::huge.glasso(x = S_conditioned,
lambda = lambda,
verbose = FALSE)
Omega[z, z] <- out.glasso$icov[[1]]
save(Omega, file = paste0(control$debug_dir, "/debug_copulasso.RData"))
if(any( {
# warning("Missing values in Omega estimation! (lambda to small?)") # FIXME
Omega <- diag(rep(1, nrow(Omega)))
return(list(Omega = Omega,
copulasso_code = 1))
if(control$symm) {
Omega <- enforce_symm(Omega, method = "svd")
if(control$corr) {
Omega <- enforce_corr(Omega)
Omega <- threshold_matrix(Omega,
threshold_zero = control$threshold_zero)
Sigma <- threshold_matrix(solve(Omega),
threshold_zero = control$threshold_zero)
return(list(Omega = Omega,
Sigma = Sigma,
Corr_star = Corr_star,
copulasso_code = 0))
control_copulasso <- function(lambda_ridge = 1e-6,
threshold_zero = 1e-6,
simplify = FALSE,
symm = TRUE,
corr = TRUE,
debug_dir = NULL) {
list(lambda_ridge = lambda_ridge,
threshold_zero = threshold_zero,
simplify = simplify,
symm = symm,
corr = corr,
debug_dir = debug_dir)
Rho <- function(rho_p,
pi0_1, pi0_2,
glim_1, glim_2,
g0_1, g0_2,
sigmaMod_1, sigmaMod_2) {
mat_cor <- matrix(c(1, rho_p, rho_p, 1),
2, 2)
part1 <- g0_1 * g0_2 *
mvtnorm::pmvnorm(upper = c(glim_1, glim_2),
corr = mat_cor)
part2 <- g0_1 *
tmvtnorm::mtmvnorm(sigma = mat_cor,
lower = c(-Inf, glim_2),
upper = c(glim_1, Inf),
doComputeVariance = FALSE)$tmean[2] *
mvtnorm::pmvnorm(lower = c(-Inf, glim_2),
upper = c(glim_1, Inf),
corr = mat_cor)
part3 <-
g0_2 *
tmvtnorm::mtmvnorm(sigma = mat_cor,
lower = c(glim_1, -Inf),
upper = c(Inf, glim_2),
doComputeVariance = FALSE)$tmean[1] *
mvtnorm::pmvnorm(lower = c(glim_1, -Inf),
upper = c(Inf, glim_2),
corr = mat_cor)
part4 <- {
fit_mtmvnorm <- tmvtnorm::mtmvnorm(sigma = mat_cor,
lower = c(glim_1, glim_2),
doComputeVariance = TRUE)
if (any($tmean)))
(prod(fit_mtmvnorm$tmean) + fit_mtmvnorm$tvar[1, 2]) *
mvtnorm::pmvnorm(lower = c(glim_1, glim_2),
corr = mat_cor)
return((part1 + part2 + part3 + part4) / sigmaMod_1 / sigmaMod_2)
vRho <- Vectorize(Rho, vectorize.args = "rho_p")
iRho <- function(rho_s,
pi0_1, pi0_2,
glim_1, glim_2,
g0_1, g0_2,
sigmaMod_1, sigmaMod_2) {
f_lim <- vRho(c(-0.99, 0.99),
pi0_1 = pi0_1, pi0_2 = pi0_2,
glim_1 = glim_1, glim_2 = glim_2,
g0_1 = g0_1, g0_2 = g0_2,
sigmaMod_1 = sigmaMod_1, sigmaMod_2 = sigmaMod_2)
if(rho_s <= f_lim[1])
return(-0.99) ## FIXME
if(rho_s >= f_lim[2])
uniroot(f = function(x)
pi0_1 = pi0_1, pi0_2 = pi0_2,
glim_1 = glim_1, glim_2 = glim_2,
g0_1 = g0_1, g0_2 = g0_2,
sigmaMod_1 = sigmaMod_1, sigmaMod_2 = sigmaMod_2) -
interval = c(-0.99, 0.99),
f.lower = f_lim[1],
f.upper = f_lim[2],
maxiter = 100)$root
get_s <- function(cor_data, pi0, glim, g0, sigmaMod) {
df_index <- expand.grid(feature2 = seq_len(nrow(cor_data)),
feature1 = seq_len(nrow(cor_data)))
df_index <- subset(df_index, feature1 < feature2)
df_index$i_combo <- seq_len(nrow(df_index))
ss <-
function(ii_combo) {
ind_feature1 <- df_index[ii_combo, ]$feature1
ind_feature2 <- df_index[ii_combo, ]$feature2
iRho(rho_s = cor_data[ind_feature1, ind_feature2],
pi0_1 = pi0[ind_feature1], pi0_2 = pi0[ind_feature2],
glim_1 = glim[ind_feature1], glim_2 = glim[ind_feature2],
g0_1 = g0[ind_feature1], g0_2 = g0[ind_feature2],
sigmaMod_1 = sigmaMod[ind_feature1],
sigmaMod_2 = sigmaMod[ind_feature2])
to_return <- cor_data
to_return[lower.tri(to_return)] <- ss
to_return[upper.tri(to_return)] <- upper_tri(t(to_return), warning = FALSE)
solve_ridge <- function(S, lambda, method = "ridge1") {
svd_fit <- svd(S)
if(method == "ridge1")
eigen_inv <- (sqrt(svd_fit$d^2 + 4 * lambda) - svd_fit$d) / 2 / lambda
if(method == "ridge2")
eigen_inv <- 1 / (svd_fit$d + lambda)
return(svd_fit$u %*% diag(eigen_inv) %*% t(svd_fit$u))
condition_ridge <- function(S, lambda, method = "ridge1") {
svd_fit <- svd(S)
if(method == "ridge1")
eigen_cond <- 2 * lambda / (sqrt(svd_fit$d^2 + 4 * lambda) - svd_fit$d)
if(method == "ridge2")
eigen_cond <- 1 / (svd_fit$d + lambda)
return(svd_fit$u %*% diag(eigen_cond) %*% t(svd_fit$u))
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