#' Construct a design model matrix given a metadata data frame, with the option
#' to exclude the intercept.
#' @param data metadata data frame.
#' @param with_intercept should intercept terms be included in the model
#' @return design matrix.
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
construct_design <- function(data, with_intercept = TRUE) {
# Returns NULL if data is NULL. This happens if the covariate data frame is
# NULL (when no covariates are provided)
if(is.null(data)) return(NULL)
# Construct the matrix using all variables in data
model.matrix(~ ., data = data)
model.matrix(~ . - 1, data = data)
#' Check if a design matrix is full rank
#' @param design design matrix.
#' @return TRUE/FALSE for whether or not the design matrix is full rank.
#' @keywords internal
check_rank <- function(design) {
# a zero-column matrix is full rank
if(is.null(design)) return(TRUE)
qr(design)$rank == ncol(design)
#' Create indicator matrices for which feature/batch/samples to adjust. This is
#' relevant for zero_inflation is TRUE and only non-zero values are adjusted.
#' @param feature_abd feature-by-sample matrix of abundances (proportions or
#' counts).
#' @param n_batch number of batches in the data.
#' @param design design matrix.
#' @param zero_inflation zero inflation flag.
#' @return list of indicator matrices needed by fitting in adjust_batch.
#' @keywords internal
construct_ind <- function(feature_abd, n_batch, design, zero_inflation) {
# which feature table values are zero
ind_data <- matrix(TRUE, nrow(feature_abd), ncol(feature_abd))
# which feature x batch pairs are adjustable
ind_gamma <- matrix(TRUE, nrow(feature_abd), n_batch)
# covariates are always adjusted for
ind_mod <- rep(TRUE, ncol(design) - n_batch)
if(zero_inflation) {
ind_data[feature_abd == 0] <- FALSE
for(i_feature in seq_len(nrow(feature_abd))) {
# subset design to non-zero samples for i_feature
i_design <- design[ind_data[i_feature, ], , drop = FALSE]
# indicate whether each batch has non-zero values for i_feature
i_check_batch <- apply(i_design[, seq_len(n_batch), drop = FALSE] == 1, 2, any)
i_design <- i_design[, c(i_check_batch, ind_mod), drop = FALSE]
# should have at least two batches to adjust for
sum(i_check_batch) > 1 &&
# design matrix should be full rank
qr(i_design)$rank == ncol(i_design) &&
# design matrix cannot give exact fit in linear regression
nrow(i_design) > ncol(i_design)
) {
ind_gamma[i_feature, ] <- i_check_batch
} else ind_gamma[i_feature, ] <- FALSE
# Batch has to have more than one adjustable feature to make EB estimates
ind_gamma[, apply(ind_gamma, 2, sum) < 2] <- FALSE
ind_feature <- apply(ind_gamma, 1, any)
stop("All features are single-batch-specific; MMUPHin cannot perform correction!")
return(list(ind_data = ind_data,
ind_gamma = ind_gamma,
ind_mod = ind_mod,
ind_feature = ind_feature))
#' Fit lm and standardize all features
#' @param s_data feature-by-sample matrix of abundances (proportions or
#' counts).
#' @param design design matrix.
#' @param l_ind list of indicator matrices, as returned by construct_ind.
#' @return list of two componet: the standardized feature abundance matrix, and
#' a list of per-feature standardization fits.
#' @keywords internal
fit_stand_feature <- function(s_data, design, l_ind) {
l_stand_feature <- list()
for(i_feature in seq_len(nrow(s_data))) {
if(l_ind$ind_feature[i_feature]) {
i_design <- design[l_ind$ind_data[i_feature, ],
c(l_ind$ind_gamma[i_feature, ],
drop = FALSE]
# For debugging, this shouldn't happen
if(nrow(i_design) <= 1 | ncol(i_design) <= 1)
stop("Something wrong happened!" ) # FIXME
stand_fit <- standardize_feature(
y = s_data[i_feature, l_ind$ind_data[i_feature, ]],
i_design = i_design,
n_batch = sum(l_ind$ind_gamma[i_feature, ])
s_data[i_feature, l_ind$ind_data[i_feature, ]] <- stand_fit$y_stand
l_stand_feature[[i_feature]] <- stand_fit
} else l_stand_feature[[i_feature]] <- NULL
return(list(s_data = s_data,
l_stand_feature = l_stand_feature))
#' Centralize (by design matrix) and standardize (by pooled variance across all
#' batches) feature abundances for empirical Bayes fit
#' @param y vector of non-zero abundance of a single feature (if zero-inflated
#' is true).
#' @param i_design design matrix for the feature; samples with zeros are taken
#' out (if zero-inflated is true).
#' @param n_batch number of batches in the data.
#' @return a list with component: y_stand for vector of centralized and
#' standardized feature abundance, and stand_mean/varpooled for the location and
#' scale factor (these are used later to back transform the batch-shrinked
#' feature abundance).
#' @keywords internal
standardize_feature <- function(y,
n_batch) {
beta_hat <- solve(crossprod(i_design),
crossprod(i_design, y))
grand_mean <- mean(i_design[, seq_len(n_batch)] %*%
beta_hat[seq_len(n_batch), ])
var_pooled <- var(y - (i_design %*% beta_hat)[, 1])
if(isTRUE(all.equal(var_pooled, 0)))
var_pooled <- 1
stand_mean <- rep(grand_mean, length(y))
if(ncol(i_design) > n_batch){
stand_mean <- stand_mean +
(i_design[, -seq_len(n_batch), drop = FALSE] %*%
beta_hat[-seq_len(n_batch), ])[, 1]
y_stand <- (y - stand_mean) / sqrt(var_pooled)
return(list(y_stand = y_stand,
stand_mean = stand_mean,
var_pooled = var_pooled))
#' Parametric estimation of per-batch location and scale parameters, and
#' Empirical Bayes estimation of their priors
#' @param s_data feature-by-sample matrix of standardized abundances.
#' @param l_stand_feature list of per-feature standardization fits, as returned
#' by fit_stand_feature.
#' @param batchmod design matrix for batch variables.
#' @param n_batch number of batches in the data.
#' @param l_ind list of indicator matrices, as returned by construct_ind.
#' @return list of parameter estimations.
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom stats sd
fit_EB <- function(s_data, l_stand_feature, batchmod, n_batch, l_ind) {
if(n_batch != ncol(batchmod))
stop("n_batch does not agree with batchmod!")
gamma_hat <-
delta_hat <-
matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(s_data), ncol = n_batch)
# estimate per-feature per-batch location and scale parameters
for(i_feature in seq_len(nrow(s_data))) {
if(l_ind$ind_feature[i_feature]) {
i_batchmod <- batchmod[l_ind$ind_data[i_feature, ], l_ind$ind_gamma[i_feature, ],
drop = FALSE]
i_batchmod[i_batchmod == 0] <- NA
i_s_data_batch <- s_data[i_feature, l_ind$ind_data[i_feature, ]] *
# For debugging, this shouldn't happen
# less than two samples are non-zero to correct for the feature
nrow(batchmod[l_ind$ind_data[i_feature, ],
l_ind$ind_gamma[i_feature, ],
drop = FALSE]) <= 1 |
# less than two batches are eligible to correct for the feature
ncol(batchmod[l_ind$ind_data[i_feature, ],
l_ind$ind_gamma[i_feature, ],
drop = FALSE]) <= 1)
stop("Something wrong happened!" ) ## FIXME
i_gamma <- apply(i_s_data_batch, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
i_delta <- apply(i_s_data_batch, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
i_delta[is.na(i_delta)] <- 1
i_delta[i_delta == 0] <- 1
gamma_hat[i_feature, l_ind$ind_gamma[i_feature, ]] <- i_gamma
delta_hat[i_feature, l_ind$ind_gamma[i_feature, ]] <- i_delta
# EM hyper-parameter estimations
gamma_bar <- apply(gamma_hat, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
t2 <- apply(gamma_hat, 2, var, na.rm = TRUE)
a_prior <- apply(delta_hat, 2, aprior, na.rm = TRUE)
b_prior <- apply(delta_hat, 2, bprior, na.rm = TRUE)
# For debugging, this shouldn't happen
# If a batch has only one feature with valid location/scale parameters
# Will cause problem for hyper-parameter estimation
if(any(apply(!is.na(gamma_hat), 2, sum) < 2) |
any(apply(!is.na(delta_hat), 2, sum) < 2))
stop("One batch has only one feature with valid parameter estimate!")
return(list(gamma_hat = gamma_hat,
delta_hat = delta_hat,
gamma_bar = gamma_bar,
t2 = t2,
a_prior = a_prior,
b_prior = b_prior))
#' EB prior estimation for scale parameters
#' @param delta_hat frequentist per-batch scale estimations.
#' @param na.rm whether or not missing values should be removed.
#' @return shape hyper parameter
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom stats var
aprior <- function(delta_hat, na.rm = FALSE) {
m <- mean(delta_hat, na.rm = na.rm)
s2 <- var(delta_hat, na.rm = na.rm)
## corner case
if(s2 == 0)
s2 <- 1
(2*s2 + m^2) / s2
#' EB prior estimation for scale parameters
#' @param delta_hat frequentist per-batch location estimations.
#' @param na.rm whether or not missing values should be removed.
#' @return scale hyper parameter
#' @keywords internal
bprior <- function(delta_hat, na.rm = FALSE){
m <- mean(delta_hat, na.rm = na.rm)
s2 <- var(delta_hat, na.rm = na.rm)
## corner case
if(s2 == 0)
s2 <- 1
(m*s2 + m^3) / s2
#' A posteriori shrink per-batch location and scale parameters towards their EB
#' priors
#' @param s_data feature-by-sample matrix of standardized abundances.
#' @param l_params list of parameter fits, as returned by fit_EB.
#' @param batchmod design matrix for batch variables.
#' @param n_batch number of batches in the data.
#' @param l_ind list of indicator matrices, as returned by construct_ind.
#' @param control list of control parameters (passed on to it_sol)
#' @return list of shrinked per-batch location and scale parameters.
#' @keywords internal
fit_shrink <- function(s_data, l_params, batchmod, n_batch, l_ind, control) {
if(n_batch != ncol(batchmod))
stop("n_batch does not agree with batchmod!")
gamma_star <-
delta_star <-
matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(s_data), ncol = n_batch)
results <- lapply(seq_len(n_batch), function(i_batch) {
i_s_data <- s_data
# set all zeros to NA
i_s_data[!l_ind$ind_data] <- NA
# set all other batches to NA
i_s_data[, !as.logical(batchmod[, i_batch])] <- NA
# set features not adjustable to NA
i_s_data[!l_ind$ind_gamma[, i_batch], ] <- NA
temp <- it_sol(s_data = i_s_data,
g_hat = l_params$gamma_hat[, i_batch],
d_hat = l_params$delta_hat[, i_batch],
g_bar = l_params$gamma_bar[i_batch],
t2 = l_params$t2[i_batch],
a = l_params$a_prior[i_batch],
b = l_params$b_prior[i_batch],
control = control)
gamma_star <- temp[1, ]
delta_star <- temp[2, ]
list(gamma_star=gamma_star, delta_star=delta_star)
for (i_batch in seq_len(n_batch)) {
gamma_star[, i_batch] <- results[[i_batch]]$gamma_star
delta_star[, i_batch] <- results[[i_batch]]$delta_star
return(list(gamma_star = gamma_star,
delta_star = delta_star))
#' Iteratively solve for one feature's shrinked location and scale parameters
#' @param s_data the feature's standardized abundances.
#' @param g_hat the feature's location parameter frequentist estimations.
#' @param d_hat the feature's scale parameter frequentist estimations.
#' @param g_bar EB estimation of location hyper parameters.
#' @param t2 EB estimation of location hyper parameters.
#' @param a EB estimation of scale hyper parameters.
#' @param b EB estimation of scale hyper parameters.
#' @param control list of control parameters
#' @return matrix of shrinked location and scale parameters.
#' @keywords internal
it_sol <- function(s_data,
n <- rowSums(!is.na(s_data))
g.old <- g_hat
d.old <- d_hat
change <- 1
count <- 0
g.new <- postmean(g_hat, g_bar, n, d.old, t2)
sum2 <- rowSums((s_data - g.new %*% t(rep(1,ncol(s_data))))^2, na.rm=TRUE)
sum2[sum2 == 0] <- NA
d.new <- postvar(sum2, n, a, b)
change <- max(abs(g.new-g.old) / g.old, abs(d.new-d.old) / d.old,
g.old <- g.new
d.old <- d.new
count <- count+1
if(count > control$maxit)
stop("Maximum iteration reached!")
## cat("This batch took", count, "iterations until convergence\n")
adjust <- rbind(g.new, d.new)
rownames(adjust) <- c("g_star","d_star")
postmean <- function(g_hat,g_bar,n,d_star,t2){
(t2*n*g_hat + d_star*g_bar) / (t2*n + d_star)
postvar <- function(sum2,n,a,b){
(.5*sum2 + b) / (n/2 + a - 1)
#' Perform batch adjustment on standardized feature abundances, based on EB
#' shrinked per-batch location and scale parameters
#' @param s_data feature-by-sample matrix of standardized abundances.
#' @param l_params_shrink list of shrinked parameters, as returned by
#' fit_shrink.
#' @param l_stand_feature list of per-feature standardization fits, as returned
#' by fit_stand_feature.
#' @param batchmod design matrix for batch variables.
#' @param n_batch number of batches in the data.
#' @param l_ind list of indicator matrices, as returned by construct_ind.
#' @return feature-by-sample matrix of batch-adjusted feature abundances.
#' @keywords internal
adjust_EB <- function(s_data, l_params_shrink, l_stand_feature,
batchmod, n_batch,
l_ind) {
if(n_batch != ncol(batchmod))
stop("n_batch does not agree with batchmod!")
if(n_batch != ncol(l_params_shrink[[1]]))
stop("n_batch does not agree with l_params_shrink!")
adj_data <- relocate_scale(s_data, l_params_shrink,
batchmod, n_batch,
adj_data <- add_back_covariates(adj_data, l_stand_feature,
#' Relocate and scale feature abundances to correct for batch effects, given
#' shrinked per-batch location and scale parameters
#' @param s_data feature-by-sample matrix of standardized abundances.
#' @param l_params_shrink list of shrinked parameters, as returned by
#' fit_shrink.
#' @param batchmod design matrix for batch variables.
#' @param n_batch number of batches in the data.
#' @param l_ind list of indicator matrices, as returned by construct_ind.
#' @return feature-by-sample matrix of batch-adjusted feature abundances
#' (but without covariate effects).
#' @keywords internal
relocate_scale <- function(s_data, l_params_shrink,
batchmod, n_batch,
l_ind) {
adj_data <- s_data
for (i_batch in seq_len(n_batch)) {
i_ind_feature <-
!is.na(l_params_shrink$gamma_star[, i_batch]) &
!is.na(l_params_shrink$delta_star[, i_batch])
# For debugging, this shouldn't happen
# Features with valid shrinked parameters in the batch should agree
# with the ones determined to be eligible for batch estimation in the
# first place
if(!all(i_ind_feature == l_ind$ind_gamma[, i_batch]))
stop("Features determined to be eligible for batch estimation do not ",
"agree with the ones with valid per-batch shrinked parameters!")
for(i_feature in seq_len(nrow(adj_data))) {
if(i_ind_feature[i_feature]) {
i_ind_sample <-
l_ind$ind_data[i_feature, ] &
as.logical(batchmod[, i_batch])
# relocate and scale
adj_data[i_feature, i_ind_sample] <-
(adj_data[i_feature, i_ind_sample] -
l_params_shrink$gamma_star[i_feature, i_batch]) /
sqrt(l_params_shrink$delta_star[i_feature, i_batch])
#' Add back covariate effects to batch-corrected feature abundance data
#' @param adj_data feature-by-sample matrix of batch-adjusted feature abundances
#' (but without covariate effects), as returned by relocate_scale.
#' @param l_stand_feature list of per-feature standardization fits, as returned
#' by fit_stand_feature.
#' @param l_ind list of indicator matrices, as returned by construct_ind.
#' @return feature-by-sample matrix of batch-adjusted feature abundances
#' with covariate effects retained.
#' @keywords internal
add_back_covariates <- function(adj_data, l_stand_feature,
l_ind) {
for(i_feature in seq_len(nrow(adj_data))) {
if(l_ind$ind_feature[i_feature]) {
i_stand_feature <- l_stand_feature[[i_feature]]
adj_data[i_feature, l_ind$ind_data[i_feature, ]] <-
adj_data[i_feature, l_ind$ind_data[i_feature, ]] *
sqrt(i_stand_feature$var_pooled) +
#' Transform batch adjusted feature abundances back to the original scale in
#' feature_abd
#' @param adj_data feature-by-sample matrix of batch-adjusted feature abundances
#' with covariate effects retained.
#' @param feature_abd original feature-by-sample matrix of abundances
#' (proportions or counts).
#' @param type_feature_abd type of feature abundance table (counts or
#' proportions). If counts, the final output will be rounded into counts as
#' well.
#' @return feature-by-sample matrix of batch-adjusted feature abundances,
#' with covariate effects retained and scales consistent with original abundance
#' matrix.
#' @keywords internal
back_transform_abd <- function(adj_data, feature_abd, type_feature_abd) {
adj_data <- 2^adj_data
adj_data[feature_abd == 0] <- 0
adj_data <- normalize_features(adj_data, normalization = "TSS")
adj_data <- t(t(adj_data) * apply(feature_abd, 2, sum))
dimnames(adj_data) <- dimnames(feature_abd)
if(type_feature_abd == "counts")
adj_data <- round(adj_data)
#' Diagnostic visualization for adj_batch function
#' @param feature_abd original feature-by-sample matrix of abundances
#' (proportions or counts).
#' @param feature_abd_adj feature-by-sample matrix of batch-adjusted feature
#' abundances, with covariate effects retained and scales consistent with
#' original abundance matrix.
#' @param var_batch the batch variable (should be a factor).
#' @param gamma_hat estimated per feature-batch gamma parameters.
#' @param gamma_star shrinked per feature-batch gamma parameters
#' @param output output file name
#' @return (invisbly) the ggplot2 plot object
#' @import ggplot2
#' @keywords internal
diagnostic_adjust_batch <- function(feature_abd,
output) {
feature_abd <- fill_dimnames(feature_abd, "Feature", "Sample")
dimnames(feature_abd_adj) <- dimnames(feature_abd)
stop("var_batch should be a factor!")
# Plot gamma (i.e. location) parameters before and after shrinkage
df_plot <- data.frame(gamma_hat = as.vector(gamma_hat),
gamma_star = as.vector(gamma_star),
var_batch = factor(rep(levels(var_batch),
each = nrow(gamma_hat)),
levels = levels(var_batch)))
df_plot <- subset(df_plot, !is.na(gamma_hat), !is.na(gamma_star))
p_shrinkage <- ggplot(df_plot, aes(x = gamma_hat, y = gamma_star,
color = var_batch)) +
geom_point() +
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1) +
ggtitle("Shrinkage of batch mean parameters") +
theme(legend.position = c(0, 1),
legend.justification = c(0, 1),
legend.direction = "horizontal",
legend.background = element_blank(),
legend.text = element_blank()) +
xlab("Gamma") + ylab("Gamma (shrinked)")
# Plot each feature's per-batch and overall mean relative abundances,
# before and after adjustment
# matrix for relative abundances
mat_ra <- normalize_features(feature_abd, "TSS")
mat_ra_adj <- normalize_features(feature_abd_adj, "TSS")
# Prepare data frame of per-batch means
df_mean_batch <- as.data.frame(
apply(mat_ra, 1,
function(x) tapply(x, var_batch, mean)))
df_mean_batch_adj <- as.data.frame(
apply(mat_ra_adj, 1,
function(x) tapply(x, var_batch, mean)))
colnames(df_mean_batch) <-
colnames(df_mean_batch_adj) <-
df_mean_batch$batch <-
df_mean_batch_adj$batch <-
df_mean_batch$Adjustment <- "Original"
df_mean_batch_adj$Adjustment <- "Adjusted"
df_batch <- rbind(df_mean_batch, df_mean_batch_adj)
df_batch$Adjustment <- factor(df_batch$Adjustment,
levels = c("Original", "Adjusted"))
df_batch <- tidyr::gather(df_batch,
key = "Feature",
value = "mean_batch",
- Adjustment, - batch)
# Prepare data frame of overall means
df_mean_overall <- data.frame(mean_overall =
apply(mat_ra, 1, mean))
df_mean_overall_adj <- data.frame(mean_overall =
df_mean_overall$mean_overall +
max(df_mean_overall$mean_overall) /
df_mean_overall$Feature <-
df_mean_overall_adj$Feature <-
df_mean_overall$Adjustment <- "Original"
df_mean_overall_adj$Adjustment <- "Adjusted"
df_overall <- rbind(df_mean_overall, df_mean_overall_adj)
df_overall$Adjustment <- factor(df_overall$Adjustment,
levels = c("Original", "Adjusted"))
# Merge data and plot
df_plot <- merge(df_batch, df_overall, by = c("Feature", "Adjustment"))
p_mean <- ggplot(df_plot, aes(x = mean_overall,
y = mean_batch)) +
geom_point(aes(color = Adjustment)) +
geom_line(aes(color = Adjustment, group = paste0(Feature, Adjustment))) +
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("Original" = "black", "Adjusted" = "red")) +
theme(legend.position = c(0, 1),
legend.justification = c(0, 1),
legend.direction = "horizontal",
legend.background = element_blank()) +
ggtitle("Original/adjusted mean abundance") +
xlab("Overal mean") + ylab("Batch mean")
# Because missing values
plot <- cowplot::plot_grid(p_shrinkage, p_mean, nrow = 1)
ggsave(plot = plot, filename = output,
device = "pdf",
width = 8, height = 4, units = "in")
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