
Defines functions plot_contribution_scores get_contribution_scores calculate_contribution_scores

Documented in calculate_contribution_scores

#' @title Calculate contribution scores for each view in each sample
#' @description This function calculates, *for each sample* how much each view contributes to its location in the latent manifold, what we call \emph{contribution scores}
#' @name calculate_contribution_scores
#' @param object a trained \code{\link{MOFA}} object.
#' @param views character vector with the view names, or numeric vector with view indexes. Default is 'all'
#' @param groups character vector with the group names, or numeric vector with group indexes. Default is 'all'
#' @param factors character vector with the factor names, or numeric vector with the factor indexes. Default is 'all'
#' @param scale logical indicating whether to scale the sample-wise variance explained values by the total amount of variance explained per view. 
#' This effectively normalises each view by its total variance explained. It is important when different amounts of variance is explained for each view (check with \code{plot_variance_explained(..., plot_total=TRUE)})
#' @details Contribution scores are calculated in three steps:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{Step 1}{calculate variance explained for each cell i and each view m (\eqn{R_{im}}), using all factors}
#'  \item{Step 2}{(optional) scale values by the total variance explained for each view}
#'  \item{Step 3}{calculate contribution score (\eqn{C_{im}}) for cell i and view m as: \deqn{C_{im} = \frac{R2_{im}}{\sum_{m} R2_{im}} } }
#' }
#' Note that contribution scores can be calculated using any number of data modalities, but it is easier to interpret when you specify two. \cr
#' Please note that this functionality is still experimental, contact the authors if you have questions.
#' @return adds the contribution scores to the metadata slot (\code{samples_metadata(MOFAobject)}) and to the \code{MOFAobject@cache} slot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using an existing trained model on simulated data
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "model.hdf5", package = "MOFA2")
#' model <- load_model(file)
#' model <- calculate_contribution_scores(model)
calculate_contribution_scores <- function(object, views = "all", groups = "all", factors = "all", scale = TRUE) {
  # Sanity checks
  if (!is(object, "MOFA")) stop("'object' has to be an instance of MOFA")
  if (any(object@model_options$likelihoods!="gaussian"))
    stop("Not possible to compute contribution scores when using non-gaussian likelihoods.")

  # Define factors, views and groups
  views  <- .check_and_get_views(object, views)
  if (length(views)<2) stop("contribution scores only make sense when having at least 2 views")
  groups <- .check_and_get_groups(object, groups)
  factors <- .check_and_get_factors(object, factors)
  if (length(factors)<2) stop("contribution scores only make sense when having at least 2 factors")
  # fetch variance explained values
  r2.per.sample <- calculate_variance_explained_per_sample(object, factors=factors, views = views, groups = groups)
  # scale the variance explained values to the total amount of variance explained per view
  if (scale) {
    r2.per.view <- get_variance_explained(object, factors=factors, views = views, groups = groups)[["r2_total"]]
    r2.per.sample <- lapply(1:length(groups), function(g) sweep(r2.per.sample[[g]], 2, r2.per.view[[g]],"/"))
  # concatenate groups
  r2.per.sample <- do.call("rbind",r2.per.sample)
  # Calculate the fraction of (relative) variance explained for each view in each cell -> the contribution score
  contribution_scores <- r2.per.sample / rowSums(r2.per.sample)
  # Add contribution scores to the sample metadata
  for (i in colnames(contribution_scores)) {
    object <- .add_column_to_metadata(object, contribution_scores[,i], paste0(i,"_contribution"))
  # Add contribution scores to the cache
  object@cache[["contribution_scores"]] <- contribution_scores

get_contribution_scores <- function(object, groups = "all", views = "all", factors = "all", 
                                   as.data.frame = FALSE) {
  # Sanity checks
  if (!is(object, "MOFA")) stop("'object' has to be an instance of MOFA")
  # Get factors and groups
  groups <- .check_and_get_groups(object, groups)
  views <- .check_and_get_views(object, views)
  factors <- .check_and_get_factors(object, factors)
  # Fetch
  if (.hasSlot(object, "cache") && ("contribution_scores" %in% names(object@cache))) {
    scores_list <- object@cache[["contribution_scores"]]
  } else {
    scores_list <- calculate_contribution_scores(object, factors = factors, views = views, groups = groups)
  # Convert to data.frame format
  if (as.data.frame) {
    scores <- reshape2::melt( do.call("rbind",scores_list) )
    colnames(scores) <- c("sample", "view", "value")
  } else {
    scores <- scores_list

plot_contribution_scores <- function(object, samples = "all", group_by = NULL, return_data = FALSE, ...) {

  # Sanity checks
  if (!is(object, "MOFA")) stop("'object' has to be an instance of MOFA")
  # (TO-DO) get samples
  # get contribution scores
  scores <- get_contribution_scores(object, as.data.frame = TRUE, ...)
  # individual samples
  if (is.null(group_by)) {
    to.plot <- scores
    if (return_data) return(to.plot)
    p <- ggplot(to.plot, aes(x=.data$view, y=.data$value)) +
      geom_bar(aes(fill=view), stat="identity", color="black") +
      facet_wrap(~sample) +
      labs(x="", y="Contribution score") +
      theme_classic() +
        axis.text.x = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
        legend.position = "top",
        legend.title = element_blank()
  # group samples
  } else {
    to.plot <- merge(scores, object@samples_metadata[,c("sample",group_by)], by="sample")
    if (return_data) return(to.plot)
    p <- ggplot(to.plot, aes(x=.data$view, y=.data$value)) +
      geom_boxplot(aes(fill=view)) +
      facet_wrap(as.formula(paste("~", group_by))) +
      labs(x="", y="Contribution score") +
      theme_classic() +
        axis.text.x = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
        legend.position = "top",
        legend.title = element_blank()
bioFAM/MOFA2 documentation built on June 12, 2024, 3:57 p.m.