#' calculate percent overlap between two GRanges objects.
#' @param query GRanges object
#' @param subject GRanges object
#' @return percent overlap between \code{query} and \code{subject}, as defined by the
#' ratio of the intersection of \code{query} and \code{subject} to the union of
#' \code{query} and \code{subject}.
#' @details In the this context, \code{query} and \code{subject} are two
#' GRanges objects. The percent overlap is the number of
#' nucleotides falling within both query (i.e. genomic features) and subject (i.e. transcripts),
#' divided by the number of nucleotides falling within either object.
#' It is essentially Jaccard distance and can be used as a measure of % coverage of qry on sub.
#' @author Function modified from ballgown r-package (Alyssa Frazee)
#' @export
pctOverlap = function(query, subject){
stopifnot(class(query) == 'GRanges' & class(subject) == 'GRanges')
ch1 = as.character(runValue(seqnames(query)))
ch2 = as.character(runValue(seqnames(subject)))
if(ch1 != ch2){
tmp1 = reduce(query)
tmp2 = reduce(subject)
if(!identical(ranges(tmp1), ranges(query))){
warning('query contained overlapping ranges and was reduced.')
query = tmp1
if(!identical(ranges(tmp2), ranges(tmp2))){
warning('subject contained overlapping ranges and was reduced.')
subject = tmp2
# remove meta-columns
mcols(query) = NULL
mcols(subject) = NULL
ntcov = coverage(c(query, subject))
ind = which(names(ntcov)==ch1)
covrle = ntcov[[ind]]
covrle_val = runValue(covrle)
covrle_len = runLength(covrle)
return(sum(covrle_len[covrle_val==2]) / sum(covrle_len[covrle_val==1 | covrle_val == 2]))
#' Count number of features by chromosome.
#' @param gr GRanges object
#' @return A dataframe summarizing counts by chromosome.
#' @author Enrique Audain
#' @export
countsByChromosome <- function(gr, colName = 'Peptides') {
if(length(gr) == 0) {stop('Input GRanges has length zero...')}
# getting number of elements by chromosome as list...
l <- lapply(split(gr, seqnames(gr)), function(x) length(x)) # split by chrom and get lenghts
chrs <- names(l)
chrs <- gsub(pattern = 'chr', replacement = '', x = chrs, fixed = TRUE)
counts <- as.vector(unlist(l))
## build dataframe with summary
df <- data.frame(x = as.character(chrs), y = as.numeric(counts))
names(df) <- c('Chromosome', colName) # rename df
# sort by Chromosome
df_ordered <- orderByChromosome(df, colName = 'Chromosome', ref.chr = c(1:22, 'X', 'Y', 'M'))
# remove row index
row.names(df_ordered) <- NULL
#' Get the unique features from the original GRanges object.
#' @param gr GRanges object
#' @param colFeatures column name of the features
#' @return A GRanges object with unique features.
#' @author Enrique Audain
#' @export
getUniqueFeatures <- function(gr, colFeatures) {
# valid GRanges?
if(class(gr) != 'GRanges' | length(gr) == 0){
stop('Invalid input GRanges object...')
# column names exist?
if(!colFeatures %in% names(mcols(gr))){
stop('the specified column do not exist...')
# getting unique features
all_features <- mcols(gr)[,colFeatures]
gr_unique <- gr[!duplicated(all_features)]
#' compute % coverage by chromosome.
#' @param query GRanges object
#' @param subject GRanges object
#' @param colName Set column name with coverage values
#' @return percent coverage of \code{query} on \code{subject} by chromosome.
#' @details This function uses \code{pctOverlap} to compute relative percent overlap.
#' In this context, interpreted as percent coverage of \code{query} on \code{subject}.
#' @author Enrique Audain
#' @export
computeCoverageByChromosome <- function(query, subject, colName) {
# getting sequences (chromosomes) info
seq_qry <- levels(runValue(seqnames(query)))
seq_sub <- levels(runValue(seqnames(subject)))
# Are the sequences comparable?
if (!identical(seq_qry, seq_sub)){
# stop('Entries contain different chromosome sizes/names...')
# compute coverage by chromosome
coverage <- vector()
for (i in 1:length(seq_qry)){
chrom <- seq_qry[i]
coverage[i] <- pctOverlap( query = query[seqnames(query) == chrom],
subject = subject[seqnames(subject) == chrom])
# build dataframe chr-coverage
df <- data.frame(Chromosome = seq_qry, Coverage = round(coverage*100, 3))
names(df) <- c('Chromosome', colName) # rename df
df$Chromosome <- gsub(pattern = 'chr', replacement = '', x = df$Chromosome, fixed = TRUE)
df_ordered <- orderByChromosome(df, colName = 'Chromosome', ref.chr = c(1:22, 'X', 'Y', 'M'))
row.names(df_ordered) <- NULL # remove row index/names
#' ordering dataframe by crhomosome
#' @param df dataframe
#' @param colName column name with chromosome description
#' @param ref.chr chromosome order
#' @return Return ordered \code{df} by chromosome.
#' @author Enrique Audain
#' @export
orderByChromosome <- function(df, colName, ref.chr = c(1:22, 'X','Y','M')){
return(df[order(match(as.character(df[,colName]), ref.chr)),])
#### count overlapped features ####
## Compute overlap frequency of query on sugject
computeOverlapFrequencyOnSubject <- function(query, subject, sizePopulation = NULL, overlap = 0.50, normalize = TRUE, cCol = 'counts_overlap', fCol = 'frequency' ) {
#add column of counts. Initially it will be zero...
mcols(query)[,cCol] <- 0
mcols(query)[,fCol] <- 0
# Find self hits
hits <- findOverlaps(query, subject, type = 'any', select = 'all', ignore.strand = TRUE)
# If there aren't overlap between features, return the original set
message('There is not overlapping features...')
# Keep the hits that achieve the (or passing) pre-defined percent overlap:
x <- query[queryHits(hits)]
y <- subject[subjectHits(hits)]
relative_overlap <- width(pintersect(x, y)) / pmin(width(x), width(y)) # relative overlap to width union query-subject
#relative_overlap <- width(pintersect(x, y)) / width(x) # relative overlap to width query
hits_set <- hits[relative_overlap >= overlap] #keep hits with at least x% overlap...
# If there are not overlapping up defined threshold, return original set
message('There is not overlapping features at this cutoff...')
#compute frecuency table
hits_frecuencies <- as.data.frame(table(queryHits(hits_set)))
names(hits_frecuencies) <- c("index_query", "counts_overlap")
#append frecuencies to the original subset
granges_overlapping <- query[as.integer(hits_frecuencies$index_query)]
mcols(granges_overlapping)[,cCol] <- hits_frecuencies$counts_overlap
#retrive non-overlapping regions fron original subset
granges_non_overlapping <- query[-as.integer(hits_frecuencies$index_query)]
#build original GRanges object with frequencies
merged <- c(granges_overlapping, granges_non_overlapping)
if (!is.null(sizePopulation) & normalize == TRUE ) {
mcols(merged)[,fCol] <- (mcols(merged)[,cCol]/sizePopulation)
mcols(merged)[,fCol] <- mcols(merged)[,fCol]/max(mcols(merged)[,fCol]) # normalize based on max F value
} else if (!is.null(sizePopulation) & normalize == FALSE ) {
mcols(merged)[,fCol] <- mcols(merged)[,cCol]/sizePopulation
} else {
mcols(merged)[,fCol] <- NULL
## Compute simple overlap counts of query on sugject
getOverlapCountOnSubject <- function(query, subject, cCol = 'counts'){
hits <- findOverlaps(query, subject, type = "any", select = "all", ignore.strand = TRUE)
q <- queryHits(hits)
freqTable <- as.data.frame(table(q), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # overlap frequency of query on subject (any overlap)
overlapping_index <- as.integer(freqTable$q) # retriving index of overlapping features
query_overlapping <- query[overlapping_index] # getting overlapping features from original query set
query_non_overlapping <- query[-overlapping_index] # getting non-overlapping features from original query set
mcols(query_overlapping)[,cCol] <- freqTable$Freq # adding 'number of overlaps on subject' for each query overlapping instance
mcols(query_non_overlapping)[,cCol] <- 0 # adding 'zero' for each query non-overlapping instance
query_merged <- c(query_overlapping, query_non_overlapping) # merging
return(query_merged) # return original query with extra 'counts' column
## Convert Granges to DataFrame
granges2dataframe <- function(grange, keep.metacols = TRUE){
# valid GRanges?
if(class(grange) != 'GRanges' | length(grange) == 0){
stop('Invalid input GRanges object...')
chrs <- as.character(GenomicRanges::seqnames(grange)) # getting chromosome info
starts <- as.integer(GenomicRanges::start(grange)) # getting starts position
ends <- as.integer(GenomicRanges::end(grange)) # getting ends position
# crate basic df
df <- data.frame(chr=chrs, start=starts, end=ends)
# checking for meta columns
metacols <- as.data.frame(mcols(grange))
if(ncol(metacols) != 0){
df <- cbind(df, metacols) # append meta info
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