`cvpl` <-
function(x, surv.time, surv.event, strata, nfold=1, setseed, na.rm=FALSE, verbose=FALSE) {
x <- as.data.frame(x)
if(is.null(dimnames(x))) { dimnames(x) <- list(names(surv.time), "x") }
if(missing(strata)) { strata <- rep(1, length(surv.time)) }
## remove NA values
cc.ix <- complete.cases(x, surv.time, surv.event, strata)
surv.time <- surv.time[cc.ix]
surv.event <- surv.event[cc.ix]
x <- x[cc.ix, ,drop=FALSE]
strata <- strata[cc.ix]
nr <- sum(cc.ix)
if (!all(cc.ix) && !na.rm) { stop("NA values are present!") }
if(verbose) { message(sprintf("%i cases (%i cases are removed due to NA values)", nr, sum(!cc.ix))) }
## k-fold cross-validation
if(nfold == 1) {
k <- 1
nfold <- nr
} else { k <- floor(nr / nfold) }
## set the random seed to use the same data partition
## for the cross-validation
if (!missing(setseed)) {
smpl <- sample(nr)
res.cvpl <- 0
conv <- pl <- NULL
dd <- data.frame("stime"=surv.time, "sevent"=surv.event, "strat"=strata, x)
for (i in 1:nfold) {
#index of samples to hold out
if(i == nfold) { s.ix <- smpl[c(((i - 1) * k + 1):nr)] } else { s.ix <- smpl[c(((i - 1) * k + 1):(i * k))] }
## convergence ?
#lwa <- options("warn")$warn
ff <- sprintf("Surv(stime, sevent) ~ strata(strat) + %s", paste(dimnames(dd)[[2]][4:ncol(dd)], collapse=" + "))
try(m <- coxph(formula=formula(ff), data=dd[-s.ix, , drop=FALSE]))
if (class(m) != "try-error") {
conv <- c(conv, TRUE)
li <- m$loglik[2]
mypred <- predict(object=m, newdata=dd)
l <- logpl(surv.time=dd[ , "stime"], surv.event=dd[ , "sevent"], pred=mypred, strata=dd[ , "strat"])[1]
} else {
conv <- c(conv, FALSE)
l <- NA
li <- NA
res.cvpl <- res.cvpl + (li - l)
pl <- c(pl, (li - l) / length(s.ix)) # dividing by the number of events instead?
res.cvpl <- res.cvpl / nr # dividing by the number of events instead?
names(conv) <- names(pl) <- paste(rep("split", nfold), 1:nfold, sep=".")
return (list("cvpl"=res.cvpl, "pl"=pl, "convergence"=conv, "n"=nr))
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