# Rank genes based on drug effect
# A helper function called from within `drugPerturbationSig`. This is intended
# for developer use only; if you aren't debugging the package, this should
# not be used.
# @param data: gene expression data matrix
# @param drug: single or vector of drug(s) of interest; if a vector of drugs is
# provided, they will be considered as being the same drug and will be
# jointly analyszed
# @param drug.id: drug used in each experiment
# @param drug.concentration: drug concentration used in each experiment
# @param type: cell or tissue type for each experiment
# @param xp: type of experiment (perturbation or control)
# @param batch: experiment batches
# @param duration: The duration of the experiment, in a consistent unit
# @param single.type: Should the statitsics be computed for each cell/tissue
# type separately?
# @param nthread: number of parallel threads (bound to the maximum number of
# cores available)
# @return [list] of \code{data.frame}s with the statistics for each gene, for
# each type
# @keywords internal
# @export
rankGeneDrugPerturbation <-
function(data, drug, drug.id, drug.concentration, type, xp, batch, duration,
single.type=FALSE, nthread=1, verbose=FALSE) {
if (nthread != 1) {
availcore <- parallel::detectCores()
if (missing(nthread) || nthread < 1 || nthread > availcore) {
nthread <- availcore
if (any(c(length(drug.id), length(drug.concentration), length(type), length(xp), length(batch), length(duration)) != nrow(data))) {
stop("length of drug.id, drug.concentration, type, xp, duration and batch should be equal to the number of rows of data!")
names(drug.id) <- names(drug.concentration) <- names(type) <- names(batch) <- names(duration) <- rownames(data)
if (!all(complete.cases(type, xp, batch, duration))) {
stop("type, batch, duration and xp should not contain missing values!")
# Returns a matrix of NAs if there is no viability values for the requested dose levels
if (length(unique(xp)) < 2 ) {
nc <- c("estimate", "se", "n", "tstat", "fstat", "pvalue")
rest <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(data), ncol=length(nc), dimnames=list(rownames(data), nc))
rest <- cbind(rest, "fdr"=p.adjust(rest[ , "pvalue"], method="fdr"))
res <- c(NULL, list(rest))
names(res) <- list("all"=type)
res.type <- NULL
## build input matrix
inpumat <- NULL
## for each batch/vehicle of perturbations+controls (test within each batch/vehicle to avoid batch effect)
ubatch <- sort(unique(batch[!is.na(xp) & xp == "perturbation"]))
names(ubatch) <- paste0("batch", ubatch)
for (bb in seq_len(length(ubatch))) {
## identify the perturbations and corresponding control experiments
xpix <- rownames(data)[complete.cases(batch, xp) & batch == ubatch[bb] & xp == "perturbation"]
ctrlix <- rownames(data)[complete.cases(batch, xp) & batch == ubatch[bb] & xp == "control"]
if (all(!is.na(c(xpix, ctrlix))) && length(xpix) > 0 && length(ctrlix) > 0) {
if (!all(is.element(ctrlix, rownames(data)))) {
stop("data for some control experiments are missing!")
if (verbose) {
cat(sprintf("type %s: batch %i/%i -> %i vs %i\n", utype[bb], bb, length(ubatch), length(xpix), length(ctrlix)))
## transformation of drug concentrations values - decision made to keep in µm
conc <- drug.concentration # / 10^6
inpumat <- rbind(inpumat, data.frame("treated"=c(rep(1, length(xpix)), rep(0, length(ctrlix))), "type"=c(type[xpix], type[ctrlix]), "batch"=paste("batch", c(batch[xpix], batch[ctrlix]), sep=""), "concentration"=c(conc[xpix], conc[ctrlix]), "duration"= c(duration[xpix], duration[ctrlix])))
inpumat[ , "type"] <- factor(inpumat[ , "type"], ordered=FALSE)
inpumat[ , "batch"] <- factor(inpumat[ , "batch"], ordered=FALSE)
if (nrow(inpumat) < 3 || length(sort(unique(inpumat[ , "concentration"]))) < 2){ #|| length(unique(inpumat[ , "duration"])) < 2) {
## not enough experiments in drug list
warning(sprintf("Not enough data for drug(s) %s", paste(drug, collapse=", ")))
return(list("all.type"=NULL, "single.type"=NULL))
res <- NULL
utype <- sort(unique(as.character(inpumat[ , "type"])))
ltype <- list("all"=utype)
if(single.type) {
ltype <- c(ltype, as.list(utype))
names(ltype)[-1] <- utype
for(ll in seq_along(ltype)) {
## select the type of cell line/tissue of interest
inpumat2 <- inpumat[!is.na(inpumat[ , "type"]) & is.element(inpumat[ , "type"], ltype[[ll]]), , drop=FALSE]
inpumat2 <- inpumat2[complete.cases(inpumat2), , drop=FALSE]
if (nrow(inpumat2) < 3 || length(sort(unique(inpumat2[ , "concentration"]))) < 2) {
## not enough experiments in data
nc <- c("estimate", "se", "n", "tstat", "fstat", "pvalue")
rest <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(data), ncol=length(nc), dimnames=list(rownames(data), nc))
} else {
## test perturbation vs control
if(nthread > 1) {
## parallel threads
splitix <- parallel::splitIndices(nx=ncol(data), ncl=nthread)
##TODO:: Can we reimplement this without using length?
splitix <- splitix[vapply(splitix, length, FUN.VALUE=numeric(1)) > 0]
mcres <- BiocParallel::bplapply(splitix, function(x, data, inpumat) {
res <- t(apply(data[rownames(inpumat), x, drop=FALSE], 2, ToxicoGx::geneDrugPerturbation, concentration=inpumat[ , "concentration"], type=inpumat[ , "type"], batch=inpumat[ , "batch"], duration=inpumat[,"duration"]))
}, data=data, inpumat=inpumat2)
rest <- do.call(rbind, mcres)
} else {
rest <- t(apply(data[rownames(inpumat2), , drop=FALSE], 2, ToxicoGx::geneDrugPerturbation, concentration=inpumat2[ , "concentration"], type=inpumat2[ , "type"], batch=inpumat2[ , "batch"], duration=inpumat2[,"duration"]))
rest <- cbind(rest, "fdr"=p.adjust(rest[ , "pvalue"], method="fdr"))
res <- c(res, list(rest))
names(res) <- names(ltype)
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