
Defines functions .checkParamsForErrors paramErrorChecker

# An Error Checker for Function Parameters
# This function will take in the params of a function as well as its name.
#   Error checking will then be conducted on each of it's parameter arguments
#   to ensure they meet the input requirements for that function. Descriptive
#   errors are returned if the the arguements do not meet the criteria for that
#   function.
# @param funName [character] A string of the function name. This argument is
#   used to match the correct parameter checking conditions with each function.
# @param ... [pairlist] A list of all parameters passed as arguements to the
#   function "funName".
# @return Returns nothing, this function works by side effects only
#' @keywords internal
paramErrorChecker <- function(funName, tSet, ...) {

  # Intersection of all function's parameter tests
  intersectParamChecks <- c(
    "tSetNotIs", "tSetGt1", "cell_linesNotChar","cell_linesNotIn",
    "drugsNotChar", "durationNotChar"
  intersectViabPlotParamChecks <- c(
    "tSetGt1", "tSetsNotIs", "viabilitiesNotMissing", "viabilitiesNotNum"

  # Matches the correct parameter constraints to each function name
  paramChecks <-
           "drugPerturbationSig" =
             c(intersectParamChecks, "mDataTypeNotChar", "mDataTypeNotIn",
               "mDataTypeGt1", "featuresLt2", "doseLt2",
           "summarizeMolecularProfiles" =
             c(intersectParamChecks, "mDataTypeGt1", "mDataTypeNotChar",
               "summary.statNotChar", "summary.statNotIn", "summary.statGt1",
               "durationMissing", "durationNotIn", "cell_linesNotIn"
           "summarizeSensitivityProfiles" =
               "durationMissing", "durationNotIn", "cell_linesNotIn",
               "drugNotInCellLine", "summary.statNotIn", "summaryStatNotChar",
               "summary.statGt1", "sensitivty.measureGt1",
           "drugTimeResponseCurve" =
             c(intersectViabPlotParamChecks, 'tSetsHaveViab',
               'viabilitiesDiffLenDur', "durationNotChar", "drugsGt2",
           "subsetTo" =
               "tSetGt1", "tSetNotIs", "cell_linesNotChar", "cell_linesNotIn",
               "drugsNotChar", "drugsNotIn", "featuresNotChar", "featuresNotIn"

  ## Handle missing values
  if (missing(tSet)) {
    tSet <- NULL

  # Conducts the parameter checks based on function matched paramChecks
  .checkParamsForErrors(funName = funName, tSet = tSet,
                        paramChecks = paramChecks, ...)


#' @keywords internal
.checkParamsForErrors <- function(tSet, funName, paramChecks, ...) {

  # Initialize variable names in the local environment
  cell_lines <- concentrations <- dose <- drugs <- duration <- features <-
    mDataType <- summary.stat <- sensitivity.measure <- tSets <- viabilities <- NULL

  # Extract named arguments into local environment
  argList <- list(...)
  for (idx in seq_len(length(argList))) { ## TODO:: Make this work with seq_along()
    assign(names(argList)[idx], argList[[idx]])

  if (is.null(mDataType) & !is.null(tSet)) {mDataType <- names(molecularProfilesSlot(tSet))}

  ## TODO:: Write a cases function that lazily evaluates LHS to replace this switch
  ## TODO:: Benmark for loop vs apply statement for this code
  # Runs the parameter checks specific for the given funName
  for (check in paramChecks) {
        # tSet checks
        "tSetNotIs" = {if (!is(tSet, "ToxicoSet")) { stop(paste0(name(tSet), " is a ", class(tSet), ", not a ToxicoSet.")) }},
        "tSetGt1" = {if (length(tSet) > 1) { stop("You may only pass in one tSet.") }},
        "tSetHasViab" = {if (length(ToxicoGx::sensitivityInfo(tSet) < 1)) { stop(paste0(names(tSet), ' does not contain sensitivity or perturbation data!')) }},
        # tSets checks
        ## TODO:: Generalize error checking to multiple tSets for this check
        "tSetsHaveViab" = {if (!is.null(tSets)) {lapply(tSets, function(tSet) { if (length(ToxicoGx::sensitivityInfo(tSet)) < 1) {stop("The ", paste0(names(tSet), " tSet has no viability data!"))} })}},
        "tSetsNotIs" = {if (!is.null(tSets)) { if (!all(vapply(tSets, function(tSet) { is(tSet, "ToxicoSet") }, FUN.VALUE = logical(1) ))) { stop("One or more arguments to tSets parameter is not a 'ToxicoSet'.")}}},
        # mDataType checks
        "mDataTypeGt1" = {if (length(unlist(mDataType)) > 1) { stop("Please only pass in one molecular data type.") }},
        "mDataTypeNotChar" = {if (!is.character(mDataType)) { stop("mDataType must be a string.") }},
        "mDataTypeNotIn" = {if (!(mDataType %in% mDataNames(tSet))) { stop(paste0("The molecular data type(s) ", paste(mDataType[which(!(mDataType %in% mDataNames(tSet)))], collapse = ", " ), " is/are not present in ", name(tSet), ".")) }},
        # cell_lines checks
        "cell_linesNotChar" = {if (!is.character(unlist(cell_lines))) { stop("cell_lines parameter must contain strings.") }},
        "cell_linesNotIn" = {if (all(!(cell_lines %in% sampleNames(tSet)))) { stop(paste0("The cell line(s) ", paste(cell_lines[which(!(cell_lines %in% sampleNames(tSet)))], collapse = ", "), " is/are not present in ", name(tSet), "with the specified parameters.")) }},
        "cell_linesG" = {if (length(cell_lines) > 2) {stop("This plot currently only supports two cell lines at once!")}},
        # drugs checks
        "drugsNotChar" = {if (!is.character(unlist(drugs))) { stop("drugs parameter must contain strings.") }},
        "drugsNotIn" = {if (all(!(drugs %in% treatmentNames(tSet)))) { stop(paste0("The drug(s) ", paste(drugs[which(!(drugs %in% treatmentNames(tSet)))], collapse = ", "), " is/are not present in ", name(tSet), ".")) }},
        ## TODO:: Test this works correctly once an additional cell line is added to a tSet
        "drugsIntersectsCellLine" = {if (length(drugs) == 1) { if (!(drugs %in% subset(sensitivityInfo(tSet), sampleid == cell_lines, select = treatmentid)))  {stop(paste0("The drug ", drugs, "is not present for cell line(s)", paste0(cell_lines, collapse = ", ")), "!") }}},
        "drugsGt2" = {if (length(drugs) > 2) { stop("This plot only supports two drugs at a time!")  }},
        # features checks
        "featuresLt2" = {if (length(fNames(tSet, mDataType)) < 2) { stop("Must include at least 2 features to calculate summary statistics") }},
        "featuresNotChar" = {if (!is.character(unlist(features))) { stop("features parameter contain strings.") }},
        "featuresNotIn" = {if (all(!(fNames(tSet, mDataType[1]) %in% features))) { stop(paste0("The feature(s) ", paste(features[which(!(features %in% fNames(tSet, mDataType[1])))], collapse = ", "), " is/are not present in ", name(tSet), ".")) }},
        # duration checks
        "durationMissing" = {if (is.null(duration)) { stop(paste(funName, "requires an argument be passed to the duration parameter!" )) }},
        "durationGt1" = {if (length(duration) > 1) { stop(paste(funName, "only accepts one duration at a time!" )) }},
        "durationNotChar" = {if (!is.character(unlist(duration))) { stop("duration parameter must contain strings.") }},
        "durationNotIn" = {if (all(!(duration %in% ToxicoGx::sensitivityInfo(tSet)$duration_h))) { stop(paste0("The duration(s) ", paste(duration[which(!(duration %in% ToxicoGx::sensitivityInfo(tSet)$duration_h))]), collapse = ", ", "is/are not present in ", name(tSet), ".")) }},
        # dose checks
        "doseLt2" = {if (length(dose) < 2) { stop("To fit a linear model we need at least two dose levels, please add anothor to the dose argument in the function call.") }},
        "doseNoCtl" = {if (!("Control" %in% dose)) { stop("You should not calculate summary statistics without including a control! Please add 'Control' to the dose argument vector.") }},
        "doseNotChar" = {if (!is.character(dose)) { stop("Dose must be a string or character vector.") }},
        "doseNotIn" = {if (all(!(dose %in% phenoInfo(tSet, mDataType)$dose_level))) { stop(paste0("The dose level(s) ", dose, " is/are not present in ", name(tSet), " with the specified parameters.")) }},
        # summary.stat
        "summary.statNotChar" = {if (!is.character(summary.stat)) { stop("The parameter summary.stat must be a string or character vector.") }},
        "summary.statGt1" = {if (length(summary.stat) > 1)  {stop("Please pick only one summary statistic") }},
        "summary.statNotIn" = {if (!(summary.stat %in% c("mean", "median", "first", "last"))) { stop(paste0("The the statistic ", summary.stat, " is not implemented in this package")) }},
        # sensitivity.measure
        "sensitivity.measureNotChar" = {if (!is.character(sensitivity.measure)) { stop("The parameter sensitivty.measure must be a string or character vector.") }},
        "sensitivity.measureGt1" = {if (length(sensitivity.measure) > 1)  {stop("Please pick only one sensitivity measure") }},
        "sensitivity.measureNotIn" = {if (!(sensitivity.measure %in% c(colnames(sensitivityProfiles(tSet)), "max_conc"))) {
          stop(sprintf("Invalid sensitivity measure for %s, choose among: %s", name(tSet), paste0(colnames(sensitivityProfiles(tSet)), collapse = ", ")))}},
        # viabilties checks
        "viabilitiesNotNum" = {if (!is.null(viabilities)) { if (!all(vapply(viabilities, function(viability) { is(viability, "numeric") }, FUN.VALUE = logical(1) ))) { stop("Viability values must be numeric.") }}},
        "viabilitiesNotMissing" = {if (!is.null(concentrations)) { if (is.null(viabilities)) { stop("If you pass in an argument for concentrations, you must also pass in an argument for viabilities.")}}},
        "viabilitiesDiffLenConc" = {
          if (!is.null(concentrations) && !is.null(viabilities)) {
            if (length(viabilities) != length(concentrations)) {
              stop(paste0(ifelse(is(viabilities, "list"), "List", "Vector"), " of viabilities is ", length(viabilities), "long, but concentrations is ", length(concentrations), "long.")) }}},
        "viabilitiesDiffLenDur" = {
          if (!is.null(duration) && !is.null(viabilities)) {
            if (length(viabilities) != length(duration)) {
              stop(paste0(ifelse(is(viabilities, "list"), "List", "Vector"), " of viabilities is ", length(viabilities), "long, but concentrations is ", length(duration), "long.")) }}},
        # concentrations checks
        "concentrationsNotNum" = {
          if (!is.null(concentrations)) {
            if (!all(vapply(concentrations, function(concentration) {
              is(concentration, "numeric") }, FUN.VALUE = logical(1) ))) {
              stop("Concentration values must be numeric.") }
bhklab/ToxicoGx documentation built on March 18, 2023, 6:44 a.m.