
Defines functions updateMaxConc .optimizeRegression .computeAUCUnderFittedCurve .meshEval .residual .Hill .getCommonConcentrationRange .calculateFromRaw

#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpvec
.calculateSensitivitiesStar <-
  function (tSets = list(), exps=NULL,
            cap=NA, na.rm=TRUE, area.type=c("Fitted","Actual"), nthread=1) {

    # Set multicore options
    op <- options()

    if (missing(area.type)) {
      area.type <- "Fitted"
    if (is.null(exps)) {
      stop("expriments is empty!")
    for (study in names(tSets)) {
      sensitivityProfiles(tSets[[study]])$auc_recomputed_star <- NA
    if (!is.na(cap)) {
      trunc <- TRUE
      trunc <- FALSE

    for(i in seq_len(nrow(exps))) {
      ranges <- list()
      for (study in names(tSets)) {
        ranges[[study]] <- as.numeric(sensitivityRaw(tSets[[study]])[exps[i,study], ,"Dose"])
      ranges <- .getCommonConcentrationRange(ranges)
      names(ranges) <- names(tSets)
      for(study in names(tSets)) {
        myx <- as.numeric(sensitivityRaw(tSets[[study]])[exps[i, study],,"Dose"]) %in% ranges[[study]]
        sensitivityRaw(tSets[[study]])[exps[i,study],!myx, ] <- NA

    for(study in names(tSets)){

      auc_recomputed_star <- unlist(bpvec(rownames(sensitivityRaw(tSets[[study]])),
                                          function(experiment, exps, study, dataset, area.type){
        if(!experiment %in% exps[,study]){return(NA_real_)}
                          trunc=trunc, conc_as_log=FALSE, viability_as_pct=TRUE, area.type=area.type)/100)

      }, exps = exps, study = study, dataset = sensitivityRaw(tSets[[study]]), area.type=area.type))

      sensitivityProfiles(tSets[[study]])$auc_recomputed_star <- auc_recomputed_star

## This function computes AUC for the whole raw sensitivity data of a pset
.calculateFromRaw <- function(raw.sensitivity, cap=NA, nthread=1,
                              family=c("normal", "Cauchy"), scale = 0.07,
                              n = 1) {
  # Set multicore options
  op <- options()

  family <- match.arg(family)

  AUC <- vector(length=dim(raw.sensitivity)[1])
  names(AUC) <- dimnames(raw.sensitivity)[[1]]

  IC50 <- vector(length=dim(raw.sensitivity)[1])
  names(IC50) <- dimnames(raw.sensitivity)[[1]]

  if (!is.na(cap)) {trunc <- TRUE}else{trunc <- FALSE}

  if (nthread == 1){
    pars <- lapply(names(AUC), function(exp, raw.sensitivity, family, scale, n) {
      if(length(grep("///", raw.sensitivity[exp, , "Dose"])) > 0 | all(is.na(raw.sensitivity[exp, , "Dose"]))) {
      } else{
        logLogisticRegression(raw.sensitivity[exp, , "Dose"], raw.sensitivity[exp, , "Viability"], trunc=trunc, conc_as_log=FALSE, viability_as_pct=TRUE, family=family, scale=scale, median_n=n)
    },raw.sensitivity=raw.sensitivity, family = family, scale = scale, n = n)
    names(pars) <- dimnames(raw.sensitivity)[[1]]
    AUC <- unlist(lapply(names(pars), function(exp,raw.sensitivity, pars) {
      if(any(is.na(pars[[exp]]))) {
      } else{
        computeAUC(concentration=raw.sensitivity[exp, , "Dose"], Hill_fit=pars[[exp]], trunc=trunc, conc_as_log=FALSE, viability_as_pct=TRUE)
    },raw.sensitivity=raw.sensitivity, pars=pars))
    IC50 <- unlist(lapply(names(pars), function(exp, pars) {
      if(any(is.na(pars[[exp]]))) {
      } else{
        computeIC50(Hill_fit=pars[[exp]], trunc=trunc, conc_as_log=FALSE, viability_as_pct=TRUE)
    }, pars=pars))
  } else {
    pars <- BiocParallel::bplapply(names(AUC), function(exp, raw.sensitivity, family, scale, n, trunc) {
      if(length(grep("///", raw.sensitivity[exp, , "Dose"])) > 0 | all(is.na(raw.sensitivity[exp, , "Dose"]))) {
      } else{
        logLogisticRegression(raw.sensitivity[exp, , "Dose"], raw.sensitivity[exp, , "Viability"], trunc=trunc, conc_as_log=FALSE, viability_as_pct=TRUE, family=family, scale=scale, median_n=n)
    },raw.sensitivity=raw.sensitivity, family = family, scale = scale, n = n, trunc = trunc)
    names(pars) <- dimnames(raw.sensitivity)[[1]]
    AUC <- unlist(BiocParallel::bplapply(names(pars), function(exp, raw.sensitivity, pars, trunc) {
      if(any(is.na(pars[[exp]]))) {
      } else{
        computeAUC(concentration=raw.sensitivity[exp, , "Dose"], Hill_fit=pars[[exp]], trunc=trunc, conc_as_log=FALSE, viability_as_pct=TRUE)
    },raw.sensitivity=raw.sensitivity, pars=pars, trunc = trunc))
    IC50 <- unlist(BiocParallel::bplapply(names(pars), function(exp, pars, trunc) {
      if(any(is.na(pars[[exp]]))) {
      } else{
        computeIC50(Hill_fit=pars[[exp]], trunc=trunc, conc_as_log=FALSE, viability_as_pct=TRUE)
    }, pars=pars, trunc = trunc))

  names(AUC) <- dimnames(raw.sensitivity)[[1]]
  names(IC50) <- dimnames(raw.sensitivity)[[1]]

  return(list("AUC"=AUC, "IC50"=IC50, "pars"=pars))

## This function computes intersected concentration range between a list of concentration ranges
.getCommonConcentrationRange <- function(doses)
  min.dose <- 0
  max.dose <- 10^100
  for(i in seq_along(doses))
    min.dose <- max(min.dose, min(as.numeric(doses[[i]]), na.rm = TRUE), na.rm = TRUE)
    max.dose <- min(max.dose, max(as.numeric(doses[[i]]), na.rm = TRUE), na.rm = TRUE)

  common.ranges <- list()
  for(i in seq_along(doses))
    common.ranges[[i]] <- doses[[i]][
        which(abs(as.numeric(doses[[i]]) - max.dose)==min(abs(as.numeric(doses[[i]]) - max.dose), na.rm=TRUE)))]

## predict viability from concentration data and curve parameters
.Hill<-function(x, pars) {
  return(pars[2] + (1 - pars[2]) / (1 + (10 ^ x / 10 ^ pars[3]) ^ pars[1]))

## calculate residual of fit
## FIXME:: Why is this different from CoreGx?
## FIXME:: Is this the same as PharmacoGx?
.residual <- function(x, y, n, pars, scale = 0.07, family = c("normal", "Cauchy"), trunc = FALSE) {
  family <- match.arg(family)
  Cauchy_flag = (family == "Cauchy") # Why?!
  if (Cauchy_flag == FALSE) {
    diffs <- .Hill(x, pars)-y
    if (trunc == FALSE) {
      return(sum(-log(CoreGx::.dmednnormals(diffs, n, scale))))
    } else {
      down_truncated <- abs(y) >= 1
      up_truncated <- abs(y) <= 0

      # For up truncated, integrate the cauchy dist up until -diff because anything less gets truncated to 0, and thus the residual is -diff, and the prob
      # function becomes discrete
      # For down_truncated, 1-cdf(diffs) = cdf(-diffs)

      return(sum(-log(CoreGx::.dmednnormals(diffs[!(down_truncated | up_truncated)], n, scale))) + sum(-log(CoreGx::.edmednnormals(-diffs[up_truncated | down_truncated], n, scale))))


  } else {
    diffs <- .Hill(x, pars)-y
    if (trunc == FALSE) {
      return(sum(-log(CoreGx::.dmedncauchys(diffs, n, scale))))
    } else {
      down_truncated <- abs(y) >= 1
      up_truncated <- abs(y) <= 0

      # For up truncated, integrate the cauchy dist up until -diff because anything less gets truncated to 0, and thus the residual is -diff, and the prob
      # function becomes discrete
      # For down_truncated, 1-cdf(diffs) = cdf(-diffs)

      return(sum(-log(CoreGx::.dmedncauchys(diffs[!(down_truncated | up_truncated)], n, scale))) + sum(-log(CoreGx::.edmedncauchys(-diffs[up_truncated | down_truncated], n, scale))))

## generate an initial guess for dose-response curve parameters by evaluating
## the residuals at different lattice points of the search space
## FIXME:: Why is this different from CoreGx?
## FIXME:: Is this the same as PharmacoGx?
                    lower_bounds = c(0, 0, -6),
                    upper_bounds = c(4, 1, 6),
                    density = c(2, 10, 2),
                    scale = 0.07,
                    n = 1,
                    family = c("normal", "Cauchy"),
                    trunc = FALSE) {
  family <- match.arg(family)
  guess <- c(pmin(pmax(1, lower_bounds[1]), upper_bounds[1]),
             pmin(pmax(min(viability), lower_bounds[2]), upper_bounds[2]),
             pmin(pmax(log_conc[which.min(abs(viability - 1/2))], lower_bounds[3]), upper_bounds[3]))
  guess_residual<- .residual(log_conc,
                             pars = guess,
                             scale = scale,
                             family = family,
                             trunc = trunc)
  for (i in seq(from = lower_bounds[1], to = upper_bounds[1], by = 1 / density[1])) {
    for (j in seq(from = lower_bounds[2], to = upper_bounds[2], by = 1 / density[2])) {
      for (k in seq(from = lower_bounds[3], to = upper_bounds[3], by = 1 / density[3])) {
        test_guess_residual <- .residual(log_conc,
                                         pars = c(i, j, k),
                                         scale = scale,
                                         family = family,
                                         trunc = trunc)
          warning(paste0(" Test Guess Residual is: ", test_guess_residual, "\n Other Pars: log_conc: ", paste(log_conc, collapse=", "), "\n Viability: ", paste(viability, collapse=", "), "\n Scale: ", scale, "\n Family: ", family, "\n Trunc ", trunc, "\n HS: ", i, ", Einf: ", j, ", logEC50: ", k, "\n n: ", n))
          warning(paste0(" Test Guess Residual is: ", test_guess_residual, "\n Other Pars: log_conc: ", paste(log_conc, collapse=", "), "\n Viability: ", paste(viability, collapse=", "), "\n Scale: ", scale, "\n Family: ", family, "\n Trunc ", trunc, "\n HS: ", i, ", Einf: ", j, ", logEC50: ", k, "\n n: ", n))
        if (test_guess_residual < guess_residual) {
          guess <- c(i, j, k)
          guess_residual <- test_guess_residual

######## TODO ADD computationg from  being passed in params
#  Fits dose-response curves to data given by the user
#  and returns the AUC of the fitted curve, normalized to the length of the concentration range.
#  @param concentration [vector] is a vector of drug concentrations.
#  @param viability [vector] is a vector whose entries are the viability values observed in the presence of the
#  drug concentrations whose logarithms are in the corresponding entries of the log_conc, expressed as percentages
#  of viability in the absence of any drug.
#  @param trunc [logical], if true, causes viability data to be truncated to lie between 0 and 1 before
#  curve-fitting is performed.
.computeAUCUnderFittedCurve <- function(concentration, viability, trunc=TRUE, verbose=FALSE) {

  log_conc <- concentration
  pars <- unlist(logLogisticRegression(log_conc,
                                       conc_as_log = TRUE,
                                       viability_as_pct = FALSE,
                                       trunc = trunc))
  x <- CoreGx::.getSupportVec(log_conc)
  return(1 - trapz(x, .Hill(x, pars)) / (log_conc[length(log_conc)] - log_conc[1]))
#This function is being used in computeSlope
.optimizeRegression <- function(x, y, x0 = -3, y0 = 100)
  beta1 = (sum(x * y) - y0 * sum(x)) / (sum(x * x) - x0 * sum(x))

updateMaxConc <- function(tSet) {
  sensitivityInfo(tSet)$max.conc <- apply(sensitivityRaw(tSet)[,,"Dose"], 1, max, na.rm=TRUE)
bhklab/ToxicoGx documentation built on March 18, 2023, 6:44 a.m.