# ==== PharmacoSet Class
## FIXED? TODO:: Subset function breaks if it doesnt find cell line in sensitivity info
#' A function to subset a PharmacoSet to data containing only specified drugs, cells and genes
#' This is the prefered method of subsetting a PharmacoSet. This function allows
#' abstraction of the data to the level of biologically relevant objects: drugs
#' and cells. The function will automatically go through all of the
#' combined data in the PharmacoSet and ensure only the requested drugs
#' and cell lines are found in any of the slots. This allows quickly picking out
#' all the experiments for a drug or cell of interest, as well removes the need
#' to keep track of all the metadata conventions between different datasets.
#' @examples
#' data(CCLEsmall)
#' CCLEdrugs <- treatmentNames(CCLEsmall)
#' CCLEcells <- sampleNames(CCLEsmall)
#' pSet <- subsetTo(CCLEsmall, drugs = CCLEdrugs[1], cells = CCLEcells[1])
#' pSet
#' @param object A \code{PharmacoSet} to be subsetted
#' @param cells A list or vector of cell names as used in the dataset to which
#' the object will be subsetted. If left blank, then all cells will be left in
#' the dataset.
#' @param drugs A list or vector of drug names as used in the dataset to which
#' the object will be subsetted. If left blank, then all drugs will be left in
#' the dataset.
#' @param molecular.data.cells A list or vector of cell names to keep in the
#' molecular data
#' @param keep.controls If the dataset has perturbation type experiments, should
#' the controls be kept in the dataset? Defaults to true.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed by other function within the package
#' @return A PharmacoSet with only the selected drugs and cells
#' @importMethodsFrom CoreGx subsetTo
#' @export
setMethod('subsetTo', signature(object='PharmacoSet'), function(object,
cells=NULL, drugs=NULL, molecular.data.cells=NULL, keep.controls=TRUE, ...)
.subsetToPharmacoSet(object, cells=cells, drugs=drugs,
molecular.data.cells=molecular.data.cells, keep.controls=keep.controls)
#' @importFrom CoreGx .intersectList
#' @keywords internal
.subsetToPharmacoSet <- function(object, cells=NULL, drugs=NULL,
molecular.data.cells=NULL, keep.controls=TRUE, ...)
drop=FALSE #TODO:: Is this supposed to be here?
adArgs = list(...)
if ('exps' %in% names(adArgs)) {
exps <- adArgs[['exps']]
if(is(exps, 'data.frame')) {
exps2 <- exps[[name(object)]]
names(exps2) <- rownames(exps)
exps <- exps2
} else{
exps <- exps[[name(object)]]
}else {
exps <- NULL
cells <- unique(cells)
drugs <- unique(drugs)
molecular.data.cells <- unique(molecular.data.cells)
### TODO:: implement strict subsetting at this level!!!!
### TODO:: refactor this monstrosity of a function into helpers
### the function missing does not work as expected in the context below, because the arguments are passed to the anonymous
### function in lapply, so it does not recognize them as missing
molecularProfilesSlot(object) <- lapply(molecularProfilesSlot(object), function(SE, cells, drugs, molecular.data.cells){
molecular.data.type <- ifelse(length(grep('rna', S4Vectors::metadata(SE)$annotation) > 0), 'rna', S4Vectors::metadata(SE)$annotation)
if (length(grep(molecular.data.type, names(molecular.data.cells))) > 0) {
cells <- molecular.data.cells[[molecular.data.type]]
column_indices <- NULL
if (length(cells)==0 && length(drugs)==0) {
column_indices <- seq_len(ncol(SE)) # This still returns the number of samples in an SE, but without a label
if(length(cells)==0 && datasetType(object)=='sensitivity') {
column_indices <- seq_len(ncol(SE))
cell_line_index <- NULL
if(length(cells)!=0) {
if (!all(cells %in% sampleNames(object))) {
stop('Some of the cell names passed to function did not match to names in the PharmacoSet. Please ensure you are using cell names as returned by the cellNames function')
cell_line_index <- which(SummarizedExperiment::colData(SE)[["sampleid"]] %in% cells)
# if (length(na.omit(cell_line_index))==0){
# stop('No cell lines matched')
# }
drugs_index <- NULL
if(datasetType(object)=='perturbation' || datasetType(object)=='both'){
if(length(drugs) != 0) {
if (!all(drugs %in% treatmentNames(object))){
stop('Some of the drug names passed to function did not match to names in the PharmacoSet. Please ensure you are using drug names as returned by the drugNames function')
drugs_index <- which(SummarizedExperiment::colData(SE)[["treatmentid"]] %in% drugs)
# if (length(drugs_index)==0){
# stop('No drugs matched')
# }
if(keep.controls) {
control_indices <- which(SummarizedExperiment::colData(SE)[['xptype']]=='control')
drugs_index <- c(drugs_index, control_indices)
if(length(drugs_index) != 0 && length(cell_line_index) != 0) {
if(length(intersect(drugs_index, cell_line_index)) == 0) {
stop('This Drug - Cell Line combination was not tested together.')
column_indices <- intersect(drugs_index, cell_line_index)
} else {
if(length(drugs_index) !=0) {
column_indices <- drugs_index
if(length(cell_line_index) !=0) {
column_indices <- cell_line_index
row_indices <- seq_len(nrow(SummarizedExperiment::assay(SE, 1)))
SE <- SE[row_indices, column_indices]
}, cells=cells, drugs=drugs, molecular.data.cells=molecular.data.cells)
if ((datasetType(object) == 'sensitivity' | datasetType(object) == 'both') & length(exps) != 0) {
sensitivityInfo(object) <- sensitivityInfo(object)[exps, , drop=drop]
rownames(sensitivityInfo(object)) <- names(exps)
if(length(sensitivityRaw(object)) > 0) {
sensitivityRaw(object) <- sensitivityRaw(object)[exps, , , drop=drop]
dimnames(sensitivityRaw(object))[[1]] <- names(exps)
sensitivityProfiles(object) <- sensitivityProfiles(object)[exps, , drop=drop]
rownames(sensitivityProfiles(object)) <- names(exps)
sensNumber(object) <- .summarizeSensitivityNumbers(object)
else if ((datasetType(object) == 'sensitivity' | datasetType(object) == 'both') & (length(drugs) != 0 | length(cells) != 0)) {
drugs_index <- which(sensitivityInfo(object)[, "treatmentid"] %in% drugs)
cell_line_index <- which(sensitivityInfo(object)[,"sampleid"] %in% cells)
if (length(drugs_index) !=0 & length(cell_line_index) !=0 ) {
if (length(intersect(drugs_index, cell_line_index)) == 0) {
stop('This Drug - Cell Line combination was not tested together.')
row_indices <- intersect(drugs_index, cell_line_index)
} else {
if(length(drugs_index)!=0 & length(cells)==0) {
row_indices <- drugs_index
} else {
if(length(cell_line_index)!=0 & length(drugs)==0){
row_indices <- cell_line_index
} else {
row_indices <- vector()
treatmentResponse(object)[names(treatmentResponse(object))[names(treatmentResponse(object))!='n']] <- lapply(treatmentResponse(object)[names(treatmentResponse(object))[names(treatmentResponse(object))!='n']], function(x,i, drop){
if (length(dim(x))==2){
if (length(dim(x))==3){
}, i=row_indices, drop=drop)
if (length(drugs)==0) {
if(datasetType(object) == 'sensitivity' | datasetType(object) == 'both'){
drugs <- unique(sensitivityInfo(object)[["treatmentid"]])
if(datasetType(object) == 'perturbation' | datasetType(object) == 'both'){
drugs <- union(drugs, na.omit(CoreGx::.unionList(lapply(molecularProfilesSlot(object), function(SE){unique(colData(SE)[["treatmentid"]])}))))
if (length(cells)==0) {
cells <- union(cells, na.omit(CoreGx::.unionList(lapply(molecularProfilesSlot(object), function(SE){unique(colData(SE)[["sampleid"]])}))))
if (datasetType(object) =='sensitivity' | datasetType(object) == 'both'){
cells <- union(cells, sensitivityInfo(object)[["sampleid"]])
treatmentInfo(object) <- treatmentInfo(object)[drugs, , drop=drop]
sampleInfo(object) <- sampleInfo(object)[cells, , drop=drop]
curation(object)$treatment <- curation(object)$treatment[drugs, , drop=drop]
curation(object)$sample <- curation(object)$sample[cells, , drop=drop]
curation(object)$tissue <- curation(object)$tissue[cells, , drop=drop]
if (datasetType(object) == 'sensitivity' | datasetType(object) == 'both' & length(exps) == 0) {
sensNumber(object) <- sensNumber(object)[cells, drugs, drop=drop]
if (datasetType(object) == 'perturbation' | datasetType(object) == 'both') {
pertNumber(object) <- pertNumber(object)[cells, drugs, , drop=drop]
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