#' Viability measurements in dose-reponse curves must remain stable or decrease
#' monotonically reflecting response to the drug being tested.
#' filterNoisyCurves flags dose-response curves that strongly violate these
#' assumptions.
#' @examples
#' data(GDSCsmall)
#' filterNoisyCurves(GDSCsmall)
#' @param pSet [PharmacoSet] a PharmacoSet object
#' @param epsilon `numeric` a value indicates assumed threshold for the
#' distance between to consecutive viability values on the drug-response curve
#' in the analysis, out of dna, rna, rnaseq, snp, cnv
#' @param positive.cutoff.percent `numeric` This value indicates that function
#' may violate epsilon rule for how many points on drug-response curve
#' @param mean.viablity `numeric` average expected viability value
#' @param nthread `numeric` if multiple cores are available, how many cores
#' should the computation be parallelized over?
#' @return a list with two elements 'noisy' containing the rownames of the
#' noisy curves, and 'ok' containing the rownames of the non-noisy curves
#' @export
filterNoisyCurves <- function(pSet, epsilon=25 , positive.cutoff.percent=.80,
mean.viablity=200, nthread=1) {
acceptable <- mclapply(rownames(sensitivityInfo(pSet)), function(xp) {
#for(xp in rownames(sensitivityInfo(pSet))){
drug.responses <- as.data.frame(apply(sensitivityRaw(pSet)[xp , ,], 2, as.numeric), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
drug.responses <- drug.responses[complete.cases(drug.responses), ]
doses.no <- nrow(drug.responses)
drug.responses[, "delta"] <- .computeDelta(drug.responses$Viability)
delta.sum <- sum(drug.responses$delta, na.rm = TRUE)
max.cum.sum <- .computeCumSumDelta(drug.responses$Viability)
if (
(table(drug.responses$delta < epsilon)["TRUE"] >=
(doses.no * positive.cutoff.percent)) &
(delta.sum < epsilon) &
(max.cum.sum < (2 * epsilon)) &
(mean(drug.responses$Viability) < mean.viablity)
) {
return (xp)
}, mc.cores=nthread)
acceptable <- unlist(acceptable)
noisy <- setdiff(rownames(sensitivityInfo(pSet)), acceptable)
return(list("noisy"=noisy, "ok"=acceptable))
.computeDelta <- function(xx, trunc = TRUE) {
xx <- as.numeric(xx)
if (trunc) {
return(c(pmin(100, xx[seq(2,length(xx))]) - pmin(100, xx[seq_along(xx)-1]), 0))
} else {
return(c(xx[seq(2, length(xx))] - xx[seq_along(xx) - 1]), 0)
#' @importFrom utils combn
.computeCumSumDelta <- function(xx, trunc = TRUE) {
xx <- as.numeric(xx)
if(trunc) {
xx <- pmin(xx, 100)
tt <- t(combn(seq_along(xx), 2 , simplify = TRUE))
tt <- tt[which(((tt[,2] - tt[,1]) >= 2) == TRUE),]
cum.sum <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(nrow(tt)), function(x) { xx[tt[x, 2]] - xx[tt[x, 1]]}))
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