#' Curve fitting via `stats::optim` L-BFGS-B with fall-back grid/pattern search
#' if convergence is not achieved.
#' @description Function to fit curve via stats::optim
#' @param par `numeric` Vector of intial guesses for the parameters. For each
#' index `i` of `par`, par\[i\] must be within the range (`lower\[i\]`,
#' `upper\[i\]`). If only a single `upper` or `lower` value is present,
#' that range is used for all parameters in `par`.
#' @param x `numeric` Values to evaluate `fn` for.
#' @param y `numeric` Target output values to optimze `fn` against.
#' @param fn `function` A function to optimize. Any `fn` arguments passed via
#' `...` will be treated as constant and removed from the optimization. It
#' is assumed that the first argument is the x value to optimize over and
#' any subsequent arguments are free parameters to be optimized. Transformed
#' to be optim compatible via `make_optim_function` is the first arguement
#' isn't already `par`.
#' @param loss `character(1)` or `function` Either the name of one of the bundled
#' loss functions (see details) or a custom loss function to compute for
#' the output of `fn` over `x`.
#' @param lower `numeric(1)` Lower bound for parameters. Parallel to `par`.
#' @param upper `numeric(1)` Upper bound for paramteres. Parallel to `par`.
#' @param density `numeric` how many points in the dimension of each parameter
#' should be evaluated (density of the grid)
#' @param step initial step size for pattern search.
#' @param precision `numeric` smallest step size used in pattern search, once
#' step size drops below this value, the search terminates.
#' @param span `numeric` Can be safely kept at 1, multiplicative ratio for
#' initial step size in pattern search. Must be larger than precision.
#' @param ... `pairlist` Fall through arguments to `fn`.
#' @param loss_args `list` Additional argument to the `loss` function.
#' These get passed to losss via `do.call` analagously to using `...`.
#' @param optim_only `logical(1)` Should the fall back methods when optim fails
#' be skipped? Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param control `list` List of control parameters to pass to `optim`. See
#' `?optim` for details.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Four parameter hill curve equation
#' hillEqn <- function(x, Emin, Emax, EC50, lambda) {
#' (Emin + Emax * (x / EC50)^lambda) / (1 + (x / EC50)^lambda)
#' }
#' # Make some dummy data
#' doses <- rev(1000 / (2^(1:20)))
#' lambda <- 1
#' Emin <- 1
#' Emax <- 0.1
#' EC50 <- median(doses)
#' response <- hillEqn(doses, Emin=Emin, lambda=lambda, Emax=Emax, EC50=EC50)
#' nresponse <- response + rnorm(length(response), sd=sd(response)*0.1) # add noise
#' # 3-parameter optimization
#' 3par <- .fitCurve2(
#' par=c(Emax, EC50, lambda),
#' x=doses,
#' y=nresponse,
#' fn=hillEqn,
#' Emin=Emin, # set this as constant in the function being optimized (via ...)
#' loss=.normal_loss,
#' loss_args=list(trunc=FALSE, n=1, scale=0.07),
#' upper=c(1, max(doses), 6),
#' lower=c(0, min(doses), 0)
#' )
#' # 2-parameter optimization
#' 2par <- .fitCurve2(
#' par=c(Emax, EC50),
#' x=doses,
#' y=nresponse,
#' fn=hillEqn,
#' Emin=Emin, # set this as constant in the function being optimized (via ...)
#' lambda=1,
#' loss=.normal_loss,
#' loss_args=list(trunc=FALSE, n=1, scale=0.07),
#' upper=c(1, max(doses)),
#' lower=c(0, min(doses))
#' )
#' }
#' @details
#' @return `numeric` Vector of optimal parameters for `fn` fit against `y`
#' on the values of `x`.
#' @importFrom stats optim
#' @export
.fitCurve2 <- function(par, x, y, fn, loss, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf,
precision=1e-4, density=c(2, 10, 5), step= 0.5 / density, ...,
loss_args=list(), span=1, optim_only=FALSE,
control=list(factr=1e-08, ndeps=rep(1e-4, times=length(par)), trace = 0)
) {
stopifnot(is.function(loss) || is.character(loss))
stopifnot(c("par", "x", "y", "fn") %in% formalArgs(loss))
is.null(names(loss_args)) || all(names(loss_args) %in% formalArgs(loss))
(length(par) == length(upper) && length(par) == length(lower)) ||
(length(upper) == 1 && length(lower) == 1)
stopifnot(span > precision)
optim_fn <- if (is_optim_compatible(fn)) {
} else {
make_optim_function(fn, ...)
guess <- optim(
list(par=p, x=x, y=y, fn=optim_fn), # mandatory loss args
loss_args # additional args to loss
failed <- guess[["convergence"]] != 0
if (failed) guess <- list(par=par, convergence=(-1))
guess <- guess[["par"]]
guess_residual <- do.call(loss,
args=c(list(par=guess, x=x, y=y, fn=optim_fn), loss_args))
gritty_guess_residual <- do.call(loss,
args=c(list(par=par, x=x, y=y, fn=optim_fn), loss_args))
if (
(failed || any(is.na(guess)) || guess_residual >= gritty_guess_residual)
&& !optim_only
) {
guess <- .meshEval2(density=density, par=guess, x=x, y=y, fn=optim_fn,
lower=lower, upper=upper, ..., loss=loss,loss_args=loss_args)
guess_residual <- do.call(loss,
args=c(list(par=guess, x=x, y=y, fn=optim_fn), loss_args))
guess <- .patternSearch2(span=span, precision=precision, step=step,
par=guess, par_residual=guess_residual, x=x, y=y, fn=optim_fn,
loss=loss, lower=lower, upper=upper, ..., loss_args=loss_args)
y_hat <- optim_fn(par=guess, x=x)
Rsqr <- 1 - (var(y - y_hat) / var(y))
attr(guess, "Rsquare") <- Rsqr
#' Compute the loss using the expectation of the likelihood of the median
#' for N samples from a probability density function.
#' @param .pdf `function` Probability density function to use for computing loss.
#' @param .edf `function` Expected likelihood function for the median of `n`
#' random samples from `.pdf`.
#' @inheritParams .fitCurve2
#' @param n `numeric(1)`
#' @param scale `numeric(1)`
#' @param trunc `logical(1)`
#' @return `numeric(1)` Loss of `fn` on `x` relative to `y`.
#' @keywords interal
#' @noRd
.sampling_loss <- function(.pdf, .edf, par, x, y, fn, ..., n=1, scale=0.07,
trunc=FALSE) {
diffs <- fn(par=par, x=x, ...) - y
if (trunc == FALSE) {
if (n == 1 && grepl("normals", deparse(substitute(.pdf))))
return(sum(-log(.pdf(diffs, n, scale))))
} else {
down_truncated <- abs(y) >= 1
up_truncated <- abs(y) <= 0
sum(-log(.pdf(diffs[!(down_truncated | up_truncated)], n, scale))) +
sum(-log(.edf(-diffs[up_truncated | down_truncated], n, scale)))
#' See docs for `.sampling_loss`
#' @keywords interal
#' @noRd
.normal_loss <- function(par, x, y, fn, ..., n=1, scale=0.07,
trunc=FALSE) {
.sampling_loss(.pdf=.dmednnormals, .edf=.edmednnormals, par=par, x=x, y=y,
fn=fn, ..., n=n, scale=scale, trunc=trunc)
#' See docs for `.sampling_loss`
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.cauchy_loss <- function(par, x, y, fn, ..., n=1, scale=0.07,
trunc=FALSE) {
.sampling_loss(.pdf=.dmedncauchys, .edf=.edmedncauchys, par=par, x=x, y=y,
fn=fn, ..., n=n, scale=scale, trunc=trunc)
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.meshEval2 <- function(density, par, x, y, fn,
loss=.normal_loss, lower, upper, ..., loss_args=list()) {
# input validation
stopifnot(is.function(loss) || is.character(loss))
stopifnot(c("par", "x", "y", "fn") %in% formalArgs(loss))
is.null(names(loss_args)) || all(names(loss_args) %in% formalArgs(loss))
# make function amenable to use via optim
optim_fn <- if (is_optim_compatible(fn)) {
} else {
make_optim_function(fn, ...)
par_loss <- do.call(loss,
args=c(list(par=par, x=x, y=y, fn=optim_fn), loss_args))
periods <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(par), ncol = 1)
names(periods) <- names(par)
periods[1] <- 1
if (length(par) > 1) {
for (p in seq(2, length(par))) {
## the par-1 is because we want 1 increment of par variable once
## all previous variables have their values tested once.
periods[p] <- periods[p - 1] * (density[p - 1] *
(upper[p - 1] - lower[p - 1]) + 1)
currentPars <- lower
## The plus one is because we include endpoints.
for (point in seq_len(prod((upper - lower) * density + 1))) {
test_par_loss <- do.call(loss,
c(list(par=currentPars, x=x, y=y, fn=optim_fn), loss_args))
## Check for something catastrophic going wrong
if (
!length(test_par_loss) ||
(!is.finite(test_par_loss) && test_par_loss != Inf)
) {
stop(paste0(" Test Guess Loss is: ", test_par_loss, "\n",
"Other Pars:\n", "x: ", paste(x, collapse = ", "), "\n",
"y: ", paste(y, collapse = ", "), "\n", "n: ", n, "\n",
"pars: ", currentPars, "\n", "scale: ", scale, "\n",
"family : ", family, "\n", "Trunc ", trunc))
## save the guess if its an improvement
if (test_par_loss < par_loss) {
par <- currentPars
par_loss <- test_par_loss
## increment the variable(s) that should be incremented this loop
for (p in seq_along(par)) {
if (point %% periods[p] == 0) {
currentPars[p] <- currentPars[p] + 1 / density[p]
if (currentPars[p] > upper[p]) {
currentPars[p] <- lower[p]
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.patternSearch2 <- function(span, precision, step, par, par_residual, x, y,
lower, upper, fn, loss, ..., loss_args=list()) {
# input validation
stopifnot(is.function(loss) || is.character(loss))
stopifnot(c("par", "x", "y", "fn") %in% formalArgs(loss))
is.null(names(loss_args)) || all(names(loss_args) %in% formalArgs(loss))
# make function amenable to use via optim
optim_fn <- if (is_optim_compatible(fn)) {
} else {
make_optim_function(fn, ...)
# setup matrix for searching the parameter space
neighbours <- matrix(nrow = 2 * length(par), ncol = length(par))
neighbour_loss <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = nrow(neighbours))
while (span > precision) {
for (neighbour in seq_len(nrow(neighbours))) {
neighbours[neighbour, ] <- par
dimension <- ceiling(neighbour / 2)
if (neighbour %% 2 == 1) {
neighbours[neighbour, dimension] <- pmin(
par[dimension] + span * step[dimension],
} else {
neighbours[neighbour, dimension] <- pmax(
par[dimension] - span * step[dimension],
neighbour_loss[neighbour] <- do.call(loss, args=c(
list(par=neighbours[neighbour, ], x=x, y=y, fn=optim_fn),
if (min(neighbour_loss) < par_residual) {
par <- neighbours[which.min(neighbour_loss)[1], ]
par_residual <- min(neighbour_loss)
} else {
span <- span / 2
#' Drop parameters from a function and replace them with constants
#' inside the function body.
#' @param fn `function` A non-primitive function to remove parameters from
#' (via `base::formals(fn)`).
#' @param args `list` A list where names are the function arguments (parameters)
#' to remove and the values are the appopriate value to replace the parameter
#' with in the function body.
#' @return `function` A new non-primitize function with the parameters named in
#' `args` deleted and their values fixed with the values from `args` in the
#' function body.
#' @importFrom compiler cmpfun
#' @export
drop_fn_params <- function(fn, args) {
stopifnot(is.function(fn) && !is.primitive(fn))
if (length(args) == 0) return(fn)
stopifnot(all(names(args) %in% formalArgs(fn)))
# Delete the arguments we are deparamterizing
formals(fn)[formalArgs(fn) %in% names(args)] <- NULL
# Replace the symbols with the new fixed value inside the fuction body
deparse_body <- deparse(body(fn))
for (i in seq_along(args)) {
deparse_body <- gsub(names(args)[i], args[[i]], deparse_body)
# Parse the new function body back to a call
body(fn, envir=parent.frame()) <- str2lang(paste0(deparse_body, collapse="\n"))
fn <- compiler::cmpfun(fn)
#' Collects all function arguments other than the first into a single list
#' parameter.
#' @description
#' Useful for converting a regular function into a function amenable to
#' optimization via `stats::optim`, which requires all free parameters be
#' passed as a single vector `par`.
#' @details
#' Takes a function of the form f(x, ...), where ... is any number of additional
#' function parameters (bot not literal `...`!) and parses it to a function of
#' the form f(par, x) where `par` is a vector of values for ... in
#' the same order as the arguments appear in `fn`.
#' @param fn `function` A non-primitive function to refactor such that the first
#' argument becomes the second argument and all other parameters must be
#' passed as a vector to the first argument of the new function via the `par`
#' parameter.
#' @return `function` A new non-primitive function where the first argument is
#' `par`, which takes a vector of parameters being optimized, and the
#' second argument is the old first argument to `fn` (usually `x` since this
#' is the independent variable to optimize the function over).
#' @export
collect_fn_params <- function(fn) {
stopifnot(is.function(fn) && !is.primitive(fn))
# Capture the current formal args
formal_args <- formalArgs(fn)
if ("..." %in% formalArgs(fn))
stop("No support for fn with ... in signature!")
# Replace args other than the first with a list
args <- paste0("par[[", seq_along(formal_args[-1]), "]]") |>
as.list() |>
fn <- drop_fn_params(fn, args=args)
# Add the `par` list to the formal args of the function
formals(fn) <- c(alist(par=), formals(fn))
#' Takes a non-primitive R function and refactors it to be compatible with
#' optimization via `stats::optim`.
#' @description Takes a non-primitive R function and refactors it to be compatible with optimization via `stats::optim`.
#' @param fn `function` A non-primitive function
#' @param ... Arguments to `fn` to fix for before building the
#' function to be optimized. Useful for reducing the number of free parameters
#' in an optimization if there are insufficient degrees of freedom.
#' @seealso [`drop_fn_params`], [`collect_fn_params`]
#' @export
make_optim_function <- function(fn, ...) {
# NOTE: error handling done inside helper methods!
fn1 <- drop_fn_params(fn, args=list(...))
fn2 <- collect_fn_params(fn1)
#' Check whether a function signature is amenable to optimization via `stats::optim`.
#' @description
#' Functions compatible with `optim` have the parameter named `par` as their
#' first formal argument where each value is a respective free parameter to
#' be optimized.
#' @param fn `function` A non-primitive function.
#' @return `logical(1)` `TRUE` if the first value of `formalArg(fn)` is "par",
#' otherwise `FALSE`.
#' @export
is_optim_compatible <- function(fn) formalArgs(fn)[1] == "par"
# ======================
# ==== Deprecating =====
#' .fitCurve
#' Curve optimization from 1 variable to 1 variable, using L-BFSG-B from optim,
#' with fallback to pattern search if optimization fails to converge.
#' @param x `numeric` input/x values for function
#' @param y `numeric` output/y values for function
#' @param f `function` function f, parameterized by parameters to optimize
#' @param density `numeric` how many points in the dimension of each parameter
#' should be evaluated (density of the grid)
#' @param step initial step size for pattern search.
#' @param precision `numeric` smallest step size used in pattern search, once
#' step size drops below this value, the search terminates.
#' @param lower_bounds `numeric` lower bounds for the paramater search space
#' @param upper_bounds `numeric` upper bounds for the parameter search space
#' @param median_n `integer` number of technical replicates per measured point
#' in x. Used to evaluate the proper median distribution for the normal and
#' cauchy error models
#' @param scale `numeric` scale on which to measure probability for the error
#' model (roughly SD of error)
#' @param family `character` which error family to use. Currently, "normal"
#' and "Cauchy" are implemented
#' @param trunc `logical` Whether or not to truncate the values at 100% (1.0)
#' @param verbose `logical` should diagnostic messages be printed?
#' @param gritty_guess `numeric` intitial, uninformed guess on parameter
#' values (usually heuristic)
#' @param span ['numeric'] can be safely kept at 1, multiplicative ratio for
#' initial step size in pattern search. Must be larger than precision.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom stats optim var
#' @export
.fitCurve <- function(x, y, f, density, step, precision, lower_bounds,
upper_bounds, scale, family, median_n, trunc, verbose, gritty_guess,
span = 1) {
guess <- tryCatch(optim(par = gritty_guess, fn = function(t) {
x = x, y = y, n = median_n, pars = t, f = f,
scale = scale, family = family, trunc = trunc
}, lower = lower_bounds, upper = upper_bounds, control = list(
factr = 1e-08,
ndeps = rep(1e-4, times = length(gritty_guess)),
trace = 0
), method = "L-BFGS-B"), error = function(e) {
list(par = gritty_guess, convergence = -1)
failed <- guess[["convergence"]] != 0
guess <- guess[["par"]]
guess_residual <- .residual(x = x, y = y, n = median_n, pars = guess, f = f, scale = scale, family = family, trunc = trunc)
gritty_guess_residual <- .residual(x = x, y = y, n = median_n, pars = gritty_guess, f = f, scale = scale, family = family, trunc = trunc)
if (failed || any(is.na(guess)) || guess_residual >= gritty_guess_residual) {
guess <- .meshEval(x = x, y = y, f = f, guess = gritty_guess, lower_bounds = lower_bounds, upper_bounds = upper_bounds, density = density,
n = median_n, scale = scale, family = family, trunc = trunc)
guess_residual <- .residual(x = x, y = y, n = median_n, pars = guess, f = f, scale = scale, family = family, trunc = trunc)
guess <- .patternSearch(x = x, y = y, f = f, guess = guess, n = median_n, guess_residual = guess_residual, lower_bounds = lower_bounds,
upper_bounds = upper_bounds, span = span, precision = precision, step = step, scale = scale, family = family, trunc = trunc)
y_hat <- do.call(f, list(x, par=guess))
Rsqr <- 1 - (var(y - y_hat) / var(y))
attr(guess, "Rsquare") <- Rsqr
# meshEval ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' meshEval
#' Generate an initial guess for dose-response curve parameters by evaluating
#' the residuals at different lattice points of the search space
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
# ##FIXME:: Why is this different in PharmacoGx?
.meshEval <- function(x, y, f, guess, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, density, n,
scale, family, trunc) {
pars <- NULL
guess_residual <- .residual(x = x, y = y, n = n, pars = guess, f = f,
scale = scale, family = family, trunc = trunc)
periods <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(guess), ncol = 1)
names(periods) <- names(guess)
periods[1] <- 1
if (length(guess) > 1) {
for (par in 2:length(guess)) {
## the par-1 is because we want 1 increment of par variable once all previous variables have their values tested once.
periods[par] <- periods[par - 1] * (density[par - 1] * (upper_bounds[par - 1] - lower_bounds[par - 1]) + 1)
currentPars <- lower_bounds
## The plus one is because we include endpoints.
for (point in seq_len(prod((upper_bounds - lower_bounds) * density + 1))) {
test_guess_residual <- .residual(x = x, y = y, n = n, pars = currentPars, f = f, scale = scale, family = family, trunc = trunc)
## Check for something catastrophic going wrong
if (!length(test_guess_residual) || (!is.finite(test_guess_residual) && test_guess_residual != Inf)) {
stop(paste0(" Test Guess Residual is: ", test_guess_residual, "\n", "Other Pars:\n", "x: ", paste(x, collapse = ", "), "\n",
"y: ", paste(y, collapse = ", "), "\n", "n: ", n, "\n", "pars: ", pars, "\n", "scale: ", scale, "\n", "family : ", family,
"\n", "Trunc ", trunc))
## save the guess if its an improvement
if (test_guess_residual < guess_residual) {
guess <- currentPars
guess_residual <- test_guess_residual
## increment the variable(s) that should be incremented this loop
for (par in seq_along(guess)) {
if (point%%periods[par] == 0) {
currentPars[par] <- currentPars[par] + 1/density[par]
if (currentPars[par] > upper_bounds[par]) {
currentPars[par] <- lower_bounds[par]
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.patternSearch <- function(x, y, f, guess, n, guess_residual, lower_bounds,
upper_bounds, span, precision, step, scale, family, trunc) {
neighbours <- matrix(nrow = 2 * length(guess), ncol = length(guess))
neighbour_residuals <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = nrow(neighbours))
while (span > precision) {
for (neighbour in seq_len(nrow(neighbours))) {
neighbours[neighbour, ] <- guess
dimension <- ceiling(neighbour / 2)
if (neighbour %% 2 == 1) {
neighbours[neighbour, dimension] <- pmin(
guess[dimension] + span * step[dimension],
} else {
neighbours[neighbour, dimension] <- pmax(
guess[dimension] - span * step[dimension],
neighbour_residuals[neighbour] <- .residual(x = x, y = y,
f = f, pars = neighbours[neighbour, ], n = n, scale = scale,
family = family,
trunc = trunc)
if (min(neighbour_residuals) < guess_residual) {
guess <- neighbours[which.min(neighbour_residuals)[1], ]
guess_residual <- min(neighbour_residuals)
} else {
span <- span / 2
## TODO:: Write documentation
## FIXME:: Why is this different from PharmacoGx?
#' @title Residual calculation
#' @return A \code{numeric} containing the estimated residuals for the model
#' fit
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.residual <- function(x, y, n, pars, f, scale = 0.07, family = c("normal", "Cauchy"), trunc = FALSE) {
family <- match.arg(family)
diffs <- f(x, par=pars) - y
if (family != "Cauchy") {
if (trunc == FALSE) {
if (n == 1) {
return(sum(-log(.dmednnormals(diffs, n, scale))))
} else {
down_truncated <- abs(y) >= 1
up_truncated <- abs(y) <= 0
return(sum(-log(.dmednnormals(diffs[!(down_truncated | up_truncated)], n, scale))) + sum(-log(.edmednnormals(-diffs[up_truncated |
down_truncated], n, scale))))
} else {
if (trunc == FALSE) {
return(sum(-log(.dmedncauchys(diffs, n, scale))))
} else {
down_truncated <- abs(y) >= 1
up_truncated <- abs(y) <= 0
return(sum(-log(.dmedncauchys(diffs[!(down_truncated | up_truncated)], n, scale))) + sum(-log(.edmedncauchys(-diffs[up_truncated |
down_truncated], n, scale))))
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