
Defines functions .metaConstruct

#' Generic for preprocessing complex data before being used in the constructor
#'   of an `S4` container object.
#' This method is intended to abstract away complex constructor arguments
#'   and data preprocessing steps needed to transform raw data, such as that
#'   produced in a treatment-response or next-gen sequencing experiment, and
#'   automate building of the appropriate `S4` container object. This is
#'   is intended to allow mapping between different experimental designs,
#'   in the form of an `S4` configuration object, and various S4 class
#'   containers in the Bioconductor community and beyond.
#' @param mapper An `S4` object abstracting arguments to an `S4` class
#'   constructor into a well documented `Mapper` object.
#' @param ... Allow new arguments to be defined for this generic.
#' @return An `S4` object for which the class corresponds to the type of
#'   the build configuration object passed to this method.
#' @md
#' @export
setGeneric('metaConstruct', function(mapper, ...) standardGeneric('metaConstruct'))

#' @rdname metaConstruct
#' @title metaConstruct
#' @param mapper An `LongTableDataMapper` object abstracting arguments to an
#'  the `LongTable` constructor.
#' @return A `LongTable` object, as specified in the mapper.
#' @examples
#' data(exampleDataMapper)
#' rowDataMap(exampleDataMapper) <- list(c('treatmentid'), c())
#' colDataMap(exampleDataMapper) <- list(c('sampleid'), c())
#' assayMap(exampleDataMapper) <- list(sensitivity=list(c("treatmentid", "sampleid"), c('viability')))
#' metadataMap(exampleDataMapper) <- list(experiment_metadata=c('metadata'))
#' longTable <- metaConstruct(exampleDataMapper)
#' longTable
#' @md
#' @importFrom data.table key
#' @export
setMethod('metaConstruct', signature(mapper='LongTableDataMapper'),
        function(mapper) {

#' @rdname metaConstruct
#' @title metaConstruct
#' @param mapper An `TREDataMapper` object abstracting arguments to an
#'  the `TreatmentResponseExperiment` constructor.
#' @return A `TreatmentResponseExperiment` object, as specified in the mapper.
#' @examples
#' data(exampleDataMapper)
#' exampleDataMapper <- as(exampleDataMapper, "TREDataMapper")
#' rowDataMap(exampleDataMapper) <- list(c('treatmentid'), c())
#' colDataMap(exampleDataMapper) <- list(c('sampleid'), c())
#' assayMap(exampleDataMapper) <- list(sensitivity=list(c("treatmentid", "sampleid"), c('viability')))
#' metadataMap(exampleDataMapper) <- list(experiment_metadata=c('metadata'))
#' tre <- metaConstruct(exampleDataMapper)
#' tre
#' @md
#' @importFrom data.table key
#' @export
setMethod('metaConstruct', signature(mapper='TREDataMapper'),
        function(mapper) {
    .metaConstruct(mapper, constructor=CoreGx::TreatmentResponseExperiment)

#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.metaConstruct <- function(mapper, constructor=CoreGx::LongTable) {
    funContext <- paste0('[', .S4MethodContext('metaConstruct', class(mapper)[1]))

    # subset the rawdata slot to build out each component of LongTable
    rowDataDT <- rowData(mapper)
    rowIDs <- rowDataMap(mapper)[[1]]
    rid_names <- names(rowIDs)
    has_rid_names <- !is.null(rid_names) & rid_names != ""
    rowIDs[has_rid_names] <- rid_names[has_rid_names]
    colDataDT <- colData(mapper)
    colIDs <- colDataMap(mapper)[[1]]
    cid_names <- names(colIDs)
    has_cid_names <- !is.null(cid_names) & cid_names != ""
    colIDs[has_cid_names] <- cid_names[has_cid_names]
    assayDtL <- assays(mapper)
    assayIDs <- lapply(assayMap(mapper), `[[`, i=1)
    for (i in seq_along(assayIDs)) {
        aid_names <- names(assayIDs[[i]])
        notEmptyNames <- !is.null(aid_names) & aid_names != ""
        assayIDs[[i]][notEmptyNames] <- aid_names[notEmptyNames]

    # subset the metadata columns out of raw data and add any additional metadata
    metadataL <- lapply(metadataMap(mapper),
        function(j, x) as.list(unique(x[, j, with=FALSE])), x=rawdata(mapper))
    metadataL <- c(metadataL, metadata(mapper))

    ## FIXME:: Handle TREDataMapper class after updating constructor
    object <- constructor(
        rowData=rowDataDT, rowIDs=rowIDs,
        colData=colDataDT, colIDs=colIDs,
        assays=assayDtL, assayIDs=assayIDs,

bhklab/CoreGx documentation built on March 14, 2024, 3:04 a.m.