#' @include LongTable-class.R LongTable-accessors.R
#' @importFrom checkmate assertClass assertDataFrame
#### CoreGx dynamic documentation
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# ===================================
# Utility Method Documentation Object
# -----------------------------------
# ======================================
# Subset Methods
# --------------------------------------
## == subset
#' Subset a `LongTable` using an "assayIndex" data.frame
#' @param x `LongTable`
#' @param index `data.frame` Table with columns "rowKey", "colKey" and
#' ".\<assayName\>", where \<assayName\> is the value for each `assayNames(x)`.
#' Warning: rownames are dropped internally in coercion to `data.table`,
#' @param reindex `logical(1)` Should index values be reset such that they
#' are the smallest possible set of consecutive integers. Modifies the
#' "rowKey", "colKey", and all assayKey columns. Initial benchmarks indicate
#' `reindex=FALSE` saves ~20% of both execution time and memory allocation. The
#' cost of reindexing decreases the smaller your subet gets.
#' @return `LongTable` subset according to the provided index.
#' @noRd
.subsetByIndex <- function(x, index, reindex=FALSE) {
# -- validate input
assertClass(x, "LongTable")
if (!is.data.table(index)) setDT(index)
x <- copy(x)
# -- subset slots
rData <- rowData(x, raw=TRUE)[sort(unique(index$rowKey)), ]
cData <- colData(x, raw=TRUE)[sort(unique(sort(index$colKey))), ]
assays <- assays(x, withDimnames=FALSE)
metaKeys <- c("rowKey", "colKey")
setkeyv(index, metaKeys)
for (i in seq_along(assays)) {
setkeyv(assays[[i]], metaKeys)
aname <- paste0(".", names(assays)[i])
# join based subsets use binary-search, O(log(n)) vs O(n) for vector-scan
# see https://rdatatable.gitlab.io/data.table/articles/datatable-keys-fast-subset.html
assays[[i]] <- assays[[i]][
index[!is.na(get(aname)), c(metaKeys, aname), with=FALSE],
setkeyv(assays[[i]], aname)
# -- update object
# delete row-/colKeys by reference
for (a in assays) a[, (metaKeys) := NULL]
# ensure uniqueness for summary assays, fixes #149
assays <- lapply(assays, FUN=unique)
# raw=TRUE allows direct modification of slots
setkeyv(rData, "rowKey")
rowData(x, raw=TRUE) <- rData
setkeyv(cData, "colKey")
colData(x, raw=TRUE) <- cData
assays(x, raw=TRUE) <- assays
mutableIntern <- mutable(getIntern(x))
setkeyv(index, paste0(".", names(assays)))
mutableIntern$assayIndex <- index
x@.intern <- immutable(mutableIntern)
# -- optionally reindex the table
if (reindex) {
x <- reindex(x)
#' Subset method for a LongTable object.
#' Allows use of the colData and rowData `data.table` objects to query based on
#' rowID and colID, which is then used to subset all assay `data.table`s stored
#' in the `assays` slot.
#' This function is endomorphic, it always returns a LongTable object.
#' @examples
#' # Character
#' subset(merckLongTable, 'ABT-888', 'CAOV3')
#' # Numeric
#' subset(merckLongTable, 1, c(1, 2))
#' # Logical
#' subset(merckLongTable, , colData(merckLongTable)$sampleid == 'A2058')
#' # Call
#' subset(merckLongTable, drug1id == 'Dasatinib' & drug2id != '5-FU',
#' sampleid == 'A2058')
#' @param x `LongTable` The object to subset.
#' @param i `character`, `numeric`, `logical` or `call`
#' Character: pass in a character vector of rownames for the `LongTable` object
#' or a valid regex query which will be evaluated against the rownames.
#' Numeric or Logical: vector of indices or a logical vector to subset
#' the rows of a `LongTable`.
#' Call: Accepts valid query statements to the `data.table` i parameter,
#' this can be used to make complex queries using the `data.table` API
#' for the `rowData` data.table.
#' @param j `character`, `numeric`, `logical` or `call`
#' Character: pass in a character vector of colnames for the `LongTable` object
#' or a valid regex query which will be evaluated against the colnames.
#' Numeric or Logical: vector of indices or a logical vector to subset
#' the columns of a `LongTable`.
#' Call: Accepts valid query statements to the `data.table` i parameter,
#' this can be used to make complex queries using the `data.table` API
#' for the `colData` data.table.
#' @param assays `character`, `numeric` or `logical` Optional list of assay
#' names to subset. Can be used to subset the assays list further,
#' returning only the selected items in the new LongTable.
#' @param reindex `logical(1)` Should index values be reset such that they
#' are the smallest possible set of consecutive integers. Modifies the
#' "rowKey", "colKey", and all assayKey columns. Initial benchmarks indicate
#' `reindex=FALSE` saves ~20% of both execution time and memory allocation. The
#' cost of reindexing decreases the smaller your subset gets.
#' @return `LongTable` A new `LongTable` object subset based on the specified
#' parameters.
#' @importMethodsFrom BiocGenerics subset
#' @importFrom crayon magenta cyan
#' @importFrom MatrixGenerics rowAnys
#' @import data.table
#' @export
setMethod('subset', signature('LongTable'),
function(x, i, j, assays=assayNames(x),
reindex=TRUE) {
# prevent modify by reference
x <- copy(x)
# local helper functions
.rowData <- function(...) rowData(..., key=TRUE)
.colData <- function(...) colData(..., key=TRUE)
.tryCatchNoWarn <- function(...) suppressWarnings(tryCatch(...))
.strSplitLength <- function(...) length(unlist(strsplit(...)))
# subset rowData
## FIXME:: Can I parameterize this into a helper that works for both row
## and column data?
if (!missing(i)) {
## TODO:: Clean up this if-else block
if (.tryCatchNoWarn(is.call(i), error=function(e) FALSE)) {
rowDataSubset <- .rowData(x)[eval(i), ]
} else if (.tryCatchNoWarn(is.character(i), error=function(e) FALSE)) {
## TODO:: Implement diagnosis for failed regex queries
idCols <- rowIDs(x, key=TRUE)
if (max(unlist(lapply(i, .strSplitLength, split=':'))) > length(idCols))
stop(cyan$bold('Attempting to select more rowID columns than
there are in the LongTable.\n\tPlease use query of the form ',
paste0(idCols, collapse=':')))
imatch <- rownames(x) %in% i
if (!any(imatch))
imatch <- grepl(.preprocessRegexQuery(i), rownames(x),
imatch <- str2lang(.variableToCodeString(imatch))
rowDataSubset <- .rowData(x)[eval(imatch), ]
} else {
isub <- substitute(i)
rowDataSubset <- .tryCatchNoWarn(.rowData(x)[i, ],
error=function(e) .rowData(x)[eval(isub), ])
} else {
rowDataSubset <- .rowData(x)
# subset colData
if (!missing(j)) {
## TODO:: Clean up this if-else block
if (.tryCatchNoWarn(is.call(j), error=function(e) FALSE, silent=TRUE)) {
colDataSubset <- .colData(x)[eval(j), ]
} else if (.tryCatchNoWarn(is.character(j), error=function(e) FALSE, silent=TRUE)) {
## TODO:: Implement diagnosis for failed regex queries
idCols <- colIDs(x, key=TRUE)
if (max(unlist(lapply(j, .strSplitLength, split=':'))) > length(idCols))
stop(cyan$bold('Attempting to select more ID columns than there
are in the LongTable.\n\tPlease use query of the form ',
paste0(idCols, collapse=':')))
jmatch <- colnames(x) %in% j
if (!any(jmatch))
jmatch <- grepl(.preprocessRegexQuery(j), colnames(x),
jmatch <- str2lang(.variableToCodeString(jmatch))
colDataSubset <- .colData(x)[eval(jmatch), ]
} else {
jsub <- substitute(j)
colDataSubset <- .tryCatchNoWarn(.colData(x)[j, ],
error=function(e) .colData(x)[eval(jsub), ])
} else {
colDataSubset <- .colData(x)
# Subset assays to only keys in remaining in rowData/colData
rows <- rowDataSubset$rowKey
cols <- colDataSubset$colKey
# -- find matching assays
validAssays <- assays %in% assayNames(x)
if (any(!validAssays))
" are not valid assay names, ignoring..."), call.=FALSE)
keepAssays <- assayNames(x) %in% assays
# -- subset index, then use index to subset x
assayKeys <- paste0(".", assayNames(x)[keepAssays])
idx <- mutable(getIntern(x, "assayIndex"))[
rowKey %in% rows & colKey %in% cols,
.SDcols=c("rowKey", "colKey", assayKeys)
# -- drop rowKeys or colKeys which no longer have any assay observation
# after the initial subset, fixes #148
validKeys <- idx[
which(rowAnys(!is.na(idx[, assayKeys, with=FALSE]))),
.(rowKey, colKey)
idx <- idx[
rowKey %in% unique(validKeys$rowKey) &
colKey %in% unique(validKeys$colKey),
assays(x, raw=TRUE)[!keepAssays] <- NULL # delete assays being dropped
return(.subsetByIndex(x, idx, reindex=reindex))
#' Convenience function for converting R code to a call
#' This is used to pass through unevaluated R expressions into subset and
#' `[`, where they will be evaluated in the correct context.
#' @examples
#' .(sample_line1 == 'A2058')
#' @param ... `pairlist` One or more R expressions to convert to calls.
#' @return `call` An R call object containing the quoted expression.
#' @export
. <- function(...) substitute(...)
# ---- subset LongTable helpers
#' Collapse vector of regex queries with | and replace * with .*
#' @param queryString `character` Raw regex queries.
#' @return `character` Formatted regex query.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.preprocessRegexQuery <- function(queryString) {
# Support vectors of regex queries
query <- paste0(unique(queryString), collapse='|')
# Swap all * with .*
query <- gsub('\\.\\*', '*', query)
return(gsub('\\*', '.*', query))
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.validateRegexQuery <- function(regex, names) {
## TODO:: return TRUE if reqex query is valid, otherwise return error message
#' Convert an R object in a variable into a string of the code necessary to
#' create that object
#' @param variable `symbol` A symbol containing an R variable
#' @return `character(1)` A string representation of the code necessary to
#' reconstruct the variable.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.variableToCodeString <- function(variable) {
codeString <- paste0(capture.output(dput(variable)), collapse='')
codeString <- gsub('\"', "'", codeString)
#' Filter a data.table object based on the rowID and colID columns
#' @param DT `data.table` Object with the columns rowID and colID, preferably
#' as the key columns.
#' @param indexList `list` Two integer vectors, one indicating the rowIDs and
#' one indicating the colIDs to filter the `data.table` on.
#' @return `data.table` A copy of `DT` subset on the row and column IDs specified
#' in `indexList`.
#' @import data.table
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.filterLongDataTable <- function(DT, indexList) {
# validate input
if (length(indexList) > 2)
stop("This object is 2D, please only pass in two ID vectors, one for
rows and one for columns!")
if (!all(vapply(unlist(indexList), is.numeric, FUN.VALUE=logical(1))))
stop('Please ensure indexList only contains integer vectors!')
# extract indices
rowIndices <- indexList[[1]]
colIndices <- indexList[[2]]
# return filtered data.table
return(copy(DT[rowKey %in% rowIndices & colKey %in% colIndices, ]))
## == [ method
#' [ LongTable Method
#' Single bracket subsetting for a LongTable object. See subset for more details.
#' This function is endomorphic, it always returns a LongTable object.
#' @examples
#' # Character
#' merckLongTable['ABT-888', 'CAOV3']
#' # Numeric
#' merckLongTable[1, c(1, 2)]
#' # Logical
#' merckLongTable[, colData(merckLongTable)$sampleid == 'A2058']
#' # Call
#' merckLongTable[
#' .(drug1id == 'Dasatinib' & drug2id != '5-FU'),
#' .(sampleid == 'A2058'),
#' ]
#' @param x `LongTable` The object to subset.
#' @param i `character`, `numeric`, `logical` or `call`
#' Character: pass in a character vector of drug names, which will subset the
#' object on all row id columns matching the vector. This parameter also
#' supports valid R regex query strings which will match on the colnames
#' of `x`. For convenience, * is converted to .* automatically. Colon
#' can be to denote a specific part of the colnames string to query.
#' Numeric or Logical: these select based on the rowKey from the `rowData`
#' method for the `LongTable`.
#' Call: Accepts valid query statements to the `data.table` i parameter as
#' a call object. We have provided the function .() to conveniently
#' convert raw R statements into a call for use in this function.
#' @param j `character`, `numeric`, `logical` or `call`
#' Character: pass in a character vector of drug names, which will subset the
#' object on all drug id columns matching the vector. This parameter also
#' supports regex queries. Colon can be to denote a specific part of the
#' colnames string to query.
#' Numeric or Logical: these select based on the rowID from the `rowData`
#' method for the `LongTable`.
#' Call: Accepts valid query statements to the `data.table` i parameter as
#' a call object. We have provided the function .() to conveniently
#' convert raw R statements into a call for use in this function.
#' @param assays `character` Names of assays which should be kept in the
#' `LongTable` after subsetting.
#' @param ... Included to ensure drop can only be set by name.
#' @param drop `logical` Included for compatibility with the '[' primitive,
#' it defaults to FALSE and changing it does nothing.
#' @return A `LongTable` containing only the data specified in the function
#' parameters.
#' @export
setMethod('[', signature('LongTable'),
function(x, i, j, assays=assayNames(x), ..., drop=FALSE) {
subset(x, i, j, assays=assays, ...)
## == [[ method'
#' [[ Method for LongTable Class
#' Select an assay from within a LongTable object.
#' @describeIn LongTable Get an assay from a LongTable object. This method
#' returns the row and column annotations by default to make assignment
#' and aggregate operations easiers.
#' @examples
#' merckLongTable[['sensitivity']]
#' @param x `LongTable` object to retrieve assays from
#' @param i `character(1)` name or `integer` index of the desired assay.
#' @importFrom crayon cyan magenta
#' @import data.table
#' @export
setMethod('[[', signature('LongTable'), function(x, i) {
assay(x, i)
#' `[[<-` Method for LongTable Class
#' Just a wrapper around assay<- for convenience. See
#' `?'assay<-,LongTable,character-method'.`
#' @param x A `LongTable` to update.
#' @param i The name of the assay to update, must be in `assayNames(object)`.
#' @param value A `data.frame`
#' @examples
#' merckLongTable[['sensitivity']] <- merckLongTable[['sensitivity']]
#' @return A `LongTable` object with the assay `i` updated using `value`.
#' @export
setReplaceMethod('[[', signature(x='LongTable'), function(x, i, value) {
assay(x, i) <- value
## == $ method
#' Select an assay from a LongTable object
#' @examples
#' merckLongTable$sensitivity
#' @param x A `LongTable` object to retrieve an assay from
#' @param name `character` The name of the assay to get.
#' @return `data.frame` The assay object.
#' @export
setMethod('$', signature('LongTable'), function(x, name) {
# error handling is done inside `[[`
#' Update an assay from a LongTable object
#' @examples
#' merckLongTable$sensitivity <- merckLongTable$sensitivity
#' @param x A `LongTable` to update an assay for.
#' @param name `character(1)` The name of the assay to update
#' @param value A `data.frame` or `data.table` to update the assay with.
#' @return Updates the assay `name` in `x` with `value`, returning an invisible
#' NULL.
#' @export
setReplaceMethod('$', signature('LongTable'), function(x, name, value) {
# error handling done inside `assay<-`
x[[name]] <- value
# ======================================
# Reindex Methods
# --------------------------------------
## == reindex
#' Redo indexing for a LongTable object to remove any gaps in integer indexes
#' After subsetting a LongTable, it is possible that values of rowKey or colKey
#' could no longer be present in the object. As a result there the indexes
#' will no longer be contiguous integers. This method will calcualte a new
#' set of rowKey and colKey values such that integer indexes are the smallest
#' set of contiguous integers possible for the data.
#' @param object The `LongTable` object to recalcualte indexes (rowKey and
#' colKey values) for.
#' @return A copy of the `LongTable` with all keys as the smallest set of
#' contiguous integers possible given the current data.
#' @export
setMethod('reindex', signature(object='LongTable'), function(object) {
# -- extract the requisite data
mutableIntern <- mutable(getIntern(object))
index <- mutableIntern$assayIndex
rData <- copy(rowData(object, raw=TRUE))
cData <- copy(colData(object, raw=TRUE))
aList <- copy(assays(object, raw=TRUE))
# -- sort metadata tables by their id columns and update the index
# Add row key to rData
rData[, .rowKey := .I, by=c(rowIDs(object))]
# Add column key to cData
cData[, .colKey := .I, by=c(colIDs(object))]
# -- update rowKey and colKey in the assayIndex, if they have changed
if (rData[, any(rowKey != .rowKey)]) {
index[rData, rowKey := .rowKey, on="rowKey"]
rData[, rowKey := .rowKey]
setkeyv(rData, "rowKey")
if (cData[, any(colKey != .colKey)]) {
index[cData, colKey := .colKey, on="colKey"]
cData[, colKey := .colKey]
setkeyv(cData, "colKey")
rData[, .rowKey := NULL]
cData[, .colKey := NULL]
# -- add new indices for assayKeys to index
setkeyv(index, c("rowKey", "colKey"))
assays_ <- setdiff(colnames(index), c("rowKey", "colKey"))
lapply(assays_, function(nm){
# drop the first "." from nm
name <- gsub("^\\.", "", nm)
# if there are any more "." in the name, then raise an erro
if (grepl("\\.", name))
stop("Assay names cannot contain '.' characters!")
assayEqualKeys <- setNames(vector("logical", length(assays_)), assays_)
# This loop iterates over each element in the 'assays_' vector.
# For each element, it performs the following operations:
# 1. It checks if the element is not missing in the current data.table.
# 2. If the element is not missing, it creates a new column with the name
# ".<element>" and assigns a unique group identifier (.GRP) to each row
# that has a non-missing value for that element. The grouping is done by
# the element itself.
# 3. It updates the 'assayEqualKeys' list with a logical value indicating
# whether all the values in the newly created column are equal to the
# corresponding values in the original column.
# This is done to ensure that summary assays, with repeated keys, have
# consistent values across all rows.
# The data.table syntax used in this code is as follows:
# - The 'get' function is used to retrieve the value of a variable by name.
# - The 'is.na' function is used to check if a value is missing.
# - The ':=' operator is used to create or update columns by reference.
# - The '.GRP' variable represents a unique group identifier.
# - The 'by' parameter is used to specify the grouping variable(s).
# Note: The line width of the code has been limited to 80 characters for better readability.
for (nm in assays_) {
## Added by to maintain cardinality of the each assayKey
## Required to fix #147 and ensure summary assays, with repeated keys
index[!is.na(get(nm)), paste0(".", nm) := .GRP, by=c(nm)]
assayEqualKeys[nm] <- index[!is.na(get(nm)), all(get(paste0(".", nm)) == get(nm))]
# -- check equality and update assayKeys in assays if they have changed
for (.nm in names(which(!assayEqualKeys))) {
nm <- gsub("\\.", "", .nm)
setkeyv(index, .nm)
aList[[nm]][index, (.nm) := get(paste0(".", .nm))]
setkeyv(aList[[nm]], .nm)
index[, (.nm) := get(paste0(".", .nm))]
index[, paste0(".", assays_) := NULL]
setkeyv(index, paste0(".", assayNames(object)))
# -- update the object with the reindexed tables and return
rowData(object, raw=TRUE) <- rData
colData(object, raw=TRUE) <- cData
assays(object, raw=TRUE) <- aList
mutableIntern$assayIndex <- index
object@.intern <- immutable(mutableIntern)
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.extractIDData <- function(assayDataList, idCols, keyName) {
idDT <- data.table()
for (assay in assayDataList) {
idDT <- unique(rbindlist(list(idDT, assay[, ..idCols])))
idDT[, eval(substitute(keyName := seq_len(.N)))]
setkeyv(idDT, keyName)
#' @keywords interal
#' @noRd
.joinDropOn <- function(DT1, DT2, on) {
DT1[DT2, on=on][, -get('on')]
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