# Navigating this file:
# - Slot section names start with ----
# - Method section names start with ==
# As a result, you can use Ctrl + f to find the slot or method you are looking
# for quickly, assuming you know its name.
# For example Ctrl + f '== molecularProfiles' would take you the molecularProfiles
# method, while Ctrl + f '---- molecularProfiles' would take you to the slot
# section.
#' @include LongTable-class.R allGenerics.R
#### CoreGx dynamic documentation
#### Warning: for dynamic docs to work, you must set
#### Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE, r6=FALSE)
#### in the DESCRPTION file!
.local_class_4 <- 'LongTable'
.local_data_4 <- 'merckLongTable'
# =======================================
# Accessor Method Documentation Object
# ---------------------------------------
#' @noRd
.docs_LongTable_accessors <- function(...) .parseToRoxygen(
@title Accessing and modifying information in a `{class_}`
Documentation for the various setters and getters which allow manipulation
of data in the slots of a `{class_}` object.
@return Accessors: See details.
@return Setters: An updated `{class_}` object, returned invisibly.
#' @name LongTable-accessors
#' @eval .docs_LongTable_accessors(class_=.local_class_4)
#' @eval .parseToRoxygen("@examples data({data_})", data_=.local_data_4)
# ======================================
# Accessor Methods
# --------------------------------------
## ==================
## ---- .intern Slot
## ------------------
## == getIntern
#' Get the symbol(s) x from the object@.intern slot of a LongTable
#' This is used as an alternative to R attributes for storing structural
#' metadata of an S4 objects.
#' @examples
#' getIntern(merckLongTable, 'rowIDs')
#' getIntern(merckLongTable, c('colIDs', 'colMeta'))
#' @describeIn LongTable Access structural metadata present within a
#' LongTable object. This is mostly for developmer use.
#' @param object `LongTable`
#' @param x `character` One or more symbol name strings to retrieve from
#' the object@.intern environment.
#' @return `immutable` value of x if length(x) == 1 else named list of values
#' for all symbols in x.
#' @include LongTable-class.R
#' @export
setMethod('getIntern', signature(object='LongTable', x='character'),
function(object, x) {
return(if (length(x) == 1) object@.intern[[x]] else object@.intern[x])
#' @describeIn LongTable Access all structural metadata present within a
#' LongTable object. This is primarily for developmer use.
#' @param object `LongTable`
#' @param x `missing` This argument is excluded from from the function call.
#' @return An `immutable` list.
#' @examples
#' getIntern(merckLongTable)
#' @aliases getIntern,LongTable,missing-method
#' @export
setMethod('getIntern', signature(object='LongTable', x='missing'),
function(object, x) object@.intern
#' Set the .intern slot of a LongTable
#' @param object `LongTable`
#' @param value An `immutable_list` object, being a class union between `list`
#' and `immutable` S3 classes.
#' @return Updates the object and returns invisibly.
#' @keywords internal
setReplaceMethod("getIntern", signature(object="LongTable",
value="immutable_list"), function(object, value) {
object@.intern <- value
## ==================
## ---- rowData Slot
## ------------------
#' Retrieve the row metadata table from a LongTable object
#' @examples
#' rowData(merckLongTable)
#' @describeIn LongTable Get the row level annotations for a `LongTable` object.
#' @param x A `LongTable` object to retrieve the row metadata from.
#' @param key `logical` Should the rowKey column also be returned? Defaults
#' to FALSE.
#' @param use.names `logical` This parameter is just here to stop matching
#' the positional argument to use.names from the rowData generic. It
#' doesn't do anything at this time and can be ignored.
#' @param ... For developer use only! Pass raw=TRUE to modify the slot
#' directly. This will corrupt your data if you don't know what you are
#' doing!
#' @return A `data.table` containing rowID, row identifiers, and row metadata.
#' @importFrom data.table data.table copy
#' @export
setMethod('rowData', signature(x='LongTable'),
function(x, key=FALSE, use.names=FALSE, ...) {
if (any(...names() == "raw") && isTRUE(...elt(which(...names() == "raw")))) {
} else {
return(if (key) copy(x@rowData[, -'.rownames']) else
copy(x@rowData[, -c('.rownames', 'rowKey')]))
#' Helper method to share functionality between rowData and colData replace methods
#' @param x `LongTable` or inheriting class to update dimData for.
#' @param dim `character(1)` One of "row" or "col" indicating with dimension
#' to updated metadata for.
#' @param value #' @param value A `data.table` or `data.frame` to update the
#' `rowData` or `colData` of `x` with.
#' @return An updated version of `value` which meets all the requirements for
#' assignment to a `LongTable` or inheriting class.
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
.update_dimData <- function(x, dim, value) {
titleDim <- paste0(toupper(substr(dim, 1, 1)), substr(dim, 2, nchar(dim)))
dimIDs <- get(paste0(dim, "IDs"))
dimKey <- paste(dim, "Key")
dimData <- paste0(dim, "Data")
# type check input
if (is(value, 'data.frame')) setDT(value)
if (!is(value, 'data.table'))
stop(.errorMsg('\n[CoreGx::', dim, 'Data<-] Please pass a data.frame or ',
'data.table to update the ', dim, 'Data slot. We recommend modifying the',
' object returned by ', dim, 'Data(x) then reassigning it with ',
dim, 'Data(x)',
' <- new', titleDim, 'Data'),
# remove key column
if (dimKey %in% colnames(value)) {
value[, (dimKey) := NULL]
.message('\n[CoreGx::', dim, ,'Data<-] Dropping ', dim, 'Key from replacement',
' value, this function will deal with mapping the ', dim, 'Key',
' automatically.')
# assemble information to select proper update method
dimIDCols <- dimIDs(x)
sharedDimIDCols <- intersect(dimIDCols, colnames(value))
# error if all the row/colID columns are not present in the new row/colData
equalDimIDs <- dimIDCols %in% sharedDimIDCols
if (!all(equalDimIDs)) warning(.warnMsg('\n[CoreGx::', dim,
'Data<-] The ID columns ', dimIDCols[!equalDimIDs],
' are not present in value. The function ',
'will attempt to join with existing ', dim, 'IDs, but this may fail!',
collapse=', '), call.=FALSE)
dimIDs_ <- dimIDs(x, data=TRUE, key=TRUE)
## TODO:: Throw error if user tries to modify ID columns
duplicatedIDcols <- value[, .N, by=c(sharedDimIDCols)][, N > 1]
if (any(duplicatedIDcols))
warning(.warnMsg("\n[CoreGx::", dim, "Data<-,", class(x)[1], "-method] The ",
"ID columns are duplicated for rows ",
"! These rows will be dropped before assignment."),
dimData <- dimIDs_[unique(value), on=.NATURAL, allow.cartesian=FALSE]
dimData[, (dimKey) := .I]
dimData <- dimData[!duplicated(get(dimKey)), ]
setkeyv(dimData, dimKey)
dimData[, .rownames := Reduce(.paste_colon, mget(dimIDCols))]
## TODO:: Add some sanity checks before returing
#' Updates the `rowData` slot as long as the ID columns are not changed.
#' @examples
#' rowData(merckLongTable) <- rowData(merckLongTable)
#' @describeIn LongTable Update the row annotations for a `LongTable` object.
#' Currently requires that all columns in rowIDs(longTable) be present in
#' value.
#' @param x A `LongTable` object to modify.
#' @param value A `data.table` or `data.frame` to update the `rowData` of
#' `x` with.
#' @param ... For developer use only! Pass raw=TRUE to modify the slot
#' directly. This will corrupt your data if you don't know what you are
#' doing!
#' @return A copy of the `LongTable` object with the `rowData`
#' slot updated.
#' @md
#' @importFrom crayon cyan magenta
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment `rowData<-`
#' @importFrom data.table setDT
#' @export
setReplaceMethod('rowData', signature(x='LongTable'), function(x, ..., value) {
if (any(...names() == "raw") && isTRUE(...elt(which(...names() == "raw")))) {
x@rowData <- value
x@rowData <- .update_dimData(x=x, dim="row", value=value)
## ==================
## ---- colData Slot
## ------------------
#' Retrieve the column metadata table from a LongTable object
#' @examples
#' colData(merckLongTable)
#' # Get the keys as well, mostly for internal use
#' colData(merckLongTable, key=TRUE)
#' @describeIn LongTable Get the column level annotations for a LongTable
#' object.
#' @param x A `LongTable` to retrieve column metadata from.
#' @param key `logical` Should the colKey column also be returned? Defaults to
#' @param ... For developer use only! Pass raw=TRUE to return the slot for
#' modification by reference.
#' @return A `data.table` containing row identifiers and metadata.
#' @import data.table
#' @export
setMethod('colData', signature(x='LongTable'),
function(x, key=FALSE, dimnames=FALSE, ...) {
if (any(...names() == "raw") && isTRUE(...elt(which(...names() == "raw")))) {
return(if (key) copy(x@colData[, -'.colnames']) else
copy(x@colData[, -c('.colnames', 'colKey')]))
#' Updates the `colData` slot as long as the ID columns are not changed.
#' @examples
#' colData(merckLongTable) <- colData(merckLongTable)
#' @describeIn LongTable Update the colData of a LongTable object. Currently
#' requires that all of the colIDs(longTable) be in the value object.
#' @param x A `LongTable` object to modify.
#' @param value A `data.table` or `data.frame` to update with. Must have
#' all of the colIDs currently in the `LongTable` object in order to ensure
#' assay key mappings are consistent.
#' @param ... For developer use only! Pass raw=TRUE to modify the slot
#' directly. This will corrupt your data if you don't know what you are
#' doing!
#' @return A copy of the `LongTable` object with the `colData`
#' slot updated.
#' @importFrom crayon cyan magenta
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData<-
#' @importFrom data.table data.table setDT
#' @export
setReplaceMethod('colData', signature(x='LongTable'),
function(x, ..., value) {
if (any(...names() == "raw") && isTRUE(...elt(which(...names() == "raw")))) {
x@colData <- value
x@colData <- .update_dimData(x=x, dim="col", value=value)
## ==================
## ---- assaySlot
## ------------------
## == assays
#' Return a list of `data.table` objects with the assay measurements from a
#' `LongTable` object.
#' @examples
#' assays(merckLongTable)
#' @describeIn LongTable Get a list containing all the assays in a `LongTable`.
#' @param x `LongTable` What to extract the assay data from.
#' @param withDimnames `logical` Should the returned assays be joined to
#' the row and column identifiers (i.e., the pseudo-dimnames of the object).
#' @param metadata `logical` Should row and column metadata also be joined
#' to the returned assays. This is useful for modifying assays before
#' reconstructing a new LongTable.
#' @param key `logical` Should the key columns also be returned? Defaults
#' to !`withDimnames`.
#' @param ... For developer use only! Pass raw=TRUE to return the slot for
#' modification by reference.
#' @return A `list` of `data.table` objects, one per assay in the object.
#' @importMethodsFrom SummarizedExperiment assays
#' @import data.table
#' @export
setMethod('assays', signature(x='LongTable'), function(x, withDimnames=TRUE,
metadata=withDimnames, key=!withDimnames, ...) {
# secret arguments for internal use
if (any(...names() == "raw") && isTRUE(...elt(which(...names() == "raw")))) {
# input validation
if (!withDimnames && metadata)
warning(.warnMsg('[CoreGx::assays] Cannot use metadata=TRUE when',
' withDimnames=FALSE. Ignoring the metadata argument.'),
# optionally join with rowData and colData
assayIndex <- assayIndex(x)
if (metadata) {
rData <- rowData(x, key=TRUE)
cData <- colData(x, key=TRUE)
} else {
rData <- rowIDs(x, data=TRUE, key=TRUE)
cData <- colIDs(x, data=TRUE, key=TRUE)
if (withDimnames) {
setkeyv(assayIndex, "rowKey")
assayIndex <- rData[assayIndex, , on="rowKey"]
setkeyv(assayIndex, "colKey")
assayIndex <- cData[assayIndex, , on="colKey"]
# honor row and column ordering guarantees from CoreGx design documentation
aList <- copy(x@assays)
aNames <- names(aList)
# prepend with . to match assay index naming convention
names(aList) <- paste0(".", aNames)
corder <- c(
if (withDimnames) idCols(x),
if (key) c("rowKey", "colKey"),
if (withDimnames && metadata) c(sort(rowMeta(x)), sort(colMeta(x)))
for (i in seq_along(aList)) {
setkeyv(assayIndex, names(aList)[i])
aList[[i]] <- assayIndex[aList[[i]], ]
deleteCols <- setdiff(names(aList), names(aList)[i])
if (length(deleteCols) > 0) {
aList[[i]][, (deleteCols) := NULL]
if (withDimnames || key) aList[[i]][, (names(aList)[i]) := NULL]
if (!key) {
aList[[i]][, c("rowKey", "colKey") := NULL]
if (withDimnames) setkeyv(aList[[i]], idCols(x))
else if (key) setkeyv(aList[[i]], c("rowKey", "colKey"))
else setkeyv(aList[[i]], names(aList)[[i]])
if (!is.null(corder)) setcolorder(aList[[i]], corder) else
# reset names to non dot version
names(aList) <- aNames
#' Setter method for the assays slot in a LongTable object
#' @examples
#' assays(merckLongTable) <- assays(merckLongTable, withDimnames=TRUE)
#' @describeIn LongTable Update the assays in a LongTable object. The rowIDs
#' and colIDs must be present in all assays to allow successfully remapping
#' the keys. We recommend modifying the list returned by
#' assays(longTable, withDimnames=TRUE) and the reassigning to the
#' `LongTable`.
#' @param x A `LongTable` to modify the assays in.
#' @param value A `list` of `data.frame` or `data.table` objects, all of which
#' contain the row and column identifiers and metadata.
#' @param ... For developer use only! Pass raw=TRUE to modify the slot
#' directly. This will corrupt your data if you don't know what you are
#' doing!
#' @return A copy of the `LongTable` with the assays modified.
#' @importMethodsFrom SummarizedExperiment assays<-
#' @import data.table
#' @export
setReplaceMethod('assays', signature(x='LongTable', value='list'),
function(x, ..., value) {
if (any(...names() == "raw") && isTRUE(...elt(which(...names() == "raw")))) {
x@assays <- value
} else {
assay_names <- names(value)
for (name in assay_names) {
x[[name]] <- value[[name]]
## == assay
#' Get an assay from a LongTable object
#' @describeIn LongTable Retrieve an assay `data.table` object from the
#' `assays` slot of a `LongTable` object.
#' @examples
#' # Default annotations, just the key columns
#' assay(merckLongTable, 'sensitivity')
#' assay(merckLongTable, 1)
#' # With identifiers joined
#' assay(merckLongTable, 'sensitivity', withDimnames=TRUE)
#' # With identifiers and metadata
#' assay(merckLongTable, 'profiles', withDimnames=TRUE, metadata=TRUE)
#' @param x `LongTable` The `LongTable` object to get the assay from.
#' @param i `integer` or `character` vector containing the index or name
#' of the assay, respectively.
#' @param withDimnames `logical(1)` Should the dimension names be returned
#' joined to the assay. This retrieves both the row and column identifiers
#' and returns them joined to the assay. For
#' @param summarize `logical(1)` If the assays is a summary where some of
#' `idCols(x)` are not in `assayKeys(x, i)`, then those missing columns
#' are dropped. Defaults to `FALSE`. When `metadata` is `TRUE`, only
#' metadata columns with 1:1 cardinality with the assay keys for `i`.
#' @param metadata `logical(1)` Should all of the metadata also be joined to
#' the assay. This is useful when modifying assays as the resulting list
#' has all the information needed to recreated the LongTable object. Defaults
#' to `withDimnames`.
#' @param key `logical` Should the key columns also be returned? Defaults to
#' !withDimnames. This is incompatible with `summarize=TRUE`, which will
#' drop the key columns regardless of the value of this argument.
#' @param ... For developer use only! Pass raw=TRUE to return the slot for
#' modification by reference.
#' @importMethodsFrom SummarizedExperiment assay
#' @importFrom crayon magenta cyan
#' @import data.table
#' @export
setMethod('assay', signature(x='LongTable'), function(x, i, withDimnames=TRUE,
summarize=withDimnames, metadata=!summarize,
key=!(summarize || withDimnames), ...) {
# secret arguments for internal use
if (any(...names() == "raw") && isTRUE(...elt(which(...names() == "raw")))) {
## TODO:: Update input validation to use checkmate where possible
# validate input
if (length(i) > 1)
.error('\n[CoreGx::assay] Please specifying a single string ',
'assay name or integer index. See assayNames(x) for available ',
keepAssay <- if (is.character(i)) which(assayNames(x) == i) else i
assayName <- assayNames(x)[keepAssay]
.assayName <- paste0(".", assayName)
if (length(keepAssay) < 1)
stop(.errorMsg('\n[CoreGx::assay] There is no assay ', i,
' in this LongTable. Use assayNames(longTable) for a list',
'of valid assay names.'),
if (!withDimnames && metadata)
warning(.warnMsg('\n[CoreGx::assay] Cannot use metadata=TRUE when',
' withDimnames=FALSE. Ignoring the metadata argument.'),
if (summarize && key)
warning(.warnMsg('\n[CoreGx::assay] Cannot use key=TRUE when',
' summarize=TRUE. Ignoring the key argument.'),
# extract the specified assay
assayData <- copy(x@assays[[keepAssay]])
# extract the assay index
assayIndex <- na.omit(unique(assayIndex(x)[,
c("rowKey", "colKey", .assayName),
# handle summarized assays
aKeys <- assayKeys(x, assayName)
# only compute summaries for assays that are actually summarized
summarize <- summarize && !all(idCols(x) %in% aKeys)
if (summarize) {
assayIndex <- assayIndex[, first(.SD), by=.assayName]
setkeyv(assayIndex, .assayName)
assayData <- assayData[assayIndex, on=.assayName]
# # optinally join with row and column metadata
setkeyv(assayData, "rowKey")
if (withDimnames && !metadata) {
assayData <- rowIDs(x, data=TRUE, key=TRUE)[assayData, ]
setkeyv(assayData, "colKey")
assayData <- colIDs(x, data=TRUE, key=TRUE)[assayData, ]
} else if (withDimnames && metadata) {
assayData <- rowData(x, key=TRUE)[assayData, ]
setkeyv(assayData, "colKey")
assayData <- colData(x, key=TRUE)[assayData, ]
# honour row and column ordering guarantees
## See: https://github.com/bhklab/CoreGx/wiki/CoreGx-Design-Documentation
if (withDimnames || key) {
assayData[, (.assayName) := NULL]
if (withDimnames) setkeyv(assayData, idCols(x)) else
setkeyv(assayData, c("rowKey", "colKey"))
} else {
setkeyv(assayData, .assayName)
if (!key) assayData[, c("rowKey", "colKey") := NULL]
corder <- c(
if (withDimnames) idCols(x),
if (key) c("rowKey", "colKey"),
if (withDimnames && metadata) c(sort(rowMeta(x)), sort(colMeta(x)))
if (!is.null(corder)) setcolorder(assayData, corder) else setcolorder(assayData)
# Drop columns with wrong cardinality from summary assays
if (summarize) {
summaryCols <- assayCols(x, assayName)
if (metadata) {
rCols <- colnames(rowData(x))
cCols <- colnames(colData(x))
rBy <- intersect(rCols, aKeys)
cBy <- intersect(cCols, aKeys)
rKeep <- rCols[
rowData(x)[, lapply(.SD, uniqueN), by=c(rBy)][, lapply(.SD, max)] == 1
cKeep <- cCols[
colData(x)[, lapply(.SD, uniqueN), by=c(cBy)][, lapply(.SD, max)] == 1
summaryCols <- c(summaryCols, rKeep, cKeep)
# use of %in% should maintain column ordering gaurantees
assayData <- assayData[, colnames(assayData) %in% summaryCols, with=FALSE]
setkeyv(assayData, aKeys)
## Add [] to ensure assay always prints, even after modify by reference
## See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33195362/data-table-is-not-displayed-on-first-call-after-being-modified-in-a-function
#' Add or replace an assay in a LongTable by name or index
#' @description Add or replace an assay in a LongTable by name. Currently
#' this function only works when the assay has all columns in row and column
#' data tables (i.e., when assays is retured withDimnames=TRUE).
#' @examples
#' assay(merckLongTable, 'sensitivity') <-
#' assay(merckLongTable, 'sensitivity', withDimnames=TRUE)
#' assay(merckLongTable, 'sensitivity') <- merckLongTable$sensitivity
#' @param x A `LongTable` to update.
#' @param i `integer` or `character` vector containing the index or name
#' of the assay to update.
#' @param value
#' A `data.frame` or `data.table` to update the assay data
#' with. This must at minumum contain the row and column data identifier
#' columns to allow correctly mapping the assay keys. We recommend modifying
#' the results returned by assay(longTable, 'assayName', withDimnames=TRUE).
#' For convenience, both the `[[` and `$` LongTable accessors return an assay
#' with the dimnames.
#' @return `LongTable` With updated assays slot.
#' @describeIn LongTable
#' @md
#' @importMethodsFrom SummarizedExperiment assay<-
#' @importFrom data.table data.table fsetdiff setcolorder set setDT
#' @export
setReplaceMethod('assay', signature(x='LongTable'), function(x, i, value) {
stopifnot(is.character(i) || is.numeric(i))
funContext <- CoreGx:::.S4MethodContext('assay', class(x))
if (length(i) > 1) .error(funContext, ' Only a single assay ',
'name can be assiged with assay(x, i) <- value.')
# -- determine if the assay already exists
if (is.numeric(i)) i <- assayNames(x)[i]
.i <- paste0(".", i)
assayExists <- i %in% assayNames(x)
if (is.null(value)) {
keepAssays <- setdiff(assayNames(x), i)
return(x[, , keepAssays])
if (!is.data.frame(value)) .error(funContext, ' Only a data.frame or',
' data.table can be assiged to the assay slot!')
value <- copy(value) # prevent modify by reference
if (!is.data.table(value)) setDT(value)
# -- extract strucutral metadata from .intern slot
mutable_intern <- mutable(getIntern(x))
aIndex <- mutable_intern$assayIndex
aKeys <- mutable_intern$assayKeys
# -- determine the id columns if the assay doesn't already exits
if (!any(assayExists)) {
assayKey <- intersect(idCols(x), colnames(value))
} else {
if (sum(assayExists) > 1)
.error(funContext, "Only one assay can be modified at a time.",
" Please set i to be a character(1) vector.")
assayKey <- aKeys[[i]]
# -- add assayKey column to the value
setkeyv(value, assayKey)
value[, (.i) := .I]
# -- join assay with existing metadata
rKeys <- intersect(rowIDs(x), assayKey)
cKeys <- intersect(colIDs(x), assayKey)
rIndex <- rowIDs(x, data=TRUE, key=TRUE)[, .SD, .SDcols=c("rowKey", rKeys)]
setkeyv(rIndex, rKeys)
cIndex <- colIDs(x, data=TRUE, key=TRUE)[, .SD, .SDcols=c("colKey", cKeys)]
setkeyv(cIndex, cKeys)
# -- add an index to the assay
setkeyv(rIndex, "rowKey")
setkeyv(cIndex, "colKey")
setkeyv(aIndex, "rowKey")
annotatedIndex <- merge.data.table(aIndex, rIndex, all=TRUE)
setkeyv(annotatedIndex, "colKey")
annotatedIndex <- merge.data.table(annotatedIndex, cIndex, all=TRUE)
# -- update assayIndex with the new assay
setkeyv(annotatedIndex, assayKey)
if (.i %in% colnames(annotatedIndex)) annotatedIndex[, (.i) := NULL]
# FIXME:: This is really slow with by=.EACHI when the cardinality is high
annotatedIndex[value, (.i) := get(.i), on=assayKey, by=.EACHI]
annotatedIndex[, (assayKey) := NULL]
setkeyv(annotatedIndex, unique(c(paste0(".", assayNames(x)), .i)))
# -- detect and warn users if they have modified id columns
# rowIDs
presentRowIDs <- intersect(rowIDs(x), colnames(value)) # allow summary over some keys
if (!(length(presentRowIDs) > 0)) stop(.errorMsg("No rowIDs(x) present in",
"value! Cannot summarize over an entire dimension."), call.=FALSE)
## set check.attributes=FALSE to allow unequal table keys
equalRowIDs <- .table_is_subset(
unique(value[, presentRowIDs, with=FALSE])[order(mget(presentRowIDs))],
unique(rowIDs(x, data=TRUE)[order(mget(presentRowIDs)), presentRowIDs,
if (!isTRUE(equalRowIDs))
stop(.errorMsg("One or more rowIDs(x) columns have been modified.",
" Identifier columns cannot be modified via assay assignment!"),
# colIDs
presentColIDs <- intersect(colIDs(x), colnames(value)) # allow summary over some keys
if (!(length(presentColIDs) > 0)) stop(.errorMsg("No colIDs(x) present in",
"value! Cannot summarize over an entire dimension."), call.=FALSE)
equalColIDs <- .table_is_subset(
unique(value[, presentColIDs, with=FALSE])[order(mget(presentColIDs))],
unique(colIDs(x, data=TRUE)[order(mget(presentColIDs)), presentColIDs,
if (!isTRUE(equalColIDs))
stop(.errorMsg("One or more colIDs(x) column have been modified.",
" Identifier columns cannot be modified via assay assignment!"),
# -- remove metadata columns for the assay
throwAwayCols <- c(idCols(x), rowMeta(x), colMeta(x))
keepCols <- setdiff(colnames(value), throwAwayCols)
assayValue <- unique(value[, keepCols, with=FALSE])
setkeyv(assayValue, .i)
# -- update the object
setcolorder(annotatedIndex, c("rowKey", "colKey"))
mutable_intern$assayIndex <- annotatedIndex
mutable_intern$assayKeys[[i]] <- assayKey
x@.intern <- immutable(mutable_intern)
x@assays[[i]] <- assayValue
## == assayNames
#' Retrieve the assay names from a `LongTable` object.
#' @examples
#' assayNames(merckLongTable)
#' names(merckLongTable)
#' @describeIn LongTable Return the names of the assays contained in a
#' `LongTable`
#' @param x A `LongTable` object to retrieve the assay names from.
#' @return `character` Names of the assays contained in the `LongTable`.
#' @importMethodsFrom SummarizedExperiment assayNames
#' @aliases names,LongTable-method names
#' @export
setMethod('assayNames', signature(x='LongTable'), function(x) {
#' @export
setMethod("names", signature(x="LongTable"), function(x) {
## ==================
## ---- metadata Slot
## ------------------
#' Getter method for the metadata slot of a `LongTable` object
#' @param x The `LongTable` object from which to retrieve the metadata list.
#' @return `list` The contents of the `metadata` slot of the `LongTable`
#' object.
#' @importMethodsFrom S4Vectors metadata
#' @export
setMethod('metadata', signature(x='LongTable'), function(x) {
#' Setter method for the metadata slot of a `LongTable` object
#' @param x `LongTable` The LongTable to update
#' @param value `list` A list of new metadata associated with a `LongTable`
#' object.
#' @return `LongTable` A copy of the `LongTable` object with the `value` in
#' the metadata slot.
#' @importMethodsFrom S4Vectors metadata<-
#' @importFrom crayon cyan magenta
#' @export
setReplaceMethod('metadata', signature(x='LongTable'), function(x, value) {
if (!is(value, 'list'))
stop(magenta$bold('The `metadata` slot must be a list!'))
x@metadata <- value
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