#' @include CoreSet-class.R CoreSet-accessors.R
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics match %in%
.local_class <- 'CoreSet'
.local_data <- 'clevelandSmall_cSet'
#### CoreGx dynamic documentation
#### Warning: for dynamic docs to work, you must set
#### Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE, r6=FALSE)
#### in the DESCRPTION file!
# ===================================
# Utility Method Documentation Object
# -----------------------------------
#' @noRd
.docs_CoreSet_utils <- function(...) .parseToRoxygen(
@title Utility methods for a `{class_}` object.
Documentation for utility methods for a `{class_}` object, such as
set operations like subset and intersect. See @details for information
on different types of methods and their implementations.
@param x A `{class_}` object.
@param samples `character()` vector of sample names. Must be valid rownames
from `sampleInfo(x)`.
@param treatments `character()` vector of treatment names. Must be valid
rownames from `treatmentInfo(x)`. This method does not work with
`CoreSet` objects yet.
@param features `character()` vector of feature names. Must be valid feature
names for a given `mDataType`
@param mDataTypes `character()` One or more molecular data types to
to subset features by. Must be valid rownames for the selected
SummarizedExperiment mDataTypes.
@return See details.
#' @name CoreSet-utils
#' @eval .docs_CoreSet_utils(class_=.local_class)
#' @eval .parseToRoxygen("@examples data({data_})", data_=.local_data)
# ======================================
# Subset Methods
# --------------------------------------
## ===================
## ---- subsetBySample
## -------------------
#' @export
setGeneric('subsetBySample', function(x, samples, ...)
#' @noRd
.docs_CoreSet_subsetBySample <- function(...) .parseToRoxygen(
## subset methods
__subsetBySample__: Subset a `{class_}` object by sample identifier.
- value: a `{class_}` object containing only `samples`.
## subset methods
### subsetBySample
samples <- sampleInfo({data_})$sampleid[seq_len(10)]
{data_}_sub <- subsetBySample({data_}, samples)
@aliases subsetBySample subsetBySample,CoreSet-method
@exportMethod subsetBySample
#' @rdname CoreSet-utils
#' @eval .docs_CoreSet_subsetBySample(class_=.local_class, data_=.local_data)
setMethod('subsetBySample', signature('CoreSet'), function(x, samples) {
funContext <- .S4MethodContext('subsetBySample', 'CoreSet')
sampleNames <- rownames(sampleInfo(x))
if (!all(samples %in% sampleNames)) {
.warning(funContext, 'Samples missing from ', class(x)[1], ': ',
setdiff(samples, sampleNames), '! Please ensure all specified
samples are valid rownames of sampleInfo(x). Proceeding with
the valid samples only.')
samples <- union(samples, sampleNames)
# -- molecularProfiles slot
molecSlot <- molecularProfilesSlot(x)
molecularProfilesSlot(x) <-
.subsetMolecularProfilesBySample(molecSlot, samples)
# -- sensitivity slot
sensSlot <- treatmentResponse(x)
treatmentResponse(x) <- .subsetSensitivityBySample(sensSlot, samples)
# -- perturbatiion slot
##TODO:: do we still need this?
# -- curation slot
sampleCuration <- curation(x)$sample
curation(x)$sample <- sampleCuration[rownames(sampleCuration) %in% samples, ]
# -- sample slot
sampleInf <- sampleInfo(x)
sampleInfo(x) <- sampleInf[rownames(sampleInf) %in% samples, ]
# -- check object is still valid and return
tryCatch(checkCsetStructure(x), error = function(e) {})
.subsetMolecularProfilesBySample <- function(slotData, samples) {
funContext <- .funContext(':::.subsetMolecularProfilesBySample')
if (is(slotData, 'MultiAssayExperiment')) {
hasSamples <- colData(slotData)$sampleid %in% samples
if (!all(hasSamples)) .warning(funContext, 'Some specified samples are
not present in `molecularProfilesSlot(x)`')
molecProfs <- slotData[, hasSamples]
} else {
SEcolData <- lapply(slotData, colData)
SEsamples <- lapply(SEcolData, FUN=`[[`, i='sampleid')
hasSEsamples <- lapply(SEsamples, FUN=`%in%`, samples)
molecProfs <- mapply(`[`, x=slotData, j=hasSEsamples)
.subsetSensitivityBySample <- function(slotData, samples) {
funContext <- .funContext(':::.subsetSensitivityBySample')
if (is(slotData, 'LongTable')) {
slotData <- slotData[, samples]
} else {
keepSamples <- slotData$info$sampleid %in% samples
slotData$profiles <- slotData$profiles[keepSamples, ]
slotData$raw <- slotData$raw[keepSamples, , ]
slotData$n <- slotData$n[rownames(slotData$n) %in% samples, ]
slotData$info <- slotData$info[keepSamples, ]
## ======================
## ---- subsetByTreatment
## ----------------------
#' @export
setGeneric('subsetByTreatment', function(x, treatments, ...)
#' @noRd
.docs_CoreSet_subsetByTreatment <- function(...) .parseToRoxygen(
## subset methods
__subsetByTreatment__: Subset a `{class_}` object by treatment identifier.
- value: a `{class_}` object containing only `treatments`.
## subset methods
### subsetByTreatment
#treatments <- {treatment_}Info({data_})${treatment_}id[seq_len(10)]
#{data_}_sub <- subsetByTreatment({data_}, treatments)
@aliases subsetByTreatment subsetByTreatment,{class_}-method
@exportMethod subsetByTreatment
#' @rdname CoreSet-utils
#' @eval CoreGx:::.docs_CoreSet_subsetByTreatment(class_=.local_class,
#' data_=.local_data, treatment_='treatment')
setMethod('subsetByTreatment', signature('CoreSet'),
function(x, treatments) {
funContext <- .S4MethodContext('subsetByTreatment', 'PharmacoSet')
treatmentType <- switch(class(x)[1],
treatmentNames <- rownames(treatmentInfo(x))
if (!all(treatments %in% treatmentNames)) {
.warning(funContext, 'Treatments missing from ', class(x)[1], ': ',
setdiff(treatments, treatmentNames), '! Please ensure all specified
treatments are valid rownames of treatmentInfo(x).
Proceeding with the valid treatments only.')
treatments <- union(treatments, treatmentNames)
# -- sensitivity slot
sensSlot <- treatmentResponse(x)
treatmentResponse(x) <- .subsetSensitivityByTreatment(sensSlot, treatments,
# -- perturbation slot
## TODO: do we still need this?
# -- curation slot
treatmentCuration <- curation(x)[[treatmentType]]
curation(x)[[treatmentType]] <- treatmentCuration[
rownames(treatmentCuration) %in% treatments, ]
# -- treatment slot
treatmentInf <- treatmentInfo(x)
treatmentInfo(x) <- treatmentInf[rownames(treatmentInf) %in% treatments, ]
# -- molecularProfiles
# deal with potential loss of samples when subsetting by treatment
keepSamples <- sampleNames(x)
molecSlot <- molecularProfilesSlot(x)
molecularProfilesSlot(x) <- .subsetMolecularProfilesBySample(molecSlot,
# -- check object is still valid and return
tryCatch(checkCsetStructure(x), error = function(e) {})
.subsetSensitivityByTreatment <- function(slotData, treatments,
treatmentType) {
funContext <- .funContext(':::.subsetSensitivityByTreatment')
treatmentId <- if (treatmentType == 'radiation')
paste0(treatmentType, '.type') else paste0(treatmentType, 'id')
if (is(slotData, 'LongTable')) {
slotData <- slotData[treatments, ]
} else {
keepTreatments <- slotData$info[[treatmentId]] %in% treatments
slotData$profiles <- slotData$profiles[keepTreatments, ]
slotData$raw <- slotData$raw[keepTreatments, , ]
slotData$info <- slotData$info[keepTreatments, ]
slotData$n <- slotData$n[, colnames(slotData$n) %in% treatments]
## ====================
## ---- subsetByFeature
## --------------------
#' @export
setGeneric('subsetByFeature', function(x, features, ...)
#' @noRd
.docs_CoreSet_subsetByFeature <- function(...) .parseToRoxygen(
## subset methods
__subsetByFeature__: Subset a `{class_}` object by molecular feature
- value: a `{class_}` object containing only `features`.
## subset methods
### subsetByFeature
features <- fNames({data_}, 'rna')[seq_len(5)]
{data_}_sub <- subsetByFeature({data_}, features, 'rna')
@aliases subsetByFeature subsetByFeature,{class_}-method
@importFrom MultiAssayExperiment MultiAssayExperiment
@exportMethod subsetByFeature
#' @rdname CoreSet-utils
#' @eval .docs_CoreSet_subsetByFeature(class_=.local_class, data_=.local_data)
setMethod('subsetByFeature', signature(x='CoreSet'),
function(x, features, mDataTypes) {
slotData <- molecularProfilesSlot(x)
MAE <- if (!is(slotData, 'MultiAssayExperiment'))
MultiAssayExperiment(slotData) else slotData
if (missing(mDataTypes)) mDataTypes <- names(MAE)
MAE_sub <- MAE[, , mDataTypes]
keepFeatures <- rownames(MAE_sub) %in% features
subsetMAE <- MAE[keepFeatures, drop=TRUE]
newSlotData <- if (is(slotData, 'MultiAssayExperiment')) subsetMAE else
molecularProfilesSlot(x) <- newSlotData
## TODO:: What if this drops samples from the PSet?
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