# https://f1000research.com/articles/5-1438
# Read quality
QS <- qualityScores("~/.cache/autonomics/stemcells/stemcells.fastq/SRR1909613_1.fastq")
boxplot(QS, ylab="Quality score", xlab="Base position", main="SRR1909613_1.fastq", cex=0.25, col="orange")
# Index
url <- 'ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/gencode/Gencode_human/release_28/GRCh38.primary_assembly.genome.fa.gz'
cachedir <- rappdirs::user_cache_dir(appname='autonomics')
genomesdir <- file.path(cachedir, 'genomes')
download.file(url, file.path(genomesdir, 'GRCh38.primary_assembly.genome.fa.gz'))
setwd(file.path(genomesdir, 'GRCh38'))
basename = "GRCh38",
reference = file.path(genomesdir, 'GRCh38.primary_assembly.genome.fa.gz'))
# Align
stemcellsdir <- file.path(cachedir, 'stemcells')
reads1 <- list.files(file.path(stemcellsdir, 'stemcells.fastq'), pattern = '_1', full.names = TRUE)
reads2 <- list.files(file.path(stemcellsdir, 'stemcells.fastq'), pattern = '_2', full.names = TRUE)
sample_design <- c(
SRR1909613 = 'BM.R1', SRR1909637 = 'BM.R2', SRR1909638 = 'BM.R3', SRR1909639 = 'BM.R4',
SRR1926136 = 'EM.R1', SRR1926132 = 'EM.R2', SRR1926133 = 'EM.R3',
SRR1926134 = 'E.R1', SRR1926135 = 'E.R2', SRR1867792 = 'E.R3')
bams <- paste0(unname(sample_design[sub('_1.fastq', '', basename(reads1))]), '.bam')
bams %<>% paste0(stemcellsdir, 'stemcells.bam/', .)
setwd(file.path(genomesdir, 'GRCh38'))
#align(index = "GRCh38", readfile1 = reads1, readfile2 = reads2, output_file = bams, nthreads = 10)
# BM.R1.bam BM.R2 BM.R3 BM.R4 EM.R1 EM.R2 EM.R3 E.R1 E.R2 E.R3
# 10 18 13 18 17 9 3 9 => approx 2 hours in total
# Read bam into analysis-ready SummarizedExperiment
object <- read_bam(file.path(stemcellsdir, 'stemcells.bam/'), ispaired = TRUE)
# Alternative: specify manually
# Count
#fc <- featureCounts(bams, annot.inbuilt = 'hg38') # 5 mins
object <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(
assays = list(counts = fc$counts))
fdata(object) <- data.frame(feature_id = fnames(object), row.names = fnames(object), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
fdata(object)$feature_name <- AnnotationDbi::mapIds(
org.Hs.eg.db::org.Hs.eg.db, fdata(object)$feature_id, keytype = 'ENTREZID', column = 'SYMBOL')
snames(object) %<>% substr(1, nchar(.)-4)
sdata(object) <- data.frame(sample_id = snames(object), row.names = snames(object), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
object$subgroup <- guess_subgroup_values(object$sample_id)
# Filter
object %<>% subset(!is.na(feature_name), ) # 28 395 -> 27 885
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