#' Construct a sample-by-sequence observation matrix.
#' This function constructs a sequence table (analogous to an OTU table) from
#' the provided list of samples.
#' @param samples (Required). A \code{list} of the samples to include in the sequence table.
#' Samples can be provided in any format that can be processed by \code{\link{getUniques}}.
#' Sample names are propagated to the rownames of the sequence table.
#' @param orderBy (Optional). \code{character(1)}. Default "abundance".
#' Specifies how the sequences (columns) of the returned table should be ordered (decreasing).
#' Valid values: "abundance", "nsamples", NULL.
#' @return Named integer matrix.
#' A row for each sample, and a column for each unique sequence across all the samples.
#' Note that the columns are named by the sequence which can make display a little unwieldy.
#' @seealso \code{\link{dada}}, \code{\link{getUniques}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @examples
#' derep1 <- derepFastq(system.file("extdata", "sam1F.fastq.gz", package="dada2"))
#' derep2 <- derepFastq(system.file("extdata", "sam2F.fastq.gz", package="dada2"))
#' dada1 <- dada(derep1, tperr1)
#' dada2 <- dada(derep2, tperr1)
#' seqtab <- makeSequenceTable(list(sample1=dada1, sample2=dada2))
makeSequenceTable <- function(samples, orderBy = "abundance") {
if(is(samples, "dada") || is(samples, "derep") || is(samples, "data.frame")) { samples <- list(samples) }
if(!is.list(samples)) { stop("Requires a list of samples.") }
unqs <- lapply(samples, getUniques)
unqsqs <- unique(do.call(c, lapply(unqs, names)))
rval <- matrix(0L, nrow=length(unqs), ncol=length(unqsqs))
# Samples are rows, columns are sequences
colnames(rval) <- unqsqs
for(i in seq_along(unqs)) {
rval[i, match(names(unqs[[i]]), colnames(rval))] <- unqs[[i]]
if(!is.null(names(unqs))) {
rownames(rval) <- names(unqs)
# Order columns
if(!is.null(orderBy)) {
if(orderBy == "abundance") {
rval <- rval[,order(colSums(rval), decreasing=TRUE),drop=FALSE]
} else if(orderBy == "nsamples") {
rval <- rval[,order(colSums(rval>0), decreasing=TRUE),drop=FALSE]
#' Combine together sequences that are identical up to shifts and/or length.
#' This function takes as input a sequence table and returns a sequence table in which
#' any sequences that are identical up to shifts or length variation, i.e. that have
#' no mismatches or internal indels when aligned, are collapsed together. The most abundant
#' sequence is chosen as the representative of the collapsed sequences. This function can
#' be thought of as implementing greedy 100\% OTU clustering with end-gapping ignored.
#' @param seqtab (Required). A sample by sequence matrix, the return of \code{\link{makeSequenceTable}}.
#' @param minOverlap (Optional). \code{numeric(1)}. Default 20.
#' The minimum amount of overlap between sequences required to collapse them together.
#' @param orderBy (Optional). \code{character(1)}. Default "abundance".
#' Specifies how the sequences (columns) of the returned table should be ordered (decreasing).
#' Valid values: "abundance", "nsamples", NULL.
#' @param identicalOnly (Optional). \code{logical(1)}. Default FALSE.
#' If TRUE, only identical sequences (i.e. duplicates) are collapsed together.
#' @param vec (Optional). \code{logical(1)}. Default TRUE.
#' Use the vectorized aligner. Should be turned off if sequences exceed 2kb in length.
#' @param band (Optional). \code{numeric(1)}. Default -1 (no banding). The Needleman-Wunsch
#' alignment can be banded. This value specifies the radius of that band. Set band = -1
#' to turn off banding.
#' @param verbose (Optional). \code{logical(1)}. Default FALSE.
#' If TRUE, a summary of the function results are printed to standard output.
#' @return Named integer matrix.
#' A row for each sample, and a column for each collapsed sequence across all the samples.
#' Note that the columns are named by the sequence which can make display a little unwieldy.
#' Columns are in the same order (modulo the removed columns) as in the input matrix.
#' @seealso \code{\link{makeSequenceTable}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' derep1 <- derepFastq(system.file("extdata", "sam1F.fastq.gz", package="dada2"))
#' derep2 <- derepFastq(system.file("extdata", "sam2F.fastq.gz", package="dada2"))
#' dada1 <- dada(derep1, tperr1)
#' dada2 <- dada(derep2, tperr1)
#' seqtab <- makeSequenceTable(list(sample1=dada1, sample2=dada2))
#' collapseNoMismatch(seqtab)
collapseNoMismatch <- function(seqtab, minOverlap=20, orderBy="abundance", identicalOnly=FALSE, vec=TRUE, band=-1, verbose=FALSE) {
# Collapse identical sequences (duplicates)
dupes <- duplicated(colnames(seqtab))
if(any(dupes)) { # Collapse duplicates first
st <- seqtab[,!dupes,drop=FALSE] # Deduplicated matrix
for(i in which(dupes)) {
sq <- colnames(seqtab)[[i]]
st[,sq] <- st[,sq] + seqtab[,i]
seqtab <- st # Use deduplicated sequence table going forward
if(identicalOnly) { return(seqtab) }
# Collapse sequences with no mismatches
unqs.srt <- sort(getUniques(seqtab), decreasing=TRUE)
seqs <- names(unqs.srt) # The input sequences in order of decreasing total abundance
seqs.out <- character(0) # The output sequences (after collapsing)
# collapsed will be the output sequence table
collapsed <- matrix(0L, nrow=nrow(seqtab), ncol=ncol(seqtab))
colnames(collapsed) <- colnames(seqtab) # Keep input ordering for output table
rownames(collapsed) <- rownames(seqtab)
for(query in seqs) {
prefix <- substr(query, 1, minOverlap)
for(ref in seqs.out) { # Loop over the reference sequences already added to output
prefix.ref <- substr(ref, 1, minOverlap)
# Prescreen to see if costly alignment worthwhile, this could all be moved C-side
if(grepl(prefix, ref, fixed=TRUE) || grepl(prefix.ref, query, fixed=TRUE)) {
if(nwhamming(query,ref,vec=vec,band=band) == 0) {
collapsed[,ref] <- collapsed[,ref] + seqtab[,query]
} # for(ref in seqs.out)
if(!added) {
collapsed[,query] <- seqtab[,query]
seqs.out <- c(seqs.out, query)
} # for(query in seqs)
collapsed <- collapsed[,colnames(collapsed) %in% seqs.out,drop=FALSE]
# Order columns
if(!is.null(orderBy)) {
if(orderBy == "abundance") {
collapsed <- collapsed[,order(colSums(collapsed), decreasing=TRUE),drop=FALSE]
} else if(orderBy == "nsamples") {
collapsed <- collapsed[,order(colSums(collapsed>0), decreasing=TRUE),drop=FALSE]
collapsed <- collapsed[,order(colSums(collapsed), decreasing=TRUE),drop=FALSE]
if(verbose) message("Output ", ncol(collapsed), " collapsed sequences out of ", ncol(seqtab), " input sequences.")
# Combines a list of derep-class objects into one single derep object
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @keywords internal
combineDereps2 <- function(dereps) {
if(is(dereps, "derep")) dereps <- list(dereps)
if(!all(sapply(dereps, function(x) is(x,"derep")))) stop("Requires derep-class objects.")
maxlen <- max(sapply(dereps, function(x) ncol(x$quals)))
# Generate the unique sequences and make the output $uniques vector
sqs.all <- unique(do.call(c, lapply(dereps, getSequences)))
derepCounts <- integer(length=length(sqs.all))
names(derepCounts) <- sqs.all
# Make the output $qual matrix with the appropriate size and rownames
derepQuals <- matrix(0.0, nrow=length(derepCounts), ncol=maxlen)
rownames(derepQuals) <- sqs.all
# Initialize the $map with appropriate length
derepMap <- integer(length=sum(sapply(dereps, function(x) length(x$map))))
start.map <- 1
for(derep in dereps) {
if(ncol(derep$quals)<maxlen) { derep$quals <- cbind(derep$quals, matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(derep$quals), ncol=(maxlen-ncol(derep$quals)))) }
derepCounts[names(derep$uniques)] <- derepCounts[names(derep$uniques)] + derep$uniques
derepQuals[rownames(derep$quals),] <- derepQuals[rownames(derep$quals),] + sweep(derep$quals, 1, derep$uniques, "*")
map <- match(names(derep$uniques), names(derepCounts))
derepMap[start.map:(start.map+length(derep$map)-1)] <- map[derep$map]
start.map <- start.map + length(derep$map)
derepQuals <- sweep(derepQuals, 1, derepCounts, "/")
# Order by decreasing abundance
ord <- order(derepCounts, decreasing=TRUE)
derepCounts <- derepCounts[ord]
derepQuals <- derepQuals[ord,]
derepMap <- match(seq(length(ord)), ord)[derepMap]
rval <- list(uniques=derepCounts, quals=derepQuals, map=derepMap)
rval <- as(rval, "derep")
# Check the validity of a putatitve sequence table object, provide useful diagnostic messages if invalid.
is.sequence.table <- function(tab, verbose=TRUE) {
if(!(is.matrix(tab))) {
if(verbose) warning("Not a matrix.")
if(!(all(tab>=0))) {
if(verbose) warning("Negative entries.")
if(is.null(colnames(tab))) {
if(verbose) warning("Column (sequence) names are missing.")
if(is.null(rownames(tab))) {
if(verbose) warning("Row (sample) names are missing.")
if(!all(sapply(colnames(tab), nchar)>0)) {
if(verbose) warning("Some column (sequence) names are blank.")
if(!all(sapply(rownames(tab), nchar)>0)) {
if(verbose) warning("Some row (sample) names are blank.")
if(any(duplicated(colnames(tab)))) {
if(verbose) warning("Duplicated column (sequences) names.")
if(any(duplicated(rownames(tab)))) {
if(verbose) warning("Duplicated row (sample) names.")
#' Merge two or more sample-by-sequence observation matrices.
#' This function combines sequence tables together into one merged sequences table.
#' @param table1 (Optional, default=NULL). Named integer matrix. Rownames correspond to samples
#' and column names correspond to sequences. The output of \code{\link{makeSequenceTable}}.
#' @param table2 (Optional, default=NULL). Named integer matrix. Rownames correspond to samples
#' and column names correspond to sequences. The output of \code{\link{makeSequenceTable}}.
#' @param ... (Optional). Additional sequence tables.
#' @param tables (Optional, default=NULL). Either a list of sequence tables, or a list/vector of RDS filenames
#' corresponding to sequence tables. If provided, \code{table1}, \code{table2}, and any
#' additional arguments will be ignored.
#' @param repeats (Optional). Default "error".
#' Specifies how merging should proceed in the presence of repeated sample names.
#' Valid values: "error", "sum".
#' If "sum", then samples with the same name are summed together in the merged table.
#' @param orderBy (Optional). \code{character(1)}. Default "abundance".
#' Specifies how the sequences (columns) of the returned table should be ordered (decreasing).
#' Valid values: "abundance", "nsamples", NULL.
#' @param tryRC (Optional). \code{logical(1)}. Default FALSE.
#' If tryRC=TRUE, sequences whose reverse complement matches an earlier sequence will be reverse-
#' complemented and merged together with that earlier sequence. This is most useful when different
#' runs sequenced the same gene region in different or mixed orientations. Note, this does not
#' guarantee consistent orientatation from e.g. 5' to 3' on the gene, it just ensures that identical
#' sequences in different orientations are merged.
#' @return Named integer matrix.
#' A row for each sample, and a column for each unique sequence across all the samples.
#' Note that the columns are named by the sequence which can make display unwieldy.
#' @seealso \code{\link{makeSequenceTable}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' mergetab <- mergeSequenceTables(seqtab1, seqtab2, seqtab3) # unnamed arguments assumed to be sequence tables
#' input_tables <- list(seqtab1, seqtab2, seqtab3)
#' mergetab <- mergeSequenceTables(tables=input_tables) # list of sequence tables
#' files <- c(file1, file2, file3)
#' mergetab <- mergeSequenceTables(tables=files) # vector of filenames
#' }
mergeSequenceTables <- function( table1=NULL, table2=NULL, ..., tables=NULL, repeats="error", orderBy = "abundance", tryRC=FALSE) {
# Convert to sequence tables if necessary
if (is.null(tables) && (is.null(table1) || is.null(table2))) {
stop("Either 'tables' or 'table1' and 'table2' must be provided.")
} else if (!is.null(tables)) {
if (is.list(tables)) {
if(all(sapply(tables, is.character))) {
tables <- lapply(tables, readRDS)
} else if (is.character(tables)) {
tables <- sapply(tables, readRDS)
} else {
stop("'tables' must be a list or vector.")
} else {
tables <- list(table1, table2)
tables <- c(tables, list(...))
# Validate tables
stop("At least two sequence tables are expected")
tablesValid <- sapply(tables, is.sequence.table)
if(!(all(tablesValid))) {
errorMessage <- paste0(names(tables[which(!tablesValid)]), collapse=", ")
if(nchar(errorMessage) > 0){
errorMessage <- paste0(": ", errorMessage)
stop("Some sequence tables found invalid", errorMessage)
sample.names <- c(sapply(tables, rownames), recursive=TRUE)
namesDuplicated <- duplicated(sample.names)
if(any(namesDuplicated)) {
if(repeats=="error") {
stop("Duplicated sample names detected in the sequence table row names: ", paste0(unique(sample.names[which(namesDuplicated)]), collapse=", "))
else {
sample.names <- unique(sample.names)
message("Duplicated sample names detected in the sequence table row names.")
seqs <- unique(c(sapply(tables, colnames), recursive=TRUE))
if(tryRC && length(seqs) > 1) {
earlier.rc <- c(FALSE, sapply(seq(2, length(seqs)), function(i) rc(seqs[[i]]) %in% seqs[1:(i-1)]))
rc.seqs <- seqs[earlier.rc]
if(length(rc.seqs) > 0) {
message("Reverse complemented sequences detected and re-oriented.")
for(i in seq_along(tables)) {
do.rc <- colnames(tables[[i]]) %in% rc.seqs
if(any(do.rc)) {
colnames(tables[[i]])[do.rc] <- rc(colnames(tables[[i]])[do.rc])
tables[[i]] <- collapseNoMismatch(tables[[i]], identicalOnly=TRUE)
seqs <- seqs[!seqs %in% rc.seqs]
# Make merged table
rval <- matrix(0L, nrow=length(sample.names), ncol=length(seqs))
rownames(rval) <- sample.names
colnames(rval) <- seqs
for(tab in tables) {
rval[rownames(tab), colnames(tab)] <- rval[rownames(tab), colnames(tab)] + tab
# Order columns
if(!is.null(orderBy)) {
if(orderBy == "abundance") {
rval <- rval[,order(colSums(rval), decreasing=TRUE),drop=FALSE]
} else if(orderBy == "nsamples") {
rval <- rval[,order(colSums(rval>0), decreasing=TRUE),drop=FALSE]
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