qnTargetStatsLDSnode <- function(cols, object){
## this runs on the node
total <- rep(0, nrow(object))
if (length(cols) > 0){
for (i in cols)
total <- total+sort(object[,i])
list(total=total, n=length(cols))
qnToTargetLDSnode <- function(cols, target, object){
## this runs on the node
if (length(cols) > 0){
grpCols <- splitIndicesByLength(cols, ocSamples())
for (theCols in grpCols)
object[, theCols] <- normalize.quantiles.use.target(object[, theCols, drop=FALSE], target, copy=FALSE)
rm(object, grpCols)
quantileNormalizationLDSmaster <- function(object, target){
## this runs on the master node
samplesByNode <- splitIndicesByNode(1:ncol(object))
dmns <- dimnames(object)
dimnames(object) <- NULL
if (missing(target)){
stats <- ocLapply(samplesByNode, qnTargetStatsLDSnode, object=object, neededPkgs="oligo")
totalN <- sum(sapply(stats, "[[", "n"))
total <- rowSums(sapply(stats, "[[", "total"))
target <- total/totalN
rm(stats, total, totalN)
targetOK <- length(target) == nrow(object)
if (!targetOK)
stop("Length of target does not match nrow(object).")
ocLapply(samplesByNode, qnToTargetLDSnode, target=target, object=object, neededPkgs="oligo")
normalizationMethods <- function(){
c('quantile', 'quantile.robust', 'quantile.in.blocks', 'qspline',
'loess', 'invariantset', 'constant')
setMethod("normalize", "matrix",
function(object, method=normalizationMethods(), copy=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, ...){
method = match.arg(method)
if (verbose) txtMsg("Normalizing... ")
if (method == "quantile"){
out <- normalize.quantiles(object, copy=copy)
} else if (method == "quantile.robust"){
out <- normalize.quantiles.robust(object, copy=copy, ...)
} else if (method == "quantile.in.blocks"){
out <- normalize.quantiles.in.blocks(object, copy=copy, ...)
} else if (method == "qspline"){
out <- qsplineNorm(object, verbose=FALSE, ...)
} else if (method == "loess"){
out <- loessNorm(object, verbose=FALSE, ...)
} else if (method == "invariantset"){
out <- invariantsetNorm(object, verbose=FALSE, ...)
} else if (method == "constant"){
out <- constantNorm(object, ...)
if (verbose) msgOK()
setMethod("normalize", "ff_matrix",
function(object, method=normalizationMethods(), copy=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, ...){
method <- match.arg(method)
if (verbose) txtMsg("Normalizing... ")
if (copy){
out <- clone(object, pattern=file.path(ldPath(), "oligo-qn-"))
out <- object
if (method == "quantile"){
} else {
warning("Converting 'ff' object to regular matrix.",
tmp <- normalize(object[], method=method, copy=copy,
verbose=verbose, ...)
for (i in 1:ncol(tmp))
out[,i] <- tmp[,i]
if (verbose) msgOK()
setMethod("normalizeToTarget", "matrix",
function(object, targetDist, method="quantile", copy=TRUE, verbose=TRUE){
method <- match.arg(method, "quantile")
if (verbose) txtMsg("Normalizing using target... ")
out <- normalize.quantiles.use.target(object, targetDist, copy=copy)
if (verbose) msgOK()
setMethod("normalizeToTarget", "ff_matrix",
function(object, targetDist, method="quantile", copy=TRUE, verbose=TRUE){
method <- match.arg(method, "quantile")
if (verbose) txtMsg("Normalizing using target... ")
if (copy){
out <- clone(object, pattern=file.path(ldPath(), "oligo-qn-target-"))
out <- object
if (method == "quantile"){
quantileNormalizationLDSmaster(out, targetDist)
if (verbose) msgOK()
setMethod("normalize", "FeatureSet",
function(object, method=normalizationMethods(), copy=TRUE, subset=NULL, target='core', verbose=TRUE, ...){
method = match.arg(method)
if (copy)
object <- cloneFS(object)
if (method != 'quantile.in.blocks'){
pm(object, subset=subset, target=target) <- normalize(pm(object, subset=subset, target=target), method=method,
copy=FALSE, verbose=verbose, ...)
theDots <- list(...)
blocks <- theDots[['blocks']]
pms <- pm(object, subset=subset, target=target)
if (is.null(blocks)){
theDots[['blocks']] <- as.factor(probeNames(object, subset=subset, target=target))
stopifnot(length(blocks) == nrow(pms))
theDots[['object']] <- pms
theDots[['method']] <- method
theDots[['copy']] <- copy
theDots[['verbose']] <- verbose
pm(object, subset=subset, target=target) <- do.call('normalize', theDots)
## Working on matrices...
qsplineNorm <- function (x, target, samples, fit.iters=5,
min.offset=5, spline.method="natural",
smooth=TRUE, spar=0, p.min=0, p.max=1,
incl.ends=TRUE, converge=FALSE, verbose=TRUE,
if (missing(target))
target <- exp(rowMeans(log(x)))
nr <- nrow(x)
nc <- ncol(x)
if (missing(samples)){
samples <- max(round(nr/1000), 100)
}else if (samples < 1){
samples <- round(samples * nr)
p <- (1:samples)/samples
p <- p[which(p <= p.max) & which(p >= p.min)]
samples <- length(p)
k <- fit.iters
y.n <- ifelse(na.rm, sum(!is.na(target)), length(target))
py.inds <- as.integer(p * y.n)
y.offset <- round(py.inds[1]/fit.iters)
if (y.offset <= min.offset) {
y.offset <- min.offset
k <- round(py.inds[1]/min.offset)
if (k <= 1) {
warning("'k' found is non-sense. using default 'fit.iter'")
k <- fit.iters
y.offset <- c(0, array(y.offset, (k - 1)))
y.order <- order(target)
fx <- matrix(0, nr, nc)
if (verbose)
message("Samples=", samples, " - k=", k, " - first=", py.inds[1])
for (i in 1:nc) {
if (na.rm){
x.valid <- which(!is.na(x[, i]))
x.valid <- 1:nr
nr <- length(x.valid)
px.inds <- as.integer(p * nr)
x.offset <- round(px.inds[1]/fit.iters)
if (x.offset <= min.offset) {
x.offset <- min.offset
k <- min(round(px.inds[1]/min.offset), k)
x.offset <- c(0, array(x.offset, (k - 1)))
x.order <- order(x[, i])
y.inds <- py.inds
x.inds <- px.inds
for (j in 1:k) {
y.inds <- y.inds - y.offset[j]
x.inds <- x.inds - x.offset[j]
ty.inds <- y.inds
tx.inds <- x.inds
if (verbose)
message("sampling(array=", i, " iter=", j, " off=",
paste(x.inds[1], -x.offset[j], y.inds[1], -y.offset[j]),")")
if (converge) {
ty.inds <- as.integer(c(1, y.inds))
tx.inds <- as.integer(c(1, x.inds))
if (j > 1) {
ty.inds <- c(ty.inds, y.n)
tx.inds <- c(tx.inds, nr)
qy <- target[y.order[ty.inds]]
qx <- x[x.order[tx.inds], i]
if (smooth) {
sspl <- smooth.spline(qx, qy, spar=spar)
qx <- sspl$x
qy <- sspl$y
fcn <- splinefun(qx, qy, method=spline.method)
fx[x.valid, i] <- fx[x.valid, i] + fcn(x[x.valid, i])/k
if (na.rm){
invalid <- which(is.na(x[, i]))
fx[invalid, i] <- NA
## this is 1 sample
invariantsetV <- function (data, ref, prd.td = c(0.003, 0.007)){
np <- length(data)
r.ref <- rank(ref)
r.array <- rank(data)
prd.td.adj <- prd.td * 10
i.set <- rep(TRUE, np)
ns <- np
ns.old <- ns + 50 + 1
while ((ns.old - ns) > 50) {
air <- (r.ref[i.set] + r.array[i.set])/(2 * ns)
prd <- abs(r.ref[i.set] - r.array[i.set])/ns
threshold <- (prd.td.adj[2] - prd.td[1]) * air + prd.td.adj[1]
i.set[i.set] <- prd < threshold
ns.old <- ns
ns <- sum(i.set)
if (prd.td.adj[1] > prd.td[1])
prd.td.adj <- prd.td.adj * 0.9
n.curve <- smooth.spline(ref[i.set], data[i.set])
approx(n.curve$y, n.curve$x, xout=data, rule=2)$y
## Invariant Set Normalization
## for matrices
invariantsetNorm <- function(mat, prd.td=c(0.003, 0.007),
baseline.type=c("mean", "median", "pseudo-mean", "pseudo-median"),
verbose=TRUE) {
baseline.type <- match.arg(baseline.type)
nc <- ncol(mat)
if (baseline.type == "mean") {
refindex <- trunc(median(rank(colMeans(mat))))
baseline.chip <- mat[, refindex]
}else if (baseline.type == "median") {
refindex <- trunc(median(rank(rowMedians(t(mat)))))
baseline.chip <- mat[, refindex]
}else if (baseline.type == "pseudo-mean") {
refindex <- 0
baseline.chip <- rowMeans(mat)
}else if (baseline.type == "pseudo-median") {
refindex <- 0
baseline.chip <- rowMedians(mat)
if (verbose) message("Baseline array: ", ifelse(refindex == 0, 'ALL', refindex))
for (i in setdiff(1:nc, refindex)) {
if (verbose) message("Normalizing array ", i, "... ", appendLF=FALSE)
mat[, i] <- invariantsetV(mat[, i], baseline.chip, prd.td)
if (verbose) message("Done.")
## loess normalization helper
loessNormV <- function(v1, v2, subset, span, degree, weights, family){
x <- (v1+v2)/2
index <- c(which.min(x), subset, which.max(x))
xx <- x[index]
yy <- v1[index]-v2[index]
aux <- loess(yy ~ xx, span=span, degree=degree,
weights=weights, family=family)
predict(aux, data.frame(xx=x))
## loess normalization
## matrices
loessNorm <- function (mat, subset, epsilon=0.01, maxit=1, log.it=TRUE,
verbose=TRUE, span=2/3, family.loess="symmetric"){
II <- nrow(mat)
J <- ncol(mat)
if (missing(subset))
subset <- sample(II, min(c(5000, II)))
if (log.it)
mat <- log2(mat)
change <- epsilon + 1
iter <- 0
w <- c(0, rep(1, length(subset)), 0)
while (iter < maxit) {
iter <- iter + 1
means <- matrix(0, II, J)
for (j in 1:(J - 1)) {
for (k in (j + 1):J) {
aux <- loessNormV(v1=mat[,j], v2=mat[,k], subset=subset,
span=span, degree=1, weights=w,
means[, j] <- means[, j] + aux
means[, k] <- means[, k] - aux
if (verbose)
message("Done with ", j, " vs ", k, " in iteration ", iter)
mat <- mat - means
change <- max(colMeans((means[subset, ])^2))
if (verbose)
message(sprintf("Iteration: %02d - Change: %02.8f", iter, change))
if ((change > epsilon) & (maxit > 1))
warning("No convergence after ", maxit, " iterations.")
if (log.it) {
## Constant (scaling) normalization
## matrices
constantNorm <- function(mat, ref=1, FUN=colMeans, na.rm=TRUE){
smpK <- FUN(mat, na.rm=na.rm)
smpK <- smpK[ref]/smpK
sweep(mat, 2, smpK, "*")
## this will run only on matrices for now
getDefaultParsNormAdv <- function(method){
if (method == 'quantile'){
pars <- list(type='pmonly')
}else if (method == 'quantile.probeset') {
pars <- list(type='pmonly', use.median=FALSE, use.log2=TRUE)
}else if (method == 'scaling'){
pars <- list(type='pmonly', scaling.trim=0.02, scaling.baseline=
-1, log.scalefactors=FALSE)
}else if (method == 'quantile.robust'){
pars <- list(type='pmonly', use.median=FALSE, use.log2=FALSE,
remove.extreme=TRUE, n.remove=1, weights='huber')
stop("Method '", method, "' not supported.")
normalizeAdv <- function(pmMat, mmMat, pnVec, normType, normPar, verbose=TRUE){
## types of normalization
allowed <- c('quantile', 'quantile.probeset', 'scaling', 'quantile.robust')
normType <- match.arg(normType, allowed)
## regardless the normType, parameters must be passed as a list
## normPar with (at least) a 'type' element
stopifnot(is.list(normPar), 'type' %in% names(normPar))
types <- c('pmonly', 'mmonly', 'together', 'separate')
type <- match.arg(normPar[['type']], types)
if (normType == 'quantile.probeset'){
stopifnot(all(c('use.median', 'use.log2') %in% names(normPar)))
normPar[['use.median']] <- as.integer(normPar[['use.median']])
normPar[['use.log2']] <- as.integer(normPar[['use.log2']])
}else if (normType == 'scaling'){
req <- c('scaling.trim', 'scaling.baseline', 'log.scalefactors')
stopifnot(all(req %in% names(normPar)))
normPar[['scaling.trim']] <- as.double(normPar[['scaling.trim']])
normPar[['scaling.baseline']] <- as.integer(normPar[['scaling.baseline']])
normPar[['log.scalefactors']] <- as.integer(normPar[['log.scalefactors']])
}else if (normType == 'quantile.robust'){
req <- c('use.median', 'use.log2', 'remove.extreme', 'n.remove', 'weights')
stopifnot(all(req %in% names(normPar)))
normPar[['use.median']] <- as.integer(normPar[['use.median']])
normPar[['use.log2']] <- as.integer(normPar[['use.log2']])
normPar[['remove.extreme']] <- as.logical(normPar[['remove.extreme']])
stopifnot(is.character(normPar[['weights']]) || is.numeric(normPar[['weights']]))
.Call('pp_normalize', pmMat, mmMat, pnVec, nrow(pmMat), normType,
normPar, verbose)
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