#' Setup phantasus.
#' Read user config file ( or create default one) and fill \code{cache_root} using sources in \code{file}.
#' @param setup_name name of config from \code{file}. If unset or not existed, "default".
#' @param file Location of the setup.yml file with setup parameters. If not existed use file from package
#' @export
setupPhantasus <- function(
setup_name = "default",
file = confFile("setup.yml")){
setup_config <- getSetupConf(file, setup_name)
user_conf_file <- confFile("user.conf")
cache_root = ""
if (!file.exists(user_conf_file)){
default_cache <- tools::R_user_dir("phantasus", which = "cache")
if (interactive()){
message("Specify the cache root for Phantasus. \n This folder will contain all Phantasus-related files: \n - GEO cache files \n - Annotation databases \n - FGSEA pathways \n - RNA-seq counts")
cache_root <- readline(paste0("Enter path or leave blank for default (", default_cache, "):"))
if (is.null(cache_root) || is.na(cache_root) || (nchar(cache_root)==0)){
cache_root <- default_cache
user_conf <- get_user_conf(cache_root = cache_root, setup_config)
dir.create(dirname(user_conf_file), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
message(paste("Create user configuration file:", user_conf_file))
cat(user_conf_to_yaml(user_conf), file = user_conf_file)
} else{
message(paste("Use existed configuration file:", user_conf_file))
user_conf <- getPhantasusConf()
Sys.setenv(R_CONFIG_ACTIVE = "default")
user_conf <- getPhantasusConf()
message(paste("Current configuration: ", Sys.getenv("R_CONFIG_ACTIVE")))
default_timeout <- getOption("timeout")
options(timeout = max(1000, default_timeout))
configureGEOcache(user_conf = user_conf )
configureAnnotDB(user_conf = user_conf, setup_config = setup_config )
configureFGSEA(user_conf = user_conf, setup_config = setup_config )
configureRnaseqCounts(user_conf = user_conf, setup_config = setup_config )
if (!opencpu:::win_or_mac() && ! "unix" %in% utils::installed.packages()) {
if (menu(c("Yes", "No"),
title= paste("Couldn't find the required `unix` package, do you want to install it?")) == "1") {
options(timeout = default_timeout)
if (file.exists(user_conf_file)){
message(paste("! Successfully setup configuration file:", user_conf_file, "!"))
confFile <- function(name){
return(file.path(tools::R_user_dir(package = "phantasus", which = "config"), name ))
getSetupConf <- function(file, setup_name){
if (!file.exists(file)){
message("Use default setup parameters")
file <- system.file("configs/R/phantasus/setup.yml", package = "phantasus")
setup_config <- config::get( config = setup_name,
file = file,
use_parent = FALSE
#' Read Phantasus Config
#' @param value Value to retrieve from the config file.
#' @param configName R_CONFIG_ACTIVE value. If unset, "default".
#' @param file Location of the config file
#' @export
getPhantasusConf <- function(
value = NULL,
configName = Sys.getenv("R_CONFIG_ACTIVE"),
# Modify this if your config file is somewhere else
file = file.path(tools::R_user_dir(package = "phantasus", which = "config"), "user.conf")
) {
if (!file.exists(file)){
value = value,
config = configName,
file = file,
use_parent = FALSE
configureGEOcache <- function(user_conf){
message("Configure GEO cache folder...")
geoPath <- user_conf$cache_folders$geo_path
if (dir.exists(geoPath) && rw_dir_check(geoPath)){
message("! GEO cache folder exists and is treated as already configured !")
configureAnnotDB <- function(user_conf, setup_config){
message("Configure AnnotationDb...")
local_path <- user_conf$cache_folders$annot_db
if (dir.exists(local_path) && rw_dir_check(local_path)){
message("! AnnotationDB folder exists and is treated as already configured !")
menu_choices = c()
actions <- c()
dbFiles <- list.files(local_path, recursive = FALSE)
mm_pkg <- system.file(package='org.Mm.eg.db')
hs_pkg <- system.file(package='org.Hs.eg.db')
if (nchar(mm_pkg) || nchar(hs_pkg)){
message("Found local annotation databases:")
message(paste ("\t" , mm_pkg))
message(paste ("\t" , hs_pkg))
menu_choices = c(menu_choices, "Use local databases listed above")
actions = c(actions, function(){
if (nchar(mm_pkg)){
mm_res <- file.copy(org.Mm.eg.db::org.Mm.eg_dbfile(), file.path(local_path, "org.Mm.eg.sqlite"))
if (mm_res) {
message(paste("! Use copy of :", org.Mm.eg.db::org.Mm.eg_dbfile()))
if (nchar(hs_pkg)){
hs_res <- file.copy(org.Hs.eg.db::org.Hs.eg_dbfile(), file.path(local_path, "org.Hs.eg.sqlite"))
if (hs_res) {
message(paste("! Use copy of :", org.Hs.eg.db::org.Hs.eg_dbfile()))
if (!length(setup_config$annot_db) == 0){
file_index <- getFileIndexDF(base_url = setup_config$annot_db, pattern = "txt|sqlite" )
total_size <- round(sum(as.numeric(fs::fs_bytes(file_index$size))) / 2^20, digits = 0)
menu_choices <- c(menu_choices, paste("Download files from the ctlab Phantasus mirror (~", total_size, "MB)"))
actions <- c(actions, function(){
loadAllFiles(url = setup_config$annot_db,
file_df = file_index,
destdir = local_path)
} )
menu_choices = c(menu_choices, "Keep empty")
actions <- c(actions, function() {message("Kept empty")})
if ((!interactive()) || length(menu_choices) == 1){
menu_res <- 1
} else{
menu_res <- utils::menu(choices = menu_choices, graphics = FALSE, title = "Choose how to set up the AnnotationDB folder: ")
if (menu_res == 0){
configureFGSEA <- function(user_conf, setup_config){
message("Configure FGSEA pathways...")
local_path <- user_conf$cache_folders$fgsea_pathways
if (dir.exists(local_path) && rw_dir_check(local_path)){
message("! FGSEA folder exists and is treated as already configured !")
menu_choices = c()
actions <- c()
if (length(setup_config$fgsea_pathways) != 0){
message("External source for FGSEA pathways is scpecified.")
file_index <- getFileIndexDF(base_url = setup_config$fgsea_pathways, pattern = "txt|rds" )
total_size <- round(sum(as.numeric(fs::fs_bytes(file_index$size))) / 2^20, digits = 2)
menu_choices <- c(menu_choices, paste0("Download files from the ctlab Phantasus mirror (~", total_size, "MB)"))
actions <- c(actions, function(){
loadAllFiles(url = setup_config$fgsea_pathways,
destdir = local_path,
file_df = file_index)
} )
menu_choices = c(menu_choices,"Keep empty")
actions <- c(actions, function() {message("Kept empty")})
if ((!interactive()) || length(menu_choices) == 1){
menu_res <- 1
} else{
menu_res <- utils::menu(choices = menu_choices, graphics = FALSE, title = "Choose how to set up the FGSEA pathways folder: ")
if (menu_res == 0){
configureRnaseqCounts <- function(user_conf, setup_config){
message("Configure RNA-seq counts...")
selected_path <- user_conf$cache_folders$rnaseq_counts
options(PhantasusUseHSD = NULL)
if (is.null(selected_path) || is.na(selected_path) || (nchar(selected_path) == 0)){
stop("!Configuration failed: RNA-seq counts path should be specified !")
if (dir.exists(selected_path) && rw_dir_check(selected_path)){
message("! RNA-seq counts folder exists. Update meta... !")
updateCountsMeta(counts_dir = selected_path, force = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
message("! RNA-seq counts configured !")
hsds <- isHSDS(selected_path)
if (is.null(hsds)){
message("! RNA-seq count path looks like local path !")
message("RNA-seq counts configured")
message("! RNA-seq counts path looks like web URL !")
if( !isHSDS(selected_path)){
message("Resource doesn't respond as HSDS server")
stop("Configuration failed: RNA-seq count path should be local diractory or HSDS server")
message(paste(selected_path, "response as HSDS server"))
phantasus_lite <- system.file(package='phantasusLite')
if (nchar(phantasus_lite) == 0){
message("phantasus-lite package is not installed. HSDS will be ignored")
stop("Configuration failed: Install phantasusLite package to use HSDS server")
options(PhantasusUseHSDS = TRUE)
message("HSDS server will be used as source of RNA-seq counts")
getFileIndexDF <- function(base_url, pattern, location = "/"){
req <- httr::GET(paste0(base_url, location))
text <- httr::content(req, "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
index_df <- data.table(na.omit(XML::readHTMLTable(text, skip = c(1,2), as.data.frame = TRUE, trim = TRUE )[[1]]))
file_df <- index_df[grepl(pattern = pattern, x = index_df$Name) & index_df$Size != "-", .(file = paste0(location, Name), date = `Last modified`, size = Size)]
for (dir in index_df[index_df$Size == "-",]$Name){
local_dir <- paste0(location, dir)
file_df <- rbind(file_df, getFileIndexDF(base_url, pattern, local_dir ))
loadAllFiles <- function(url, file_df, destdir ){
message(paste("Trying download from", url))
url <- trimws(url, which = "right", whitespace = "/")
for (file in file_df$file) {
target_file <- file.path(destdir,file)
dir.create(dirname(target_file), recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
url = paste0(url, file),
filename = basename(target_file),
dir = dirname(target_file),
quiet = FALSE
get_user_conf <- function( cache_root, setup_config){
cache_folders = list ()
cache_folders$geo_path <- "file.path(cache_root, 'geo/')"
attr(cache_folders$geo_path, "R") = TRUE
cache_folders$annot_db <- "file.path(cache_root, 'annotationdb/')"
attr(cache_folders$annot_db, "R") = TRUE
cache_folders$fgsea_pathways <- "file.path(cache_root, 'fgsea_pathways/')"
attr(cache_folders$fgsea_pathways, "R") = TRUE
if ( is.null(setup_config$rnaseq_counts) || length(setup_config$rnaseq_counts) == 0){
cache_folders$rnaseq_counts <- "file.path(cache_root, 'counts/')"
attr(cache_folders$rnaseq_counts, "R") <- TRUE
} else{
cache_folders$rnaseq_counts <- setup_config$rnaseq_counts
attr(cache_folders$rnaseq_counts, "R") <- FALSE
static_root <- "system.file('www/phantasus.js', package = 'phantasus')"
attr(static_root, "R") <- TRUE
geo_mirrors <- if (length(setup_config$geo_mirrors) == 0){
list(true_geo = "https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov")
} else {
host = "",
port = "8000",
preloaded_dir = NULL,
static_root = static_root,
cache_root = cache_root,
cache_folders = cache_folders,
geo_mirrors = geo_mirrors
user_conf_to_yaml = function(user_config){
for (i in seq_along(user_config$cache_folders)){
if (!is.null(attr(user_config$cache_folders[[i]], "R")) && attr(user_config$cache_folders[[i]], "R") ){
attr(user_config$cache_folders[[i]], "tag") <- "!expr"
if (!is.null(attr(user_config$static_root, "R")) && attr(user_config$static_root, "R") ){
attr(user_config$static_root, "tag") <- "!expr"
for (i in seq_along(user_config$geo_mirrors)) {
attr(user_config$geo_mirrors[[i]], "quoted") <- TRUE
attr(user_config$geo_mirrors, "quoted") <- TRUE
attr(user_config$cache_root, "quoted") <- TRUE
attr(user_config$host,"quoted") <- TRUE
class(user_config$port) = 'verbatim'
user_config <- list(default = user_config)
yaml::as.yaml(user_config, handlers = list(
logical = function(x){
result <- ifelse(x, "TRUE", "FALSE")
class(result) <- "verbatim"
"NULL" = function(x){
result = "NULL"
class(result) <- "verbatim"
) )
#' Creates default docker conf file
#' Function creates default docker user configuration file based on provided \code{setup_file}
#' or on default parameters if \code{setup_file} doesn't exist. If \code{user_conf_file} exists function does nothing.
#' @param setup_file name of config from \code{file}. If unset or not existed, "default".
#' @param user_conf_file Location of the setup.yml file with setup parameters. If not existed use file from package
#' @keywords internal
createDockerConf <- function( setup_file = confFile("setup.yml"), user_conf_file = confFile("user.conf")){
if (!file.exists(user_conf_file)){
setup_conf <- getSetupConf(setup_file, "default")
user_conf <- get_user_conf(cache_root = "/var/phantasus/cache", setup_config = setup_conf)
user_conf$preloaded_dir <- "/var/phantasus/preloaded"
dir.create(dirname(user_conf_file), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
message(paste("Create user configuration file:", user_conf_file))
cat(user_conf_to_yaml(user_conf), file = user_conf_file)
unsafe_dir_create <- function(dir_name, recursive = TRUE){
message(paste("try to create:", dir_name))
configured <- dir.create(dir_name, recursive = recursive, showWarnings = FALSE)
if (!configured){
stop(paste("Configuration failed: can't create", dir_name))
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