#' geneAttribution: Identification of candidate genes associated with noncoding
#' genetic variation
#' Identification of the most likely gene or genes through which variation at a
#' given genomic locus in the human genome acts. The most basic functionality
#' assumes that the closer gene is to the input locus, the more likely the gene
#' is to be causative. Additionally, any empirical data that links genomic
#' regions to genes (e.g. eQTL or genome conformation data) can be used if it
#' is supplied in UCSC .bed file format. A typical workflow requires loading
#' gene models and empirical data, then running geneAttribution() on the locus
#' of interest
#' @docType package
#' @name geneAttribution
#' Load gene models
#' Get gene models as a GenomicRanges object, with gene names in the symbol
#' column. For hg19, you may want to use TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene and
#' for GRCh38, TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene (set as default)
#' @param txdb GenomicFeatures TxDb object with genomic coordinates of genes
#' @param maxGeneLength Integer. Genes longer than this are excluded. Optional
#' @param genesToInclude Character vector of gene symbols to include. Optional
#' @param genesToExclude Character vector of gene symbols to exclude. Optional
#' @return GenomicRanges object containing human gene models
#' @examples
#' geneModels()
#' geneModels(genesToInclude = c("CYYR1", "ADAMTS1", "ADAMTS5", "N6AMT1"))
geneModels <- function(txdb=TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene::TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene,
maxGeneLength=1e+06, genesToInclude, genesToExclude) {
# Get data
geneLocs <- GenomicFeatures::genes(txdb)
symbolDf <- BiocGenerics::as.data.frame(org.Hs.eg.db::org.Hs.egSYMBOL2EG)
geneLocs$symbol <- symbolDf[match(geneLocs$gene_id, symbolDf$gene_id),
# Filtering
geneLocs <- geneLocs[GenomicRanges::width(geneLocs) < maxGeneLength]
if (!missing(genesToInclude)) { geneLocs <-
geneLocs[which(geneLocs$symbol %in% genesToInclude)] }
if (!missing(genesToExclude)) { geneLocs <-
geneLocs[which(! geneLocs$symbol %in% genesToExclude)] }
# Report gene number and genome build
message("Gene models for ", length(geneLocs), " genes returned\n")
build <- GenomeInfoDb::genome(geneLocs)[1]
message("Gene models are in build ", build, "\n")
#' Load UCSC *.BED files containing empirical data
#' Required *.BED file format (tab-separated): chr start end name (optional
#' column: score). Sample files supplied with package are limited to 10 MB on
#; chromosome 2.
#' @param files Character vector with *.BED file names
#' @param weights Integer vector with weighting for each *.BED file. Optional
#' @return List of GenomicRanges objects containing data from *.BED files
#' @examples
#' fileName1 <- system.file("extdata", "hiCRegions.b38.bed", package="geneAttribution")
#' fileName2 <- system.file("extdata", "eqtlHaplotypeBlocks.b38.bed", package="geneAttribution")
#' loadBed(c(fileName1, fileName2), c(2, 5))
loadBed <- function(files, weights) {
# Make sure file vector and (optional) weighting vector have same length
if (!missing(weights)) {
if (length(files) != length(weights)) {
stop("Input vectors specifying files and weights must have same
# Go through each BED file in input and add to list
empOut <- list()
for (ii in seq_along(files)) {
empF <- files[ii]
message("\nNow loading BED file ", empF, "\n")
empG <- rtracklayer::import.bed(empF) # Read BED file as GRanges object
# Add weighting if not already in score column in BED file
# Report back on which weighting was used
if ("score" %in% names(GenomicRanges::mcols(empG))) {
if (missing(weights)) {
message("Using weighting specified in score column of BED
} else {
empG$score <- weights[ii]
message("Overriding score column in BED file and assigning
weighting of ", weights[ii], "\n")
} else {
if (missing(weights)) {
empG$score <- 2
message("Setting weighting to 2 (default)\n")
} else {
empG$score <- weights[ii]
message("Setting weighting to ", weights[ii], "\n")
empOut <- c(empOut, empG) # Add to output list
# Return
#' Normalize likelihoods and return probabilities
#' @param pVector Numeric vector of pre-normalization likelihoods
#' @param minPP Float. Genes with a prob. < minPP lumped as "Other". Optional
#' @return A sorted, numeric vector of normalized probabilities
#' @examples
#' normP(c(5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.1))
#' normP(c(5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.1), minPP=0.1)
normP <- function(pVector, minPP=0) {
pVector <- pVector / sum(pVector) # Normalization
pVector <- sort(pVector, decreasing=TRUE) # Sort by decreasing p
# If there are gene with p < minPP, summarize as "Other"
otherIdx <- which(pVector < minPP)
if (length(otherIdx) > 0) {
otherP <- sum(pVector[otherIdx])
names(otherP) <- "Other"
pVector <- c(pVector[-otherIdx], otherP)
#' Given genomic coordinate, return normalized probability for each gene
#' @param chr Character string representing a chromosome (e.g. "chr2")
#' @param pos Integer. Genomic position in same genome build than gene models
#' @param geneCoordinates GenomicRanges object, as generated by geneModels()
#' @param empiricalData List of GenomicRanges, from loadBed(). Optional
#' @param lambda Float. Variable for exponential distribution. Optional
#' @param maxDist Integer. Only genes within maxDist of query used. Optional
#' @param minPP Float. Genes with a prob. < minPP lumped as "Other". Optional
#' @return A sorted, numeric vector of normalized gene probabilities
#' @examples
#' geneLocs <- geneModels()
#' fileName <- system.file("extdata", "eqtlHaplotypeBlocks.b38.bed", package="geneAttribution")
#' empirical <- loadBed(fileName)
#' geneAttribution("chr2", 127156000, geneLocs, empirical)
geneAttribution <- function(chr, pos, geneCoordinates, empiricalData,
lambda=7.61e-06, maxDist=1e+06, minPP=0.01) {
query <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(chr, IRanges::IRanges(pos, pos))
# Distance to query
# Distance between input and all genes
geneDistancesAll <- GenomicRanges::distance(query, geneCoordinates,
# Get indices for genes with defined distance (same chr, within maxDist)
geneDistanceIdx <- which(!is.na(geneDistancesAll) &
geneDistancesAll < maxDist)
# Get distances
geneDistances <- geneDistancesAll[geneDistanceIdx]
# Get associated gene names
names(geneDistances) <- geneCoordinates[geneDistanceIdx]$symbol
# Gene likelihood based on distance to gene
likelihood <- stats::dexp(geneDistances, lambda)
# Prior, based on empirical data
prior <- rep(1, length(likelihood))
names(prior) <- names(likelihood)
# Add empirical data
if (!missing(empiricalData)) {
for (iiEmp in empiricalData) {
# Which empirical data ranges overlap query?
iiOverlapIdx <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query, iiEmp)
empSubset <- iiEmp[as.data.frame(iiOverlapIdx)[[2]]]
empWeights <- empSubset$score
names(empWeights) <- empSubset$name
# Only keep weightings for genes that are within maxDist
empWeights <- empWeights[names(prior)]
empWeights[which(is.na(empWeights))] <- 0
# Add weights to prior
prior <- prior + empWeights
prior <- prior / sum(prior) # Normalization
# (Likelihood * Prior) / sum(Likelihood * Prior)
return(normP(likelihood * prior, minPP=minPP))
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