#' @include toDNAlandscapeR.R
#' Import HiC Sample from AWS Bucket
#' \code{getSampleFromBucket} returns a \code{sparseHiCdatum} object
#' when the user specifies the sample name and the bucket that the object
#' is housed in. If the sample is split by chromosomes (e.g. GM12878 in
#' the DNAlandscapeR bucket), then the function collates those into one
#' object. However, the user can specify only certain chromosomes be
#' imported using the chr paramter. As a side note, all AWS buckets are
#' lower case letters only, so that may be a source of error when trying
#' to import the bucket.
#' @param sample The name of the sample (e.g. GM12878 or BT142-rep1)
#' @param bucket Name of the AWS bucket.
#' @param chr = NA Specify which chromosomes to pull down; if left with
#' NA, then by default, all chromosomes will be pulled down
#' @param organism = "human" or "mouse" likely supported
#' @return A sparseHiCdatum object
#' @examples
#' # Import chromosome 4 from DNAlandscapeR bucket
#' samp <- "IMR90"
#' # hesc <- getSampleFromBucket(samp, "dnalandscaper", c("chr1", "chr4"))
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "getSampleFromBucket", def = function(sample, bucket, chr = NA, organism = "human")
#' @rdname getSampleFromBucket
setMethod("getSampleFromBucket", def= function(sample, bucket, chr = NA, organism = "human") {
if(length(sample) > 1) stop("use getSamplesFromBucket (plural) to get multiple samples from the same bucket")
extURL <- paste0("data/", organism, "/hic/", sample, "-HiC/", sample, "-HiC")
base <- paste0("http://s3.amazonaws.com/", bucket, "/", extURL)
resFile <- paste0(base, ".sparseHiC.meta")
chrSplit <- as.logical(strsplit(as.character(read.table(resFile, skip = 2)[1,]), split = "=")[[1]][2])
if(chrSplit){ # Separate chromosome
# User didn't define chromosomes, so import them all
if(all(is.na(chr))) {
t <- gsubfn::strapplyc(RCurl::getURL((paste0("http://s3.amazonaws.com/", bucket))), "<Key>(.*?)</Key>", simplify = c)
chr <- sapply(strsplit(t[grepl(extURL,t) & grepl(".rds", t) & grepl("chr",t)], split = extURL),
function(hit){ strsplit(strsplit(hit[[2]], ".rds")[[1]], "-")[[1]][2] })
chr <- .chrOrder(chr)
md <- data.frame()
dat <- lapply(chr, function(ct){
xcon <- gzcon(url(paste0(base, "-", ct, ".rds")))
z <- readRDS(xcon); close(xcon)
md <- z@metaData
datflat <- unlist(dat)
ndf <- names(datflat)
res <- unique(sapply(strsplit(ndf, split = "\\."), "[[", 1))
lo <- lapply(res, function(r){
d <- datflat[grepl(paste0(r, "."), ndf)]
names <- sapply(strsplit(ndf[grepl(paste0(r, "."), ndf)], split = "\\."), "[[", 2)
names(d) <- names
names(lo) <- res
obj <- new("sparseHiCdatum", sampleName = sample, resolutionNamedList = lo, metaData = md)
} else { # Bound together
xcon <- gzcon(url(paste0(base, ".rds")))
z <- readRDS(xcon); close(xcon)
if(!all(is.na(chr))){ # Return specific chromosomes
nd <- names(z@resolutionNamedList)
lo <- lapply(z@resolutionNamedList, function(d){
names(lo) <- nd
obj <- new("sparseHiCdatum", sampleName = sample, resolutionNamedList = lo, metaData = z@metaData)
#' Import multiple Hi-C samples from AWS Bucket
#' \code{getSamplesFromBucket} returns a \code{sparseHiCdata} object
#' when the user specifies multiple sample names present in the bucket
#' @param samples The names of the samples
#' @param bucket Name of the AWS bucket.
#' @param chr = NA Specify which chromosomes to pull down; if left with
#' NA, then by default, all chromosomes will be pulled down
#' @param organism = "human" or "mouse" likely supported
#' @return A sparseHiCdata object
#' @examples
#' # Import chromosome 4 from DNAlandscapeR bucket
#' samples <- c("GM12878", "IMR90")
#' # two <- getSamplesFromBucket(samples, "dnalandscaper", c("chr1", "chr4"))
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "getSamplesFromBucket", def = function(samples, bucket, chr = NA, organism = "human")
#' @rdname getSamplesFromBucket
setMethod("getSamplesFromBucket", def= function(samples, bucket, chr = NA, organism = "human") {
lo <- lapply(samples, function(sample) getSampleFromBucket(sample, bucket, chr = chr, organism = organism))
names(lo) <- samples
mdTotal <- data.frame(bucket = rep(bucket, length(samples)))
row.names(mdTotal) <- samples
obj <- new("sparseHiCdata", HiCSamplesList = lo, metaData = mdTotal)
#' List Available Hi-C Samples from an AWS Bucket
#' \code{samplesInBucket} returns a character vector of the samples
#' that can be imported from the specified bucket. Should also specify
#' the organism.
#' @param bucket name of the AWS bucket (all lower case)
#' @importFrom gsubfn strapplyc
#' @importFrom RCurl getURL
#' @examples
#' # samplesInBucket("dnalandscaper")
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "samplesInBucket", def = function(bucket)
#' @rdname samplesInBucket
setMethod("samplesInBucket", signature("character"),
definition = function(bucket) {
t <- gsubfn::strapplyc(RCurl::getURL((paste0("http://s3.amazonaws.com/", bucket))), "<Key>(.*?)</Key>", simplify = c)
full <- t[grepl("hic", t) & grepl("sparseHiC.meta", t)]
if(length(full) > 0){
t2 <- unlist(strsplit(full, split = "-HiC"))
return(sapply(strsplit(t2[grepl("data", t2)], "/"), function(sample){
v <- sample[4]
names(v) <- sample[2]
} else {
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