.getWeights<-function(mat, survdat,cv=FALSE, train.snames=NULL){
#how can we compute faster HRs, apply is faster than for
#always intersect with survdat
inter <- intersect(rownames(survdat),rownames(mat))
mat <- mat[inter,,drop=FALSE]
survdat <- survdat[inter,]
#calculate survobj upfront
#set infinite HR to a small value, and NA to 0
survobj <- survival::Surv(as.numeric(survdat[,1]),as.numeric(survdat[,2]))
logHR <- apply(mat,2, function(y) tryCatch({
summary(survival::coxph(survobj ~ y))$coefficients[1]
}, warning = function(w) {
if(grepl("infinite", w$message))
{message(w$message, " setting weights=0");return(1e-6)}
}, error = function(e) {
if(grepl("NA/NaN/Inf", e$message))
{message(e$message, " .Setting weights=0"); return(0)}
}) )
logHR <- abs(logHR)
#substitute it as 0. mostly should not happen, if it does meaning there is a gene that is not mutated
logHR[which(is.na(logHR))] <- 0
mat.wt <- t(t(mat) * sqrt(logHR))
inter <- intersect(rownames(survdat), intersect(rownames(mat),train.snames))
mat.train <- mat[inter,,drop=FALSE]
survdat <- survdat[inter,]
#calculate survobj upfront
survobj <- survival::Surv(as.numeric(survdat[,1]),as.numeric(survdat[,2]))
logHR <- apply(mat.train,2, function(y) tryCatch({
summary(survival::coxph(survobj ~ y))$coefficients[1]
}, warning = function(w) {
if(grepl("infinite", w$message))
{message(w$message, " setting weights=0");return(0)}
}, error = function(e) {
if(grepl("NA/NaN/Inf", e$message))
{message(e$message, " .Setting weights=0"); return(0)}
}) )
logHR <- abs(logHR)
#NA in HR can result when a gene is not mutated
#substitute it as 0
logHR[which(is.na(logHR))] <- 0
#on features which are columns, same in all and train
mat.train.wt <- t(t(mat.train) * sqrt(logHR))
#multiply HR on whole
all.wt <- t(t(mat) * sqrt(logHR))
mat.wt <- list(all=all.wt, train=mat.train.wt)
.getWeights_mae <- function(datasets, cv, train.snames){
mae_assays <- assays(datasets)
dat_wt_mae <- lapply(mae_assays,
function(x) .getWeights(mat=t(x), survdat = colData(datasets), cv, train.snames))
.getUnionDist <- function(rnames,dat, type=NULL){
for (i in seq_along(dat)){
m <- dat[[i]][intersect(rownames(dat[[i]]),rnames),,drop=FALSE]
#if there are missing samples, add row of NAs for it
if (length(intersect(rownames(m),rnames)) != length(rnames)){
m.na <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(setdiff(rnames,rownames(m))),ncol=ncol(m))
rownames(m.na) <- setdiff(rnames,rownames(m))
m <- rbind(m,m.na)
m <- m[rnames,]
dist.dat[[i]] <- dist_wtbinary(m)
rownames(dist.dat[[i]]) <- rownames(m)
colnames(dist.dat[[i]]) <- rownames(m)
m2 <- m*m
m2.ss <- sum(m2, na.rm=TRUE)
m.tr <- m/sqrt(m2.ss)
dist.dat[[i]] <- as.matrix(dist(m.tr, method="euclidean"))
.get_relabel <- function(pattern, olabel, centroid.cluster,kk){
relabel <- rep(NA, length(olabel))
names(relabel) <- names(olabel)
for(i in seq_len(kk)){
kpattern <- paste0(pattern,i)
idx <- which(names(centroid.cluster) == kpattern)
#change current label to this
change.label <- centroid.cluster[idx]
idx2 <- which(olabel == i)
if(length(idx2)!=0){relabel[idx2] <- change.label}
if(any(is.na(relabel))){warning("there is a NA in relabel, something is wrong with clustering, noisy data or pick lower k?")}
.get_centroid <- function (mat, labels, fold)
ul <- unique(labels)
if (ncol(mat) == 1) {
warning("cmd reduces matrix to one eigen value! Noisy data?")
centroids <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(ul), ncol = ncol(mat))
for (i in seq_along(ul)) {
mat.ul <- mat[names(labels)[which(labels == ul[i])], ]
if (is.vector(mat.ul)) {
centroids[i, ] <- mat.ul
else {
centroids[i, ] <- apply(mat.ul, 2, mean)
rownames(centroids) <- paste0("f", fold, "_k", ul)
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