#' @import Biobase BiocGenerics hwriter methods stringr statmod biomaRt GenomicRanges S4Vectors IRanges Rsamtools DESeq2 BiocParallel geneplotter genefilter SummarizedExperiment
#' @importFrom AnnotationDbi select
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRamp colorRampPalette dev.off rgb svg
#' @importFrom graphics abline axis hist layout mtext par plot.new plot.window rect segments
#' @importFrom stats as.formula coefficients model.matrix runif terms weighted.mean
#' @importFrom utils read.delim read.table
#' @importFrom stats relevel
#' @exportClass DEXSeqDataSet DEXSeqResults
#' @exportMethod plotMA counts estimateSizeFactors subsetByOverlaps findOverlaps `[` `$<-` `colData<-`
#' @export geneIDs `geneIDs<-` groupIDs `groupIDs<-` exonIDs `exonIDs<-` featureIDs `featureIDs<-` DEXSeqHTML plotDEXSeq featureCounts perGeneQValue DEXSeqDataSet DEXSeqDataSetFromSE DEXSeqDataSetFromHTSeq DEXSeqResults estimateExonFoldChanges DEXSeq sampleAnnotation
rmDepCols <- function(m){
q <- qr(m)
if (q$rank < ncol(m))
m[, -q$pivot[(q$rank + 1):ncol(m)]]
else m
#BPPARAM <- MulticoreParam(workers=1)
#fullModel <- design(object)
#reducedModel <- ~ sample + exon
vst <- function( x, object ){
if( is.null( attr(object@dispersionFunction, "fitType") ) ) {
warning("Dispersion function not found, applying log2(x+ 1) instead of vst...\n")
return( log10(x+1) )
}else if ( attr(object@dispersionFunction, "fitType") != "parametric" ){
warning("Dispersion function not parametric, applying log2(x+ 1) instead of vst...\n")
return( log10(x+1) )
coefs <- attr(object@dispersionFunction, "coefficients")
(2/(sqrt(coefs["asymptDisp"]))) * log(2 * coefs["asymptDisp"] *
sqrt(x) + 2 * sqrt(coefs["asymptDisp"] * (coefs["extraPois"] +
1 + coefs["asymptDisp"] * x))) - (2/(sqrt(coefs["asymptDisp"]))) *
log(2 * sqrt(coefs["asymptDisp"] * (coefs["extraPois"] + 1)))
#' @name testForDEU
#' @title Test for Differential Exon Usage
#' @description This will perform a likelihood ratio test for differential
#' exon usage. Internally, it calls the DESeq2 function \code{nbinomLRT}.
#' @param object A DEXSeqDataSet object.
#' @param fullModel The full model formula.
#' @param reducedModel Null model formula.
#' @param BPPARAM A "BiocParallelParam" instance. See \code{?bplapply} for details.
#' @param fitType Specifies what internal engine to use for fitting the GLMs. Options are "DESeq2" or "glmGamPoi".
#' @details The information of the variables of the formulas
#' should be present in the \code{colData} of the
#' \code{DEXSeqDataSet} object.
#' @return A \code{DEXSeqDataSet} with slots filled with information about the test.
#' @examples
#' data(pasillaDEXSeqDataSet, package="pasilla")
#' dxd <- estimateSizeFactors( dxd )
#' dxd <- estimateDispersions( dxd )
#' dxd <- testForDEU( dxd )
#' @export
testForDEU <-
reducedModel= ~ sample + exon,
BPPARAM=SerialParam(), fitType=c("DESeq2", "glmGamPoi"))
if (is.null(sizeFactors(object)) & is.null(normalizationFactors(object))) {
stop("first call estimateSizeFactors or provide a normalizationFactor matrix")
if (is.null(dispersions(object))) {
stop("first call estimateDispersions")
allVars <- all.vars(reducedModel)
if( any(!allVars %in% colnames( colData(object) )) ){
notPresent <- allVars[!allVars %in% colnames( colData(object) )]
notPresent <- paste(notPresent, collapse=",")
stop(sprintf("the variables '%s' of the parameter 'reducedModel' are not specified in the columns of colData", notPresent ) )
allVars <- all.vars(fullModel)
if( any(!allVars %in% colnames( colData(object) )) ){
notPresent <- allVars[!allVars %in% colnames( colData(object) )]
notPresent <- paste(notPresent, collapse=",")
stop(sprintf("the variables '%s' of the parameter 'fullModel' are not specified in the columns of colData", notPresent ) )
fullModelMatrix <-
rmDepCols( model.matrix( fullModel, as.data.frame(colData(object)) ) )
reducedModelMatrix <-
rmDepCols( model.matrix( reducedModel, as.data.frame(colData(object)) ) )
if( is( BPPARAM, "SerialParam" ) ){
numParts <- 1L
numParts <- BPPARAM$workers
splitParts <- sort( rep( seq_len( numParts ), length.out=nrow(object) ) )
splitObject <- split( object, splitParts )
splitObject <- bplapply(
function(x, ... ){
nbinomLRT( x, reduced = reducedModelMatrix, full=fullModelMatrix, type=fitType )
reducedModelMatrix=reducedModelMatrix, fullModelMatrix=fullModelMatrix,
mergeObject <- do.call(rbind, splitObject)
matchedNames <- match( rownames(object), rownames(mergeObject))
mcols(object) <- mcols( mergeObject )[matchedNames,]
assays(object) <- assays(mergeObject[matchedNames,])
extraAttributes <- setdiff( names( attributes(splitObject[[1]]) ), names( attributes(object) ) )
for( atr in extraAttributes ){
attr( object, atr ) <- attr( splitObject[[1]], atr )
estimateExonFoldChanges <- function( object,
fitExpToVar = "condition",
denominator = "",
maxRowsMF=2400, independentFiltering=FALSE, filter)
stopifnot(is(object, "DEXSeqDataSet"))
# Temporary hack for backward compatibility with "old" DEXSeqDataSet
# objects. Remove once all serialized DEXSeqDataSet objects around have
# been updated.
if (!.hasSlot(object, "rowRanges"))
object <- updateObject(object)
if (any(is.na(sizeFactors(object)))) {
stop("Please estimate sizeFactors first\n")
if (!fitExpToVar %in% colnames(sampleAnnotation(object))) {
stop(sprintf("The value of the parameter fitExpToVar,'%s', is not a column name of colData", fitExpToVar))
if ( is.null( dispersions(object) ) ){
stop("please call estimateDispersions first")
if ( length( attr( object, "test" ) ) == 0 ){
stop("please call testForDEU first")
frm <- as.formula(paste("count ~", fitExpToVar, "* exon"))
if( independentFiltering ){
if( missing(filter) ){
filter=rowMeans(featureCounts(object, normalized = TRUE))
notNAs <- !is.na( results(object, filter=filter)$padj )
notNAs <- rep(TRUE, nrow(object))
notNAs <- notNAs & !mcols(object)$allZero
groups <- groupIDs(object)
disps <- dispersions(object)
disps[is.na(disps)] <- 1e-6
mf <- object@modelFrameBM
if( is( mf[[fitExpToVar]], "numeric" ) ){
maxRowsMF <- 0
numsamples <- nrow( sampleAnnotation(object) )
features <- featureIDs(object)
countsAll <- featureCounts(object)
allExonIDs <- as.character( mf$exon )
testablegenes <- groups[notNAs]
###### separate genes with few exons from large exons
###### and fit the different but equivalent models separately
numOfExonsLimitBM <- round(maxRowsMF/numsamples)
exonsPerGene <- table(testablegenes)
testablegenesBM <- names(exonsPerGene[exonsPerGene < numOfExonsLimitBM])
testablegenesSM <- names(exonsPerGene)[!names(exonsPerGene) %in% testablegenesBM]
if( length(testablegenesBM) > 0 ){
alleffectsBM <- bplapply( testablegenesBM,
groups=groups, notNAs=notNAs,
countsAll=countsAll, disps=disps,
features=features, mf=mf, frm=frm,
alleffectsBM <- do.call(rbind, alleffectsBM)
alleffectsBM <- NULL
exonIndexes <- which( groups %in% testablegenesSM & notNAs )
if( length(exonIndexes) > 0 ){
countsAll <- counts( object )
mfSmall <- modelFrameSM(object)
alleffectsSM <- bplapply( exonIndexes, getEffectsForExonsSM,
frm=frm, countsAll=countsAll,
disps=disps, mfSmall=mfSmall,
names(alleffectsSM) <- rownames(object)[exonIndexes]
# alleffectsSM <- t(simplify2array(alleffectsSM))
alleffectsSM <- do.call( rbind, alleffectsSM )
alleffectsSM <- NULL
alleffects <- rbind( alleffectsBM, alleffectsSM )
# alleffects[
alleffectsVst <- vst(exp(alleffects), object)
toadd <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(object), ncol = ncol(alleffects))
rownames(toadd) <- rownames(object)
colnames(toadd) <- colnames(alleffects)
toadd[rownames(alleffects), colnames(alleffects)] <- alleffectsVst
toadd <- DataFrame(toadd)
mcols(toadd) <- DataFrame(
type=rep("DEXSeq results",ncol(toadd)),
description=rep("exon usage coefficient",ncol(toadd) ) )
toadd2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(object), ncol = ncol(alleffects) )
if (denominator == "") {
# denominator <- as.character(sampleAnnotation(object)[[fitExpToVar]][1])
colRemove <- colnames(alleffects) %in% denominator
denoCol <- which(colnames(alleffects) == denominator)
alleffects <- alleffects / log(2)
alleffects <- alleffects - alleffects[, denoCol]
colnames(alleffects) <- sprintf("log2fold_%s_%s", colnames(alleffects),
colnames(toadd2) <- colnames(alleffects)
rownames(toadd2) <- rownames(object)
toadd2[rownames(alleffects), colnames(alleffects)] <- alleffects
toadd2 <- toadd2[,-denoCol, drop=FALSE]
toadd2 <- DataFrame(toadd2)
mcols(toadd2) <- DataFrame(
type=rep("DEXSeq results",ncol(toadd2)),
description=rep("relative exon usage fold change",ncol(toadd2) ) )
allAdd <- cbind(toadd, toadd2)
mcols(object) <- cbind(mcols(object), allAdd)
DEXSeqResults <- function( object, independentFiltering=TRUE, filter){
stopifnot( is(object, "DEXSeqDataSet"))
# Temporary hack for backward compatibility with "old" DEXSeqDataSet
# objects. Remove once all serialized DEXSeqDataSet objects around have
# been updated.
if (!.hasSlot(object, "rowRanges"))
object <- updateObject(object)
if( missing( filter ) ){
filter=rowMeans( featureCounts( object, normalized=TRUE ) )
LRTresults <- results(object, filter=filter, independentFiltering=independentFiltering )
LRTresults$exonBaseMean <- rowMeans(featureCounts(object, normalized=TRUE))
LRTresults$featureID <- mcols(object)$featureID
LRTresults$groupID <- mcols(object)$groupID
LRTresults$dispersion <- mcols(object)$dispersion
LRTresults <- LRTresults[,c("groupID", "featureID", "exonBaseMean", "dispersion", "stat", "pvalue", "padj")]
mcols( LRTresults )[colnames(LRTresults) %in% c("groupID", "featureID", "exonBaseMean"),"type"] <- "input"
mcols( LRTresults )[colnames(LRTresults) %in% "groupID","description"] <- "group/gene identifier"
mcols( LRTresults )[colnames(LRTresults) %in% "featureID","description"] <- "feature/exon identifier"
mcols( LRTresults )[colnames(LRTresults) %in% "exonBaseMean","description"] <- "mean of the counts across samples in each feature/exon"
mcols( LRTresults )[colnames(LRTresults) %in% "dispersion","description"] <- "exon dispersion estimate"
toadd <- mcols(object)[,mcols( mcols(object ) )$type == "DEXSeq results", drop=FALSE]
LRTresults <- cbind( LRTresults, toadd )
genomicData <- rowRanges(object)
mcols(genomicData) <- NULL
LRTresults$genomicData <- genomicData
LRTresults$countData <- featureCounts(object)
LRTresults$transcripts <- mcols(object)$transcripts
mcols( LRTresults )[colnames(LRTresults) %in% c("genomicData", "countData", "transcripts"),"type"] <- "input"
mcols( LRTresults )[colnames(LRTresults) %in% "genomicData","description"] <- "GRanges object of the coordinates of the exon/feature"
mcols( LRTresults )[colnames(LRTresults) %in% "countData","description"] <- "matrix of integer counts, of each column containing a sample"
mcols( LRTresults )[colnames(LRTresults) %in% "transcripts","description"] <- "list of transcripts overlapping with the exon"
dxr <-
sampleData = sampleAnnotation(object),
dispersionFunction = object@dispersionFunction )
DEXSeq <- function( object,
reducedModel = ~ sample + exon,
BPPARAM=MulticoreParam(workers=1), fitExpToVar="condition", quiet=TRUE ){
stopifnot(is( object, "DEXSeqDataSet") )
# Temporary hack for backward compatibility with "old" DEXSeqDataSet
# objects. Remove once all serialized DEXSeqDataSet objects around have
# been updated.
if (!.hasSlot(object, "rowRanges"))
object <- updateObject(object)
object <- estimateSizeFactors( object )
object <- estimateDispersions( object, formula=fullModel, BPPARAM=BPPARAM, quiet=TRUE)
object <- testForDEU( object, reducedModel=reducedModel, fullModel=fullModel, BPPARAM=BPPARAM )
object <- estimateExonFoldChanges( object, fitExpToVar=fitExpToVar )
res <- DEXSeqResults( object )
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