.featureFragments.sep = ","
## does not need to be exported
setAs(from = "DESeqDataSet",
to = "DGEList",
def = function(from) {
## argument list to DGEList constructor
args = list()
## count matrix
args$counts = counts(from)
## get row metadata
genes = as.data.frame(rowRanges(from))
rownames = NULL
if (nrow(genes) > 1L) {
if (nrow(genes) > nrow(args$counts)) {
## pack GRangesList into csv-style data.frame
sep = getOption("DEFormats.featureFragments.sep", .featureFragments.sep)
genes = genes[, lapply(.SD, function(x) paste(x, collapse = sep)),
.SDcols = -c("group", "group_name"),
by = "group_name"]
rownames = "group_name"
else {
genes = rowData(from)
if (!is.null(genes$rownames))
rownames = "rownames"
## attach non-empty features metadata
if (length(genes) > 0L)
args$genes = data.frame(genes, row.names = rownames)
## get sample description
samples = as.data.frame(colData(from))
colnames = names(samples)
add_arg = function(col, arg=col) {
if (col %in% colnames) {
args[[arg]] <<- samples[[col]]
colnames <<- colnames[colnames!=col]
## group by last variable
v = as.character(attr(terms(design(from)), "variables"))
group = v[length(v)]
add_arg(group, "group")
## any remaining sample metadata
args$samples = samples[colnames]
to = do.call("DGEList", args)
## copy normalization factors if present
if ( !is.null( (nf = normalizationFactors(from)) ) )
to$offset = log(nf)
#' @describeIn as.DGEList Coerce \code{\linkS4class{DESeqDataSet}} objects to
#' \code{\link[edgeR]{DGEList-class}}.
#' @examples
#' require("DESeq2")
#' se = simulateRnaSeqData(output = "RangedSummarizedExperiment")
#' se
#' dds = DESeqDataSet(se, design = ~ condition)
#' dds
#' as.DGEList(dds)
#' @export
as.DGEList.DESeqDataSet = function (x, ...) as(x, "DGEList")
## does not need to be exported
setAs(from = "DGEList",
to = "DESeqDataSet",
def = function(from) {
args = list()
args$countData = from$counts
args$colData = from$samples
args$design = design = formula("~ group", env = .GlobalEnv)
has_mcols = FALSE
if (!is.null((genes = from$genes))) {
## attempt first constructing a GenomicRanges object
genes = tryCatch(
## if this fails try creating a GenomicRangesList from feature fragments
error = function(e)
## use data.table to unpack feature fragments
## https://stackoverflow.com/a/43431847/2792099
gdt = as.data.table(genes, keep.rownames = "ID")
sep = getOption("DEFormats.featureFragments.sep", .featureFragments.sep)
gdt = gdt[, lapply(.SD, function(x)
unlist(strsplit(as.character(x), sep, fixed = TRUE))), by = "ID"]
makeGRangesListFromDataFrame(gdt, split.field = "ID")
## coercion to GRanges or GRangesList failed, attach as DataFrame
error = function(e) {
## add row names column as they are not supported in rowData
rownames = attr(genes, "row.names")
if (identical(rownames, (seq_len(nrow(genes)))))
DataFrame(rownames, genes)
} ) )
if (is(genes, "GenomicRanges_OR_GRangesList"))
args$rowRanges = genes
has_mcols = TRUE
to = do.call("DESeqDataSetFromMatrix", args)
## attach rows metadata which could not be coerced to GenomicRanges or
## GRangesList as adviced in ?DESeqDataSet
if (has_mcols)
mcols(to) = genes
## copy normalization factors if present
if (!is.null( (nf = from$offset) ))
normalizationFactors(to) = exp(nf)
#' @describeIn as.DESeqDataSet Coerce \code{\link[edgeR]{DGEList-class}} objects
#' to \code{\linkS4class{DESeqDataSet}}.
#' @examples
#' require("edgeR")
#' counts = simulateRnaSeqData()
#' group = rep(c("case", "control"), each = 3)
#' dge = DGEList(counts = counts, group = group)
#' dge
#' as.DESeqDataSet(dge)
#' @export
as.DESeqDataSet.DGEList = function (x, ...) as(x, "DESeqDataSet")
#' @inheritParams edgeR::DGEList
#' @param counts read counts, either a numeric matrix or a
#' \linkS4class{RangedSummarizedExperiment} object.
#' @examples
#' se = simulateRnaSeqData(output = "RangedSummarizedExperiment")
#' ## Initialize a DGEList from a RangedSummarizedExperiment object
#' DGEList(se)
#' @rdname DGEList
#' @export
setMethod ("DGEList", signature(counts = "RangedSummarizedExperiment"),
function(counts = new("RangedSummarizedExperiment"),
lib.size = colData(counts)$lib.size,
norm.factors = colData(counts)$norm.factors,
samples = colData(counts),
group = NULL,
genes = as.data.frame(rowRanges(counts)),
remove.zeros = FALSE) {
# remove duplicated columns
if (!is.null(samples)) {
dup = names(samples) %in% c("lib.size", "norm.factors")
samples = if (all(dup)) {
} else {
samples = samples[!dup]
lib.size = lib.size,
norm.factors = norm.factors,
samples = samples,
group = group,
genes = genes,
remove.zeros = remove.zeros)
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