
Defines functions extract_treatment_vector extract_sample_vector most_variable_peaks transform_counts count_dgelist get_raw_counts

Documented in count_dgelist extract_sample_vector extract_treatment_vector get_raw_counts most_variable_peaks transform_counts

# count_matrix.R

# Imports ======================================================================

#' @importFrom BiocParallel MulticoreParam multicoreWorkers
#' @importFrom edgeR DGEList calcNormFactors
#' @importFrom GenomicAlignments summarizeOverlaps
#' @importFrom limma voom removeBatchEffect
#' @importFrom Rsamtools BamFileList
#' @importFrom stats var
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assays

# Functions ====================================================================

#' @title Matrix of raw read counts
#' @description produce a matrix of raw read counts per peak
#' @param peaks Granges object representing consensus peaks
#' @param reads_file_paths list or named character vector giving paths to BAM
#'     files
#' @param cores number of cores to use
#' @return matrix of read counts
get_raw_counts <- function(peaks, reads_file_paths, cores = 1) {
    summarized_experiment <- summarizeOverlaps(
        mode = "IntersectionNotEmpty",
        ignore.strand = TRUE,
        BPPARAM = MulticoreParam(
            workers = min(length(reads_file_paths), multicoreWorkers(), cores)
    raw_counts <- assays(summarized_experiment)[["counts"]]
    rownames(raw_counts) <- names(peaks)

#' @title DGEList of read counts
#' @description generate a DGEList from raw read counts
#' @param raw_counts matrix of raw counts
#' @param group group vector
#' @return DGEList object representing read counts
count_dgelist <- function(raw_counts, group) {
            group = rep(1, times = length(group))

#' @title apply transformations to read counts
#' @description apply voom to input read counts (DGEList) and remove batch
#'     effects
#' @param count_dgelist DGEList representing read counts
#' @param batch factor or vector indicating batches
#' @param covariates matrix or vector of numeric covariates
#' @return numeric matrix representing transformed counts
#' @export
transform_counts <- function(
    batch = NULL,
    covariates = NULL
) {
    count_elist <- voom(count_dgelist)
        batch = batch,
        covariates = covariates,
        design = count_elist[["design"]]

#' @title most variable peaks
#' @description extract the most variable peaks from the count matrix
#' @param count_matrix numeric matrix representing transformed counts
#' @param n max number of peaks to keep
#' @return numeric matrix representing counts for most variable peaks
most_variable_peaks <- function(count_matrix, n = 1e5) {
        rev(order(apply(count_matrix, 1, var)))[seq_len(min(n, nrow(count_matrix)))],

#' @title extract sample vector
#' @description extract sample vector from count matrix
#' @param count_matrix matrix of read counts
#' @return character vector indicating sample
extract_sample_vector <- function(count_matrix) {
        strsplit(colnames(count_matrix), split = ".", fixed = TRUE),
        function(x) x[[1]],
        character(length = 1)

#' @title extract treatment vector
#' @description extract treatment vector from count matrix
#' @param count_matrix matrix of read counts
#' @return character vector indicating treatment
extract_treatment_vector <- function(count_matrix) {
        strsplit(colnames(count_matrix), split = ".", fixed = TRUE),
        function(x) x[[2]],
        character(length = 1)
anthony-aylward/exploreatacseq documentation built on May 10, 2021, 8:45 a.m.