Man pages for anna-pacinkova/intomics_package
Integrative analysis of multi-omics data to infer regulatory networks

acceptance_checkAcceptance rate checking
annotGenes and associated methylation probes
BGe_nodeBGe score for specific node
BGe_scoreBGe score
BN_mod_resIntOMICS MCMC simulation result
BN_module#' BN module
DAGcorescoreBGe score
edge_proposalMarkov Chain conventional single edge proposal move
edge_typesResulting network definition
empB_heatmapHeatmap of empB - B
energy_function_node_specificNode energy function
fan_in_reverseNumber of reverse edge candidates
first_adapt_phase1st adaption phase
gene_annotGene ID conversion table initial network
is.acyclicAcyclic network identification.
layers_defGene ID conversion table
legend_customNode color
lm_methLinear regression GE~METH
MBRMarkov Blanket Resampling
MC3Markov Chain conventional single edge proposal move
MC3_constantBGeMarkov Chain conventional single edge proposal move with BGe...
mcmc.simulation_sampling.phaseSampling phase
neighborhood_sizeNeighborhood size
normaliseArrow of directed edges tuning
omicsOmics data
parent_sets_sum_scores_childrenXMBR sum of children scores
parent_sets_sum_scores_XMBR sum of scores
pf_UB_estPartition function upper bound
PKWnt signalling pathway
range_01Range between 0 and 1
sample.chainRandom initial network edge generation
sampling_phaseSampling phase
scoreparameters_BiDAG_BGeBGe score parameters
second_adapt_phaseSecond adaption phase
source_net_defSource network for MCMC simulation
squared_jumpingSquared jumping of adaptive MCMC algorithm
TFtarg_mattranscription factors and their known targets
trace_plotsTrace plots of MCMC simulation & resulting network definition
transient_phasetransient phase
variance_targetSecond adaption phase variance tuning
anna-pacinkova/intomics_package documentation built on Aug. 13, 2022, 11:38 a.m.