# Everything to do with preparation of Reference and Annotation
fixReferenceDoubleY <- function( reffname ) {
log.info("Fixing Reference ", reffname);
# check if file is there
if (!file.exists(reffname)) {
log.info("Reference Not Found ", reffname);
lines001 = system(paste("grep -rn '>Y' ", reffname, sep=""), intern=TRUE);
# check if fix is required
if (length(lines001) > 1) {
# backup
log.info("Backing Up To ", reffname, ".backup" );
system(paste("cp ", reffname, " ", reffname, ".backup", sep=""));
# fix the reference
index001 = index001 = regexpr(":", lines001)
start1 = substr(lines001[1],1, index001[1]-1);
start2 = substr(lines001[2],1, index001[2]-1);
log.info("Removing Double Y Range ", start1, " - ", as.integer(start2) - 1);
cmd001 = paste("sed -i ", start1, ",", as.integer(start2) - 1, "d ", reffname, sep="");
log.info("Reference Fixed");
} else {
log.info("Reference is OK");
getMatchedText <- function( pattern, string ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
#match = regexpr("\\w*.\\w*", filename);
match = regexpr(pattern, string);
substr(string, match, match + attr(match, "match.length") - 1);
getEnsemblReference <- function( organism, type, version, location, run = FALSE, refresh = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
#owd = getwd()
cmds = c()
if( type == "genome" || type == "dna" ) {
ty = "dna"
} else {
ty = "cdna"
reference_dir = paste(location, "/reference_genomes", sep="");
if( version != "current" ) {
release_ver = getMatchedText("\\d*$", version);
ref_subver =
# pub/release-62/fasta/
ref_subverpath = paste( "release-", release_ver, "/fasta/", sep="")
} else {
ref_subverpath = paste( "current_fasta/", sep="")
ensembl_path = paste("ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/",
ref_subverpath, tolower(organism), "/", ty, sep="");
# create dir for all references
if( !file.exists(reference_dir) ) {
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "mkdir ", reference_dir, sep="" ) )
dirlist = paste(organism, ".dirlist.txt", sep="");
if( type == "genome" ) {
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "curl -s -l ", ensembl_path, "/ | grep toplevel.fa > ", dirlist, sep="" ) )
} else {
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "curl -s -l ", ensembl_path, "/ | grep all.fa > ", dirlist, sep="" ) )
# run commands:
# list cdna/dna files in the cdna/dna folder for the organism
run_cmds( cmds, run )
cmds = c()
ftpfile = read.table( dirlist, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )[1,1]
version = substr( ftpfile, nchar(organism)+2, regexpr(ty,ftpfile)-2 )
organism_ver = paste(organism, ".", version, sep="")
filename = paste( organism_ver, ".", ty,".chromosome.fa", sep="" )
log.info( "Looking for ", filename, "..." )
# check if the file exists
if( file.exists(paste( reference_dir, "/", organism_ver, "/", filename, sep="") ) && !refresh ) {
# do nothing
log.info( "File ", filename, " exists." )
} else {
# if the file is missing or refresh is
# requested, download the file and unpack it
# download reference
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "curl -O ", ensembl_path, "/", ftpfile, sep="" ) )
fail = run_cmds( cmds, run )
if( fail ) {
log.error( "Failed to execute commands ", cmds);
cmds = c()
# create organism.version dir
reference_folder = paste( reference_dir, "/", organism_ver, sep="" )
if( !file.exists( reference_folder )) {
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "mkdir ", reference_folder, sep="" ) )
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "gunzip ", organism_ver, "\\.*", ty, "*fa.gz", sep="" ) )
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "mv ", organism_ver, "\\.*", ty, "*fa ", reference_folder, "/",
organism_ver, ".", ty, ".chromosome.fa ", sep="" ) );
run_cmds( cmds, run )
cmds = c()
log.info( "Reference saved to ", reference_dir, "/", organism_ver )
# Homo_sapiens have 2 PAR regions in Y and X chromosomes
# that are very similar. Ensembl didn't find anything more
# clever to do other than to remove the PARs from Y chromosome.
# This removal resulted in that "Y" was split into 2 parts,
# which is fine to aligners, but cufflinks doesn't "understand" it.
# The first part is the leading telomere, which has all Ns and
# is not used in alignment. We will cut it off from the reference.
# The second part is the actual Y chromosome, what's left of it.
if (organism == "Homo_sapiens") {
# remove the empty Y region from the reference
fixReferenceDoubleY( paste(reference_folder, "/", filename, sep="") );
return( version )
getEnsemblAnnotation <- function( organism, version, location, run = FALSE, refresh = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
reference_dir = paste(location, "/annotation", sep="");
if( version != "current" ) {
release_ver = getMatchedText("\\d*$", version);
ref_subver =
# pub/release-62/gtf/
ref_subverpath = paste( "release-", release_ver, "/gtf/", sep="")
} else {
ref_subverpath = paste( "current_gtf/", sep="")
ensembl_path = paste("ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/", ref_subverpath, tolower(organism), sep="");
cmds = c();
# create dir for all references
if( !file.exists(reference_dir) ) {
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "mkdir ", reference_dir, sep="" ) )
dirlist = paste(organism, ".dirlist.txt", sep="");
# if version is current, the actual filename will be unknown
# we're finding out the actual filename here
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "curl -s -l ", ensembl_path, "/ | grep gtf.gz > ", dirlist, sep="" ) )
run_cmds( cmds, run )
cmds = c()
# read the file
ftp_filename = read.table( dirlist, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )[1,1]
# update the version
version = substr(ftp_filename, nchar(organism)+2, nchar(ftp_filename)-nchar(".gtf.gz"))
# organism.version
organism_ver = paste(organism, ".", version, sep="")
# strip off the ".gz" thingy
gtf_filename = substr(ftp_filename,1, nchar(ftp_filename)-3);
gtf_fullfilename = paste(reference_dir, "/", organism_ver, "/", gtf_filename, sep="");
log.info( "Looking for ", gtf_filename, " ..." )
if( file.exists(gtf_fullfilename) && file.exists(paste( gtf_fullfilename, ".out", sep="")) && !refresh ) {
# do nothing
log.info( "File ", gtf_filename, " exists." )
} else {
# if the file is missing or refresh is
# requested, download the file and unpack it
# download reference
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "curl -O ", ensembl_path, "/", ftp_filename, sep="" ) )
fail = run_cmds( cmds, run )
if( fail ) {
log.error( "Failed to execute commands ", cmds);
cmds = c()
# create organism.version dir
reference_folder = paste( reference_dir, "/", organism_ver, sep="" )
if( !file.exists(reference_folder) ) {
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "mkdir ", reference_folder, sep="" ) )
if (file.exists(gtf_filename)) {
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "rm ", gtf_filename, sep="" ) )
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "gunzip ", ftp_filename, sep="" ) );
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "mv ", gtf_filename, " ", reference_folder, "/", sep="") );
run_cmds( cmds, run )
cmds = c();
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "perl ", .path.package(package = "ArrayExpressHTS"), "/script/gtf2txt.pl ",
reference_folder, "/", gtf_filename, sep="") );
run_cmds( cmds, run )
log.info( "Annotation saved to ", reference_dir, "/", organism_ver )
return( version )
checkReference <- function( fname ) {
fai = read.table( fname, header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fill = TRUE,
row.names = NULL, blank.lines.skip = TRUE, sep="\t" );
if (length( unique(fai[[1]]) ) != length( fai[[1]] )) {
log.info(fname, " Inconsistency Detected");
} else {
log.info(fname, " OK");
fixReference <- function( fname ) {
# ".fa.fai"
fai = read.table( fname, header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fill = TRUE,
row.names = NULL, blank.lines.skip = TRUE, sep="\t" );
if (length( unique(fai[[1]]) ) != length( fai[[1]] )) {
fnamebackup = paste(fname, ".backup", sep="")
while (file.exists(fnamebackup)) {
fnamebackup = paste(fnamebackup, "~", sep = "");
file.copy(fname, fnamebackup, overwrite = TRUE);
fixedfai = fai[ match( unique(fai[[1]]), fai[[1]] ), ]
write.table(fixedfai, fname, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep="\t" );
log.info(fname, "Fixed");
} else {
log.info(fname, "OK");
check_indexes <- function( run = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
if( !file.exists(.project$reference$file) )
indexReference( .project$organism, .project$reference$type, .project$reference$version,
.project$refdir, .project$aligner$type, run = TRUE )
log.info( "\tindexes OK" )
indexReference <- function( organism, type, version, location, aligner, refresh = FALSE, run = TRUE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
owd = getwd()
cmds = c()
if( type == "genome" || type == "dna" ) {
ty = "dna"
} else {
ty = "cdna"
ref_dir = paste(organism, ".", version, sep="")
gen_dir = "reference_genomes"
filename = paste( ref_dir, ".", ty,".chromosome.fa", sep="" )
if( aligner %in% c("bowtie", "tophat") ) {
index_file = paste( location, "/tophat_indexes/", ref_dir, "/", filename, sep="" )
log.info( "Looking for index files ", index_file, " ..." )
if( file.exists(index_file) && !refresh ) {
log.info( "File ", index_file, " exists." )
} else {
file = paste(location, "/tophat_indexes", sep="")
if( !file.exists(file) )
cmds = c( cmds, paste("mkdir ", file, sep="") )
file = paste(location, "/tophat_indexes/", ref_dir, sep="")
if( !file.exists(file) )
cmds = c( cmds, paste("mkdir ", file, sep="" ) )
run_cmds( cmds, run )
cmds = c()
if( run ) {
file = paste( location, "/tophat_indexes/", ref_dir, sep="" )
setwd( file )
log.info( "Set dir ", file )
cmds = c( cmds, paste("bowtie-build ", location, "/", gen_dir, "/", ref_dir, "/",
ref_dir, ".", ty, ".chromosome.fa ", ref_dir, ".", ty, ".chromosome", sep="") )
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "ln ", location, "/", gen_dir, "/", ref_dir, "/", filename, " .", sep="" ) )
run_cmds( cmds, run )
cmds = c()
if( run ) {
file = location
setwd( file )
log.info( "Set dir ", file )
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "ln -s tophat_indexes bowtie_indexes" ) )
run_cmds( cmds, run )
cmds = c()
log.info( "Indexes saved to ", location )
} else if( aligner == "bwa" ) {
index_file = paste( location, "/bwa_indexes/", ref_dir, "/", filename, sep="" )
log.info( "Looking for index files ", index_file, "..." )
if( file.exists(index_file) && !refresh ) {
log.info( "File ", index_file, " exists." )
} else {
if( run ) {
file = location
setwd( file )
log.info( "Set dir ", file )
file = "bwa_indexes"
if( !file.exists(file) )
cmds = c( cmds, paste("mkdir", file) )
file = paste( location, "/bwa_indexes/", ref_dir, sep="" )
if( !file.exists(file) )
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "mkdir ", file, sep="" ) )
run_cmds( cmds, run )
cmds = c()
if( run ) {
file = paste(location, "/bwa_indexes/", ref_dir, sep="")
setwd( file )
log.info( "Set dir ", file )
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "bwa index -a bwtsw ", location, "/", gen_dir, "/",
ref_dir, "/", ref_dir, ".", ty, ".chromosome.fa", sep="" ) )
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "mv ", location, "/", ref_dir, "/", filename, ".* .", sep="" ) )
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "ln ", location, "/", gen_dir, "/", ref_dir, "/", filename, " .", sep="" ) )
run_cmds( cmds, run )
cmds = c()
log.info( "Indexes saved to ", location )
} else {
log.info( "Aligner not supported" )
setwd( owd )
prepareReference <- function( organism, version = "current", type = c("genome", "transcriptome"),
location = getDefaultReferenceDir(), aligner = c("bwa", "bowtie", "tophat"), refresh = FALSE, run = TRUE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
if(missing(type)) {
log.error("'type' is not defined");
if(missing(aligner)) {
log.error("'aligner' is not defined");
if (!file.exists(location)) {
log.error(location, " Not Found. Please create it.");
location = normalizePath(location);
version = getEnsemblReference( organism = organism, type = type,
version = version, location = location, refresh = refresh, run = run)
indexReference( organism = organism, type = type, version = version,
location = location, aligner = aligner, refresh = refresh, run = run)
return( version )
prepareAnnotation <- function( organism, version = "current",
location = getDefaultReferenceDir(), refresh = FALSE, run = TRUE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
if (!file.exists(location)) {
log.error(location, " Not Found. Please create it.");
location = normalizePath(location);
version = getEnsemblAnnotation( organism = organism, version = version,
location = location, refresh = refresh, run = run )
return( version )
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