#' @rdname create_seurat_object
#' @title Create Seurat object based on sample metadata.
#' @description This function creates Seurat object for each sample
#' in the metadata file. It also allows the user to perform SoupX (ambient
#' RNA removal) and Scrublet (doublet detection) analysis.
#' @param plot_dir Directory for storing QC plots. Used if use_soupx = TRUE.
#' @inheritParams run_qc_pipeline
#' @return List of Seurat objects equal the number of samples in
#' the sample metadata file. If a single sample, returns a Seurat object.
#' @author C.A.Kapourani \email{C.A.Kapourani@@ed.ac.uk}
#' @export
create_seurat_object <- function(data_dir, sample_meta = NULL, sample_meta_filename = NULL,
meta_colnames = c("donor", "condition", "pass_qc"),
plot_dir = NULL, use_scrublet = TRUE,
use_soupx = FALSE, tenx_dir = "premrna_outs",
tenx_counts_dir = "filtered_feature_bc_matrix",
expected_doublet_rate = 0.06,
min.cells = 10, min.features = 200, ...) {
# All parameters passed to ...
dot_params <- rlang::list2(...)
pass_qc = sample <- NULL
# Check if metadata object or filename is given as input
sample_meta <- .get_metadata(sample_meta = sample_meta,
sample_meta_filename = sample_meta_filename)
# Create plot directoy if it doesn't exist
if (!is.null(plot_dir) && use_soupx) {
if (!dir.exists(plot_dir)) { dir.create(plot_dir, recursive = TRUE) }
# Create Seurat object for each sample
seu <- list()
for (i in 1:NROW(sample_meta)) {
s <- sample_meta$sample[i]
print(paste("Sample ", s, "... \n"))
if (is.null(tenx_dir)) {
if (is.null(sample_meta$technology[i])) {
stop("Stopping: 'technology' column is not defined in metadata
and 'tenx_dir' is NULL.")
if (sample_meta$technology[i] == "whole-cell") {
tenx_dir <- "/outs/"
} else if (sample_meta$technology[i] == "single-nuclei") {
tenx_dir <- "/premrna_outs/"
} else {
stop("Stopping: 'technology' should be 'whole-cell' or 'single-nuclei'")
# Load data and create intermediate Seurat object
params <- dot_params[which(names(dot_params) %in% methods::formalArgs(Seurat::Read10X))]
params <- params[which(!(names(params) %in% c("data.dir") ) )]
tmp <- eval(rlang::expr(Seurat::Read10X(
data.dir = paste0(data_dir, sample_meta$path[i], "/", tenx_dir, "/", tenx_counts_dir), !!!params)))
tmp <- Seurat::CreateSeuratObject(counts = tmp, project = s, min.cells = 0, min.features = 0)
if (use_soupx) {
# Run SoupX for ambient RNA correction
params <- dot_params[which(names(dot_params) %in% methods::formalArgs(SoupX::load10X))]
params <- params[which(!(names(params) %in% c("dataDir", "keepDroplets") ) )]
soup <- eval(rlang::expr(SoupX::load10X(
dataDir = paste0(data_dir, sample_meta$path[i], "/", tenx_dir),
keepDroplets = TRUE, !!!params)))
# Estimate contamination
params <- dot_params[which(names(dot_params) %in% methods::formalArgs(SoupX::autoEstCont))]
params <- params[which(!(names(params) %in% c("sc", "forceAccept", "doPlot") ) )]
if (!is.null(plot_dir)) {
png(paste0(plot_dir, "soupX_", s, ".png"), width = 7, height = 5,
res = 150, units = "in")
soup <- eval(rlang::expr(SoupX::autoEstCont(sc = soup, forceAccept = TRUE, doPlot = TRUE, !!!params)))
} else {
soup <- eval(rlang::expr(SoupX::autoEstCont(sc = soup, forceAccept = TRUE, doPlot = FALSE, !!!params)))
# Adjust counts
params <- dot_params[which(names(dot_params) %in% methods::formalArgs(SoupX::autoEstCont))]
params <- params[which(!(names(params) %in% c("sc") ) )]
gex <- eval(rlang::expr(SoupX::adjustCounts(sc = soup, !!!params)))
} else {
# No ambient RNA correction, reduction counts matrix
gex <- eval(rlang::expr(Seurat::GetAssayData(object = tmp, slot = "counts")))
# Create final Seurat object and add metadata information
params <- dot_params[which(names(dot_params) %in% methods::formalArgs(Seurat::CreateSeuratObject))]
params <- params[which(!(names(params) %in% c("counts", "project", "min.cells", "min.features") ) )]
seu[[s]] <- eval(rlang::expr(Seurat::CreateSeuratObject(
counts = gex, project = s, min.cells = min.cells, min.features = min.features, !!!params)))
# Rename cells to distinguish across datasets
seu[[s]] <- Seurat::RenameCells(object = seu[[s]], add.cell.id = s)
# Compute Mitochondrial percentage
# TODO: Hack assuming either human OR mouse, and since for one of them we
# will have all 0s, OR (|) will give us the same information we need.
seu[[s]]$percent.mito <- Seurat::PercentageFeatureSet(seu[[s]], pattern = "^MT-|^mt-")
# Add required sample metadata information
seu[[s]]$sample <- as.factor(s)
seu[[s]]$donor <- as.factor(sample_meta$donor[i])
seu[[s]]$condition <- as.factor(sample_meta$condition[i])
# Add user defined sample metadata information
for (m in meta_colnames) {
seu[[s]][[m]] <- as.factor(sample_meta[[m]][i])
if (use_scrublet) {
# Run scrublet to quantify doublets
params <- dot_params[which(names(dot_params) %in% c("sim_doublet_ratio", "n_neighbors",
"stdev_doublet_rate", "random_state"))]
scr <- eval(rlang::expr(scrub$Scrublet(
counts_matrix = reticulate::r_to_py(Seurat::GetAssayData(object = seu[[s]], slot = "counts"))$T$tocsc(),
expected_doublet_rate = expected_doublet_rate, !!!params)))
params <- dot_params[which(names(dot_params) %in% c(
"synthetic_doublet_umi_subsampling", "use_approx_neighbors", "distance_metric",
"get_doublet_neighbor_parents", "min_counts", "min_cells", "min_gene_variability_pctl",
"log_transform", "mean_center", "normalize_variance", "n_prin_comps"))]
doublet_results <- eval(rlang::expr(reticulate::py_to_r(scr$scrub_doublets(!!!params))))
doublet_score <- doublet_results[[1]]
names(doublet_score) <- colnames(seu[[s]])
doublet_prediction <- doublet_results[[2]]
names(doublet_prediction) <- colnames(seu[[s]])
# Add scrublet output
seu[[s]] <- Seurat::AddMetaData(seu[[s]], metadata = doublet_score, col.name = "doublet_score")
seu[[s]] <- Seurat::AddMetaData(seu[[s]], metadata = doublet_prediction, col.name = "doublet_prediction")
# We have a single sample, so removing from list
if (length(seu) == 1) { seu <- seu[[1]] }
# Return generated Seurat object or list of Seurat objects
#' @name qc_filter_seurat_object
#' @rdname qc_filter_seurat_object
#' @title Filter Seurat object based on QC metrics.
#' @description This function filters a Seurat object (i.e. removes cells)
#' based on QC metric thresholds. For now only based on nFeatures and
#' mitochondrial percentage.
#' @param seu Seurat object or list of Seurat objects(required).
#' @inheritParams run_qc_pipeline
#' @return List of QC filtered Seurat objects. If a single sample, returns
#' a QC filtered Seurat object instead of a list.
#' @author C.A.Kapourani \email{C.A.Kapourani@@ed.ac.uk}
#' @rdname qc_filter_seurat_object
#' @export
qc_filter_seurat_object <- function(seu, nfeat_thresh, mito_thresh){
# Default function for the generic function 'qc_filter_seurat_object'
qc_filter_seurat_object.default <- function(seu, nfeat_thresh,
stop("Object 'seu' should be either list or Seurat object!")
#' @rdname qc_filter_seurat_object
#' @export
qc_filter_seurat_object.list <- function(seu, nfeat_thresh, mito_thresh) {
# Perform actual QC filtering
for (s in names(seu)) {
seu[[s]] <- qc_filter_seurat_object.Seurat(
seu = seu[[s]], nfeat_thresh=nfeat_thresh, mito_thresh=mito_thresh)
#' @rdname qc_filter_seurat_object
#' @export
qc_filter_seurat_object.Seurat <- function(seu, nfeat_thresh, mito_thresh) {
assay <- Seurat::DefaultAssay(object = seu)
# Perform actual QC filtering
cells <- seu@meta.data[paste0("nFeature_", assay)] > nfeat_thresh &
seu@meta.data["percent.mito"] < mito_thresh
cells <- rownames(cells[which(cells == TRUE), , drop = FALSE])
seu <- subset(seu, cells = cells)
#' @name lognormalize_and_pca
#' @rdname lognormalize_and_pca
#' @title Log normalisation and PCA computation
#' @description This function wrapps the default Seurat analysis of 1.
#' data normalisation, 2. identification of HVGs, 3. scaling expression
#' and computing PCA. If a list of Seurat objects is provided
#' this is performed for each element in the list.
#' @param seu Seurat object or list of Seurat objects(required).
#' @param npcs Number of Principal Components (PCs) to compute.
#' If NULL, PCA analysis is skipped.
#' @param n_hvgs Number of highly variable genes (HVGs) to compute. Only HVGs
#' will be used as input to PCA.
#' @param ... Additional named parameters passed to Seurat functions.
#' @return List of processed Seurat objects. If a single sample, returns
#' a processed Seurat object instead of a list.
#' @author C.A.Kapourani \email{C.A.Kapourani@@ed.ac.uk}
#' @rdname lognormalize_and_pca
#' @export
lognormalize_and_pca <- function(seu, npcs = NULL, n_hvgs = 3000, ...){
# Default function for the generic function 'lognormalize_and_pca'
lognormalize_and_pca.default <- function(seu, npcs = NULL, n_hvgs = 3000, ...){
stop("Object 'seu' should be either list or Seurat object!")
#' @rdname lognormalize_and_pca
#' @export
lognormalize_and_pca.list <- function(seu, npcs = NULL, n_hvgs = 3000, ...) {
for (s in names(seu)) {
seu[[s]] <- lognormalize_and_pca.Seurat(seu = seu[[s]], npcs = npcs,
n_hvgs = n_hvgs, ...)
#' @rdname lognormalize_and_pca
#' @export
lognormalize_and_pca.Seurat <- function(seu, npcs = NULL, n_hvgs = 3000, ...) {
# All parameters passed to ...
dot_params <- rlang::list2(...)
params <- dot_params[which(names(dot_params) %in% methods::formalArgs(Seurat:::NormalizeData.Seurat))]
seu <- eval(rlang::expr(Seurat::NormalizeData(seu, !!!params)))
params <- dot_params[which(names(dot_params) %in% methods::formalArgs(Seurat:::FindVariableFeatures.Seurat))]
params <- params[which(!(names(params) %in% c("nfeatures") ) )]
seu <- eval(rlang::expr(Seurat::FindVariableFeatures(object = seu, nfeatures = n_hvgs, !!!params)))
# PCA reduction
if (!is.null(npcs)) {
params <- dot_params[which(names(dot_params) %in% methods::formalArgs(Seurat:::ScaleData.Seurat))]
seu <- eval(rlang::expr(Seurat::ScaleData(object = seu, !!!params)))
params <- dot_params[which(names(dot_params) %in% methods::formalArgs(Seurat:::RunPCA.Seurat))]
params <- params[which(!(names(params) %in% c("npcs") ) )]
seu <- eval(rlang::expr(Seurat::RunPCA(object = seu, npcs = npcs, !!!params)))
#' @name run_umap
#' @rdname run_umap
#' @title Tailored UMAP function
#' @description This function adapts the Seurat RunUMAP function by also
#' checking if 'dims' is larger than dimensions in 'reduction' object.
#' If yes, it uses the maximum columns of 'reduction' object.
#' @param seu Seurat object (required).
#' @param dims Vector denoting which dimensions to use as input
#' features, e.g. dims = 1:30
#' @param reduction Reduction object to run UMAP. E.g. can be 'pca'
#' or 'harmony' for integrated data (required).
#' @param seed Set a random seed, for reproducibility.
#' @param ... Additional named parameters passed to Seurat RunUMAP function.
#' @return Seurat object.
#' @author C.A.Kapourani \email{C.A.Kapourani@@ed.ac.uk}
#' @export
run_umap <- function(seu, dims, reduction, seed = 1, ...) {
# All parameters passed to ...
dot_params <- rlang::list2(...)
# Number of dimensions to perform UMAP
dims <- dims[dims <= NCOL(seu@reductions[[reduction]])]
# Run UMAP
params <- dot_params[which(names(dot_params) %in% methods::formalArgs(Seurat:::RunUMAP.Seurat))]
params <- params[which(!(names(params) %in% c("dims", "reduction", "seed.use") ) )]
seu <- eval(rlang::expr(Seurat::RunUMAP(seu, dims = dims, seed.use = seed,
reduction = reduction, !!!params)))
#' @name find_neighbors
#' @rdname find_neighbors
#' @title Tailored function for finding neighbors in lower dimensional space.
#' @description This function adapts the Seurat FindNeighbors function by also
#' checking if 'dims' is larger than dimensions in 'reduction' object.
#' If yes, it takes maximum columns of 'reduction' object.
#' @param seu Seurat object (required).
#' @param dims Vector denoting which dimensions to use as input
#' features, e.g. dims = 1:30
#' @param reduction Reduction object to run UMAP. E.g. can be 'pca'
#' or 'harmony' for integrated data (required).
#' @param ... Additional named parameters to Seurat FindNeighbors function.
#' @return Seurat object.
#' @author C.A.Kapourani \email{C.A.Kapourani@@ed.ac.uk}
#' @export
find_neighbors <- function(seu, dims, reduction, ...) {
assertthat::assert_that(methods::is(reduction, "character"))
# All parameters passed to ...
dot_params <- rlang::list2(...)
# Number of dimensions to find neighbors
dims <- dims[dims <= NCOL(seu@reductions[[reduction]])]
# Identify neighbors
params <- dot_params[which(names(dot_params) %in% methods::formalArgs(Seurat:::FindNeighbors.Seurat))]
params <- params[which(!(names(params) %in% c("dims", "reduction")) )]
seu <- eval(rlang::expr(Seurat::FindNeighbors(seu, dims = dims, reduction = reduction, !!!params)))
#' @name find_clusters
#' @rdname find_clusters
#' @title Wrapper FindClusters function
#' @description This function just calls the Seurat FindClusters function.
#' Used only for naming consistency in this package.
#' @param seu Seurat object (required).
#' @param resolution Value of the resolution parameter, use a value
#' above (below) 1.0 if you want to obtain a larger (smaller) number of
#' communities.
#' @param random.seed Seed to use for reproducibility purposes.
#' @param ... Additional named parameters to Seurat FindClusters function.
#' @return Seurat object.
#' @author C.A.Kapourani \email{C.A.Kapourani@@ed.ac.uk}
#' @export
find_clusters <- function(seu, resolution, random.seed = 1, ...) {
# All parameters passed to ...
dot_params <- rlang::list2(...)
# Identify neighbors
params <- dot_params[which(names(dot_params) %in% methods::formalArgs(Seurat:::FindClusters.Seurat))]
params <- params[which(!(names(params) %in% c("resolution", "random.seed")) )]
seu <- eval(rlang::expr(Seurat::FindClusters(seu, resolution = resolution,
random.seed = random.seed, !!!params)))
#' @name find_all_markers
#' @rdname find_all_markers
#' @title Wrapper FindAllMarkers function
#' @description This function just calls the Seurat FindAllMarkers function.
#' Used only for naming consistency in this package.
#' @param seu Seurat object (required).
#' @param random.seed Seed to use for reproducibility purposes.
#' @param ... Additional named parameters to Seurat FindAllMarkers function.
#' @return Data frame with marker genes for each cluster and associated
#' statistics.
#' @author C.A.Kapourani \email{C.A.Kapourani@@ed.ac.uk}
#' @export
find_all_markers <- function(seu, random.seed = 1, ...) {
# All parameters passed to ...
dot_params <- rlang::list2(...)
# Identify neighbors
params <- dot_params[which(names(dot_params) %in% methods::formalArgs(Seurat::FindAllMarkers))]
params <- params[which(!(names(params) %in% c("random.seed")) )]
markers <- eval(rlang::expr(Seurat::FindAllMarkers(seu, random.seed = 1, !!!params)))
#' @title Tailored module score calculation
#' @description This function adapts the AddModuleScore Seurat function to
#' compute module scores based on a group of genes of interest.
#' @param features Vector of features (e.g. genes) to compute module score.
#' @param name Name of module score to be stored in metadata slot.
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to Seurat's AddModuleScore.
#' @inheritParams cluster_analysis
#' @return A ggplot2 object.
#' @author C.A.Kapourani \email{C.A.Kapourani@@ed.ac.uk}
#' @export
compute_module_score <- function(seu, features, name, seed = 1, ...) {
# All parameters passed to ...
dot_params <- rlang::list2(...)
params <- dot_params[which(names(dot_params) %in% methods::formalArgs(Seurat::AddModuleScore))]
params <- params[which(!(names(params) %in% c("features", "name", "seed") ) )]
# Required for the really low quality samples so they pass without errors
if (any(names(dot_params) %in% "ctrl")) {
if (NROW(seu) <= dot_params[[which(names(dot_params) %in% "ctrl")]]) {
dot_params[[which(names(dot_params) %in% "ctrl")]] <- 20
features <- list(markers = features[features %in% rownames(seu)])[1]
if (length(features$markers) == 0) {
message("No features to compute module score.")
seu <- eval(rlang::expr(Seurat::AddModuleScore(object = seu, features = features,
name = name, seed = seed, !!!params)))
seu[[name]] <- seu[[paste0(name, "1")]]
seu[[paste0(name, "1")]] <- NULL
#' @title Local implementation of RunHarmony function
#' @description This is a local implementation of RunHarmony function
#' (from `harmony` package) which solves the bug where the 'dims.use'
#' parameter is ignored.
#' @param object Seurat object.
#' @param group.by.vars Which variable(s) to remove (character vector).
#' @param reduction Dimensionality reduction to use.
#' @param dims.use Which PCA dimensions to use for Harmony. By default, use all
#' @param theta Diversity clustering penalty parameter. Specify for each
#' variable in group.by.vars. Default theta=2. theta=0 does not encourage any
#' diversity. Larger values of theta result in more diverse clusters.
#' @param lambda Ridge regression penalty parameter. Specify for each variable
#' in group.by.vars. Default lambda=1. Lambda must be strictly positive.
#' Smaller values result in more aggressive correction.
#' @param sigma Width of soft kmeans clusters. Default sigma=0.1. Sigma scales
#' the distance from a cell to cluster centroids. Larger values of sigma result
#' in cells assigned to more clusters. Smaller values of sigma make soft
#' kmeans cluster approach hard clustering.
#' @param nclust Number of clusters in model. nclust=1 equivalent to simple
#' linear regression.
#' @param tau Protection against overclustering small datasets with large ones.
#' tau is the expected number of cells per cluster.
#' @param block.size What proportion of cells to update during clustering.
#' Between 0 to 1, default 0.05. Larger values may be faster but less accurate
#' @param max.iter.cluster Maximum number of rounds to run clustering at each
#' round of Harmony.
#' @param epsilon.cluster Convergence tolerance for clustering round of Harmony
#' Set to -Inf to never stop early.
#' @param max.iter.harmony Maximum number of rounds to run Harmony. One round
#' of Harmony involves one clustering and one correction step.
#' @param epsilon.harmony Convergence tolerance for Harmony. Set to -Inf to
#' never stop early.
#' @param plot_convergence Whether to print the convergence plot of the
#' clustering objective function. TRUE to plot, FALSE to suppress. This can be
#' useful for debugging.
#' @param verbose Whether to print progress messages. TRUE to print, FALSE to
#' suppress.
#' @param reference_values (Advanced Usage) Defines reference dataset(s). Cells
#' that have batch variables values matching reference_values will not be moved
#' @param reduction.save Keyword to save Harmony reduction. Useful if you want
#' to try Harmony with multiple parameters and save them as e.g.
#' 'harmony_theta0', 'harmony_theta1', 'harmony_theta2'
#' @param assay.use (Seurat V3 only) Which assay to Harmonize with
#' (Default Assay as default).
#' @param project.dim Project dimension reduction loadings. Default TRUE.
#' @param ... other parameters
#' @author C.A.Kapourani \email{C.A.Kapourani@@ed.ac.uk}
#' @export
run_harmony <- function(object, group.by.vars, reduction = 'pca',
dims.use = NULL, theta = NULL, lambda = NULL,
sigma = 0.1, nclust = NULL, tau = 0, block.size = 0.05,
max.iter.harmony = 10, max.iter.cluster = 20,
epsilon.cluster = 1e-5, epsilon.harmony = 1e-4,
plot_convergence = FALSE, verbose = TRUE,
reference_values = NULL, reduction.save = "harmony",
assay.use = NULL, project.dim = TRUE, ...) {
assay.use <- assay.use %||% Seurat::DefaultAssay(object)
if (reduction == "pca") {
embedding <- Seurat::Embeddings(object, reduction = "pca"),
error = function(e) {
if (verbose) { message("Harmony needs PCA. Trying to run PCA now.") }
object <- Seurat::RunPCA(object, assay = assay.use, verbose = verbose),
error = function(e) {
stop("Harmony needs PCA. Tried to run PCA and failed.")
} else {
available.dimreduc <- names(methods::slot(object = object,
name = "reductions"))
if (!(reduction %in% available.dimreduc)) {
stop("Requested dimension reduction is not present in the Seurat object")
embedding <- Seurat::Embeddings(object, reduction = reduction)
if (is.null(dims.use)) { dims.use <- seq_len(ncol(embedding)) }
dims_avail <- seq_len(ncol(embedding))
if (!all(dims.use %in% dims_avail)) {
stop("trying to use more dimensions than computed. Rerun dimension reduction
with more dimensions or run Harmony with fewer dimensions")
if (length(dims.use) == 1) {
stop("only specified one dimension in dims.use")
# Fix Andreas: Subset by dims.use
embedding <- embedding[, dims.use, drop = FALSE]
# Extract grouping variable
metavars_df <- Seurat::FetchData(object, group.by.vars)
harmonyEmbed <- harmony::HarmonyMatrix(embedding, metavars_df, group.by.vars,
FALSE, 0, theta, lambda, sigma, nclust,
tau, block.size, max.iter.harmony,
max.iter.cluster, epsilon.cluster,
epsilon.harmony, plot_convergence,
FALSE, verbose, reference_values
rownames(harmonyEmbed) <- row.names(embedding)
colnames(harmonyEmbed) <- paste0(reduction.save, "_", seq_len(ncol(harmonyEmbed)))
harmonydata <- Seurat::CreateDimReducObject(
embeddings = harmonyEmbed,
stdev = as.numeric(apply(harmonyEmbed, 2, stats::sd)),
assay = assay.use, key = reduction.save)
object[[reduction.save]] <- harmonydata
if (project.dim) {
object <- Seurat::ProjectDim(object, reduction = reduction.save,
overwrite = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
#' Add UMAP embedding in Seurat object
#' Add UMAP embedding in existing Seurat object. This is the case when running
#' the pipeline and then you want to attach the stored UMAP embedding, stored
#' as CSV file, instead of recomputing the UMAP.
#' @param seu Seurat object
#' @param embedding UMAP embedding. If a character, the function will assume a
#' filename is given and will read the corresponding UMAP embedding. Otherwise,
#' it assumes a UMAP embedding matrix is provided as input containing only the
#' embeddings as columns.
#' @export
add_umap_embedding <- function(seu, embedding) {
# If character assume we are given a file name
if (is.character(embedding)) {
embedding <- read.csv(file = embedding) |>
tibble::column_to_rownames(var = "X") |> as.matrix()
} else {
# Ensure the embedding is a matrix
embedding <- embedding |> as.matrix()
if (NROW(embedding) != NCOL(seu)) {
stop("Embedding matrix not equal to number of cells in Seurat object.")
# Create DimReducObject
seu@reductions$umap <- Seurat::CreateDimReducObject(
embeddings = embedding, assay = Seurat::DefaultAssay(object = seu), key = "UMAP_")
#' Install Scrublet Python Package
#' Install Scrublet Python package into a virtualenv or conda env.
#' On Linux and OS X the "virtualenv" method will be used by default
#' ("conda" will be used if virtualenv isn't available). On Windows,
#' the "conda" method is always used.
#' @param envname Name of environment to install packages into
#' @param method Installation method. By default, "auto" automatically finds
#' a method that will work in the local environment. Change the default to
#' force a specific installation method. Note that the "virtualenv" method
#' is not available on Windows.
#' @param conda Path to conda executable (or "auto" to find conda using the PATH
#' and other conventional install locations).
#' @param pip Install from pip, if possible.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to conda_install() or
#' virtualenv_install().
#' @export
install_scrublet <- function(envname = "r-reticulate", method = "auto",
conda = "auto", pip = TRUE, ...) {
# Check: https://github.com/KrishnaswamyLab/phateR/blob/master/R/utils.R
message("Attempting to install Scrublet Python package with reticulate")
envname = envname, method = method,
conda = conda, pip = pip, ...
message("Install complete. Please restart R and try again.")
error = function(e) {
"Cannot locate Scrublet Python package, please install through pip ",
"(e.g. ", reticulate::py_config()$python,
" -m pip install --user scrublet) and then restart R."
# Helper function for checking metadata data.frame or filename and returning
# the object
.get_metadata <- function(sample_meta = NULL, sample_meta_filename = NULL) {
pass_qc <- NULL
# Check if metadata object or filename is given as input
if (!is.null(sample_meta) && !is.null(sample_meta_filename)) {
message("Both 'sample_meta' and 'sample_meta_filename' provided.
Using 'sample_meta'.")
} else if (is.null(sample_meta) && !is.null(sample_meta_filename)) {
sample_meta <- read.csv(file = paste0(sample_meta_filename)) |>
dplyr::filter(pass_qc == TRUE)
if (is.null(sample_meta) && is.null(sample_meta_filename)) {
stop("One of 'sample_meta' or 'sample_meta_filename' should be provided.")
# Check that required colnames exist in metadata file
if (!all(c("sample", "donor", "path", "condition", "pass_qc")
%in% colnames(sample_meta))) {
stop("Required columns 'sample', 'donor', 'path', 'condition', 'pass_qc'
are not present in metadata file. Stopping.")
if (NROW(sample_meta) != length(unique(sample_meta$sample))) {
stop("Stopping 'sample' ids are not unique.")
# Order metadata by sample name
idx <- gtools::mixedorder(sample_meta$sample)
sample_meta <- sample_meta[idx, ]
# Return sample metadata
# Get density of points in 2 dimensions.
# @param x A numeric vector.
# @param y A numeric vector.
# @param n Create a square n by n grid to compute density.
# @return The density within each square.
.get_density <- function(x, y, ...) {
# All parameters passed to ...
dot_params <- rlang::list2(...)
params <- dot_params[which(names(dot_params) %in% methods::formalArgs(MASS::kde2d))]
dens <- eval(rlang::expr(MASS::kde2d(x, y, !!!params)))
ix <- base::findInterval(x, dens$x)
iy <- base::findInterval(y, dens$y)
ii <- cbind(ix, iy)
# General function for converting all columns that are string to Factors, due
# to a bug when merging Seurat objects that they get converted to characters.
.as_factor_metadata <- function(seu) {
for (meta_ids in colnames(seu@meta.data)) {
meta_vals <- seu@meta.data[[meta_ids]]
if (is.character(meta_vals) || is.logical(meta_vals)) {
meta_levels <- gtools::mixedsort(unique(meta_vals))
seu@meta.data[[meta_ids]] <- factor(meta_vals, levels = meta_levels)
# General function for dropping unwanted factors in a (filterred) Seurat dataset.
.drop_factors <- function(seu) {
for (meta_ids in colnames(seu@meta.data)) {
meta_vals <- seu@meta.data[[meta_ids]]
if (is.factor(meta_vals)) {
seu@meta.data[[meta_ids]] <- droplevels(seu@meta.data[[meta_ids]])
# General function for obtaining consistent plotting dimensions
.plot_dims <- function(feat_len) {
if (!is.numeric(feat_len)) {
message("Invalid argument: Setting 'feat_len' for plotting to 2")
feat_len <- 2
} else if (feat_len == 0){
feat_len <- 2
if (feat_len == 1) {
width = 9.5
height = 7
ncols = feat_len
} else if (feat_len <= 3 & feat_len > 1) {
width = 7.5 * feat_len
height = 6
ncols = feat_len
} else {
width = 30
height = 6 * ceiling(feat_len / 4)
ncols = 4
return(list(width = width, height = height, ncols = ncols))
# General function for obtaining consistent spatial plotting dimensions
.spatial_plot_dims <- function(feat_len, sample_len = 1, technology = "VisiumV1") {
if (!is.numeric(feat_len)) {
message("Invalid argument: Setting 'feat_len' for plotting to 2")
feat_len <- 2
} else if (feat_len == 0){
feat_len <- 2
if (sample_len == 1) {
if (feat_len == 1) {
width <- 6
height <- 7
ncols <- 1
} else if (feat_len <= 3 & feat_len > 1) {
width <- 6 * feat_len
height <- 7
ncols <- feat_len
} else {
width <- 24
height <- 7 * ceiling(feat_len / 4)
ncols <- 4
} else {
if (technology == "Visium") {
width <- 6 * sample_len
height <- 7 * feat_len
ncols <- 1
} else if (technology == "SlideSeq") {
width <- 6 * sample_len
height <- 7 * feat_len
ncols <- sample_len
} else {
width <- 6 * sample_len
height <- 7 * feat_len
ncols <- 1
return(list(width = width, height = height, ncols = ncols))
.internal_col_pal <- function() {
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9563711/r-color-palettes-for-many-data-classes
"indianred", # red
"#FDBF6F", # lt orange
"#CAB2D6", # lt purple
"#FB9A99", # lt pink
"darkolivegreen4", # darkgreen
"darkgrey", # darkgrey
"skyblue2", # lightblue
"khaki2", "ivory3",
"#6A3D9A", # purple
"seagreen", "orchid1", "blue1", "deeppink1", "gold1",
"darkturquoise", "darkorange4", "#FF7F00",
"dodgerblue", "yellow3", "mediumorchid1", "firebrick4",
"wheat4", "maroon", "grey30", "red2", "burlywood2", "cyan",
"darkolivegreen2", "yellowgreen"
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