#' @rdname run_qc_pipeline
#' @title QC pipeline
#' @description This function implements all the analysis steps for perfoming
#' QC. These include: 1. reading all sample information from metadata object/file
#' and generating one Seurat object per sample. 2. Performs SoupX (ambient
#' RNA removal) and Scrublet (doublet detection) if user defines the
#' corresponding parameters. 3. Filter Seurat object according to QC
#' criteria 4. Generate correspond QC plots.
#' @param data_dir Parent directory where all sample 10x files are stored.
#' Think of it as project directory.
#' @param sample_meta Sample metadata information in a Data.frame like object.
#' Columns should at least contain 'sample', 'donor', 'condition' and 'pass_qc'.
#' @param sample_meta_filename Filename of sample metadata information, same as 'meta'
#' parameter above. User should provide one of 'meta' or 'meta_filename'.
#' @param nfeat_thresh Filter cells that have less than 'nfeat_thresh' counts
#' expressed.
#' @param mito_thresh Filter cells with more than 'mito_thresh'% counts.
#' @param meta_colnames Sample metadata column names to store in Seurat metadata.
#' @param out_dir Output directory for storing analysis results.
#' @param qc_to_plot Vector of features in metadata to plot.
#' @param use_scrublet Logical, wether to use Scrublet for doublet detection.
#' @param use_soupx Logical, wether to use SoupX for ambient RNA removal.
#' @param tenx_dir Name of 10x base directory, e.g. with outputs after running
#' cellranger. Default 'premrna_outs', i.e. assumes single-nuclei RNA-seq.
#' @param tenx_counts_dir Name of 10x directory where count matrices are stored.
#' Default 'filtered_feature_bc_matrix'
#' @param obj_filename Filename of the stored Seurat object, default 'seu_qc'.
#' @param expected_doublet_rate The expected fraction of transcriptomes that
#' are doublets, typically 0.05 - 0.1
#' @param force_reanalysis Logical, if intermediate file 'seu_preqc.rds' (with
#' created Seurat object) exists and force_reanalysis = FALSE, read object
#' instead of re-running whole analysis with soupX. Added for computing time
#' efficiency purposes and intermediate object will be created only when
#' 'use_soupx = TRUE'.
#' @param min.cells Include features/genes detected in at least this many cells.
#' @param min.features Include cells where at least this many features/genes
#' are detected.
#' @param ... Additional named parameters passed to Seurat, Scrublet or SoupX.
#' @return List of Seurat objects as the length of the number of samples in
#' the sample metadata file. If a single sample, return a Seurat object
#' instead of a list.
#' @author C.A.Kapourani \email{C.A.Kapourani@@ed.ac.uk}
#' @export
run_qc_pipeline <- function(
data_dir, sample_meta, sample_meta_filename = NULL, nfeat_thresh = 500,
mito_thresh = 5, meta_colnames = c("donor", "condition", "pass_qc"),
out_dir = NULL, qc_to_plot = c("nFeature_RNA", "nCount_RNA", "percent.mito"),
use_scrublet = TRUE, use_soupx = FALSE, tenx_dir = "premrna_outs",
tenx_counts_dir = "filtered_feature_bc_matrix", obj_filename = "seu_qc",
expected_doublet_rate = 0.06, force_reanalysis = TRUE, min.cells = 10,
min.features = 100, ...) {
# Store all parameters for reproducibility
opts <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
# f <- rlang::fn_fmls()
# mc <- as.list(match.call())[-1]
# opts <- append(mc, f[!names(f) %in% names(mc)])[names(f)]
# SO CMD passes without NOTES
x = y = dens = plot_dir = seu <- NULL
# Check and return if metadata object or filename is given as input
opts$sample_meta <- .get_metadata(sample_meta = sample_meta,
sample_meta_filename = sample_meta_filename)
# Create plot directory if it doesn't exist
if (!is.null(out_dir)) {
plot_dir <- paste0(out_dir, "/plots/")
if (!dir.exists(plot_dir)) { dir.create(plot_dir, recursive = TRUE) }
if (!file.exists(paste0(out_dir, "/", "seu_preqc.rds")) ||
force_reanalysis == TRUE) {
# Create Seurat object
seu <- create_seurat_object(
data_dir = data_dir, sample_meta = opts$sample_meta, sample_meta_filename = NULL,
meta_colnames = meta_colnames, plot_dir = plot_dir, use_scrublet = use_scrublet,
use_soupx = use_soupx, tenx_dir = tenx_dir, tenx_counts_dir = tenx_counts_dir,
expected_doublet_rate = expected_doublet_rate,
min.cells = min.cells, min.features = min.features, ...)
# Save pre-QC Seurat object and opts if we use SoupX that takes a long time
if (use_soupx) {
saveRDS(object = list(seu = seu, opts = opts),
file = paste0(out_dir, "/", "seu_preqc.rds"))
} else {
obj <- readRDS(file = paste0(out_dir, "/", "seu_preqc.rds"))
seu <- obj$seu
# Keep only samples that are present in current metadata file
if (is.list(seu)) { seu <- seu[opts$sample_meta$sample] }
base::gc(verbose = FALSE)
# In case we have one sample, we make the Seurat object a list
if (!is.list(seu)) {
# Extract sample name
sample <- opts$sample_meta$sample
seu <- list(seu)
names(seu) <- sample
# Instantiate default assay by looking at DefaultAssay of first sample
assay <- Seurat::DefaultAssay(object = seu[[1]])
# Plot QC prior to filtering
if (!is.null(plot_dir) && !is.null(qc_to_plot)) {
plot_dim <- .plot_dims(feat_len = length(qc_to_plot))
pdf(paste0(plot_dir, "vln_preqc.pdf"), width = 10, height = 6,
useDingbats = FALSE)
for (s in names(seu)) {
print(Seurat::VlnPlot(seu[[s]], features = qc_to_plot,
ncol = plot_dim$ncols, pt.size = 0) &
ggplot2::geom_jitter(height = 0, size = 0.1, show.legend = FALSE, alpha = 0.1))
# Get all combinations of QCs to plot
combs <- utils::combn(qc_to_plot, 2)
plot_dim <- .plot_dims(feat_len = NCOL(combs))
# Create scatter plots for feature-to-feature relationships
pdf(paste0(plot_dir, "scatter_preqc.pdf"), width = plot_dim$width,
height = plot_dim$height, useDingbats = FALSE)
for (s in names(seu)) {
gg_list <- scatter_meta_plot(seu = seu[[s]], features = qc_to_plot, pt.size = 1.4)
plot(patchwork::wrap_plots(gg_list, ncol = plot_dim$ncols) +
patchwork::plot_annotation(title = s, theme = ggplot2::theme(
plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5, face = "bold",
size = 20))))
# Pre-QC summary
if (!is.null(plot_dir)) {
preqc_summary <- data.frame(sample = character(), cells = numeric(),
median_nGenes = numeric(),
median_nCounts = numeric(),
median_mito = numeric(),
prop_filt_nGenes = numeric(),
prop_filt_mito = numeric())
for (s in names(seu)) {
tmp <- seu[[s]][[]]
preqc_summary <- rbind(preqc_summary, data.frame(
sample = s, cells = NROW(tmp),
median_nGenes = round(median(tmp[[paste0("nFeature_", assay)]])),
median_nCounts = round(median(tmp[[paste0("nCount_", assay)]])),
median_mito = round(median(tmp$percent.mito), 2),
prop_filt_nGenes = round(
sum(tmp[[paste0("nFeature_", assay)]] <= nfeat_thresh) / NROW(tmp), 2),
prop_filt_mito = round(
sum(tmp$percent.mito >= mito_thresh &
tmp[[paste0("nFeature_", assay)]] > nfeat_thresh) / NROW(tmp), 2)
write.csv(preqc_summary, file = paste0(plot_dir, "preqc_sample_summary.csv"))
# Perform actual QC filtering
seu <- qc_filter_seurat_object(seu = seu, nfeat_thresh = nfeat_thresh,
mito_thresh = mito_thresh)
if (!is.null(plot_dir)) {
# Plot QC after filtering
if (!is.null(plot_dir) && !is.null(qc_to_plot)) {
plot_dim <- .plot_dims(feat_len = length(qc_to_plot))
pdf(paste0(plot_dir, "vln_qc.pdf"), width = 10, height = 6,
useDingbats = FALSE)
for (s in names(seu)) {
print(Seurat::VlnPlot(seu[[s]], features = qc_to_plot,
ncol = plot_dim$ncols, pt.size = 0) &
ggplot2::geom_jitter(height = 0, size = 0.1, show.legend = FALSE, alpha = 0.1))
# Post-QC summary
qc_summary <- data.frame(sample = character(), cells = numeric(),
median_nGenes = numeric(),
median_nCounts = numeric(),
median_mito = numeric())
for (s in names(seu)) {
tmp <- seu[[s]][[]]
qc_summary <- rbind(qc_summary, data.frame(
sample = s, cells = NROW(tmp),
median_nGenes = round(median(tmp[[paste0("nFeature_", assay)]])),
median_nCounts = round(median(tmp[[paste0("nCount_", assay)]])),
median_mito = round(median(tmp$percent.mito), 2)
write.csv(qc_summary, file = paste0(plot_dir, "qc_sample_summary.csv"))
# If we have single sample, remove it from list so we return Seurat object
if (length(seu) == 1) { seu <- seu[[1]] }
# Save Seurat object and opts
if (!is.null(out_dir)) {
if (obj_filename == "") { obj_filename <- "seu_qc.rds" }
saveRDS(object = list(seu = seu, opts = opts),
file = paste0(out_dir,"/",obj_filename,".rds"))
# Return QCed Seurat object
#' @rdname run_harmony_pipeline
#' @title Pipeline for Harmony integration
#' @description This function implements all the analysis steps for perfoming
#' data integration using Harmony. These include: 1. data processing, e.g.
#' normalisation, PCA. 2. Running Harmony 3. Perform UMAP and clustering after
#' data integration. Analysis outputs are stored in corresponding directories.
#' @param seu_obj Seurat object or list of Seurat objects(required).
#' @param out_dir Output directory for storing analysis results.
#' @param batch_id Name of batch to try and remove with data integration
#' (required). Can also be a vector if multiple batch information are present.
#' Should be a column name in Seurat 'meta.data'. Default is "sample".
#' This parameter is called 'group.by.vars' in Harmony.
#' @param npcs Number of principal components, can be a vector e.g. c(50, 70).
#' @param ndims Top Harmony dimensions to perform UMAP and clustering,
#' can be a vector e.g. c(50, 70).
#' @param res Vector with clustering resolutions (e.g. seq(0.1, 0.6, by = 0.1)).
#' @param modules_group Group of modules (named list of lists) storing features
#' (e.g. genes) to compute module score for each identified cluster. This step
#' can be useful for annotating the different clusters by saving dot/feature
#' plots for each group.
#' @param metadata_to_plot Vector with metadata names to plot, they should be
#' present in the meta.data slot of the Seurat object.
#' @param qc_to_plot Vector with QC names to plot, they should be
#' present in the meta.data slot of the Seurat object.
#' @param logfc.threshold Limit testing to genes which show, on average, at
#' least X-fold difference (log-scale) between the two groups of cells.
#' @param min.pct Only test genes that are detected in a minimum fraction of
#' min.pct cells in either of the two populations.
#' @param only.pos Only return positive markers (TRUE by default).
#' @param topn_genes Top cluster marker genes to use for plotting (in heatmap and
#' feature plots), default is 10.
#' @param diff_cluster_pct Retain marker genes per cluster if their
#' `pct.1 - pct.2 > diff_cluster_pct`, i.e. they show cluster
#' specific expression. Set to -Inf, to ignore this additional filtering.
#' @param pval_adj Adjusted p-value threshold to consider marker genes per cluster.
#' @param pcs_to_remove Which PCs should be removed prior to running Harmony.
#' Possibly due to being correlated with technical/batch effects. If NULL,
#' all PCs are used.
#' @param obj_filename Filename of the stored Seurat object, default
#' 'seu_harmony'. Number of PCs will be added to the filename automatically.
#' @param force_reanalysis Logical, if intermediate object 'seu_harmony_<>.rds'
#' exists and force_reanalysis = FALSE, read object instead of re-running
#' Harmony integration. Added for computing time efficiency purposes.
#' @param plot_cluster_markers Logical, wheather to create feature plots with
#' 'topn_genes' cluster markers. Added mostly to reduce number of files
#' (and size) in analysis folders. Default is TRUE.
#' @param max.cutoff Maximum cutoff values for plotting each continuous
#' feature, e.g. gene expression levels. May specify quantile in the form of
#' 'q##' where '##' is the quantile (eg, 'q1', 'q10').
#' @param min.cutoff Maximum cutoff values for plotting each continuous
#' feature, e.g. gene expression levels. May specify quantile in the form of
#' 'q##' where '##' is the quantile (eg, 'q1', 'q10').
#' @param n_hvgs Number of highly variable genes (HVGs) to compute, which will
#' be used as input to PCA.
#' @param max.iter.harmony Maximum number of iterations for Harmony integration.
#' @param seed Set a random seed, for reproducibility.
#' @param label Whether to label the clusters in 'plot_reduction' space.
#' @param label.size Sets size of labels.
#' @param pt.size Adjust point size for plotting.
#' @param fig.res Figure resolution in ppi (see 'png' function).
#' @param cont_col_pal Continuous colour palette to use, default "RdYlBu".
#' @param discrete_col_pal Discrete colour palette to use, default is Hue palette
#' (hue_pal) from 'scales' package.
#' @param cont_alpha (Spatial) Controls opacity of spots. Provide as a vector specifying the
#' min and max range of values (between 0 and 1).
#' @param discrete_alpha (Spatial) Controls opacity of spots. Provide a single alpha value.
#' @param pt.size.factor (Spatial) Scale the size of the spots.
#' @param spatial_col_pal (Spatial) Continuous colour palette to use from viridis package to
#' colour spots on tissue, default "inferno".
#' @param crop (Spatial) Crop the plot in to focus on spots that passed QC plotted. Set to FALSE to
#' show entire background image.
#' @param plot_spatial_markers (Spatial) Logical, whether to create spatial feature plots
#' with expression of individual genes.
#' @param ... Additional named parameters passed to Seurat's or Harmony
#' functions.
#' @return An updated Seurat object. Note that if multiple `npcs` and `ndims`
#' are given, only the last setting will be returned. All analysis results are
#' also stored on disk.
#' @author C.A.Kapourani \email{C.A.Kapourani@@ed.ac.uk}
#' @export
run_harmony_pipeline <- function(
seu_obj, out_dir, batch_id = "sample", npcs = c(50), ndims = c(30),
res = seq(0.1, 0.3, by = 0.1), modules_group = NULL,
metadata_to_plot = c("sample", "condition"), qc_to_plot = NULL,
logfc.threshold = 0.5, min.pct = 0.25, only.pos = TRUE, topn_genes = 10,
diff_cluster_pct = 0.1, pval_adj = 0.05,
pcs_to_remove = NULL, obj_filename = "seu_harmony", force_reanalysis = TRUE,
plot_cluster_markers = TRUE, max.cutoff = "q98", min.cutoff = NA, n_hvgs = 3000,
max.iter.harmony = 50, seed = 1, label = TRUE, label.size = 8,
pt.size = 1.4, fig.res = 200, cont_col_pal = NULL, discrete_col_pal = NULL,
cont_alpha = c(0.1, 0.9), discrete_alpha = 0.9, pt.size.factor = 1.1,
spatial_col_pal = "inferno", crop = FALSE,
plot_spatial_markers = FALSE, ...) {
# Store all parameters for reproducibility
opts <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
# Do not store the Seurat object in opts
opts$seu_obj <- NULL
# So CMD passes without NOTES
seu <- NULL
if (is.null(obj_filename)) { obj_filename <-"seu_harmony"}
if (obj_filename == "") { obj_filename <- "seu_harmony" }
pcs_remove_name <- ""
# Iterate over the number of principal components
for (npc in npcs) {
# Define number of dimensions to use
dims.use <- seq(from = 1, to = npc, by = 1)
if (!is.null(pcs_to_remove)) {
pcs_remove_name <- paste0("_r", paste(pcs_to_remove, collapse = ""))
dims.use <- dims.use[-pcs_to_remove]
obj_name <- paste0("_npcs", npc, pcs_remove_name)
npc_dir <- paste0(out_dir, "/", obj_filename, obj_name, "/")
if (!dir.exists(npc_dir)) {dir.create(npc_dir, recursive = TRUE)}
qc_dir <- paste0(npc_dir, "/qc/")
if (!dir.exists(qc_dir)) {dir.create(qc_dir, recursive = TRUE)}
# Run Harmony integration analysis
if (!file.exists(paste0(out_dir, "/", obj_filename, obj_name, ".rds")) ||
force_reanalysis == TRUE) {
seu <- harmony_analysis(seu = seu_obj, batch_id = batch_id,
npcs = npc, dims.use = dims.use,
plot_dir = qc_dir, n_hvgs = n_hvgs,
max.iter.harmony = max.iter.harmony,
seed = seed, fig.res = fig.res, ...)
opts$npcs <- npc
# Store final object prior to exploring the data
saveRDS(list(seu = seu, opts = opts),
file = paste0(out_dir, "/", obj_filename, obj_name, ".rds"))
} else{
obj <- readRDS(paste0(out_dir, "/", obj_filename, obj_name, ".rds"))
seu <- obj$seu
# Number of principal components
opts$npcs <- npc
base::gc(verbose = FALSE)
# Explore the data
for (ndim in ndims) {
if (ndim > length(dims.use)) {
message("Skipping analysis: ndim larger than harmony dimensions.")
# Create directories
dim_dir <- paste0(npc_dir, "/dim", ndim, "/")
qc_dir <- paste0(dim_dir, "/qc/")
if (!dir.exists(qc_dir)) {dir.create(qc_dir, recursive = TRUE)}
# Run UMAP
seu <- run_umap(seu, dims = 1:ndim, reduction="harmony", seed=seed, ...)
# Store UMAP embedding for reproducibility
file = paste0(dim_dir, "umap_embedding.csv"))
# QC plots
dimred_qc_plots(seu = seu, reductions = c("umap", "pca", "harmony"),
metadata_to_plot = metadata_to_plot,
qc_to_plot = qc_to_plot, plot_dir = qc_dir,
max.cutoff = max.cutoff, min.cutoff = min.cutoff,
legend.position = "right",
cont_col_pal = cont_col_pal,
discrete_col_pal = discrete_col_pal,
dims_plot = c(1,2), pt.size = pt.size,
fig.res = fig.res, ...)
# Compute module scores for modules of interest
module_dir <- paste0(dim_dir, "/modules/")
if (!dir.exists(module_dir)) {dir.create(module_dir, recursive = TRUE)}
seu <- module_score_analysis(seu = seu, modules_group = modules_group,
plot_dir = module_dir, reduction = "umap",
max.cutoff = max.cutoff, min.cutoff = min.cutoff,
legend.position = "right", col_pal = cont_col_pal,
dims_plot = c(1,2), seed = seed,
fig.res = fig.res, alpha = cont_alpha,
pt.size.factor = pt.size.factor,
spatial_col_pal = spatial_col_pal, crop = crop,
plot_spatial_markers = plot_spatial_markers,
spatial_legend_position = "top", ...)
# Different clustering resolutions and DGE
cl_dir <- paste0(dim_dir, "/clusters/")
if (!dir.exists(cl_dir)) {dir.create(cl_dir, recursive = TRUE)}
seu <- cluster_analysis(seu = seu, dims = 1:ndim, res = res,
logfc.threshold = logfc.threshold,
min.pct = min.pct, only.pos = only.pos,
topn_genes = topn_genes,
diff_cluster_pct = diff_cluster_pct,
pval_adj = pval_adj,
plot_dir = cl_dir,
plot_cluster_markers = plot_cluster_markers,
modules_group = modules_group,
cluster_reduction = "harmony",
plot_reduction = "umap", max.cutoff = max.cutoff,
min.cutoff = min.cutoff,
force_reanalysis = force_reanalysis, seed = seed,
label = label, label.size = label.size,
legend.position = "right", pt.size = pt.size,
cont_col_pal = cont_col_pal,
discrete_col_pal = discrete_col_pal,
fig.res = fig.res, cont_alpha = cont_alpha,
discrete_alpha = discrete_alpha,
pt.size.factor = pt.size.factor,
spatial_col_pal = spatial_col_pal, crop = crop,
plot_spatial_markers = plot_spatial_markers,
spatial_legend_position = "top", ...)
#' @rdname run_cluster_pipeline
#' @title Pipeline for clustering analysis
#' @description This function wraps the most common Seurat analysis pipeline
#' for cell type identification. These include: 1. data processing, e.g.
#' normalisation. 2. Running PCA. 3. Perform UMAP and clustering. Analysis
#' outputs are stored in corresponding directories. Note this pipeline
#' requires a single Seurat object/sample.
#' @param seu_obj Seurat object (required).
#' @param ndims Top PCA dimensions to perform UMAP and clustering,
#' can be a vector e.g. c(50, 70).
#' @param pcs_to_remove Which PCs should be removed prior to performing clustering.
#' Possibly due to being correlated with technical/batch effects. If NULL,
#' all PCs are used.
#' @param ... Additional named parameters passed to Seurat functions.
#' @inheritParams run_harmony_pipeline
#' @return An updated Seurat object. Note that if multiple `npcs` and `ndims`
#' are given, only the last setting will be returned. All analysis results are
#' also stored on disk.
#' @author C.A.Kapourani \email{C.A.Kapourani@@ed.ac.uk}
#' @export
run_cluster_pipeline <- function(
seu_obj, out_dir, npcs = c(50), ndims = c(30), res = seq(0.1, 0.3, by = 0.1),
modules_group = NULL, metadata_to_plot = c("sample", "condition"),
qc_to_plot = NULL, logfc.threshold = 0.5, min.pct = 0.25, only.pos = TRUE,
topn_genes = 10, diff_cluster_pct = 0.1, pval_adj = 0.05,
pcs_to_remove = NULL, plot_cluster_markers = TRUE,
max.cutoff = "q98", min.cutoff = NA, n_hvgs = 3000, seed = 1, label = TRUE,
label.size = 8, pt.size = 1.4, fig.res = 200, cont_col_pal = NULL,
discrete_col_pal = NULL, cont_alpha = c(0.1, 0.9), discrete_alpha = 0.9,
pt.size.factor = 1.1, spatial_col_pal = "inferno", crop = FALSE,
plot_spatial_markers = FALSE, ...) {
# Store all parameters for reproducibility
opts <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
# Do not store the Seurat object in opts
opts$seu_obj <- NULL
assertthat::assert_that(methods::is(seu_obj, "Seurat"))
# So CMD passes without NOTES
seu <- NULL
pcs_remove_name <- ""
# Iterate over the number of principal components
for (npc in npcs) {
# Define number of dimensions to use
dims.use <- seq(from = 1, to = npc, by = 1)
if (!is.null(pcs_to_remove)) {
pcs_remove_name <- paste0("_r", paste(pcs_to_remove, collapse = ""))
dims.use <- dims.use[-pcs_to_remove]
obj_name <- paste0("npcs", npc, pcs_remove_name)
npc_dir <- paste0(out_dir, "/", obj_name, "/")
if (!dir.exists(npc_dir)) {dir.create(npc_dir, recursive = TRUE)}
qc_dir <- paste0(npc_dir, "/qc/")
if (!dir.exists(qc_dir)) {dir.create(qc_dir, recursive = TRUE)}
# Process and run PCA
seu <- lognormalize_and_pca(seu = seu_obj, npcs = npc, n_hvgs=n_hvgs, ...)
opts$npcs <- npc
# Plot HVGs and PCs information
png(paste0(qc_dir, "hvgs.png"), width = 10, height = 5,
res = fig.res, units = "in")
plot = Seurat::VariableFeaturePlot(seu),
points = head(Seurat::VariableFeatures(seu), 10), repel = TRUE))
png(paste0(qc_dir, "pca_heatmap.png"), width = 15, height = 15,
res = fig.res, units = "in")
Seurat::DimHeatmap(seu, dims = 1:9, nfeatures = 30, cells = 300,
reduction = "pca", balanced = TRUE)
png(paste0(qc_dir, "pca_elbow.png"), width = 12, height = 8,
res = fig.res, units = "in")
print(Seurat::ElbowPlot(seu, ndims = npc, reduction = "pca"))
# Explore the data
for (ndim in ndims) {
if (ndim > length(dims.use)) {
message("Skipping analysis: ndim larger than pca dimensions.")
# Create directories
dim_dir <- paste0(npc_dir, "/dim", ndim, "/")
qc_dir <- paste0(dim_dir, "/qc/")
if (!dir.exists(qc_dir)) {dir.create(qc_dir, recursive = TRUE)}
# Run UMAP
seu <- run_umap(seu, dims = dims.use[1:ndim], reduction="pca", seed=seed, ...)
# Store UMAP embedding for reproducibility
file = paste0(dim_dir, "umap_embedding.csv"))
# QC plots
dimred_qc_plots(seu = seu, reductions = c("umap", "pca"),
metadata_to_plot = metadata_to_plot,
qc_to_plot = qc_to_plot, plot_dir = qc_dir,
max.cutoff = max.cutoff, min.cutoff = min.cutoff,
cont_col_pal = cont_col_pal, discrete_col_pal = discrete_col_pal,
legend.position = "right",
dims_plot = c(1,2), pt.size = pt.size,
fig.res = fig.res, ...)
# Compute module scores for modules of interest
module_dir <- paste0(dim_dir, "/modules/")
if (!dir.exists(module_dir)) {dir.create(module_dir, recursive = TRUE)}
seu <- module_score_analysis(seu = seu, modules_group = modules_group,
plot_dir = module_dir, reduction = "umap",
max.cutoff = max.cutoff, min.cutoff = min.cutoff,
legend.position = "right",
col_pal = cont_col_pal,
dims_plot = c(1,2), seed = seed,
fig.res = fig.res, alpha = cont_alpha,
pt.size.factor = pt.size.factor,
spatial_col_pal = spatial_col_pal, crop = crop,
plot_spatial_markers = plot_spatial_markers,
spatial_legend_position = "top", ...)
# Different clustering resolutions and DGE
cl_dir <- paste0(dim_dir, "/clusters/")
if (!dir.exists(cl_dir)) {dir.create(cl_dir, recursive = TRUE)}
seu <- cluster_analysis(seu = seu, dims = dims.use[1:ndim], res = res,
logfc.threshold = logfc.threshold,
min.pct = min.pct, only.pos = only.pos,
topn_genes = topn_genes,
diff_cluster_pct = diff_cluster_pct,
pval_adj = pval_adj,
plot_dir = cl_dir,
plot_cluster_markers = plot_cluster_markers,
modules_group = modules_group,
cluster_reduction = "pca",
plot_reduction = "umap", max.cutoff = max.cutoff,
min.cutoff = min.cutoff,
force_reanalysis = TRUE, seed = seed,
label = label, label.size = label.size,
legend.position = "right", pt.size = pt.size,
cont_col_pal = cont_col_pal,
discrete_col_pal = discrete_col_pal,
fig.res = fig.res, cont_alpha = cont_alpha,
discrete_alpha = discrete_alpha,
pt.size.factor = pt.size.factor,
spatial_col_pal = spatial_col_pal, crop = crop,
plot_spatial_markers = plot_spatial_markers,
spatial_legend_position = "top", ...)
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