#' Calculate individualized deviation scores from multi-omic data
#' @param omics_data Object of class \code{'MultiAssayExperiment'} containing
#' omics data from n matched individuals.
#' @param gene_map (optional) Data frame mapping
#' arbitrary biological entities (e.g. miRNAs) to genes. Contains two columns,
#' where the first provides the IDs of the entity and
#' the second provides the IDs of the corresponding target gene.
#' By default, the miRNA-gene interactions of type 'Functional MTI' from
#' miRTarBase are used (see the preloaded \code{'mirtarbase'} data in the
#' package).
#' @param base_ids (optional) Sample names to be used as reference base data.
#' By default, all samples are used.
#' @param supp_ids (optional) Sample names to be used as supplementary
#' individuals to be
#' projected onto the analysis based on the individuals identified in
#' \code{base_ids}. By default, takes the value \code{NULL}, but should not
#' overlap with \code{base_ids} if provided by the user.
#' @param pathway_name Character of either a KEGG pathway identifier or MSigDB
#' pathway names (e.g., see the pathway names in the \code{'geneset'} column of
#' the preloaded \code{msigdb} data in the package), or a vector of gene
#' symbols.
#' @param impute If \code{TRUE}, impute missing values separately in base and
#' supplementary data using MFA as implemented in the \emph{missMDA} package;
#' otherwise simple mean imputation is used (default).
#' @param variance_threshold Minimal variance required across samples to retain
#' a biological entity in the analysis
#' @param full_results If \code{TRUE} (default), include full MFA results in
#' function output; otherwise, provide concise output to save space.
#' @param verbose If \code{TRUE}, provide verbose output.
#' @param ... Optional additional arguments
#' @return
#' An S4 object of class \code{padmaResults}, where individualized pathway
#' deviation scores are stored as the assay data, and the corresponding
#' \{pathway name, full MFA results, number of genes, and names of imputed
#' or filtered genes\} are stored as slots that can be retrieved using
#' the appropriate accessor functions.
#' @export
#' @import MultiAssayExperiment
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @importFrom FactoMineR MFA
#' @importFrom stats var
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @example /inst/examples/padma-package.R
padmaRun <- function(omics_data, gene_map = padma::mirtarbase, base_ids = NULL,
supp_ids = NULL, pathway_name = "c2_cp_BIOCARTA_D4GDI_PATHWAY",
impute = FALSE, variance_threshold = 1e-04, full_results = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE, ...) {
## Preliminaries --------------------------------------------------------
if (!is(omics_data, "MultiAssayExperiment"))
stop("Expecting a MultiAssayExperiment")
## Add MSigDB data that are preloaded in the package as msigdb
MSigDB <- padma::msigdb
## If base ids are not provided, use all samples (even if user provides
## supp_ids)
if (is.null(base_ids)) {
base_ids <- rownames(colData(omics_data))
supp_ids <- NULL
check <- c()
if (length(supp_ids))
check <- which(base_ids %in% supp_ids)
if (length(check))
stop("base_ids and supp_ids should be mutually exclusive.")
## Identify pathway genes
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
if (length(pathway_name) == 1) {
if (length(grep("hsa", pathway_name))) {
if (!requireNamespace("KEGGREST"))
stop("Please load KEGGREST to automatically search for KEGG pathway gene IDs.")
kg <- KEGGREST::keggGet(pathway_name)[[1]]
Pathway_Name <- paste0(pathway_name, ": ", kg$NAME)
pathway_genes <- data.frame(gene = kg$GENE)
if (!nrow(pathway_genes)) {
} else {
pathway_genes <- unique(unlist(lapply(
pathway_genes[, 1]), 1], split = "; "), function(x) x[1])))
## C2 built-in MSigDB pathways
} else if ((length(grep("c2_cp_", pathway_name)))) {
Pathway_Name <- pathway_name
pathway_genes <- unlist(strsplit(
MSigDB[which(MSigDB$geneset == pathway_name),
2], split = ", "))
} else {
stop("No other built-in pathways currently supported.")
## Custom pathways
} else {
## pathway_name consists of a vector of gene names
Pathway_Name <- "Custom"
pathway_genes <- pathway_name
## Subset data -------------------------------------------------------
expanded_pathway_genes <- pathway_genes
if (!is.null(gene_map)) {
gene_map_subset <- gene_map[which(gene_map[, 2] %in% pathway_genes), ,
drop = FALSE]
gene_map_subset[, 1] <- tolower(gene_map_subset[, 1])
entity_subset <- gene_map_subset[, 1]
expanded_pathway_genes <- c(pathway_genes, entity_subset)
base_data <- suppressMessages(omics_data[expanded_pathway_genes, base_ids,
, drop = FALSE])
supp_data <- suppressMessages(omics_data[expanded_pathway_genes, supp_ids,
, drop = FALSE])
## Add gene names to other entities (and duplicate) as needed
if (!is.null(gene_map)) {
for (j in names(base_data)) {
ids <- rownames(experiments(base_data)[[j]])
if (sum(ids %in% gene_map_subset[, 1])) {
ids_tmp <- unique(
gene_map_subset[which(gene_map_subset[, 1] %in%
ids), , drop = FALSE])
exp_tmp <- matrix(
rownames(experiments(base_data)[[j]])), ],
ncol = ncol(experiments(base_data)[[j]]))
colnames(exp_tmp) <- colnames(experiments(base_data)[[j]])
experiments(base_data)[[j]] <- exp_tmp
rownames(experiments(base_data)[[j]]) <- paste0(ids_tmp[, 1],
"_", ids_tmp[, 2])
## Only keep samples that are represented by all assays
base_data <- suppressMessages(intersectColumns(base_data))
## OCt 3, 2022 fix: intersectColumns does not work for empty mae
if(max(unlist(lapply(assays(supp_data), ncol))) > 0) {
supp_data <- suppressMessages(intersectColumns(supp_data))
## Return empty results if no genes
if(max(unlist(lapply(experiments(base_data), nrow))) == 0) {
message("No matching genes found.")
## Filter / impute data for entities as needed ----------------------
nc_base <- ncol(base_data[[1]])
nc_supp <- ncol(supp_data[[1]])
removed_genes <- imputed_genes <- vector("list", length(names(base_data)))
names(removed_genes) <- names(imputed_genes) <- names(base_data)
## If there are only base individuals, remove genes that have 0 var or
## all NAs
if (!nrow(sampleMap(supp_data))) {
for (j in names(base_data)) {
remove_index <- unique(c(which(apply(base_data[[j]], 1, var) <
which(rowSums(is.na(base_data[[j]])) == nc_base)))
if (length(remove_index)) {
removed_genes[[j]] <- unlist(rownames(
experiments(base_data)[[j]] <-
if (verbose) {
cat("The following are removed from", j,
"in base due to small variance or all NAs:\n")
} else {
## If base + supp individuals, remove genes with small variance / NA
## in both. For genes with small var in base alone, impute genes with 0
## variability by reshuffling the minimally variant (> 10e-5) value
for (j in names(base_data)) {
## Remove elements with very small variance or all NA's in both
remove_base <- unique(c(which(apply(base_data[[j]], 1, var,
na.rm = TRUE) <
variance_threshold), which(rowSums(is.na(base_data[[j]])) ==
remove_supp <- unique(c(which(apply(supp_data[[j]], 1, var,
na.rm = TRUE) <
variance_threshold), which(rowSums(is.na(supp_data[[j]])) ==
remove_index <- intersect(remove_base, remove_supp)
if (length(remove_index)) {
removed_genes[[j]] <- unlist(rownames(
experiments(base_data)[[j]] <-
experiments(supp_data)[[j]] <-
if (verbose) {
cat("The following were removed from", j,
"in base and supplementary due to small variance:\n")
## Now identify elements with very small variance or all NA's
## in base alone to impute
impute_index <- unique(c(which(apply(base_data[[j]], 1, var) <
which(rowSums(is.na(base_data[[j]])) == nc_base)))
if (length(impute_index)) {
imputed_genes[[j]] <- unlist(rownames(
if (verbose) {
cat("The following were imputed for", j,
"in base due to small variance or all NAs:\n")
wmv <- suppressWarnings(whichminpositivevar(base_data[[j]]))
if (!is.na(wmv)) {
choose_impute <- unlist(base_data[[j]][wmv, ])
} else {
choose_impute <- c(1, rep(0, nc_base - 1))
for (jj in seq_len(length(impute_index))) {
base_data[[j]][impute_index[jj], ] <- sample(choose_impute)
## Fill in remaining all NA's in supp with 0's
supp0_index <- which(rowSums(is.na(supp_data[[j]])) == nc_supp)
if (length(supp0_index) & nc_supp > 0) {
supp_data[[j]][supp0_index, ] <- 0
## Formatting data: use wideFormat ----------------------------------------
gene_tables_base <- wideFormat(base_data, check.names = FALSE)
colnames(gene_tables_base) <- switch_names(colnames(gene_tables_base))
rownames(gene_tables_base) <- gene_tables_base[, 1]
gene_tables_base <- gene_tables_base[, -1]
## Reorder to group by genes
o <- order(colnames(gene_tables_base))
gene_tables_base <- gene_tables_base[, o]
if (nrow(colData(supp_data))) {
gene_tables_supp <- wideFormat(supp_data, check.names = FALSE)
colnames(gene_tables_supp) <- switch_names(colnames(gene_tables_supp))
rownames(gene_tables_supp) <- gene_tables_supp[, 1]
gene_tables_supp <- gene_tables_supp[, -1]
## Reorder to group by genes
o <- order(colnames(gene_tables_supp))
gene_tables_supp <- gene_tables_supp[, o]
} else {
gene_tables_supp <- gene_tables_base[-seq_len(nrow(gene_tables_base)),
## Remove elements with more missing elements than half the number of base
## individuals in either group
remove_index <- unique(c(which(colSums(is.na(gene_tables_base)) > 0.5 *
if (length(remove_index)) {
gene_tables_supp <- gene_tables_supp[, -remove_index]
gene_tables_base <- gene_tables_base[, -remove_index]
## Data imputation ------------------------------------------------------
## Only use missMDA for data imputation if specified by the user !!!
## Impute missing data for base and supp independently with missMDA
## (use type = 's' to scale data)
lgr_tab <- table(unlist(lapply(strsplit(colnames(gene_tables_base),
split = "_",
fixed = TRUE), function(x) x[1])))
orig <- unique(unlist(lapply(strsplit(colnames(gene_tables_base),
split = "_",
fixed = TRUE), function(x) x[1])))
lgr_tab <- lgr_tab[match(orig, names(lgr_tab))]
lgr <- as.numeric(lgr_tab)
names(lgr) <- names(lgr_tab)
if (sum(is.na(gene_tables_base)) & impute) {
if (!requireNamespace("missMDA"))
stop("Please load missMDA to impute missing data using using inputeMFA.")
gene_tables_base <- missMDA::imputeMFA(gene_tables_base, group = lgr,
ncp = 2, type = rep("s",
if (sum(is.na(gene_tables_supp)) & impute) {
if (!requireNamespace("missMDA"))
stop("Please load missMDA to impute missing data using using inputeMFA.")
gene_tables_supp <- missMDA::imputeMFA(gene_tables_supp, group = lgr,
ncp = 2, type = rep("s",
gene_tables_base_s <- scale(gene_tables_base, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
if (nrow(gene_tables_supp)) {
gene_tables_supp <- as(gene_tables_supp, "data.frame")
gene_tables_supp_s <-
t((t(gene_tables_supp) -
attributes(gene_tables_base_s)$`scaled:center`) /
} else {
gene_tables_supp_s <- gene_tables_supp
## Combine all observations
if (nrow(gene_tables_supp_s)) {
gene_tables <- rbind(gene_tables_base_s, gene_tables_supp_s)
} else {
gene_tables <- gene_tables_base_s
## Run MFA ----------------------------------------------------------------
## c = pre-scaled variables
group <- c(rep("Base", nrow(gene_tables_base_s)),
rep("Supp", nrow(gene_tables_supp_s)))
if (!nrow(gene_tables_supp_s)) {
ind.sup <- NULL
} else {
ind.sup <- (nrow(gene_tables_base) + 1):(nrow(gene_tables_base) +
total_MFA <- MFA(gene_tables, group = as.vector(lgr),
type = as.vector(rep("c",
length(lgr))), ind.sup = ind.sup, ncp = ncol(gene_tables),
graph = FALSE,
name.group = names(lgr))
## Calculate downstream scores---------------------------------------------
## Calculate pathway deregulation score
ps <- pathway_scores(total_MFA, ngenes = length(lgr))
ps_df <- data.frame(primary = names(ps), group = group,
pathway_deviation = ps,
row.names = NULL, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## Calculate the gene-specific pathway deregulation scores
f <- total_MFA$ind$coord
fk <- total_MFA$ind$coord.partiel
gene_names <- unique(unlist(lapply(strsplit(colnames(gene_tables), "_",
fixed = TRUE),
function(x) x[1])))
fk_list <- vector("list", length(gene_names))
names(fk_list) <- gene_names
for (g in gene_names) {
fk_list[[g]] <- fk[grep(paste0(".", g, "$"), rownames(fk)), ]
df_final <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(f), ncol = length(gene_names))
rownames(df_final) <- rownames(f)
colnames(df_final) <- gene_names
for (g in gene_names) {
## Renormalized by distance scores
df_final[, g] <- rowSums((f * (fk_list[[g]] - f)))/sqrt(rowSums(f^2))
gs_df <- df_final
## Omics: % contribution to each axis of the MFA
omics_contrib_MFA <- NULL
omics_groups <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(rownames(
split = "_", fixed = TRUE), function(x) paste0(x[-1], collapse = "_")))
if (!is.na(omics_groups[1])) {
if (length(grep("_", omics_groups))) {
omics_groups[grep("_", omics_groups)] <-
omics_groups)], split = "_", fixed = TRUE), function(x) x[2]))
omics_contrib_MFA <- round(rowsum(total_MFA$quanti.var$contrib,
group = omics_groups), 2)
if (!full_results) {
if (!is.na(omics_groups[1])) {
omics_contrib_MFA_summary <- data.frame(
PC_10 = round(rowSums(omics_contrib_MFA[,
seq_len(min(10, ncol(omics_contrib_MFA)))]) /
min(10, ncol(omics_contrib_MFA)), 2),
PC_all = round(rowSums(
omics_contrib_MFA[, seq_len(ncol(omics_contrib_MFA))]) /
ncol(omics_contrib_MFA), 2))
} else {
omics_contrib_MFA_summary <- data.frame(PC_10 = 1, PC_all = 1)
row.names(omics_contrib_MFA_summary) <- "single-omic"
## Format results ---------------------------------------------------------
pathway_deviation <- SummarizedExperiment(ps_df)
if (full_results) {
## Base individuals: perc contributions to each PC Genes: perc
## contributions to each axis of the MFA Genes: Lg coefficients to show
## pairwise correlations among genes Omics: perc contribution to each
## axis of the MFA Full MFA results and gene tables used
MFA_results <- list(eig = total_MFA$eig,
ind_contrib_MFA = round(total_MFA$ind$contrib,
2), gene_contrib_MFA = round(total_MFA$group$contrib, 2),
gene_Lg_MFA = round(total_MFA$group$Lg,
4), omics_contrib_MFA = omics_contrib_MFA, total_MFA = total_MFA,
gene_tables = gene_tables)
} else {
ctrb <- total_MFA$ind$contrib
ind <- min(10, ncol(ctrb))
grp <- total_MFA$group$contrib
ind2 <- min(10, ncol(grp))
## Base individuals:
## perc contributions to each first 10 PCs and all PCs Genes:
## perc contributions to each first 10 PCs and all PCs Omics:
## perc contribution to each first 10 PCs and all PCs
MFA_results <-
list(eig = total_MFA$eig,
ind_contrib_MFA_summary = data.frame(
PC_10 = round(rowSums(ctrb[, seq_len(ind)])/ind, 2),
PC_all = round(rowSums(
ctrb[, seq_len(ncol(ctrb))])/ncol(ctrb), 2)),
gene_contrib_MFA_summary = data.frame(
PC_10 = round(rowSums(grp[,seq_len(ind2)])/ind2, 2),
PC_all = round(rowSums(grp[, seq_len(ncol(grp))]) /
ncol(grp), 2)),
omics_contrib_MFA_summary = omics_contrib_MFA_summary)
RESULTS <- padmaResults(as(pathway_deviation,
pathway_name = Pathway_Name,
pathway_gene_deviation = DataFrame(gs_df),
ngenes = length(lgr), imputed_genes = imputed_genes,
removed_genes = removed_genes,
MFA_results = MFA_results)
pathway_scores <- function(MFA_results, ngenes) {
return(deviation = sqrt(rowSums(
rbind(MFA_results$ind$coord, MFA_results$ind.sup$coord)^2)))/ngenes
whichminpositivevar <- function(xx, threshold = 1e-04) {
xxx <- apply(xx, 1, var, na.rm = TRUE)
return(which(xxx == min(xxx[xxx > threshold], na.rm = TRUE))[1])
switch_names <- function(name_vector) {
tmp <- unlist(lapply(lapply(strsplit(name_vector, split = "_",
fixed = TRUE),
rev), function(x) paste0(x, collapse = "_")))
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