#' Visualize results from coseq clustering
#' Plot a coseqResults object.
#' @rdname plot
#' @aliases
#' plot
#' plot-methods
#' plot,coseqResults-method
#' @param x An object of class \code{"coseqResults"}
#' @param y_profiles y (\emph{n} x \emph{q}) matrix of observed profiles for \emph{n}
#' observations and \emph{q} variables to be used for graphing results (optional for
#' \code{logLike}, \code{ICL}, \code{probapost_boxplots}, and \code{probapost_barplots},
#' and by default takes value \code{x$tcounts} if \code{NULL})
#' @param K If desired, the specific model to use for plotting (or the specific cluster number(s)
#' to use for plotting in the case of \code{coseqModelPlots}). If \code{NULL},
#' all clusters will be visualized, and the model chosen by ICL will be plotted
#' @param threshold Threshold used for maximum conditional probability; only observations
#' with maximum conditional probability greater than this threshold are visualized
#' @param conds Condition labels, if desired
#' @param average_over_conds If \code{TRUE}, average values of \code{y_profiles} within
#' each condition identified by \code{conds} for the \code{profiles} and \code{boxplots}
#' plots. This argument is redundant to \code{collapse_reps = "sum"}, and \code{collapse_reps}
#' should be used instead.
#' @param collapse_reps If \code{"none"}, display all replicates. If \code{"sum"}, collapse replicates
#' within each condition by summing their profiles If \code{"average"}, collapse replicates within
#' each condition by averaging their profiles. For highly unbalanced experimental designs, using
#' \code{"average"} will likely provide more easily interpretable plots.
#' @param graphs Graphs to be produced, one (or more) of the following:
#' \code{"logLike"} (log-likelihood plotted versus number of clusters),
#' \code{"ICL"} (ICL plotted versus number of clusters),
#' \code{"profiles"} (line plots of profiles in each cluster), \code{"boxplots"}
#' (boxplots of profiles in each cluster), \code{"probapost_boxplots"} (boxplots of
#' maximum conditional probabilities per cluster), \code{"probapost_barplots"}
#' (number of observations with a maximum conditional probability greater than
#' \code{threshold} per cluster), \code{"probapost_histogram"} (histogram of maximum
#' conditional probabilities over all clusters)
#' @param order If \code{TRUE}, order clusters in \code{probapost_boxplot} by median and
#' \code{probapost_barplot} by number of observations with maximum conditional probability
#' greater than \code{threshold}
#' @param profiles_order If \code{NULL} or \code{FALSE}, line plots and boxplots of profiles are
#' plotted sequentially by cluster number (K=1, K=2, ...). If \code{TRUE}, line plots and boxplots of
#' profiles are plotted in an automatically calculated order (according to the Euclidean distance
#' between cluster means) to plot clusters with similar mean profiles next to one another.
#' Otherwise, the user may provide a vector (of length equal to the number of clusters in the
#' given model) providing the desired order of plots.
#' @param n_row Number of rows for plotting layout of line plots and boxplots of profiles.
#' @param n_col Number of columns for plotting layout of line plots and boxplots of profiles.
#' @param ... Additional optional plotting arguments (e.g., xlab, ylab, use_sample_names, facet_labels)
#' @param object An object of class \code{"RangedSummarizedExperiment"} arising from a call to
#' \code{NormMixClus}
#' @param probaPost Matrix or data.frame of dimension (\emph{n} x \emph{K}) containing the
#' conditional probilities of cluster membership for \emph{n} genes in \emph{K} clusters
#' arising from a mixture model
#' @param add_lines If \code{TRUE}, add red lines representing means to boxplots; if \code{FALSE},
#' these will be suppressed.
#' @return Named list of plots of the \code{coseqResults} object.
#' @author Andrea Rau, Cathy Maugis-Rabusseau
#' @example inst/examples/coseq-package.R
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom graphics points
#' @importFrom graphics boxplot
#' @importFrom graphics axis
#' @importFrom graphics barplot
#' @importFrom graphics matplot boxplot
#' @importFrom grDevices heat.colors
#' @importFrom scales alpha
#' @importFrom stats hclust dist na.omit
#' @import ggplot2
setMethod(f="plot", signature(x="coseqResults"),
definition=function(x, y_profiles=NULL, K=NULL, threshold=0.8, conds=NULL,
collapse_reps = "none",
graphs=c("logLike", "ICL",
"profiles", "boxplots", "probapost_boxplots",
"probapost_barplots", "probapost_histogram"),
order=FALSE, profiles_order=NULL, n_row=NULL, n_col=NULL,
add_lines = TRUE, ...) {
# x <- object
graph_objects <- c()
## Parse ellipsis function
arg.user <- list(...)
if(is.null(arg.user$alpha)) arg.user$alpha<-0.3
object <- x
if(is.null(y_profiles)) y_profiles <- profiles(object)
## Check on the length of conds, if provided
if(!is.null(conds)) {
if(length(conds) != ncol(y_profiles))
stop("conds should be a vector of the same length as the number of samples used to create the coseq object.")
if("logLike" %in% graphs | "ICL" %in% graphs) {
if(model(object) != "kmeans") {
globalPlots <- coseqGlobalPlots(object, K=K, threshold=threshold, conds=conds,
order=order, profiles_order=profiles_order, n_row=n_row,
n_col=n_col, ...)
graph_objects <- c(graph_objects, globalPlots)
if(model(object) == "kmeans")
print("Note: Log-likelihood and ICL plots are not available for coseqResults objects using K-means.")
## Model-specific plots
if(sum(graphs %in% c("profiles", "boxplots", "probapost_boxplots", "probapost_barplots",
"probapost_histogram"))) {
if(sum(graphs %in% c("profiles", "boxplots"))) {
if(is.null(y_profiles)) stop("y_profiles needed to plot selected graphs")
if(!nrow(y_profiles)) stop("y_profiles needed to plot selected graphs")
if(is.null(K) ) xx <- assay(object)
if(!is.null(K)) {
if(K == "ICL") xx <- assay(object)
if(K != "ICL") {
if(!length(which(names(coseqFullResults(object)) == paste0("K=",K))))
stop("Selected model was not estimated by coseq")
if(length(K) > 1)
stop("K must be NULL, a single value, or ICL")
xx <- coseqFullResults(object)[[which(names(coseqFullResults(object)) == paste0("K=",K))]]
if(model(object) == "kmeans") {
probacalc <- kmeansProbaPost(clusters=apply(xx, 1, which.max),
xx <- xx * probacalc
if(average_over_conds) {
message("The average_over_conds argument is deprecated, and collapse_reps has been set to 'sum'.
(Note that this was the default behavior of average_over_conds in previous versions.
In applications where the number of replicates per condition is unbalanced, we suggest
using collapse_reps = 'average' instead.)")
collapse_reps <- "sum"
modelPlots <- coseqModelPlots(probaPost=xx, y_profiles=y_profiles, K=NULL, threshold=threshold, conds=conds,
graphs=graphs, order = order, alpha=arg.user$alpha,
profiles_order=profiles_order, n_row = n_row, n_col = n_col, add_lines = add_lines, ...)
graph_objects <- c(graph_objects, modelPlots)
#' @export
#' @rdname plot
coseqGlobalPlots <- function(object, graphs=c("logLike", "ICL"), ...) {
stop("This function only defined for objects resulting from a coseq analysis.")
graph_objects <- c()
## Parse ellipsis function
arg.user <- list(...)
if(is.null(arg.user$alpha)) arg.user$alpha <- 0.3
pl_data <- na.omit(data.frame(Cluster = nbCluster(object),
logLike = likelihood(object),
ICL = ICL(object)))
## Likelihood plot
if("logLike" %in% graphs) {
gg <- ggplot(pl_data, aes_string(x="Cluster", y="logLike")) +
geom_point() + geom_line() +
scale_y_continuous(name = ifelse(is.null(arg.user$ylab), "Log-likelihood", arg.user$ylab))
# print(gg)
graph_objects$logLike <- gg
## ICL plot
if("ICL" %in% graphs) {
gg <- ggplot(pl_data, aes_string(x="Cluster", y="ICL")) +
geom_point() + geom_line()
# print(gg)
graph_objects$ICL <- gg
#' @export
#' @rdname plot
coseqModelPlots <- function(probaPost, y_profiles, K=NULL, threshold=0.8, conds=NULL,
graphs=c("profiles", "boxplots",
order = FALSE, profiles_order=NULL,
n_row=NULL, n_col=NULL, add_lines = TRUE, ...) {
graph_objects <- c()
object <- probaPost
if(nrow(object) != nrow(y_profiles)) stop("Something is wrong: number of rows in object do not match
number of rows in y_profiles")
labels <- apply(object, 1, which.max)
proba <- apply(object, 1, max)
if(length(conds)) {
conds <- as.factor(conds)
conds_vec <- rep(conds, each=nrow(y_profiles))
if(!length(conds)) conds_vec <- rep(NA, nrow(y_profiles)*ncol(y_profiles))
## Parse ellipsis function
arg.user <- list(...)
if(is.null(arg.user$alpha)) arg.user$alpha<-0.3
rn <- rownames(y_profiles)
cn <- colnames(y_profiles)
if(is.null(rn)) rn <- seq_len(nrow(y_profiles))
if(is.null(cn)) cn <- seq_len(ncol(y_profiles))
if(collapse_reps == "none") {
pl_data <- data.frame(ID=rep(rn, times=ncol(y_profiles)),
y_prof=matrix(as.matrix(as.data.frame(y_profiles)), ncol=1),
col_num=rep(seq_len(ncol(y_profiles)), each=nrow(y_profiles)),
col_nam=rep(cn, each=nrow(y_profiles)),
labels=rep(labels, times=ncol(y_profiles)),
proba=rep(proba, times=ncol(y_profiles)))
if(collapse_reps == "sum") {
if(!length(conds)) stop("Conds argument needed when collapse_reps == 'sum'")
y_profiles_c <- t(rowsum(t(as.matrix(as.data.frame(y_profiles))), conds))
conds_vec <- factor(rep(colnames(y_profiles_c), each=nrow(y_profiles_c)),
pl_data <- data.frame(ID=ifelse(rep(length(rownames(y_profiles_c))==0, nrow(y_profiles_c)),
rep(seq_len(nrow(y_profiles_c)), times=ncol(y_profiles_c)),
y_prof=matrix(as.matrix(y_profiles_c), ncol=1),
col_num=rep(seq_len(ncol(y_profiles_c)), each=nrow(y_profiles_c)),
col_nam=rep(colnames(y_profiles_c), each=nrow(y_profiles_c)),
labels=rep(labels, times=ncol(y_profiles_c)),
proba=rep(proba, times=ncol(y_profiles_c)))
if(collapse_reps == "average") {
if(!length(conds)) stop("Conds argument needed when collapse_reps == 'average")
y_profiles_c <- t(rowsum(t(as.matrix(as.data.frame(y_profiles))), conds)/as.numeric(table(conds)))
conds_vec <- factor(rep(colnames(y_profiles_c), each=nrow(y_profiles_c)),
pl_data <- data.frame(ID=ifelse(rep(length(rownames(y_profiles_c))==0, nrow(y_profiles_c)),
rep(seq_len(nrow(y_profiles_c)), times=ncol(y_profiles_c)),
y_prof=matrix(as.matrix(y_profiles_c), ncol=1),
col_num=rep(seq_len(ncol(y_profiles_c)), each=nrow(y_profiles_c)),
col_nam=rep(colnames(y_profiles_c), each=nrow(y_profiles_c)),
labels=rep(labels, times=ncol(y_profiles_c)),
proba=rep(proba, times=ncol(y_profiles_c)))
y_profiles <- as.data.frame(y_profiles)
## Reorder clusters if desired
pl_data$labels <- factor(pl_data$labels)
if(!is.null(profiles_order)) {
if(length(profiles_order) == 1 & is.logical(profiles_order)) {
## If actual normal mixture model
meanmat <- matrix(0, nrow=ncol(object), ncol=ncol(y_profiles))
for (k in seq_len(ncol(probaPost))) {
meanmat[k,]<- apply(probaPost[,k] * y_profiles,2,sum) / sum(probaPost[,k])
ord <- hclust(dist(meanmat))$order
} else if(length(profiles_order) == length(unique(labels))) {
ord <- profiles_order
} else {
ord <- sort(unique(labels))
pl_data$labels <- factor(pl_data$labels, levels=ord)
pl_data_tmp <- pl_data
if("profiles" %in% graphs) {
## For one specific value of K
if(!is.null(K) & length(K) == 1) pl_data_tmp <- pl_data[which(pl_data$labels == K),]
## For a subset of values of K
if(!is.null(K) & length(K) > 1) {
pl_data_tmp <- pl_data[which(pl_data$labels %in% K),]
pl_data_tmp$labels <- droplevels(pl_data_tmp$labels)
## Print all on the same page
g1 <- ggplot(pl_data_tmp[which(pl_data_tmp$proba > threshold),]) +
geom_line(colour=alpha("black", arg.user$alpha),
aes_string(x=ifelse(collapse_reps != "none", "conds", "col_num"), y="y_prof", group="ID")) +
geom_line(data=pl_data_tmp[which(pl_data_tmp$proba < threshold),],
colour=alpha("red", arg.user$alpha),
aes_string(x=ifelse(collapse_reps != "none", "conds", "col_num"), y="y_prof", group="ID")) +
if(collapse_reps == "none") g1 <- g1 +
scale_y_continuous(name=ifelse(is.null(arg.user$ylab), "Expression profiles", arg.user$ylab)) +
scale_x_continuous(name=ifelse(is.null(arg.user$xlab), "Sample number", arg.user$xlab))
if(collapse_reps == "sum") g1 <- g1 +
scale_y_continuous(name=ifelse(is.null(arg.user$ylab), "Summed expression profiles", arg.user$ylab)) +
scale_x_discrete(name=ifelse(is.null(arg.user$xlab), "Conditions", arg.user$xlab))
if(collapse_reps == "average") g1 <- g1 +
scale_y_continuous(name=ifelse(is.null(arg.user$ylab), "Average expression profiles", arg.user$ylab)) +
scale_x_discrete(name=ifelse(is.null(arg.user$xlab), "Conditions", arg.user$xlab))
if(!is.null(K) & length(K) == 1) g1 <- g1 + ggtitle(paste("Cluster", K))
if(is.null(K)) {
if(is.null(arg.user$facet_labels)) g1 <- g1 + facet_wrap(~labels,
nrow=n_row, ncol=n_col)
g1 <- g1 + facet_wrap(~labels, labeller=labeller(labels = arg.user$facet_labels),
nrow=n_row, ncol=n_col)
graph_objects$profiles <- g1
# ## Print on different pages
# if(!is.null(n_row)) {
# g2_list <- lapply(levels(pl_data_tmp$labels), function(.x) {
# pl_data2 <- pl_data_tmp[which(pl_data_tmp$labels == .x),]
# pl_data2$labels <- factor(pl_data2$labels, levels=.x)
# g2 <- ggplot(pl_data2[which(pl_data2$proba > threshold),]) +
# geom_line(colour=alpha("black", arg.user$alpha),
# aes_string(x=ifelse(collapse_reps != "none", "conds", "col_num"), y="y_prof", group="ID")) +
# geom_line(data=pl_data2[which(pl_data2$proba < threshold),],
# colour=alpha("red", arg.user$alpha),
# aes_string(x=ifelse(collapse_reps != "none", "conds", "col_num"), y="y_prof", group="ID")) +
# theme_bw()
# if(is.null(arg.user$facet_labels)) g2 <- g2 + facet_wrap(~labels)
# if(!is.null(arg.user$facet_labels))
# g2 <- g2 + facet_wrap(~labels, labeller=labeller(labels = arg.user$facet_labels))
# if(collapse_reps == "none") g2 <- g2 +
# scale_y_continuous(name=ifelse(is.null(arg.user$ylab), "Expression profiles", arg.user$ylab)) +
# scale_x_continuous(name=ifelse(is.null(arg.user$xlab), "Sample number", arg.user$xlab))
# if(collapse_reps == "sum") g2 <- g2 +
# scale_y_continuous(name=ifelse(is.null(arg.user$ylab), "Summed expression profiles", arg.user$ylab)) +
# scale_x_discrete(name=ifelse(is.null(arg.user$xlab), "Conditions", arg.user$xlab))
# if(collapse_reps == "average") g2 <- g2 +
# scale_y_continuous(name=ifelse(is.null(arg.user$ylab), "Average expression profiles", arg.user$ylab)) +
# scale_x_discrete(name=ifelse(is.null(arg.user$xlab), "Conditions", arg.user$xlab))
# return(g2)
# })
# g2 <- marrangeGrob(g2_list, ncol=n_col, nrow=n_row)
# graph_objects$profiles <- g2
# }
if("boxplots" %in% graphs) {
## Use sample number or column names?
if(!is.null(arg.user$use_sample_names)) {
levels(pl_data_tmp$col_nam) <- levels(pl_data_tmp$col_nam)[match(cn, levels(pl_data_tmp$col_nam))]
pl_data_tmp$col_num <- pl_data_tmp$col_nam
## For one specific value of K
if(!is.null(K) & length(K) == 1) pl_data_tmp <- pl_data[which(pl_data$labels == K),]
## For a subset of values of K
if(!is.null(K) & length(K) > 1) {
pl_data_tmp <- pl_data[which(pl_data$labels %in% K),]
pl_data_tmp$labels <- droplevels(pl_data_tmp$labels)
pl_data_tmp$col_num <- factor(pl_data_tmp$col_num)
pl_data_tmp$conds <- factor(pl_data_tmp$conds)
pl_data$col_num <- factor(pl_data$col_num)
## Print all on the same page
# if(is.null(n_row)) {
g3 <- ggplot(pl_data_tmp,
aes_string(x=ifelse(collapse_reps == "none", "col_num", "conds"), y="y_prof"))
if(!length(conds)) {
g3 <- g3 + geom_boxplot()
if(length(conds)) {
g3 <- g3 + geom_boxplot(aes_string(fill="conds")) +
if(add_lines == TRUE) {
g3 <- g3 + stat_summary(fun=mean, geom="line", aes(group=1), colour="red") +
stat_summary(fun=mean, geom="point", colour="red")
if(!is.null(K) & length(K) > 1) g3 <- g3 + ggtitle(paste("Cluster", K))
if(collapse_reps == "none") g3 <- g3 +
scale_y_continuous(name=ifelse(is.null(arg.user$ylab), "Expression profiles", arg.user$ylab)) +
scale_x_discrete(name=ifelse(is.null(arg.user$xlab), "Sample number", arg.user$xlab))
if(collapse_reps == "sum") g3 <- g3 +
scale_y_continuous(name=ifelse(is.null(arg.user$ylab), "Summed expression profiles", arg.user$ylab)) +
scale_x_discrete(name=ifelse(is.null(arg.user$xlab), "Conditions", arg.user$xlab))
if(collapse_reps == "average") g3 <- g3 +
scale_y_continuous(name=ifelse(is.null(arg.user$ylab), "Average expression profiles", arg.user$ylab)) +
scale_x_discrete(name=ifelse(is.null(arg.user$xlab), "Conditions", arg.user$xlab))
if(is.null(K)) {
if(is.null(arg.user$facet_labels)) g3 <- g3 + facet_wrap(~labels, nrow=n_row, ncol=n_col)
g3 <- g3 + facet_wrap(~labels, labeller=labeller(labels = arg.user$facet_labels),
nrow=n_row, ncol = n_col)
# print(g3)
graph_objects$boxplots <- g3
# ## Print on different pages
# if(!is.null(n_row)) {
# g4_list <- lapply(levels(pl_data_tmp$labels), function(.x) {
# pl_data2 <- pl_data_tmp[which(pl_data_tmp$labels == .x),]
# pl_data2$labels <- factor(pl_data2$labels, levels=.x)
# g4 <- ggplot(pl_data2, aes_string(x=ifelse(collapse_reps == "none", "conds", "col_num"), y="y_prof"))
# if(!length(conds)) {
# g4 <- g4 + geom_boxplot()
# }
# if(length(conds)) {
# g4 <- g4 + geom_boxplot(aes_string(fill="conds")) +
# scale_fill_discrete(name=ifelse(is.null(arg.user$xlab), "Conditions", arg.user$xlab))
# }
# g4 <- g4 + stat_summary(fun=mean, geom="line", aes(group=1), colour="red") +
# stat_summary(fun=mean, geom="point", colour="red")
# if(is.null(arg.user$facet_labels)) g4 <- g4 + facet_wrap(~labels)
# if(!is.null(arg.user$facet_labels))
# g4 <- g4 + facet_wrap(~labels, labeller=labeller(labels = arg.user$facet_labels))
# if(collapse_reps == "none") g4 <- g4 +
# scale_y_continuous(name=ifelse(is.null(arg.user$ylab), "Expression profiles", arg.user$ylab)) +
# scale_x_discrete(name=ifelse(is.null(arg.user$xlab), "Sample number", arg.user$xlab))
# if(collapse_reps == "sum") g4 <- g4 +
# scale_y_continuous(name=ifelse(is.null(arg.user$ylab), "Summed expression profiles", arg.user$ylab)) +
# scale_x_discrete(name=ifelse(is.null(arg.user$xlab), "Conditions", arg.user$xlab))
# if(collapse_reps == "average") g4 <- g4 +
# scale_y_continuous(name=ifelse(is.null(arg.user$ylab), "Average expression profiles", arg.user$ylab)) +
# scale_x_discrete(name=ifelse(is.null(arg.user$xlab), "Conditions", arg.user$xlab))
# return(g4)
# })
# g4 <- marrangeGrob(g4_list, ncol=n_col, nrow=n_row)
# # print(g4)
# graph_objects$boxplots <- g4
# }
if("probapost_boxplots" %in% graphs) {
pl_data <- data.frame(ID=rep(rn, times=ncol(y_profiles)),
y_prof=matrix(as.matrix(as.data.frame(y_profiles)), ncol=1),
col_num=rep(seq_len(ncol(y_profiles)), each=nrow(y_profiles)),
col_nam=rep(cn, each=nrow(y_profiles)),
labels=rep(labels, times=ncol(y_profiles)),
proba=rep(proba, times=ncol(y_profiles)))
pl_data$labels <- factor(pl_data$labels)
## Single value of K or subset of values
if(!is.null(K)) pl_data <- pl_data[which(pl_data$labels %in% K),]
if(is.null(K) & order) {
A <- boxplot(pl_data$proba~pl_data$label, plot=FALSE)
J <- sort.int(A$stat[3,],index.return=TRUE,decreasing=TRUE)$ix
pl_data$labels <- factor(pl_data$labels, levels=J)
gg <- ggplot(pl_data, aes_string(x="labels", y="proba")) +
geom_boxplot() + scale_x_discrete(name="Cluster") +
scale_y_continuous(name="Max conditional probability")
# print(gg)
graph_objects$probapost_boxplots <- gg
if("probapost_barplots" %in% graphs) {
pl_data <- data.frame(ID=rep(rn, times=ncol(y_profiles)),
y_prof=matrix(as.matrix(as.data.frame(y_profiles)), ncol=1),
col_num=rep(seq_len(ncol(y_profiles)), each=nrow(y_profiles)),
col_nam=rep(cn, each=nrow(y_profiles)),
labels=rep(labels, times=ncol(y_profiles)),
proba=rep(proba, times=ncol(y_profiles)))
pl_data$labels <- factor(pl_data$labels)
pl_data2 <- pl_data[which(pl_data$col_num==1),]
pl_data2$goodproba <- factor(ifelse(pl_data2$proba > threshold,
paste(">", threshold), paste("<", threshold)),
levels=c(paste(">", threshold),
paste("<", threshold)))
## Single value of K or subset of values
if(!is.null(K)) pl_data2 <- pl_data2[which(pl_data2$labels %in% K),]
if(order) {
pl_data2$labels <- factor(pl_data2$labels,
pl_data2$goodproba == paste(">", threshold))]),
gg <- ggplot(pl_data2, aes_string(x="labels", fill="goodproba")) +
geom_bar() +
scale_fill_brewer(direction=-1, palette="Accent",
name="Max\nconditional\nprobability") +
scale_x_discrete(name="Cluster") +
scale_y_continuous(name="Number of observations")
# print(gg)
graph_objects$probapost_barplots <- gg
if("probapost_histogram" %in% graphs) {
pl_data <- data.frame(ID=rep(rn, times=ncol(y_profiles)),
y_prof=matrix(as.matrix(as.data.frame(y_profiles)), ncol=1),
col_num=rep(seq_len(ncol(y_profiles)), each=nrow(y_profiles)),
col_nam=rep(cn, each=nrow(y_profiles)),
labels=rep(labels, times=ncol(y_profiles)),
proba=rep(proba, times=ncol(y_profiles)))
pl_data$labels <- factor(pl_data$labels)
pl_data_tmp <- pl_data[which(pl_data$col_num == 1),]
gg <- ggplot(pl_data_tmp, aes_string(x="proba")) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.01) +
scale_x_continuous(name = "Maximum conditional probability") + theme_bw()
# print(gg)
graph_objects$probapost_histogram <- gg
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