# Helper functions to ADImpute
#' @title Argument check
#' @usage CreateArgCheck(missing = NULL, match = NULL, acceptable = NULL,
#' null = NULL)
#' @description \code{CreateArgCheck} creates tests for argument correctness.
#' @param missing named list; logical. Name corresponds to variable name, and
#' corresponding entry to whether it was missing from the function call.
#' @param match named list. Name corresponds to variable name, and corresponding
#' entry to its value.
#' @param acceptable named list. Name corresponds to variable name, and
#' corresponding entry to its acceptable values.
#' @param null named list; logical. Name corresponds to variable name, and
#' corresponding entry to whether it was NULL in the function call.
#' @return argument check object.
CreateArgCheck <- function(missing = NULL, match = NULL, acceptable = NULL,
null = NULL) {
coll <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
# errors for missing arguments
if (!is.null(missing)){
for(varname in names(missing)){
if (missing[[varname]]){
coll$push(paste0("A value for ", varname,
" was not provided", sep = "'"))
# errors for arguments outside of predefined options
if (!is.null(match) & !is.null(acceptable)){
for (varname in names(match)) {
checkmate::assert_subset(x = match[[varname]],
choices = acceptable[[varname]],
.var.name = varname,
add = coll)
# error for NULL arguments
if (!is.null(null)){
for (varname in names(null)) {
if (null[[varname]]){
coll$push(paste(NULL, varname, " must have a non-NULL value",
sep = "'"))
#' @title Argument check to Impute()
#' @usage CheckArguments_Impute(data, method.choice, do, tr.length, labels,
#' cell.clusters, true.zero.thr, drop_thre)
#' @param data matrix; raw counts (genes as rows and samples as columns)
#' @param method.choice character; best performing method in training data for
#' each gene
#' @param do character; choice of methods to be used for imputation. Currently
#' supported methods are \code{'Baseline'}, \code{'DrImpute'},
#' \code{'Network'}, and \code{'Ensemble'}. Defaults to \code{'Ensemble'}.
#' Not case-sensitive. Can include one or more methods. Non-supported methods
#' will be ignored.
#' @param tr.length matrix with at least 2 columns: 'hgnc_symbol' and
#' 'transcript_length'
#' @param labels character; vector specifying the cell type of each column of
#' \code{data}
#' @param cell.clusters integer; number of cell subpopulations
#' @param true.zero.thr if set to NULL (default), no true zero estimation is
#' performed. Set to numeric value between 0 and 1 for estimation. Value
#' corresponds to the threshold used to determine true zeros: if the probability
#' of dropout is lower than \code{true.zero.thr}, the imputed entries are set
#' to zero.
#' @param drop_thre numeric; between 0 and 1 specifying the threshold to
#' determine dropout values
#' @description \code{CheckArguments_Impute} checks whether the arguments passed
#' to \code{Impute} are correct.
#' @return NULL object
CheckArguments_Impute <- function(data, method.choice, do, tr.length, labels,
cell.clusters, true.zero.thr, drop_thre) {
if (is.null(tr.length))
tr.length <- ADImpute::transcript_length
if (is.null(method.choice) & ("ensemble" %in% tolower(do)))
stop(paste0("Please provide method.choice for Ensemble imputation. ",
"Consider running EvaluateMethods()\n"))
if (is.null(labels) & is.null(cell.clusters))
stop(paste0("Please provide cell type labels ('labels') or number of",
" cell clusters ('cell.clusters')\n"))
if (is.null(do))
stop("Please provide appropriate imputation methods\n")
l <- tolower(do) %in% c("baseline", "drimpute", "ensemble", "network",
"saver", "scimpute", "scrabble")
if (any(!l))
warning(paste0("The following methods were detected as input but are",
" not supported and will be ignored: ", paste(NULL, paste(do[!l],
collapse = "', '"), NULL, sep = "'")))
if ("scimpute" %in% tolower(do))
warning(paste0("You are trying to run scImpute, which is not supported",
" by default. Make sure you have installed scImpute from GitHub ",
"and added the call to ImputescImpute() to the ADImpute code. ",
"To add this call, move the code at Impute_extra.R#145 to ",
"Wrap.R#270 and uncomment it.\n"))
if ("scrabble" %in% tolower(do))
warning(paste0("You are trying to run SCRABBLE, which is not supported",
" by default. Make sure you have installed SCRABBLE from GitHub ",
"and added the call to ImputeSCRABBLE() to the ADImpute code. ",
"To add this call, move the code at Impute_extra.R#157 to ",
"Wrap.R#270 and uncomment it.\n"))
if (sum(l) == 0)
stop("Please provide at least one supported method\n")
if (!is.null(true.zero.thr)) {
if ((true.zero.thr < 0) | (true.zero.thr > 1))
stop("true.zero.thr must be a numeric between 0 and 1")
if (!is.null(drop_thre)) {
if ((drop_thre < 0) | (drop_thre > 1))
stop("drop_thre must be a numeric between 0 and 1")
#' @title Data check (matrix)
#' @usage DataCheck_Matrix(data)
#' @description \code{DataCheck_Matrix} tests for potential format and storage
#' issues with matrices. Helper function to ADImpute.
#' @param data data object to check
#' @return data object with needed adjustments
DataCheck_Matrix <- function(data) {
# wrongly passed a SingleCellExperiment object
if(class(data)[1] == "SingleCellExperiment"){
stop(paste("SingleCellExperiment object passed as matrix. Please use",
"argument 'sce' instead of 'data'.\n"))
# check format
if (!is.matrix(data)) {
message("Converting input to matrix.\n")
data <- as.matrix(data)
# check if entries are numeric
if (!is.numeric(data)) {
stop("Input must be numeric.\n")
# check dimnames
if (any(is.null(dimnames(data)))) {
stop("Input has NULL dimnames.\n")
# look for NAs
if (any(is.na(data))) {
message("Converting NAs to zero.\n")
if (all(is.na(data))) {
stop("Input has only NAs.\n")
data[is.na(data)] <- 0
#' @title Data check (network)
#' @usage DataCheck_Network(network)
#' @description \code{DataCheck_Network} tests for potential format and storage
#' issues with the network coefficient matrix. Helper function to ADImpute.
#' @param network data object containing matrix coefficients
#' @return network data object with needed adjustments
DataCheck_Network <- function(network) {
# 1st column is O
if (colnames(network)[1] != "O")
stop("First column of network matrix must be the intercept (O).\n")
# is a matrix
if (!methods::is(network, "sparseMatrix")) {
message("Converting network to dgCMatrix.\n")
network <- methods::as(network, "dgCMatrix")
# contents are not all 0
if (!(any(network != 0)))
stop("No non-zero coefficients in network matrix.\n")
#' @title Data check (SingleCellExperiment)
#' @usage DataCheck_SingleCellExperiment(sce, normalized = TRUE)
#' @description \code{DataCheck_SingleCellExperiment} tests for existence of the
#' appropriate assays in \code{sce}. Helper function to ADImpute.
#' @param sce SingleCellExperiment; data for normalization or imputation
#' @param normalized logical; is the data expected to be normalized?
#' @return NULL object.
DataCheck_SingleCellExperiment <- function(sce, normalized = TRUE){
if(normalized & (!("normcounts" %in%
stop(paste("Normalized counts not found in 'normcounts' assay of",
"SingleCellExperiment object.\n"))
} else if((!normalized) & (!("counts" %in%
stop(paste("Raw counts not found in 'counts' assay of",
"SingleCellExperiment object.\n"))
#' @title Data check (transcript length)
#' @usage DataCheck_TrLength(trlength)
#' @description \code{DataCheck_TrLength} tests for potential format and
#' storage issues with the object encoding transcript length, for e.g. TPM
#' normalization. Helper function to ADImpute.
#' @param trlength data object containing transcript length information
#' @return transcript length object with needed adjustments
DataCheck_TrLength <- function(trlength) {
# coerce to data.frame
if (!is.data.frame(trlength)) {
message("Converting input to data.frame.\n")
trlength <- as.data.frame(trlength)
if (nrow(trlength) < 1)
stop("Not enough rows in transcript length data.\n")
# check if required colnames are present
if (!all(c("hgnc_symbol", "transcript_length") %in% colnames(trlength)))
stop(paste("Transcript length data must contain the following",
"colnames: hgnc_symbol, transcript_length\n"))
# check if columns have the right format
if (!(is.factor(trlength$hgnc_symbol) | is.character(trlength$hgnc_symbol)))
stop("hgnc_symbol column must be character/factor.\n")
storage.mode(trlength$transcript_length) <- "numeric"
# remove lines with '' hgnc_symbol
hgnc_symbol <- NULL # get rid of check note
trlength <- subset(trlength, subset = hgnc_symbol != "")
if (nrow(trlength) < 1)
stop("Not enough non-empty gene symbols in transcript length data.\n")
#' @title Wrapper for return of EvaluateMethods()
#' @usage ReturnChoice(sce, choice)
#' @description \code{ReturnChoice} Adjusts the output of \code{EvaluateMethods}
#' to a character vector or a SingleCellExperiment object. Helper function to
#' ADImpute.
#' @param sce SingleCellExperiment; a SingleCellExperiment object if available;
#' NULL otherwise
#' @param choice character; best performing method in the training set for each
#' gene
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item if \code{sce} is provided: returns a SingleCellExperiment with the
#' best performing method per gene stored as row-features. Access via
#' \code{SingleCellExperiment::int_elementMetadata(sce)$ADImpute$methods}.
#' \item if \code{sce} is not provided: returns a character with the best
#' performing method in the training set for each gene
#' }
ReturnChoice <- function(sce, choice){
message("Returning method choice vector.\n")
} else{
message("Returning SingleCellExperiment object.\n")
v <- rep(NA, nrow(sce))
names(v) <- rownames(sce)
v[names(choice)] <- choice
SingleCellExperiment::int_elementMetadata(sce)$ADImpute <-
S4Vectors::DataFrame(method = v)
#' @title Wrapper for return of Impute()
#' @usage ReturnOut(result, sce)
#' @description \code{ReturnOut} Adjusts the output of \code{Impute} to a list
#' of matrices or a SingleCellExperiment object. Helper function to ADImpute.
#' @param result list; imputation result
#' @param sce SingleCellExperiment; a SingleCellExperiment object if available;
#' NULL otherwise
#' @return imputation results. A SingleCellExperiment if \code{!is.null(sce)},
#' or a list with imputed results in matrix format otherwise.
ReturnOut <- function(result, sce){
message("Returning matrix lists.\n")
} else{
message("Returning SingleCellExperiment object.\n")
if(length(result) == 0){
SummarizedExperiment::assays(sce) <-
c(SummarizedExperiment::assays(sce), result)
} else{
SummarizedExperiment::assays(sce) <-
c(SummarizedExperiment::assays(sce), result$zerofiltered)
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