
## should replace this with a method!
.getMetadata <- function(object, varname) {
    varMetadata(object@snpAnnot)[varname, "labelDescription"]

.setFilter <- function(genoData, filter.cols) {
    filt.df <- data.frame(getSnpVariable(genoData, filter.cols))
    names(filt.df) <- filter.cols
    filter <- rep("", nsnp(genoData))
    meta <- character()
    for (c in filter.cols) {
        filter[filt.df[[c]]] <- paste(filter[filt.df[[c]]], c, sep=";")
        meta[c] <- paste0('##FILTER=<ID=', c,
                          ',Description="', .getMetadata(genoData, c), '">')
    filter <- sub("^;", "", filter)
    filter[filter == ""] <- "PASS"
    list(filter=filter, meta=meta)

.setInfo <- function(genoData, info.cols) {
    info.df <- data.frame(getSnpVariable(genoData, info.cols))
    names(info.df) <- info.cols
    info <- rep("", nsnp(genoData))
    meta <- character()
    for (c in info.cols) {
        if (is.logical(info.df[[c]])) {
            info[info.df[[c]]] <- paste(info[info.df[[c]]], c, sep=";")
        } else {
            info <- paste(info, paste0(c, "=", info.df[[c]]), sep=";")
        type.map <- c(integer="Integer", numeric="Float", character="String",
                      factor="String", logical="Flag")
        meta[c] <- paste0('##INFO=<ID=', c,
                          ',Number=', ifelse(is.logical(info.df[[c]]), 0, 1),
                          ',Type=', type.map[class(info.df[[c]])],
                          ',Description="', .getMetadata(genoData, c), '">')
    info <- sub("^;", "", info)
    info[info == ""] <- "."
    list(info=info, meta=meta)

vcfWrite <- function(genoData, vcf.file="out.vcf", sample.col="scanID",
                     id.col="snpID", qual.col=NULL, filter.cols=NULL,
                     info.cols=NULL, scan.exclude=NULL, snp.exclude=NULL,
                     ref.allele=NULL, block.size=1000, verbose=TRUE) {
    ## fixed fields
    chrom <- getChromosome(genoData, char=TRUE)
    pos <- getPosition(genoData)
    id <- getSnpVariable(genoData, id.col)
    ## check for missing values in id
    id <- as.character(id)
    id[is.na(id) | id == ""] <- "."
    if (!is.null(ref.allele)) {
        stopifnot(length(ref.allele) == nsnp(genoData))
        stopifnot(all(ref.allele %in% c("A", "B")))
        a <- getAlleleA(genoData)
        b <- getAlleleB(genoData)
        ref <- ifelse(ref.allele == "A", a, b)
        alt <- ifelse(ref.allele == "A", b, a)
    } else {
        ref <- getAlleleA(genoData)
        alt <- getAlleleB(genoData)
    if (is.null(qual.col)) {
        qual <- rep(".", nsnp(genoData))
    } else {
        qual <- getSnpVariable(genoData, qual.col)
    if (is.null(filter.cols)) {
        filter <- rep(".", nsnp(genoData))
        filt.meta <- character()
    } else {
        filt.list <- .setFilter(genoData, filter.cols)
        filter <- filt.list[["filter"]]
        filt.meta <- filt.list[["meta"]]
    if (is.null(info.cols)) {
        info <- rep(".", nsnp(genoData))
        info.meta <- character()
    } else {
        info.list <- .setInfo(genoData, info.cols)
        info <- info.list[["info"]]
        info.meta <- info.list[["meta"]]
    format <- rep("GT", nsnp(genoData))
    fixed <- cbind(chrom, pos=as.character(pos), id=id,
                   ref, alt, qual=as.character(qual), filter,
                   info, format)
    ## subset with snp.exclude
    if (!is.null(snp.exclude)) {
        snp.index <- !(getSnpID(genoData) %in% snp.exclude)
    } else {
        snp.index <- rep(TRUE, nsnp(genoData))

    ## open output file
    con <- file(vcf.file, "w")

    ## write metadata
    meta <- c('##fileformat=VCFv4.1',
              paste0('##fileDate=', Sys.Date()),
    writeLines(meta, con)

    ## get samples
    samples <- getScanVariable(genoData, sample.col)
    scanID <- getScanID(genoData)
    if (is.null(scan.order)) {
        scan.order <- scanID
    } else {
        stopifnot(all(scan.order %in% scanID))
    ## subset with scan.exclude
    if (!is.null(scan.exclude)) {
        scan.order <- setdiff(scan.order, scan.exclude)
    ## put samples in new order if requested
    scan.index <- match(scan.order, scanID)

    ## write header
    hdr <- paste(c("#CHROM","POS","ID","REF","ALT","QUAL","FILTER","INFO","FORMAT",
                   samples[scan.index]), collapse="\t")
    writeLines(hdr, con)

    ## write genotypes in blocks
    nblocks <- ceiling(nsnp(genoData) / block.size)
    for (i in 1:nblocks) {
        start <- (i-1)*block.size + 1
        end <- min(i*(block.size), nsnp(genoData))
        count <- end - start + 1
        n <- sum(snp.index[start:end])
        if (verbose) message("Block ", i, " of ", nblocks, "... ", n, " SNPs")

        if (n > 0) {
            geno <- getGenotype(genoData, snp=c(start,count), scan=c(1,-1))
            ## switch allele coding if ref.allele is B
            geno[ref.allele[start:end] == "B",] <- 2 - geno[ref.allele[start:end] == "B",]
            geno <- geno[snp.index[start:end], scan.index, drop=FALSE]
            geno[is.na(geno)] <- "./."
            geno[geno == 2] <- "0/0"
            geno[geno == 1] <- "0/1"
            geno[geno == 0] <- "1/1"

            out <- cbind(fixed[(start:end)[snp.index[start:end]],,drop=FALSE], geno)
            write.table(out, con, sep="\t", col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE,

    ## close output file

vcfCheck <- function(genoData, vcf.file, sample.col="scanID", id.col="snpID",
                     block.size=1000, verbose=TRUE) {

    stopifnot(hasScanVariable(genoData, sample.col))
    samp.id <- getScanVariable(genoData, sample.col)
    stopifnot(hasSnpVariable(genoData, id.col))
    snp.id <- getSnpVariable(genoData, id.col)
    alleleA <- getAlleleA(genoData)

    ## check

    ## open VCF
    vcf <- file(vcf.file, "r")

    ## read until we get the header
    while (length(s <- readLines(vcf, n=1)) > 0) {
        if (substr(s, 1, 6) == "#CHROM") {
            header <- scan(text=s, what=character(), quiet=TRUE)
    ncol <- length(header)
    samples <- header[10:ncol]

    check.total <- 0
    while (length(x <- scan(vcf, what=character(), nlines=block.size, quiet=TRUE)) > 0) {
        geno.vcf <- matrix(x, ncol=ncol, byrow=TRUE)
        id <- geno.vcf[,3]
        ref.vcf <- geno.vcf[,4]
        geno.vcf <- geno.vcf[,10:ncol]

        ## take the first 3 characters - GT field for diploid genotypes
        geno.vcf <- substr(geno.vcf, 1, 3)
        geno.vcf <- sub("|", "/", geno.vcf, fixed=TRUE)
        geno.vcf[geno.vcf == "0/0"] <- 2
        geno.vcf[geno.vcf == "0/1"] <- 1
        geno.vcf[geno.vcf == "1/0"] <- 1
        geno.vcf[geno.vcf == "1/1"] <- 0
        geno.vcf[geno.vcf == "./."] <- NA
        mode(geno.vcf) <- "integer"
        dimnames(geno.vcf) <- list(id, samples)

        ## ## subset on SNPs present in genoData
        ## ref.vcf <- ref.vcf[id %in% snp.id]
        ## id <- id[id %in% snp.id]
        ## samples <- samples[samples %in% samp.id]
        ## geno.vcf <- geno.vcf[id, samples]

        count <- nrow(geno.vcf)
        start.orig <- which(snp.id == id[1])
        end.orig <- which(snp.id == id[count])
        count.orig <- end.orig - start.orig + 1
        geno.orig <- getGenotype(genoData, scan=c(1,-1), snp=c(start.orig,count.orig))
        dimnames(geno.orig) <- list(snp.id[start.orig:end.orig], samp.id)
        geno.orig <- geno.orig[rownames(geno.vcf), colnames(geno.vcf)]
        ref.orig <- alleleA[match(rownames(geno.vcf), snp.id)]
        allele.switch <- ref.orig != ref.vcf
        geno.orig[allele.switch,] <- 2 - geno.orig[allele.switch,]

        stopifnot(allequal(geno.vcf, geno.orig))

        check.total <- check.total + count
        message("Checked ", check.total, " SNPs")

amstilp/GWASTools documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:08 a.m.