##mart <- useMart("ensembl", "dmelanogaster_gene_ensembl")
##peptides <- fetchSequence(entrizIDs, NCBIsites, peptides, mart)
fetchSequence <- function(IDs, type="entrezgene", anchorAA=NULL, anchorPos,
mart, proteome, upstreamOffset, downstreamOffset){
if(missing(mart) && missing(proteome)){
stop("Need mart or proteome for fetching sequences.", call.=FALSE)
if(!missing(mart) && class(mart)!="Mart"){
stop("mart should be an object of Mart", call.=FALSE)
if(!missing(proteome) && class(proteome)!="Proteome"){
stop("proteome should be an object of Proteome. \n
Try ?prepareProteome to get help", call.=FALSE)
if(missing(upstreamOffset) || missing(downstreamOffset)){
stop("Please indicate the upstreamOffset and downstreamOffset position offset anchor amino acid", call.=FALSE)
if(upstreamOffset < 0 || downstreamOffset < 0){
stop("upstreamOffset and downstreamOffset should be a integer greater than 0", call.=FALSE)
if(downstreamOffset > 20 || upstreamOffset > 20){
stop("upstreamOffset and downstreamOffset should be the offset of anchor amino acid, no greater than 20", call.=FALSE)
if(missing(IDs) || missing(anchorPos)){
stop("Missing required arguments IDs or anchorPos", call.=FALSE)
if(class(IDs)!="character" ||
!inherits(anchorPos, c("character", "numeric", "integer"))){
stop("IDs must be characters and anchorPos should be character or number",
if(any(is.na(IDs)) || any(is.na(anchorPos))){
stop("IDs or anchorPos contains NA", call.=FALSE)
stop("length of IDs and anchorPos are not identical.", call.=FALSE)
anchorPos <- toupper(anchorPos)
if(any(!grepl("^[A-Z]\\d+$", anchorPos))){
stop("anchorPos should be the amino acide followed by the position,
eg. K123", call.=FALSE)
anchorAA <- substr(anchorPos, 1, 1)
anchorPos <- as.numeric(substring(anchorPos, 2))
inputs <- data.frame(IDs = IDs, anchorAA = anchorAA, anchorPos = anchorPos, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(inputs) <- c( type, 'anchorAA', 'anchorPos' )
## retreive sequence
protein <- getSequence(id=unique(as.character(IDs)),
id_col <- switch( type, entrezgene = 'ENTREZ_GENE', UniProtKB_ID = 'ID', 'ID' )
if ( !id_col %in% colnames(proteome@proteome) ) {
stop( type, " sequence identifiers are not supported by the specified proteome",
protein <- proteome@proteome[proteome@proteome[,id_col] %in% unique(as.character(IDs)), c('SEQUENCE', id_col)]
colnames(protein) <- c("peptide", type)
protein <- protein[!is.na(protein[, type]),]
dat <- merge(inputs, protein, by.x=1, by.y=2)
dat$peptide <- toupper(dat$peptide)
dat$anchor <- unlist(mapply(substr,
dat$peptide, dat$anchorPos, dat$anchorPos))
## check that queried anchor matches the actual residue in the sequence
if( 'anchorAA' %in% colnames(dat) ){
anchor_mask <- dat$anchorAA == dat$anchor
if ( any( !anchor_mask ) ) {
warning( sum(!anchor_mask), ' sequence(s) have another AA at anchor position, excluded' )
dat <- dat[anchor_mask,]
## extract sequences for logo
upstreamGuard <- paste0( rep.int( "?", upstreamOffset ), collapse = '' )
downstreamGuard <- paste0( rep.int( "?", downstreamOffset ), collapse = '' )
peptide.guarded <- paste0( upstreamGuard, dat$peptide, downstreamGuard )
dat$upstream <- substr(peptide.guarded, dat$anchorPos, dat$anchorPos+upstreamOffset-1)
dat$downstream <- substr(peptide.guarded, dat$anchorPos+upstreamOffset+1, dat$anchorPos+upstreamOffset+downstreamOffset)
# convert logo sequences into character matrix
seqchar.upstream <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(dat$upstream, "", fixed=TRUE))
seqchar.upstream[ seqchar.upstream == '?' ] <- NA
seqchar.downstream <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(dat$downstream,"", fixed=TRUE))
seqchar.downstream[ seqchar.downstream == '?' ] <- NA
seqchar <- cbind(seqchar.upstream, dat$anchor, seqchar.downstream)
new("dagPeptides", data=dat, peptides=seqchar,
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