# SeqLogo
# Author Oliver Bembom
# Maintainer Oliver Bembom
#modified by Eloi Mercier
## plot sequence logo
letterA <- function(x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt, id=NULL)
x <- c(0,4,6,10,8,6.8,3.2,2,0,3.6,5,6.4,3.6)
y <- c(0,10,10,0,0,3,3,0,0,4,7.5,4,4)
x <- 0.1*x
y <- 0.1*y
x <- x.pos + wt*x
y <- y.pos + ht*y
if (is.null(id))
id <- c(rep(1,9), rep(2,4))
id <- c(rep(id,9), rep(id+1,4))
fill <- c("green","white")
list(x=x, y=y, id=id, fill=fill)
## T
letterT <- function(x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt, id=NULL)
x <- c(0,10,10,6,6,4,4,0)
y <- c(10,10,9,9,0,0,9,9)
x <- 0.1*x
y <- 0.1*y
x <- x.pos + wt*x
y <- y.pos + ht*y
if (is.null(id)){
id <- rep(1,8)
id <- rep(id,8)
fill <- "red"
list(x=x, y=y, id=id, fill=fill)
## C
letterC <- function(x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt, id=NULL)
angle1 <- seq(0.3+pi/2, pi, length=100)
angle2 <- seq(pi,1.5*pi, length=100)
x.l1 <- 0.5 + 0.5*sin(angle1)
y.l1 <- 0.5 + 0.5*cos(angle1)
x.l2 <- 0.5 + 0.5*sin(angle2)
y.l2 <- 0.5 + 0.5*cos(angle2)
x.l <- c(x.l1, x.l2)
y.l <- c(y.l1, y.l2)
x <- c(x.l, rev(x.l))
y <- c(y.l,1-rev(y.l))
x.i1 <- 0.5 +0.35*sin(angle1)
y.i1 <- 0.5 +0.35*cos(angle1)
x.i1 <- x.i1[y.i1<=max(y.l1)]
y.i1 <- y.i1[y.i1<=max(y.l1)]
y.i1[1] <- max(y.l1)
x.i2 <- 0.5 +0.35*sin(angle2)
y.i2 <- 0.5 +0.35*cos(angle2)
x.i <- c(x.i1, x.i2)
y.i <- c(y.i1, y.i2)
x1 <- c(x.i, rev(x.i))
y1 <- c(y.i,1-rev(y.i))
x <- c(x, rev(x1))
y <- c(y, rev(y1))
x <- x.pos + wt*x
y <- y.pos + ht*y
if (is.null(id))
id <- rep(1, length(x))
id <- rep(id, length(x))
fill <- "blue"
list(x=x, y=y, id=id, fill=fill)
## G
letterG <- function(x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt, id=NULL)
angle1 <- seq(0.3+pi/2, pi, length=100)
angle2 <- seq(pi,1.5*pi, length=100)
x.l1 <- 0.5 + 0.5*sin(angle1)
y.l1 <- 0.5 + 0.5*cos(angle1)
x.l2 <- 0.5 + 0.5*sin(angle2)
y.l2 <- 0.5 + 0.5*cos(angle2)
x.l <- c(x.l1, x.l2)
y.l <- c(y.l1, y.l2)
x <- c(x.l, rev(x.l))
y <- c(y.l,1-rev(y.l))
x.i1 <- 0.5 +0.35*sin(angle1)
y.i1 <- 0.5 +0.35*cos(angle1)
x.i1 <- x.i1[y.i1<=max(y.l1)]
y.i1 <- y.i1[y.i1<=max(y.l1)]
y.i1[1] <- max(y.l1)
x.i2 <- 0.5 +0.35*sin(angle2)
y.i2 <- 0.5 +0.35*cos(angle2)
x.i <- c(x.i1, x.i2)
y.i <- c(y.i1, y.i2)
x1 <- c(x.i, rev(x.i))
y1 <- c(y.i,1-rev(y.i))
x <- c(x, rev(x1))
y <- c(y, rev(y1))
h1 <- max(y.l1)
r1 <- max(x.l1)
h1 <- 0.4
x.add <- c(r1,0.5,0.5, r1-0.2, r1-0.2, r1, r1)
y.add <- c(h1, h1, h1-0.1, h1-0.1,0,0, h1)
if (is.null(id))
id <- c(rep(1, length(x)), rep(2, length(x.add)))
id <- c(rep(id, length(x)), rep(id+1, length(x.add)))
x <- c(rev(x), x.add)
y <- c(rev(y), y.add)
x <- x.pos + wt*x
y <- y.pos + ht*y
fill <- c("orange","orange")
list(x=x, y=y, id=id, fill=fill)
addLetter <- function(letters, which, x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt)
if (which == "A")
letter <- letterA(x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt)
else if (which == "C")
letter <- letterC(x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt)
else if (which == "G")
letter <- letterG(x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt)
else if (which == "T")
letter <- letterT(x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt)
stop("which must be one of A, C, G, T")
letters$x <- c(letters$x, letter$x)
letters$y <- c(letters$y, letter$y)
lastID <- ifelse(is.null(letters$id),0, max(letters$id))
letters$id <- c(letters$id, lastID+letter$id)
letters$fill <- c(letters$fill, letter$fill)
makePWM <- function(pwm, alphabet="DNA")
if (is.data.frame(pwm)) pwm <- as.matrix(pwm)
if (!is.matrix(pwm)) stop("pwm must be a matrix or a dataframe")
if (!alphabet %in% c("DNA","AA"))
stop("alphabet must be either DNA or AA")
if (alphabet == "DNA" & nrow(pwm) != 4)
stop("PWM for DNA motifs must have 4 rows")
else if (alphabet == "AA" && nrow(pwm) != 21)
stop("PWM for amino acid motifs must have 21 rows")
if (any(abs(1 - apply(pwm,2, sum)) > 0.01))
print(apply(pwm,2, sum))
warning("Columns of PWM must add up to 1.0")
width <- ncol(pwm)
colnames(pwm) <- 1:width
rownames(pwm) <- c("A","C","G","T")
cons <- pwm2cons(pwm)
ic <- pwm2ic(pwm)
new("pwm2", pwm=pwm, consensus=cons, ic=ic, width=width, alphabet=alphabet)
## get information content profile from PWM
pwm2ic <- function(pwm)
npos <- ncol(pwm)
ic <- numeric(length=npos)
for (i in 1:npos) {
ic[i]<-2 + sum(sapply(pwm[, i], function(x) { if (x > 0){x*log2(x);}else{0;}}))
## get consensus sequence from PWM
pwm2cons <- function(pwm)
if (class(pwm)!="matrix") {warning("pwm argument must be of class matrix")}
letters <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
paste(apply(pwm, 2, function(x){letters[rev(order(x))[1]]}), collapse="")
## plot a sequence logo
seqLogo2 <- function(pwm, ic.scale=TRUE, xaxis=TRUE, yaxis=TRUE, xfontsize=15, yfontsize=15, vmargins=c(0,0), hmargins=c(0,0), size=1, trim=0)
if (class(pwm) == "pwm2")
pwm <- pwm@pwm
else if (class(pwm) == "data.frame")
pwm <- as.matrix(pwm)
else if (class(pwm) != "matrix")
stop("pwm must be of class matrix or data.frame")
if (any(abs(1 - apply(pwm,2, sum)) > 0.01))
stop("Columns of PWM must add up to 1.0")
chars <- c("A","C","G","T")
letters <- list(x=NULL, y=NULL, id=NULL, fill=NULL)
npos <- ncol(pwm)
if (ic.scale)
ylim <-2*size
ylab <- "Information content"
facs <- pwm2ic(pwm)
ylim <- 1*size
ylab <- "Probability"
facs <- rep(1, npos)
wt <- 1
x.pos <- 0
for (j in 1:npos)
column <- pwm[, j]
hts <- column*facs[j]*size
letterOrder <- order(hts)
y.pos <- 0
for (i in 1:4)
letter <- chars[letterOrder[i]]
ht <- hts[letterOrder[i]]
if (ht>trim)
letters <- addLetter(letters, letter, x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt)
y.pos <- y.pos + ht + 0.01
x.pos <- x.pos + wt
pushViewport(plotViewport(c(vmargins[1] + xfontsize/(3.5*size), hmargins[1]+ xfontsize/(3.5*size) , vmargins[2], hmargins[2] ))) #margins
pushViewport(dataViewport(0:ncol(pwm)/size,0:ylim/size, name="vp1"))
grid.polygon(x=unit(letters$x,"native"), y=unit(letters$y,"native"),
gp=gpar(fill=letters$fill, col="transparent"))
if (xaxis)
grid.xaxis(at=seq(0.5, ncol(pwm)-0.5), label=1:ncol(pwm), gp=gpar(fontsize=xfontsize*size))
grid.text("Position", x=unit(0.5*size,"snpc"), y=unit(-0.1*size,"npc"), gp=gpar(fontsize=xfontsize*size))
if (yaxis)
grid.yaxis(at=seq(from=0, to=ylim, by=0.5), label=seq(from=0, to=ylim, by=0.5), gp=gpar(fontsize=yfontsize*size))
grid.text(ylab, x=unit(-1,"lines"), rot=90, gp=gpar(fontsize=yfontsize*size))
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