#' visualize structure of assembled transcripts
#' @param gene name of gene whose transcripts will be plotted. When using
#' Cufflinks output, usually of the form \code{"XLOC_######"}
#' @param gown ballgown object containing experimental and phenotype data
#' @param samples vector of sample(s) to plot. Can be \code{'none'} if only one
#' plot (showing transcript structure in gray) is desired. Use
#' \code{sampleNames(gown)} to see sample names for \code{gown}. Defaults to
#' \code{sampleNames(gown)[1]}.
#' @param colorby one of \code{"transcript"}, \code{"exon"}, or \code{"none"},
#' indicating which feature's abundances should dictate plot coloring. If
#' \code{"none"}, all transcripts are drawn in gray.
#' @param meas which expression measurement to color features by, if any. Must
#' match an available measurement for whatever feature you're plotting.
#' @param legend if \code{TRUE} (as it is by default), a color legend is drawn
#' on top of the plot indicating scales for feature abundances.
#' @param labelTranscripts if \code{TRUE}, transcript ids are labeled on the
#' left side of the plot. Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @param main optional string giving the desired plot title.
#' @param blackBorders if \code{TRUE}, exon borders are drawn in black.
#' Otherwise, they are drawn in the same color as their transcript or exon.
#' Switching blackBorders to FALSE can be useful for visualizing abundances
#' for skinny exons and/or smaller plots, which can be the case when
#' \code{length(samples)} is large.
#' @param log if \code{TRUE}, color transcripts on the log scale. Default
#' \code{FALSE}. To account for expression values of 0, we add 1 to all
#' expression values before taking the log.
#' @param logbase log base to use if \code{log = TRUE}. Default 2.
#' @param customCol an optional vector of custom colors to color transcripts by.
#' There must be the same number of colors as transcripts in the gene being
#' plotted.
#' @param customOrder an optional vector of transcript ids (matching ids in
#' \code{texpr(gown, 'all')$t_id}), indicating which order transcripts will
#' appear in the plot. All transcripts in \code{gene} must appear in the
#' vector exactly once.
#' @return produces a plot of the transcript structure for the specified gene in
#' the current graphics device.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotMeans}}, \code{\link{plotLatentTranscripts}}
#' @author Alyssa Frazee
#' @export
#' @examples \donttest{
#' data(bg)
#' # plot one gene for one sample:
#' plotTranscripts(gene='XLOC_000454', gown=bg, samples='sample12', meas='FPKM',
#' colorby='transcript',
#' main='transcripts from gene XLOC_000454: sample 12, FPKM')
#' # plot one gene for many samples:
#' plotTranscripts('XLOC_000454', bg,
#' samples=c('sample01', 'sample06', 'sample12', 'sample19'),
#' meas='FPKM', colorby='transcript')
#' }
plotTranscripts = function(gene, gown, samples=NULL, colorby='transcript',
meas='FPKM', legend=TRUE, labelTranscripts=FALSE, main=NULL,
blackBorders=TRUE, log=FALSE, logbase=2, customCol=NULL, customOrder=NULL){
if(class(gown)!="ballgown") stop("gown must be a ballgown object")
if(gown@RSEM & colorby=='exon'){
stop(.makepretty('RSEM objects do not yet have exon-level measurements,
so must color by transcript.'))
if(!gown@RSEM & meas=='TPM'){
stop('only RSEM objects have TPM measurements.')
samples = sampleNames(gown)[1]
if(colorby!='none') message(paste('defaulting to sample', samples))
stopifnot(colorby %in% c('transcript', 'exon', 'none'))
if(colorby == 'transcript'){
stopifnot(meas %in% c('cov', 'FPKM', 'TPM'))
if(colorby == 'exon'){
emeas = c('rcount', 'ucount', 'mrcount', 'cov', 'cov_sd',
'mcov', 'mcov_sd')
stopifnot(meas %in% emeas)
if(!(gown@meas == 'all' | meas %in% gown@meas)){
stop(paste('gown does not contain', meas, 'measurements.'))
if(colorby=="none") legend = FALSE
if(!is.null(customCol) & (colorby!="transcript")){
stop("Custom coloring is only available at transcript level currently")
if(!is.null(customCol) & legend){
stop('legend must be FALSE if you provide custom colors')
n = length(samples)
westval = ifelse(labelTranscripts, 4, 2)
if(n > 1){
numrows = floor(sqrt(n))
numcols = ceiling(n/numrows)
par(mfrow=c(numrows,numcols), mar=c(5,westval,4,2), oma=c(0, 0, 2, 0))
par(mar=c(5, westval, 4, 2))
ma = IRanges::as.data.frame(structure(gown)$trans)
if(names(ma)[2] != 'group_name'){
stop('IRanges::as.data.frame has changed. Please report as issue.')
thetranscripts = indexes(gown)$t2g$t_id[indexes(gown)$t2g$g_id==gene]
if(!all(sort(customOrder) == sort(thetranscripts))){
stop(.makepretty('customOrder must include each transcript in gene
exactly once.'))
if(substr(ma$group_name[1],1,2) == "tx"){
warning('your ballgown object was built with a deprecated version of
ballgown - would probably be good to re-build!')
thetranscripts = paste0('tx', thetranscripts)
if(!is.null(customCol) & (length(customCol)!=length(thetranscripts))){
stop("You must have the same number of custom colors as transcripts")
gtrans = ma[ma$group_name %in% thetranscripts,]
xax = seq(min(gtrans$start), max(gtrans$end), by=1)
numtx = length(unique(thetranscripts))
ymax = ifelse(legend, numtx+1.5, numtx+1)
if(length(unique(gtrans$seqnames)) > 1){
stop("gene spans multiple chromosomes (?)")
if(length(unique(gtrans$strand)) > 1){
stop("gene contains exons from both strands (?)")
# set appropriate color scale:
if(colorby != 'none'){
g_id = texpr(gown, 'all')$gene_id
if(colorby == "transcript"){
smalldat = texpr(gown, meas)[which(g_id == gene),]
t_id = texpr(gown, 'all')$t_id[which(g_id == gene)]
if(colorby == "exon"){
e_id_full = eexpr(gown, 'all')$e_id
smalldat = eexpr(gown, meas)[which(e_id_full %in% gtrans$id),]
e_id = e_id_full[which(e_id_full %in% gtrans$id)]
if(numtx == 1){
snames = names(smalldat)
smalldat = matrix(smalldat, nrow=1)
colnames(smalldat) = snames
smalldat = log(smalldat+1, base=logbase)
maxcol = quantile(as.matrix(smalldat), 0.99)
colscale = seq(0, maxcol, length.out=200)
introntypes = c('ucount', 'rcount', 'mrcount')
color.introns = meas %in% introntypes &
gown@meas %in% c('all', introntypes)
color.introns = FALSE
# make plot(s) (one for each sample):
for(s in 1:n){
## make base plot:
plot(xax, rep(0,length(xax)), ylim=c(0,ymax),
type="n", xlab="genomic position", yaxt = "n", ylab="")
if(n > 1){
colName = paste(meas, samples[s], sep='.')
if(colorby != 'none'){
colIndex = which(colnames(smalldat) == colName)
# draw transcripts
transcript_loop = unique(gtrans$group_name)
transcript_loop = customOrder
for(tx in transcript_loop){
txind = which(transcript_loop==tx)
if(colorby == 'transcript'){
mycolor = customCol[txind]
mycolor = closestColor(smalldat[,colIndex][which(t_id==tx)],
stopifnot(length(mycolor) > 0)
}else if(colorby == 'none'){
mycolor = 'gray70'
gtsub = gtrans[gtrans$group_name==tx,]
gtsub = gtsub[order(gtsub$start),]
for(exind in 1:dim(gtsub)[1]){
if(colorby == "exon"){
mycolor = closestColor(
stopifnot(length(mycolor) > 0)
borderCol = ifelse(blackBorders, 'black', mycolor)
polygon(x=c(gtsub$start[exind], gtsub$start[exind],
gtsub$end[exind], gtsub$end[exind]),
col=mycolor, border=borderCol)
c(txind, txind), lty=2, col="gray60")
intronindex = which(
expr(gown)$intron$start == gtsub$end[exind]+1 &
expr(gown)$intron$end == gtsub$start[exind+1]-1 &
expr(gown)$intron$chr==unique(gtsub$seqnames) &
expr(gown)$intron$strand == unique(gtsub$strand))
icolumnind = which(names(expr(gown)$intron) == colName)
icol = closestColor(
expr(gown)$intron[intronindex,icolumnind], colscale)
c(txind, txind), lwd=3, col=icol)
c(txind+0.1, txind+0.1), lwd=0.5, col="gray60")
c(txind-0.1, txind-0.1), lwd=0.5, col="gray60")
}#end if color.introns
}# end if exind != last exon
}# end loop over exons
}# end loop over transcripts
# draw the legend:
leglocs = seq(min(xax)+1, max(xax)-1, length=length(colscale)+1)
for(i in 1:length(colscale)){
polygon(x=c(leglocs[i], leglocs[i], leglocs[i+1], leglocs[i+1]),
y=c(ymax-0.3, ymax, ymax, ymax-0.3), border=NA,
text(x = seq(min(xax)+1, max(xax)-1, length=10),
y=rep(ymax+0.1, 10),
labels=round(colscale,2)[seq(1,length(colscale), length=10)],
text(x=median(xax), y=ymax-0.5,
labels=paste("log expression, by", colorby), cex=0.5)
text(x=median(xax), y=ymax-0.5,
labels=paste("expression, by", colorby), cex=0.5)
# label the transcripts on the y-axis (if asked for)
axis(side=2, at=c(1:numtx), labels=transcript_loop, cex.axis=0.75,
} #end loop over samples
# put title on plot
title(main, outer=(n>1))
title(paste0(gene,': ',samples))
title(gene, outer=TRUE)
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