#' plot annotated and assembled transcripts together
#' @param assembled a GRangesList object where the GRanges objects in the list
#' represent sets of exons comprising assembled transcripts
#' @param annotated a GRangesList object where the GRanges objects in the list
#' represent sets of
#' exons comprising annotated transcripts
#' @param ind integer; index of \code{annotated} specifying which annotated
#' transcript to plot. All transcripts (assembled and annotated) overlapping
#' \code{annotated[[ind]]} will be plotted. Default 1.
#' @param main optional character string giving the title for the resulting
#' plot. Default: "Assembled and Annotated Transcripts"
#' @param customCol optional vector of custom colors for the annotated
#' transcripts. If not the same length as the number of annotated transcripts
#' in the plot, recycling or truncation might occur.
#' @return Plots annotated transcripts on the bottom panel (shaded in gray) and
#' assembled transcripts on the top panel (shaded with diagonal lines).
#' @author Alyssa Frazee
#' @export
#' @examples \donttest{
#' gtfPath = system.file('extdata', 'annot.gtf.gz', package='ballgown')
#' annot = gffReadGR(gtfPath, splitByTranscript=TRUE)
#' data(bg)
#' checkAssembledTx(annotated=annot, assembled=structure(bg)$trans, ind=4)
#' }
checkAssembledTx = function(assembled, annotated, ind=1,
main='Assembled and Annotated Transcripts', customCol=NULL){
ol = findOverlaps(annotated, assembled)
ol.self = findOverlaps(annotated, annotated)
#^ plot any overlapping transcripts also.
indsas = subjectHits(ol)[which(queryHits(ol)==ind)]
warning(.makepretty('This annotated transcript was not covered by any
assembled transcripts. No plot will be produced'), call.=FALSE)
# plot setup:
annot.list = lapply(subjectHits(ol.self)[which(queryHits(ol.self)==ind)],
function(i) annotated[[i]])
names(annot.list) = names(annotated)[subjectHits(ol.self)[which(
annot.df = as.data.frame(GRangesList(annot.list))
asmbl.list = lapply(indsas, function(i) assembled[[i]])
names(asmbl.list) = names(assembled)[indsas]
asmbl.df = as.data.frame(GRangesList(asmbl.list))
xax = seq(min(min(asmbl.df$start), min(annot.df$start)),
max(max(asmbl.df$end), max(annot.df$end)), by=1)
if(names(asmbl.df)[2] != 'group_name'){
stop('IRanges::as.data.frame has changed, please report')
numtx = length(unique(annot.df$group_name))+
# plot base:
plot(xax, rep(0, length(xax)), ylim=c(0.5, numtx+1), type="n",
xlab="genomic position", yaxt="n", ylab="")
# plot the annotated transcripts:
txind = 0
for(tx in unique(annot.df$group_name)){
txind = txind+1 #counter
gtsub = annot.df[annot.df$group_name==tx,]
gtsub = gtsub[order(gtsub$start),]
for(exind in 1:dim(gtsub)[1]){
polygon(x=c(gtsub$start[exind], gtsub$start[exind],
gtsub$end[exind], gtsub$end[exind]),
y=c(txind-0.4, txind+0.4, txind+0.4, txind-0.4), col="gray30")
lines(c(gtsub$end[exind],gtsub$start[exind+1]), c(txind, txind),
lty=2, col="gray50")
st.compare = gtsub$start[-1]
en.compare = gtsub$end[-length(gtsub$end)]
diffs = st.compare-en.compare
warning(paste("overlapping exons in annotated transcript",tx),
colorind = 0
txind = txind+0.5
# plot the assembled transcripts
for(tx in unique(asmbl.df$group_name)){
txind = txind+1
gtsub = asmbl.df[asmbl.df$group_name==tx,]
gtsub = gtsub[order(gtsub$start),]
mycolor = 'black'
density = 15
mycolor = customCol[(colorind %% length(customCol))+1]
density = NULL
mycolor = ifelse(is.null(customCol), 'black',
customCol[(colorind %% length(customCol))+1])
for(exind in 1:dim(gtsub)[1]){
polygon(x=c(gtsub$start[exind], gtsub$start[exind],
gtsub$end[exind], gtsub$end[exind]),
y=c(txind-0.4, txind+0.4, txind+0.4, txind-0.4),
col=mycolor, density=density)
lines(c(gtsub$end[exind],gtsub$start[exind+1]), c(txind, txind),
lty=2, col="gray50")
st.compare = gtsub$start[-1]
en.compare = gtsub$end[-length(gtsub$end)]
diffs = st.compare-en.compare
warning(paste("overlapping exons in assembled transcript",tx),
colorind = colorind+1
axis(side=2, at=c(median(1:length(unique(annot.df$group_name))),
labels=c("annotated", "assembled"), tick=FALSE)
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