#' Wrapper for \code{ggsave} with more messages.
#' @inheritParams ggplot2::ggsave
#' @export
save_plot <- function(filename, plot, width = 7, height = 7, ...) {
message(sprintf("Saving %d x %d in image: %s", width, height, filename))
ggplot2::ggsave(filename, plot, width = width, height = height, ...)
save_png <- function(filename, plot, width = 7, height = 7, dpi = 300) {
message(sprintf("Saving %d x %d in image: %s", width, height, filename))
png(filename, width = width, height = height, units = "cm", res = dpi)
#' Each row represents the number of molecules in a cell
#' for each gene in WTA outputs. A cell is identified with
#' a unique cell index number under Cell_Index. This data
#' contains partial non-expressing genes.
read_mols_per_cell <- function(x) {
message(sprintf("Reading %s", x))
df <- readr::read_csv(x, comment = "#", progress = TRUE,
col_types = readr::cols(
Cell_Index = readr::col_character()
message("Matrix constructing")
m <- data.matrix(df[, -1])
rownames(m) <- df[["Cell_Index"]]
m <- t(m)
mtx <- Matrix::Matrix(m)
rm(df, m)
#' Each row records counts for cell-gene combinations that have
#' non-zero RSEC molecule counts. This data does not contain
#' non-expressing genes.
read_expression_st <- function(x) {
message(sprintf("Reading %s", x))
df <- readr::read_tsv(x, comment = "#", progress = TRUE,
col_types = readr::cols(
Cell_Index = readr::col_character()
message("Matrix constructing...")
df <- df %>%
dplyr::select(Cell_Index, Gene, RSEC_Adjusted_Molecules)
colindex <- unique(df$Cell_Index)
rowindex <- unique(df$Gene)
# The locations of the non-zero values (RSEC_Adjusted_Molecules)
colpos <- match(df$Cell_Index, colindex)
rowpos <- match(df$Gene, rowindex)
mtx <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(
i = rowpos,
j = colpos,
x = df$RSEC_Adjusted_Molecules,
use.last.ij = TRUE,
repr = "C",
dimnames = list(rowindex, colindex),
#' Read raw expression matrix from Rhapsody WTA pipeline
#' Reads and molecules are counted only if they have passed all
#' Rhapsody WTA pipeline filters and have been determined to be
#' from putative cells.
#' @param base_dir Root folder of Rhapsody WTA pipeline results
#' @return An object constructed from \code{\link[Matrix]{Matrix}}
#' @export
read_molecules_csv <- function(base_dir = ".") {
if (!dir.exists(base_dir)) {
stop("Directory provided does not exist")
matrix_loc <- Sys.glob(file.path(base_dir, "*_RSEC_MolsPerCell.csv"))
if (length(matrix_loc) != 1) {
stop("`*_RSEC_MolsPerCell.csv` missing or more than one file was found.")
#' Read unfiltered expression matrix from Rhapsody WTA pipeline
#' Read the file contain unfiltered tables with cell
#' labels of ≥5 reads.
#' @param base_dir Root folder of Rhapsody WTA pipeline results
#' @return An object constructed from \code{\link[Matrix]{Matrix}}
#' @export
read_unfiltered_csv <- function(base_dir = ".") {
if (!dir.exists(base_dir)) {
stop("Directory provided does not exist")
matrix_loc <- Sys.glob(
file.path(base_dir, "*_Expression_Data_Unfiltered.st.gz"))
if (length(matrix_loc) != 1) {
stop(sprintf("`%s` missing or more than one file was found.",
#' Save Matrix data to disk.
#' @param mtx An \code{\link[Matrix]{Matrix}} object produced
#' from \code{read_molecules_csv}
#' @param mtx_file Output filename
#' @export
save_expression_matrix <- function(mtx, mtx_file) {
colnames_file <- sprintf("%s.colnames", mtx_file)
rownames_file <- sprintf("%s.rownames", mtx_file)
message(sprintf("Writting %s", mtx_file))
Matrix::writeMM(mtx, file = mtx_file)
write(colnames(mtx), colnames_file)
write(rownames(mtx), rownames_file)
#' Read \code{Matrix} data from cached folder.
#' @param base_dir Folder contains cached \code{\link[Matrix]{Matrix}} object.
#' @return An object constructed from \code{\link[Matrix]{Matrix}}
#' @export
read_mtx <- function(base_dir = ".") {
if (!dir.exists(base_dir)) {
stop("Directory provided does not exist")
matrix_loc <- Sys.glob(
file.path(base_dir, "*_Expression_Matrix.mtx"))
if (length(matrix_loc) != 1) {
stop("`*_Expression_Matrix.mtx` missing or more than one file was found.")
colnames_loc <- sprintf("%s.colnames", matrix_loc)
rownames_loc <- sprintf("%s.rownames", matrix_loc)
stopifnot(file.exists(colnames_loc, rownames_loc))
message(sprintf("Reading %s", matrix_loc))
m <- Matrix::readMM(matrix_loc)
colnames(m) <- readr::read_lines(colnames_loc)
rownames(m) <- readr::read_lines(rownames_loc)
#' Read expression data from results folder of Rhapsody WTA pipeline.
#' @param base_dir The path of results folder.
#' @param use_mtx Specify whether to use the sparse matrix constructed
#' by the \code{Matrix} package.
#' @return A matrix whose column names represent cell index,
#' row names represent genes.
#' @export
read_rhapsody_wta <- function(base_dir, use_mtx = FALSE) {
expr_matrix <- NULL
if (isTRUE(use_mtx)) {
expr_matrix <- read_mtx(base_dir)
} else {
expr_matrix <- read_molecules_csv(base_dir)
#' Save Single-Cell Object to Disk
#' This function can be used to save single-cell data object to
#' disk file.
#' @param obj single-cell data object
#' @param filename output filename.
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @export
save_to_disk <- function(obj, filename, ...) {
#' @describeIn save_to_disk Save Seurat Object to Disk
#' @method save_to_disk Seurat
#' @export
save_to_disk.Seurat <- function(obj, filename, ...) {
SeuratDisk::SaveH5Seurat(obj, filename, overwrite = TRUE)
#' Access Cellular Data from SeuratDisk File
#' Retrieves data (feature expression, PCA scores, metrics, etc.) for a set
#' of cells in a SeuratDisk file.
#' @param x h5Seurat filename or connection.
#' @param vars List of all variables to fetch.
#' @param cells Cells to collect data for (default is all cells)
#' @param slot Slot to pull feature data for
#' @return A data frame with cells as rows and cellular data as columns
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @export
fetch_cellular_data <- function(x, vars, cells = NULL, slot = "data", ...) {
#' @describeIn fetch_cellular_data Access data from filename.
#' @method fetch_cellular_data character
#' @export
fetch_cellular_data.character <- function(
x, vars, cells = NULL, slot = "data", ...
) {
hfile <- SeuratDisk::Connect(x)
fetch_cellular_data(hfile, ...)
#' @describeIn fetch_cellular_data Access data from h5Seurat connection.
#' @method fetch_cellular_data h5Seurat
#' @export
fetch_cellular_data.h5Seurat <- function(x, vars, ...) {
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