###### Vignette of CNV pipeline #######
###### (( RTAM1/2- normalization, sciCNV analysis, CNV-subclonal analysis )) #######
###### Tiedemann Lab - Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University of Toronto #######
###### copyright@AliMahdipourShirayeh #######
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
path.code <- "./sciCNV-Analysis/"
source(file.path(path.code, "Mito_umi_gn.R"))
source(file.path(path.code, "RTAM_normalization.R"))
source(file.path(path.code, "sciCNV.R"))
source(file.path(path.code, "Scaling_CNV.R"))
source(file.path(path.code, "CNV_score.R"))
source(file.path(path.code, "sciCNV.R"))
source(file.path(path.code, "Sketch_AveCNV.R"))
source(file.path(path.code, "CNV_htmp_glist.R"))
source(file.path(path.code, "CNV_htmp_gloc.R"))
source(file.path(path.code, "Opt_MeanSD_RTAM1.R"))
source(file.path(path.code, "Opt_MeanSD_RTAM2.R"))
source(file.path(path.code, "heatmap_break_glist.R"))
source(file.path(path.code, "heatmap_break_gloc.R"))
## Reading raw data with a list of genes on the first column
raw.data1 <- read.table(file.choose(), sep = '\t',header = TRUE)
raw.data2 <- as.matrix(raw.data1[ , -c(1,2,3,4)])
rownames(raw.data2) <- raw.data1[ , 1]
colnames(raw.data2) <- colnames(raw.data1[ , -c(1,2,3,4)])
W <- ncol(raw.data2)
No.test <- ncol(raw.data2) #100 # Number of test cells
No.control <- ncol(raw.data2)-No.test# Number of control cells
Col_Sum <- t(as.numeric(colSums(raw.data2)))
# Quality Control (QC): Elimination of damaged cells
## Calculation of total transcript count per cell, idnetified by unique molecular identifiers (UMI)
## Calcuation of mitochondrial transcript content per cell
nUMI <- t(as.numeric(colSums(raw.data2)))
colnames(nUMI) <- colnames(raw.data2)
mito.genes <- read.table(file.choose(), sep = '\t',header = TRUE)
mito.genes <- as.matrix(mito.genes[,-1])
percent.mito.G <- t(as.matrix(colSums(mito.genes)))/ ( Col_Sum[1:No.test] + colSums(mito.genes))
nGene1 <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(raw.data2) , nrow = 1)
nonzero <- function(x){ sum(x != 0) }
nGene1 <- lapply( 1:ncol(raw.data2), function(i){ nonzero(raw.data2[, i])} )
nGene1 <- t(as.numeric(nGene1))
colnames(nGene1) <- colnames(raw.data2)
# Identification of Damaged Cells
MMS <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = raw.data2, project = "Sample1")
damaged_cells <- Mito_umi_gn(mat = MMS,
percent.mito.G = percent.mito.G,
nUMI = nUMI,
nGene = nGene1,
No.test = No.test,
drop.mads = 3)
## Exclusion of Damaged Cells
if( length(damaged_cells) > 0 ){
Outliers <- damaged_cells
raw.data <- raw.data2[, - Outliers]
nUMI <- t(as.matrix(nUMI))[- Outliers]
} else{
raw.data <- raw.data2
nUMI <- t(as.matrix(nUMI))
raw.data <- as.matrix(raw.data )
rownames(raw.data) <- raw.data1[ , 1]
colnames(nUMI) <- colnames(raw.data)
## Sorting of cells by UMI (from largest to smallest)
if(No.control > 0){
raw.data <- raw.data2[, c(colnames(sort(as.data.frame(nUMI)[1:No.test], decreasing=TRUE))
,colnames(sort(as.data.frame(nUMI)[(No.test+1):ncol(raw.data)], decreasing=TRUE))
), drop=FALSE]
} else {
raw.data <- raw.data2[, colnames(sort(data.frame(nUMI)[1, ], decreasing=TRUE)), drop=FALSE]
rownames(raw.data) <- rownames(raw.data2)
## RTAM1/2 Normalziation
norm.data <- RTAM_normalization_fixed(mat = raw.data,
method = "RTAM2",
Min_nGn = 250,
Optimizing = FALSE)
rownames(norm.data) <- rownames(raw.data2)
colnames(norm.data) <- colnames(raw.data)
quote = FALSE,
sep = "\t",
row.names = TRUE,
col.names = TRUE)
## plotting the normalized expression values of detected genes (y-axis) by cell (X-axis)
par(xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
log2(as.matrix(norm.data[,1][norm.data[,1]>0]) +1 ), pch=16, cex=0.3,
col="darkgray" ,
xlim=c(-ncol(norm.data)*.01, ncol(norm.data)*1.01),
ylim=c(0, 4.2), xlab = "Cells (ranked by UMI)",
ylab = expression("Normalized gene expression ("*Log[2]*"(.+1 ))"),
cex.lab = 2, cex.axis = 2, cex.main=2)
for(i in 2:ncol(norm.data)){
points( matrix(i,ncol=1,nrow=nrow(as.matrix(norm.data[,i][norm.data[,i]>0]))),
log2(as.matrix(norm.data[,i][norm.data[,i]>0]) +1 ), pch=16, cex=0.3,
title( paste("Sample1, RTAM2-normalization, cutoff ", 250," nGene ",250,sep=""),
col.main = "brown", cex.main = 2)
#---- plotting the average expression of commonly expressed genes (expressed by >95% cells) for each cell
Sqnce <- seq(1,ncol(norm.data),1)
Common.mat <- as.matrix(norm.data[which(rowSums(norm.data[,Sqnce ] != 0) > 0.95*ncol(norm.data) ), ] )
for(j in 1:ncol(norm.data)){
par( new=TRUE)
log2(mean(as.matrix(Common.mat[,j][Common.mat[,j]>0])) + 1 ) ,
axis = FALSE , col="red" , pch=15, cex =0.5
legend(0,0.75,bty="n",pch=16,col=c("red",NA), cex=1.5, legend=paste("Mean of commonly-expressed genes"))
#---- plotting the average expression of housekeeping genes
Houskeeping_gene_list <- read.table( "./Dataset/HouseKeepingGenes.txt", sep = '\t',header = TRUE)
HK_mat <- norm.data[which(rownames(norm.data)%in% t(as.matrix(Houskeeping_gene_list))), ]
HK_mat <- as.matrix(HK_mat)
colnames(HK_mat) <- colnames(norm.data)
Mean_HK_mat <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(norm.data) , nrow = 1)
for(k in 1: (ncol(norm.data))){
Mean_HK_mat[1,k] <- as.numeric(mean(HK_mat[,k][HK_mat[,k]>0]) )
par( new=TRUE)
points(log2(Mean_HK_mat[1,] +1 ), col="blue" , pch=15, cex =0.5 )
legend(0,0.5,bty="n",pch=16,col=c("blue",NA), cex=1.5, legend=paste("Mean of Houskeeping genes"))
## Excluding non-expressed genes
train1 <- as.matrix(norm.data)
colnames(train1) <- colnames(norm.data)
train <- as.matrix(train1[which(rowSums(train1 != 0) >= 1 ), ] )
## clustering the normalized data
## Finding matrix of single cells (MSC) as a seurat object for clustering
MSC <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = train, project = "sample1")
MSC <- FindVariableFeatures(object = MSC)
all.genes <- rownames(MSC)
MSC <- ScaleData(MSC, features = all.genes)
MSC <- RunPCA(object = MSC, do.print = TRUE, pcs.print = 1:10, genes.print = 10)
MSC <- FindNeighbors(object = MSC)
MSC <- FindClusters(object = MSC)
MSC <- RunTSNE(object = MSC, reduction.type = "pca", #"cca.aligned",
dims.use = 1:5, do.fast = TRUE)
DimPlot(object = MSC,reduction = "tsne", pt.size = 3, label = TRUE, label.size = 4)
## Running UMAP
MSC <- RunUMAP(MSC, dims = 1:10)
DimPlot(MSC, reduction = "umap", pt.size = 3, label = TRUE, label.size = 4)
## Running the sciCNV function to derive CNV profiles for single cells from RTAM-normalized scRNA-seq data
tst.index <- seq(1, No.test , 1) # No of test cells
ctrl.index <- seq(No.test+1, ncol(norm.data), 1) # No of controcl cells
## generating infered-CNV data for (test and/or control) cells
CNV.data <- sciCNV(norm.mat = norm.data,
No.test = No.test,
sharpness = 1,
baseline_adj = FALSE,
baseline = 0)
## Scaling the sciCNV curves and setting a noise filter threshold
## Scaling CNV-curves to adjust one copy number gain/losses to height +1/-1 if applicable
CNV.data.scaled <- Scaling_CNV(V7Alt = CNV.data,
n.TestCells = No.test,
scaling.factor = 1)
## In case one needs to re-scale data can change the scaling.factor and run
## the Scaling.CNV function again
CNV.data.scaled <- Scaling_CNV(CNV.data,
n.TestCells = No.test,
scaling.factor = 0.4)
## Defining M_NF as Noise-Free Matrix of test cells (and control cells)
M_NF <- CNV.data.scaled
####### Noise Filteration after scaling
noise.thr = 0.4 # Noise threshold
for(w in 1:ncol(M_NF) ){
for(j in 1:nrow(M_NF)){
if( (M_NF[j,w] > -noise.thr) && (M_NF[j,w] < noise.thr) ){
M_NF[j,w] <- 0
M_NF <- as.matrix(M_NF)
#### Taking Square Rate
for(w in 1:ncol(M_NF)){
for(j in 1:nrow(M_NF)){
if (M_NF[j,w] > 0){
M_NF[j,w]<- sqrt( as.numeric(M_NF[j,w]))
} else if (M_NF[j,w] < 0){
M_NF[j,w]<- -sqrt( -as.numeric(M_NF[j,w]))
rownames(M_NF) <- rownames(CNV.data.scaled)
colnames(M_NF) <- c(colnames(CNV.data.scaled)[-length(colnames(CNV.data.scaled))], "AveTest")
## Assigning chromosome number to each gene sorted based on chromosome number,
## starts and ends to sketch the average sciCNV curve of test cells
Gen.loc <- read.table("./Dataset/10XGenomics_gen_pos_GRCh38-1.2.0.txt", sep = '\t', header=TRUE)
Specific_genes <- which( Gen.loc[, 1] %in% rownames(CNV.data.scaled))
Assoc.Chr <- Gen.loc[Specific_genes, 2]
#Assoc.Chr <- apply(Assoc.Chr, 2, as.numeric)
#### Finalizing the sciCNV-matrix by attaching gene-name and chromosome number lists
M_NF1 <- cbind(as.matrix(Gen.loc[Specific_genes, 1]),
as.matrix(Gen.loc[Specific_genes, 2]),
colnames(M_NF1) <- c("Genes", "Chromosomes", colnames(norm.data), "Ave test")
M_NF2 <- as.matrix(M_NF1)
M_NF3 <- as.matrix(M_NF2[ , ncol(M_NF2)] )
rownames(M_NF3) <- as.matrix(M_NF2[ , 1] )
#pdf( paste("AveiCNVcurve_testVScontrol_scaling factor",scaling.factor,"_Noise threshold:",noise.thr,".pdf", sep=""),
# width = 6, height = 4, paper = 'special')
Sketch_AveCNV( Ave.mat = M_NF[, ncol(M_NF)] )
## Calculating tumor CNV scores to segregate normal vs tumor cells
TotScore <- CNV_score( M_nf = M_NF )
## sketching tumor scores for all cells showing segregation of test/control tumor scores
TotScoreSort0 <- sort(TotScore[1,1:No.test])
TotScoreSortNPC <- sort(TotScore[1,(No.test+1):ncol(TotScore)])
Labels <- c("Control","Test")
names <- as.matrix(c(rep(Labels[1], length(TotScoreSortNPC)), rep(Labels[2],length(TotScoreSort0) )) )
value <- c(as.matrix(TotScoreSortNPC), as.matrix(TotScoreSort0))
data$factor <- factor(data$names, levels=Labels)
COL <- c( "lightgrey","royalblue1","royalblue1","royalblue1")
beanplot(data$value ~ data$factor , col=alpha(COL,0.8),
cex.lab = 2, cex.axis = 2, cex.main=2,
xlab = "Cell type",
ylab = "CNV score",
bty='l', boxcol="gray" ,
outpch=16, outcex=1)
title("Sample1: CNV score of individuals", col.main = "brown", cex.main = 2.5)
## Heatmap of sciCNV profiles and detection of subclones
CNV.matrix <- t( M_NF[, -ncol(M_NF)])
rownames(CNV.matrix) <- colnames(M_NF[, -ncol(M_NF)])
colnames(CNV.matrix) <- rownames(CNV.data)
###### generating heatmap
## In order to use genomic locations in our heatmap we read Gen.Loc matrix
## with list of genes, chromosome numbers, starts and ends:
## Heatmap of sciCNV plotted by gene (x-axis), listed in rank order of genomic location
break.glist <- rep(0, 24)
break.glist <- heatmap_break_glist(CNV.mat2 = CNV.matrix )
CNV_htmp_glist( CNV.mat2 = CNV.matrix,
clustering = FALSE,
sorting = TRUE,
CNVscore = TotScore,
break.glist = break.glist,
No.test = No.test )
## Heatmap of sciCNV plotted by genomic location
break.gloc <- rep(0, 24)
break.gloc <- heatmap_break_gloc()
CNV_htmp_gloc( CNV.mat2 = CNV.matrix,
clustering = FALSE,
sorting = TRUE,
CNVscore = TotScore,
break.gloc = break.gloc,
No.test = No.test )
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