data_dir <- paste("~/Documents/Batcave/GEO/1-meta", "COMBOS", sep="/")
# Common Genes (combo data) ------------------------------
# load previous analyses
gse_names <- read.table("gse_names.csv", quote="\"",
comment.char="", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)$V1
anals <- load_diff(gse_names, data_dir, "SYMBOL")
# get all genes
all_genes <- lapply(anals, function(anal) {
# get common genes
common_genes <- Reduce(intersect, all_genes)
saveRDS(common_genes, "common_genes.rds")
# Unique Samples (columns of bgedv2) ------------------------------
# load subset of probes
rows <- sample(22268, 6000)
ds <- parse.gctx("raw/bgedv2_QNORM.gctx", rid = rows)@mat
ds <- t(ds); gc()
ds <-; gc()
dups <- duplicated(ds)
unique_samples <- which(!dups)
saveRDS(unique_samples, "unique_samples.rds")
rm(ds); gc()
# Probe IQRs (rows of bgedv2) ------------------------------
cols <- readRDS("unique_samples.rds")
x <- 1:22268
n <- 10
bins <- split(x, sort(x%%n))
iqrs <- c()
for (bin in bins){
ds <- parse.gctx("raw/bgedv2_QNORM.gctx", rid = bin, cid = cols)@mat
iqrs <- c(iqrs, matrixStats::rowIQRs(ds))
rm(ds); gc()
saveRDS(iqrs, "iqrs.rds")
# Probes to Symbols (bgedv2) ------------------------------
dt <- data.table(iqr = readRDS("iqrs.rds"))
dt$PROBEID <- row.names(parse.gctx("raw/bgedv2_QNORM.gctx", cid = 1)@mat)
dt$row <- 1:nrow(dt)
# map from probes to symbol
map <- AnnotationDbi::select(hgu133a.db, dt$PROBEID, "SYMBOL")
map <-
map <- map[!, ]
map$SYMBOL <- toupper(map$SYMBOL)
# expand 1:many mappings
dt <- merge(dt, map, all.y = TRUE, by = "PROBEID", sort = FALSE)
# for rows with duplicated symbol, keep highest IQR
dt <- dt[, .SD[which.max(iqr)], by = "SYMBOL"]
saveRDS(dt, "ps_map.rds")
# Get X and y (bgedv2) ------------------------------
cols <- readRDS("unique_samples.rds")
ps_map <- readRDS("ps_map.rds")
X_genes <- readRDS("common_genes.rds")
Xmap <- ps_map[SYMBOL %in% X_genes]
ymap <- ps_map[!SYMBOL %in% X_genes]
# X:
# ---
X <- parse.gctx("raw/bgedv2_QNORM.gctx", rid = unique(Xmap$row))@mat
X <- X[, cols] ; gc() # remove non-unique samples
X <- X[Xmap$PROBEID, ] ; gc() # expand 1-to-many probe-to-gene
row.names(X) <- Xmap$SYMBOL ; gc() # use symbol for row names
colnames(X) <- NULL
# samples in rows / genes in columns
X <- t(X)
saveRDS(X, "clean/X.rds")
npySave('clean/X.npy', X, mode='w')
# scale s.t. for each gene mean = 0, sd = 1
X <- scale(X)
saveRDS(X, "clean/X_scaled.rds")
npySave('clean/X_scaled.npy', X, mode='w')
rm(X); gc()
# y:
# ---
y <- parse.gctx("raw/bgedv2_QNORM.gctx", rid = unique(ymap$row))@mat
y <- y[, cols] ; gc() # remove non-unique samples
y <- y[ymap$PROBEID, ] ; gc() # expand 1-to-many probe-to-gene
row.names(y) <- ymap$SYMBOL ; gc() # use symbol for row names
colnames(y) <- NULL ; gc()
# samples in rows / genes in columns
y <- t(y)
saveRDS(y, "clean/y.rds")
npySave('clean/y.npy', y, mode='w')
# Rank order X and y (bgedv2) ------------------------------
# for each observation, get rank of each gene
X <- readRDS("clean/X.rds")
y <- readRDS("clean/y.rds")
train <- cbind(X, y)
rm(X, y) ; gc()
for (i in 1:nrow(train)) {
train[i, ] <- frank(train[i, ], ties.method = 'dense')
if (i %% 1000 == 0) print(i)
# seperate out into X and y matrices
X <- train[, 1:3486]
saveRDS(X, "clean/X_ranked.rds")
npySave('clean/X_ranked.npy', X, mode='w')
rm(X) ; gc()
y <- train[, -(1:3486)]
saveRDS(y, "clean/y_ranked.rds")
npySave('clean/y_ranked.npy', y, mode='w')
rm(y) ; gc()
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