
Defines functions get_ebi_fastqs get_fastqs get_dldir crawl_gsms extract_gsms crawl_gse

Documented in crawl_gse crawl_gsms extract_gsms get_dldir get_ebi_fastqs get_fastqs

#' Get GSE text from GEO
#' @param gse_name  GEO study name to get metadata for
#' @return Character vector of lines on GSE record.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gse_text <- crawl_gse('GSE111459')
crawl_gse <- function(gse_name) {

    # get html text for GSE page
    gse_url  <- paste0(

    gse_text <- NULL
    attempt <- 1
    while(is.null(gse_text) && attempt <= 3) {
        con <- url(gse_url)
        try(gse_text <- readLines(con))
        if(is.null(gse_text)) Sys.sleep(15)
        attempt <- attempt + 1

#' Extract GSMs needed to download RNA-seq data for a series
#' @param gse_text GSE text returned from \code{\link{crawl_gse}}
#' @return Character vector of sample GSMs for the series \code{gse_name}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gse_text <- crawl_gse('GSE111459')
#' gsm_names <- extract_gsms(gse_text)
extract_gsms <- function(gse_text) {

    # GSM names
    gsm_lines <- grep('^!Series_sample_id', gse_text)
    gsm_names <- gsub(
        '^!Series_sample_id = (GSM\\d+)$', '\\1',


#' Crawls SRX pages for each GSM to get metadata.
#' Goes to each GSM page to get SRX then to each SRX page to get some more
#' metadata.
#' @param gsm_names Character vector of GSMs.
#' @param max.workers Maximum number of parallel workers to split task betweem
#' @importFrom foreach %dopar%
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' srp_meta <- crawl_gsms("GSM3031462")
#' # returns NULL because records on dbGAP for privacy reasons
#' srp_meta <- crawl_gsms("GSM2439650")
#' # example with empty values
#' srp_meta <- crawl_gsms('GSM4043025')
crawl_gsms <- function(gsm_names, max.workers = 50) {
    # for R CMD Check
    j = NULL

    nsamp <- length(gsm_names)
    cat(nsamp, 'GSMs to process\n')

    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(min(max.workers, nsamp))

    srp_meta <- foreach::foreach(
        j = seq_len(nsamp),
        .combine = plyr::rbind.fill) %dopar% {

            # save in srp_meta
            srp_meta <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

            gsm_name <- gsm_names[j]
            # get html text
            geo_url <- "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc="
            gsm_url  <- paste0(
                geo_url, gsm_name, '&targ=self&form=text&view=full')

            gsm_text <- NULL
            attempt <- 1
            while(is.null(gsm_text) && attempt <= 3) {
                con <- url(gsm_url)
                try(gsm_text <- readLines(con))
                if(is.null(gsm_text)) Sys.sleep(5)
                attempt <- attempt + 1

            # get SRA number for this GSM
            # some won't (e.g. submitted to dbGAP for privacy reasons)
            has.srx <- grep('!Sample_relation = SRA: .+?SRX\\d+', gsm_text)
            if (!length(has.srx)) return(NULL)

            experiment <- gsub('^.+?(SRX\\d+)$', '\\1', gsm_text[has.srx])

            # fix for e.g. GSM4043025 with empty values
            gsm_text <- gsm_text[gsm_text != ""]
            info <- gsub('^!Sample_', '', gsm_text[-1])
            cols <- gsub('^(.+?) = .+?$', '\\1', info)
            cols <- make.unique(cols)
            vals <- gsub('^.+? = (.+?$)', '\\1', info)
            names(vals) <- cols

            if (!is.na(experiment)) {

                # extract SRR runs info -----
                srx_url  <- paste0(

                srx_html <- NULL
                attempt <- 1
                while(is.null(srx_html) && attempt <= 3) {
                    try(srx_html <- xml2::read_html(srx_url))
                    if(is.null(srx_html)) Sys.sleep(5)
                    attempt <- attempt + 1
                srx_text <- rvest::html_text(srx_html)

                runs <- stringr::str_extract_all(
                    srx_text, '<PRIMARY_ID>SRR\\d+</PRIMARY_ID>')[[1]]

                runs <- gsub(
                    '<PRIMARY_ID>(SRR\\d+)</PRIMARY_ID>', '\\1', unique(runs))

                taxon_id <- stringr::str_extract(
                    srx_text, '<TAXON_ID>\\d+</TAXON_ID>')

                library_source <- stringr::str_extract(
                    srx_text, '<LIBRARY_SOURCE>.+?</LIBRARY_SOURCE>')

                library_layout <- stringr::str_extract(
                    srx_text, '<LIBRARY_LAYOUT>.+?</LIBRARY_LAYOUT>')

                library_layout <- stringr::str_extract(
                    library_layout, 'SINGLE|PAIRED')

                if (length(runs)) {

                    # add info to srp_meta
                    srp_meta[runs, 'run'] <- runs
                    srp_meta[runs, 'experiment'] <- experiment
                    srp_meta[runs, 'gsm_name'] <- gsm_name
                    for (col in cols) srp_meta[runs, col] <- vals[col]

                    srp_meta[runs, 'library_source'] <- gsub(

                    srp_meta[runs, 'library_layout'] <- library_layout
                    srp_meta[runs, 'taxon_id'] <- gsub(

                    srp_meta[runs, 'ebi_dir']  <-
                        vapply(runs, get_dldir, 'ebi')
                    srp_meta[runs, 'ncbi_dir'] <-
                        vapply(runs, get_dldir, 'ncbi')
    row.names(srp_meta) <- srp_meta$run

#' Gets part of path to download bulk RNAseq sample from EBI or NCBI
#' @param srr SRR/ERR run name
#' @param type Either \code{'ebi'} or \code{'ncbi'}
#' @return String path used by \code{\link{get_fastqs}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_dldir('SRR014242')
get_dldir <- function(srr, type = c('ebi', 'ncbi')) {

    dir1 <- substr(srr, 1, 6)

    if (type[1] == 'ebi') {
        digits  <- gsub('^SRR|^ERR', '', srr)
        ndigits <- nchar(digits)

        if (ndigits == 7) {
            dir2 <- paste0('00', substr(digits, 7, 7))

        } else if (ndigits == 8) {
            dir2 <- paste0('0', substr(digits, 7, 8))

        } else if (ndigits == 9) {
            dir2 <- substr(digits, 7, 9)

        } else if (ndigits == 6) {
            return(file.path(dir1, srr))

        return(file.path(dir1, dir2, srr))

    } else if (type[1] == 'ncbi') {
        return(file.path(dir1, srr))


#' Download and RNA-seq fastq data from EBI
#' First tries to get RNA-Seq fastq files from EBI.
#' @param srp_meta \code{data.frame} with SRP meta info. Returned from
#' \code{\link{crawl_gsms}}.
#' @param data_dir Path to folder that fastq files will be downloaded to. Will
#' be created if doesn't exist.
#' @param method One of \code{'aspera'} or \code{'ftp'}. \code{'aspera'} is
#' generally faster but requires the
#' ascp command line utility to be on your path and in the authors experience
#' frequently stalls.
#' @param max_rate Used when \code{method = 'aspera'} only. Sets the target
#' transfer rate. The default is \code{'300m'}.
#' @return Named vector of integer return codes from \code{ascp} or
#' \code{download.file}. Names are SRR runs.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gsm_name <- 'GSM3926903'
#' srp_meta <- crawl_gsms(gsm_name)
#' data_dir <- tempdir()
#' res <- get_fastqs(srp_meta, data_dir)
get_fastqs <- function(
    srp_meta, data_dir, method = c('ftp', 'aspera'), max_rate = '1g') {

    # setup fastq directory
    dir.create(data_dir, showWarnings = FALSE)

    # seperate runs based on GSM (can be multiple per GSM)
    srr_names <- srp_meta$run
    gsm_names <- unique(srp_meta$gsm_name)
    srr_names_list <- lapply(
        gsm_names, function(gsm_name)srr_names[srp_meta$gsm_name %in% gsm_name])
    names(srr_names_list) <- gsm_names

    method <- method[1]
    ngsm <- length(gsm_names)

    res <- c()
    for (i in seq_len(ngsm)) {
        # download everything
        srr_names <- srr_names_list[[i]]
        resi <- c()

        for (srr_name in srr_names) {
            # try to get fastq from ebi
            resi <- c(
                        srp_meta, srr_name, data_dir, method, max_rate),
                    error = function(e) {
                        warning(e$message, call. = FALSE)
        names(resi) <- srr_names
        res <- c(res, resi)

#' Download fastqs from EBI
#' Much faster to use aspera than ftp
#' @param srr_name Run accession as string.
#' @inheritParams get_fastqs
#' @keywords internal
#' @return Integer return code from ascp or \code{download.file}.
get_ebi_fastqs <- function(
    srp_meta, srr_name, data_dir, method=c('ftp', 'aspera'), max_rate='300m') {

    pre_url <- 'ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/'
    url <- paste0(pre_url, srp_meta[srr_name, 'ebi_dir'], '/')

    resp <- RCurl::getURL(url)
    resp <- strsplit(resp, '\n')[[1]]
    resp <- strsplit(resp, ' +')
    fnames <- vapply(resp, `[`, '', 9)
    fsizes <- vapply(resp, `[`, '', 5)

    if (method[1] == 'aspera') {
        ascp_path <- system2('which', 'ascp', stdout = TRUE)
        ascp_pubkey <- gsub('bin/ascp$',

        # only overwrite if different from source
        ascp_args <- c(
            '-k1', '-QT', '-l', max_rate, '-P33001', '-i', ascp_pubkey)

        files <- paste0('era-fasp@fasp.sra.ebi.ac.uk:/vol1/fastq/',
                        srp_meta[srr_name, 'ebi_dir'], '/', fnames)

        for (i in seq_along(files)) {
            destfile <- file.path(data_dir, fnames[i])
            if (file.exists(destfile) && file.size(destfile) == fsizes[i]) {
                res <- 0
            } else {
                res <- ascpR(ascp_args, files[i], data_dir)

    } else if (method[1] == 'ftp') {
        files <- paste0('ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/',
                        srp_meta[srr_name, 'ebi_dir'], '/', fnames)

        for (i in seq_along(files)) {
            # check for existing file with same size
            destfile <- file.path(data_dir, fnames[i])
            if (file.exists(destfile) && file.size(destfile) == fsizes[i]) {
                res <- 0
            } else {
                res <- utils::download.file(files[i], destfile)

#' Utility function to run aspera
#' @param ascp_args Character vector of arguments to \code{ascp}.
#' @param file Url to aspera file to download.
#' @param destDir Path to directory to download \code{files} into.
#' @keywords internal
#' @return return code from call to ascp
ascpR <- function (ascp_args, file, destDir = getwd()) {
    ret <- system2('ascp', c(ascp_args, file, destDir))
alexvpickering/GEOfastq documentation built on Oct. 11, 2021, 6:44 p.m.