# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clustering according to equivalence threshold distance (itself based on dEuclid^2)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ..................................................................................................
# Building all expanded profiles, for all lists and intersections of lists
# ..................................................................................................
intersectOne.vs.other <- function(iList2, iList, geneLists, onto, ontoLevel, #orgPackage,
trace, ...) {
if (trace) {
nams <- names(geneLists)
max.length <- max(str_length(nams))
cat(str_pad(nams[iList], max.length, "right"), ",",
str_pad(nams[iList2], max.length, "right"), "|", sep = "")
listsIntersect <- intersect(geneLists[[iList]], geneLists[[iList2]])
if (length(listsIntersect) > 0) {
return(expandedProfile(listsIntersect, onto = onto, level = ontoLevel, ...))
} else {
intersectOne.vs.remaining <- function(iList, geneLists, onto, ontoLevel, #orgPackage,
trace, ...) {
if (trace) {
result <- lapply(1:(iList-1), intersectOne.vs.other,
iList = iList, geneLists = geneLists,
onto = onto, ontoLevel = ontoLevel,
trace = trace, ...)
names(result) <- names(geneLists)[1:(iList-1)]
allIntersections <- function(geneLists, onto, ontoLevel,
trace = TRUE, ...) {
lenList <- length(geneLists)
result <- lapply(2:lenList, intersectOne.vs.remaining, geneLists = geneLists,
onto = onto, ontoLevel = ontoLevel,
trace = trace, ...)
names(result) <- names(geneLists)[-1]
marginalProfile <- function(iList, geneLists, onto, ontoLevel, trace, ...) {
if (trace) {
cat( "Building profile for list ", names(geneLists)[iList], "\n")
return(expandedProfile(geneLists[[iList]], onto = onto, level = ontoLevel, ...))
# ..................................................................................................
# Equivalence test between all lists
# ..................................................................................................
one.vs.other <- function(iList2, iList,
allMarginalProfiles, allIntersectionProfiles,
onto, ontoLevel, #orgPackage,
trace, ...) {
if (trace) {
# cat(".")
nams <- names(allMarginalProfiles)
max.length <- max(str_length(nams))
cat(str_pad(nams[iList], max.length, "right"), ",",
str_pad(nams[iList2], max.length, "right"), "|", sep = "")
getStats(equivalentGOProfiles(allMarginalProfiles[[iList]][[1]], allMarginalProfiles[[iList2]][[1]],
# onto = onto, level = ontoLevel,
# orgPackage = orgPackage,
one.vs.remaining <- function(iList, allMarginalProfiles, allIntersectionProfiles,
onto, ontoLevel, #orgPackage,
trace, ...) {
if (trace) {
result <- lapply(1:(iList-1), one.vs.other,
iList = iList,
allMarginalProfiles = allMarginalProfiles,
allIntersectionProfiles = allIntersectionProfiles,
onto = onto, ontoLevel = ontoLevel,
trace = trace, ...)
names(result) <- names(allMarginalProfiles)[1:(iList-1)]
allEquivTests <- function(allMarginalProfiles, allIntersectionProfiles,
onto, ontoLevel,
trace = TRUE, ...) {
lenList <- length(allMarginalProfiles)
result <- lapply(2:lenList, one.vs.remaining,
allMarginalProfiles = allMarginalProfiles,
allIntersectionProfiles = allIntersectionProfiles,
onto = onto, ontoLevel = ontoLevel,
trace = trace, ...)
names(result) <- names(allMarginalProfiles)[-1]
# ..................................................................................................
# Euclidean squared distance and its standard error from 'equivalentGOProfiles ' statistic
# ..................................................................................................
getStats <- function(goObject)
d <- goObject[[1]]$estimate
result <- c(d, attr(d,"se"))
names(result) <- c("d", "se")
attr(result, "pn") <- goObject[[1]]$profilePn
attr(result, "qm") <- goObject[[1]]$profileQm
#' For a given level (2, 3, ...) in a GO ontology (BP, MF or CC), compute the equivalence threshold
#' distance matrix and generate a dendrogram from it.
#' @param ontoLevel integer (2, 3, ...) level of a GO ontology where the GO profiles are built
#' @param onto character, GO ontology ("BP", "MF" or "CC") under consideration
#' @param geneLists list of character vectors, each vector stands for the gene names in a given gene set
#' @param trace boolean, the full process must be traced? Defaults to TRUE
#' @param onTheFlyDev character, name of the graphical device where to immediately display the resulting
#' diagram. The appropriate names depend on the operating system. Defaults to \code{NULL} and then
#' nothing is displayed
#' @param method character, one of the admissible methods in function \code{hclust}. Defaults to "complete"
#' @param jobName character, main plot name, defaults to
#' \code{paste("Equivalence cluster", onto, ontoLevel, method, sep = "_")}
#' @param ylab character, label of the vertical axis of the plot, defaults to "Equivalence threshold distance"
#' @param alpha simultaneous nominal significance level for the equivalence tests to be repeteadly performed,
#' defaults to 0.05
#' @param precis numerical precission in the iterative search of the equivalence threshold distances,
#' defaults to 0.001
#' @param ... additional arguments to \code{hclust}
#' @return An object of class \code{equivClust}, descending from class \code{hclust}
#' with some additional attributes:
#' \describe{
#' \item{jobName}{The main job name}
#' \item{sub}{The graphic subtittle}
#' \item{ylab}{The vertical axis label}
#' \item{distMat}{The equivalence threshold distance matrix}
#' \item{allComps}{A list with some information on all the pairwise equivalence tests:
#' the Euclidean squared distance, its standard error and the corresponding GO profiles}
#' }
#' @details Do not confuse the threshold distance matrix with the squared distances computed
#' in each equivalence test.
#' @importFrom stringr str_pad
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(kidneyGeneLists)
#' clustMF2 <- equivClust(2, "MF", kidneyGeneLists, orgPackage="org.Hs.eg.db")
#' plot(clustMF2)
#' plot(clustMF2,
#' main = "Dendrogram (method = complete)", sub = attr(clustMF2, "sub"),
#' ylab = "Equivalence threshold distance")
#' # With the same data, an UPGMA dendrogram:
#' equivClust(2, "MF", kidneyGeneLists, method = "average",
#' orgPackage="org.Hs.eg.db")
#' }
#' @export
equivClust <- function(ontoLevel, onto, geneLists,
trace = TRUE, onTheFlyDev = NULL, method = "complete",
jobName = paste("Equivalence cluster", onto, ontoLevel, method, sep = "_"),
ylab = "Equivalence threshold distance",
alpha = 0.05, precis = 0.001, ...)
subName <- paste0("Ontology ", onto, " at level ", ontoLevel, sep = "")
if (trace) {
cat("\n\n", jobName, subName, "\n")
s <- length(geneLists)
h <- s * (s - 1) / 2
equivDists <- rep(NA, h)
dIdxs <- unlist(lapply(2:s, function(i) lapply(1:(i-1), function(j) c(i,j))), recursive = FALSE)
if (trace) {
cat("\nBuilding marginal profiles:\n\n")
allMarginalProfiles <- lapply(1:length(geneLists), marginalProfile,
geneLists = geneLists,
onto = onto, ontoLevel = ontoLevel,
trace = trace, ...)
names(allMarginalProfiles) <- names(geneLists)
if (trace) {
cat("\nBuilding intersection profiles:\n")
allIntersectionProfiles <- allIntersections(geneLists, onto = onto, ontoLevel = ontoLevel,
trace = trace, ...)
if (trace) {
cat("\n\nPerforming all equivalence tests:\n")
allComps <- allEquivTests(allMarginalProfiles, allIntersectionProfiles,
onto = onto, ontoLevel = ontoLevel,
trace = trace, ...)
d.se <- matrix(unlist(sapply(allComps, function(dse) unlist(dse))), ncol = h)
delta <- max(c(1, qnorm(1 - alpha / h)) %*% d.se)
a <- d.se[1,] / d.se[2,]
names(a) <- 1:h
b <- -1 / d.se[2,]
for (ih in h:1) {
nextStep <- nextEquivDist(a, b, ih, delta, alpha, precis)
delta <- nextStep$delta
iDelta <- nextStep$iDelta
equivDists[iDelta] <- delta
a[iDelta] <- NA
distMat <- matrix(0, nrow = s, ncol = s)
rownames(distMat) <- colnames(distMat) <- names(geneLists)
distMat[upper.tri(distMat)] <- equivDists
distMat <- as.dist(t(distMat))
attr(distMat, "dist.method") <- "equivalence"
clust <- hclust(distMat, method = method)
attr(clust, "jobName") <- jobName
attr(clust, "ylab") <- ylab
attr(clust, "sub") <- subName
attr(clust, "distMat") <- distMat
attr(clust, "allComps") <- allComps
if (!is.null(onTheFlyDev)) {
eval(call(onTheFlyDev, width = 20, height = 20))
# dev.set(dev.list()[onTheFlyDev])
plot(clust, hang = -1, main = jobName, sub = subName, ylab = ylab)
class(clust) <- c("equivClust", class(clust))
nextEquivDist <- function(a, b, h, delta, alpha, precis) {
incDelta <- 0.1 * delta
alphas.holm <- alpha / seq(from = h, to = 1, by = -1)
repeat {
p.vals <- ifelse(is.na(a), NA, pnorm(a + b * delta))
p.order <- order(p.vals)
p.sort <- p.vals[p.order][1:h]
# if (all(ifelse(is.na(p.sort), NA, p.sort <= alphas.holm), na.rm = TRUE)) {
if (all(p.sort <= alphas.holm)) {
if (incDelta < precis) {
return(list(delta = delta, iDelta = p.order[h]))
} else {
delta <- delta - incDelta
} else {
incDelta <- 0.5 * incDelta
delta <- delta + incDelta
auxIter <- function(onto, ontoLevels, geneLists,
trace, onTheFlyDev, method, jobName, ylab, alpha, precis,
...) {
result <- lapply(ontoLevels, equivClust,
onto = onto, geneLists = geneLists,
trace = trace, onTheFlyDev = onTheFlyDev, method = method,
jobName = jobName, ylab = ylab, alpha = alpha, precis = precis,
names(result) <- paste("Level", ontoLevels, sep = "")
#' For each combination of the specified levels in the choosen GO ontologies,
#' compute the equivalence threshold distance matrix and generate a dendrogram from it.
#' @param geneLists list of character vectors, each vector stands for the gene names in a given gene set
#' @param ontos character vector, (e.g. c("BP","MF")) indicating the GO ontologies to be analysed
#' @param ontoLevels integer vector (e.g. 2:4) indicating the GO levels in these ontologies
#' where the GO profiles are built
#' @param trace boolean, the full process must be traced? Defaults to TRUE
#' @param onTheFlyDev character, name of the graphical device where to immediately display the resulting
#' diagrams. The appropriate names depend on the operating system. Defaults to \code{NULL} and then
#' nothing is displayed. Otherwise, successive graphical windows are opened and the successive diagrams
#' are displayed in them
#' @param method character, one of the admissible methods in function \code{hclust}. Defaults to "complete"
#' @param jobName character, main plot name, defaults to "Equivalence clustering"
#' @param ylab character, label of the vertical axis of the plot, defaults to "Equivalence threshold distance"
#' @param alpha simultaneous nominal significance level for the equivalence tests to be repeteadly performed,
#' defaults to 0.05
#' @param precis numerical precission in the iterative search of the equivalence threshold distances,
#' defaults to 0.001
#' @param ... additional arguments to \code{hclust}
#' @return An object of class \code{iterEquivCluster}. It is a list of \code{length(ontos)},
#' one element for each ontology under study. Each element of this list is itself a list of
#' \code{length(ontoLevels)} with elements of class \code{equivClust}, standing for the cluster equivalence
#' analysis performed for each ontology and level analysed
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(kidneyGeneLists)
#' kidneyGeneLists
#' genListsClusters <- iterEquivClust(kidneyGeneLists, ontoLevels = 2:3,
#' jobName = "Kidney Gene Lists_Equivalence Clustering (complete)",
#' ylab = "Equivalence threshold distance",
#' orgPackage="org.Hs.eg.db", method = "complete")
#' genListsClusters[["BP"]][["Level 3"]]
#' class(genListsClusters[["BP"]][["Level 3"]])
#' }
#' @export
iterEquivClust <- function(geneLists, ontos = c("BP","MF","CC"), ontoLevels = c(2,3),
trace = TRUE, onTheFlyDev = NULL,
method = "complete",
jobName = "Equivalence clustering", ylab = "Equivalence threshold distance",
alpha = 0.05, precis = 0.001,
# if (!is.null(onTheFlyDev)) {
# eval(call(onTheFlyDev, 20,20))
# }
result <- lapply(ontos, auxIter, ontoLevels = ontoLevels, geneLists = geneLists,
trace = trace, onTheFlyDev = onTheFlyDev, method = method,
jobName = jobName, ylab = ylab, alpha = alpha, precis = precis,
names(result) <- ontos
class(result) <- c("iterEquivClust", class(result))
attr(result, "jobName") <- jobName
attr(result, "ylab") <- ylab
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