#' Constructs a NxtSE object from the collated data
#' Creates a \linkS4class{NxtSE} object from the data
#' from IRFinder output collated using [CollateData]. This object is used
#' for downstream differential analysis of IR and alternative splicing events
#' using [ASE-methods] as well as visualisation using [Plot_Coverage]
#' @details
#' `MakeSE` retrieves the generic SummarizedExperiment structure saved by
#' [CollateData], and initialises a \linkS4class{NxtSE} object. It references
#' the required on-disk assay data using DelayedArrays, thereby utilising
#' 'on-disk' memory to conserve memory usage.
#' For extremely large datasets, loading the entire data into memory may consume
#' too much memory. In such cases, make a subset of the \linkS4class{NxtSE}
#' object (e.g. subset by samples) before loading the data into memory (RAM)
#' using [realize_NxtSE]
#' It should be noted that downstream applications of NxtIRF, including
#' [ASE-methods], [Plot_Coverage], are much faster if the \linkS4class{NxtSE}
#' is realized. It is recommended to realize the \linkS4class{NxtSE} object
#' before extensive usage.
#' If COV files assigned via [CollateData] have been moved relative to the
#' `collate_path`, the created \linkS4class{NxtSE} object will not have any
#' linked COV files and [Plot_Coverage] cannot be used. To reassign these
#' files, a vector of file paths corresponding to all the COV files of the data
#' set can be assigned using `covfile(se) <- vector_of_cov_files`. See
#' example below for details.
#' If `RemoveOverlapping = TRUE`, `MakeSE` will try to
#' identify which introns belong to major isoforms, then remove introns of
#' minor introns that overlaps those of major isoforms. Non-overlapping
#' introns are then reassessed iteratively, until all introns are included
#' or excluded in this way. This is important to ensure that overlapping
#' novel IR events are not 'double-counted'.
#' @param collate_path (Required) The output path of [CollateData] pointing
#' to the collated data
#' @param colData (Optional) A data frame containing the sample annotation
#' information. The first column must contain the sample names.
#' Omit `colData` to generate a NxtSE object of the whole dataset without
#' any assigned annotations.
#' Alternatively, if the names of only a subset of samples are given, then
#' `MakeSE()` will construct the NxtSE object based only on the samples given.
#' The colData can be set later using `colData()`
#' @param RemoveOverlapping (default = `TRUE`) Whether to filter out overlapping
#' novel IR events belonging to minor isoforms. See details.
#' @param realize (default = `FALSE`) Whether to load all assay data into
#' memory. See details
#' @return A \linkS4class{NxtSE} object containing the compiled data in
#' DelayedArrays pointing to the assay data contained in the given
#' `collate_path`
#' @examples
#' # The following code can be used to reproduce the NxtSE object
#' # that can be fetched with NxtIRF_example_NxtSE()
#' BuildReference(
#' reference_path = file.path(tempdir(), "Reference"),
#' fasta = chrZ_genome(),
#' gtf = chrZ_gtf()
#' )
#' bams <- NxtIRF_example_bams()
#' IRFinder(bams$path, bams$sample,
#' reference_path = file.path(tempdir(), "Reference"),
#' output_path = file.path(tempdir(), "IRFinder_output")
#' )
#' expr <- Find_IRFinder_Output(file.path(tempdir(), "IRFinder_output"))
#' CollateData(expr,
#' reference_path = file.path(tempdir(), "Reference"),
#' output_path = file.path(tempdir(), "NxtIRF_output")
#' )
#' se <- MakeSE(collate_path = file.path(tempdir(), "NxtIRF_output"))
#' # "Realize" NxtSE object to load all H5 assays into memory:
#' se <- realize_NxtSE(se)
#' # If COV files have been removed since the last call to CollateData()
#' # reassign them to the NxtSE object, for example:
#' covfile_path <- system.file("extdata", package = "NxtIRFcore")
#' covfile_df <- Find_Samples(covfile_path, ".cov")
#' covfile(se) <- covfile_df$path
#' # Check that the produced object is identical to the example NxtSE
#' example_se <- NxtIRF_example_NxtSE()
#' identical(se, example_se) # should return TRUE
#' @md
#' @export
MakeSE <- function(
collate_path, colData, RemoveOverlapping = TRUE,
realize = FALSE
) {
# Includes iterative filtering for IR events with highest mean PSI
# To annotate IR events of major isoforms
colData <- .makeSE_validate_args(collate_path, colData)
colData <- .makeSE_colData_clean(colData)
collate_path <- normalizePath(collate_path)
N <- 3
dash_progress("Loading NxtSE object from file...", N)
.log("Loading NxtSE object from file...", "message", appendLF = FALSE)
se <- .MakeSE_load_NxtSE(file.path(collate_path, "NxtSE.rds"))
# Locate relative paths of COV files, or have all-empty if not all are found
covfiles <- file.path(collate_path, se@metadata[["cov_file"]])
display_cov_missing_message <- FALSE
if (all(se@metadata[["cov_file"]] == "") || any(!file.exists(covfiles))) {
se@metadata[["cov_file"]] <- rep("", ncol(se))
display_cov_missing_message <- TRUE
} else {
se@metadata[["cov_file"]] <- normalizePath(covfiles)
# Encapsulate as NxtSE object
se <- as(se, "NxtSE")
# Subset
se <- se[, colData$sample]
if (ncol(colData) > 1) {
colData_use <- colData[, -1, drop = FALSE]
rownames(colData_use) <- colData$sample
colData(se) <- as(colData_use, "DataFrame")
.log(paste("Coverage files were not set or not found.",
"To set coverage files, use `covfile(se) <- filenames`")
, "message")
if (realize == TRUE) {
dash_progress("Realizing NxtSE object...", N)
.log("Realizing NxtSE object...", "message")
se <- realize_NxtSE(se)
if (RemoveOverlapping == TRUE) {
dash_progress("Removing overlapping introns...", N)
.log("Removing overlapping introns...", "message")
se <- .makeSE_iterate_IR(se, collate_path)
# Remove events with NA's (not sure why this occurs)
Inc_NA <- is.na(rowSums(assay(se, "Included")))
Exc_NA <- is.na(rowSums(assay(se, "Excluded")))
se <- se[!Inc_NA & !Exc_NA,]
Up_Inc_NA <- rownames(up_inc(se))[is.na(rowSums(up_inc(se)))]
Down_Inc_NA <- rownames(down_inc(se))[is.na(rowSums(down_inc(se)))]
Up_Exc_NA <- rownames(up_exc(se))[is.na(rowSums(up_exc(se)))]
Down_Exc_NA <- rownames(down_exc(se))[is.na(rowSums(down_exc(se)))]
names_NA <- unique(c(Up_Inc_NA, Down_Inc_NA, Up_Exc_NA, Down_Exc_NA))
se <- se[!(rownames(se) %in% names_NA),]
# Checks:
# - whether the given path contains a valid CollateData() output
# - whether
.makeSE_validate_args <- function(collate_path, colData) {
item.todo <- c("rowEvent", "Included", "Excluded", "Depth", "Coverage",
"minDepth", "Up_Inc", "Down_Inc", "Up_Exc", "Down_Exc")
if (!file.exists(file.path(collate_path, "colData.Rds"))) {
.log(paste("In MakeSE():",
file.path(collate_path, "colData.Rds"),
"was not found"))
colData.Rds <- readRDS(file.path(collate_path, "colData.Rds"))
if (!("df.anno" %in% names(colData.Rds))) {
.log(paste("In MakeSE():",
file.path(collate_path, "colData.Rds"),
"must contain df.anno containing annotations"))
if (missing(colData)) {
colData <- colData.Rds$df.anno
} else {
colData <- as.data.frame(colData)
if (!("sample" %in% colnames(colData))) {
colnames(colData)[1] <- "sample"
if (!all(colData$sample %in% colData.Rds$df.anno$sample)) {
.log(paste("In MakeSE():",
"some samples in colData were not found in given path"),
colData <- colData[colData$sample %in% colData.Rds$df.anno$sample, ]
# Converts charactor vectors to factors, removes columns with all NA's
.makeSE_colData_clean <- function(colData) {
remove_na <- NULL
if (ncol(colData) > 1) {
for (i in seq(2, ncol(colData))) {
if (is(colData[, i], "character")) {
colData[, i] <- factor(unlist(colData[, i]))
} else if (is(colData[, i], "logical")) {
colData[, i] <- factor(unlist(
ifelse(colData[, i], "TRUE", "FALSE")))
} else if (all(is.na(unlist(colData[, i])))) {
remove_na <- append(remove_na, i)
if (!is.null(remove_na)) {
colData <- colData[, -remove_na]
# Loads a NxtSE RDS
.MakeSE_load_NxtSE <- function(filepath) {
se <- readRDS(filepath)
path <- dirname(filepath)
se@assays <- .collateData_expand_assay_paths(se@assays, path)
se@metadata[["Up_Inc"]] <- .collateData_expand_assay_path(
se@metadata[["Up_Inc"]], path)
se@metadata[["Down_Inc"]] <- .collateData_expand_assay_path(
se@metadata[["Down_Inc"]], path)
se@metadata[["Up_Exc"]] <- .collateData_expand_assay_path(
se@metadata[["Up_Exc"]], path)
se@metadata[["Down_Exc"]] <- .collateData_expand_assay_path(
se@metadata[["Down_Exc"]], path)
# Iterates through IRFinder introns; removes overlapping minor introns
.makeSE_iterate_IR <- function(se, collate_path) {
junc_PSI <- HDF5Array(file.path(normalizePath(collate_path),
"data.h5"), "junc_PSI")[, colnames(se), drop = FALSE]
se.IR <- se[rowData(se)$EventType == "IR", , drop = FALSE]
se.coords <- rowData(se.IR)$EventRegion[
rowData(se.IR)$EventRegion %in% rownames(junc_PSI)]
se.coords.gr = CoordToGR(se.coords)
names(se.coords.gr) = se.coords
if (length(se.coords.gr) > 0) {
.log(paste("Iterating through IR events to determine introns",
"of main isoforms"), type = "message")
include <- .makeSE_iterate_IR_select_events(se.coords.gr, junc_PSI)
se.coords.final <- se.coords.gr[include]
se.coords.excluded <- se.coords.gr[!include]
# Iteration to find events not overlapping with se.IR.final
include <- .makeSE_iterate_IR_retrieve_excluded_introns(
se.coords.final, se.coords.excluded)
iteration <- 0
while (length(include) > 0 & length(se.coords.final) > 0) {
iteration <- iteration + 1
.log(paste("Iteration", iteration), type = "message")
dash_progress(paste("Iteration", iteration), 8)
se.coords.excluded <- se.coords.excluded[include]
include <- .makeSE_iterate_IR_select_events(
se.coords.excluded, junc_PSI)
if (length(include) > 0 && !all(include)) {
se.coords.final <- c(se.coords.final,
se.coords.excluded <-
include <- .makeSE_iterate_IR_retrieve_excluded_introns(
se.coords.final, se.coords.excluded)
} else if (length(include) > 0) {
se.coords.final <- c(se.coords.final,
include <- c()
} else {
include <- c()
se <- se[c(
which(rowData(se.IR)$EventRegion %in% names(se.coords.final)),
which(rowData(se)$EventType != "IR")
), ]
# Selects introns of major isoforms
.makeSE_iterate_IR_select_events <- function(se.coords.gr, junc_PSI) {
if(length(se.coords.gr) == 0) return(logical(0))
if(length(se.coords.gr) == 1) return(TRUE)
gr <- se.coords.gr
gr.reduced <- reduce(gr)
OL <- findOverlaps(gr, gr.reduced)
junc_PSI.group <- as.data.table(junc_PSI[names(se.coords.gr), , drop = FALSE])
junc_PSI.group$means <- rowMeans(junc_PSI.group)
junc_PSI.group$group <- to(OL)
junc_PSI.group[, c("max_means") := max(get("means")),
by = "group"]
return(junc_PSI.group$means == junc_PSI.group$max_means)
# Find excluded introns that does not overlap with given selection of introns
.makeSE_iterate_IR_retrieve_excluded_introns <- function(
se.coords.final, se.coords.excluded) {
if (length(se.coords.excluded) > 0) {
if(length(se.coords.final) == 0) {
return(rep(TRUE, length(se.coords.excluded)))
final.gr <- se.coords.final
excluded.gr <- se.coords.excluded
OL <- findOverlaps(excluded.gr, final.gr)
include <- which(!(
seq_len(length(excluded.gr))) %in% sort(unique(from(OL))))
} else {
include <- c()
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