#' Runs the OpenMP/C++-based NxtIRF/IRFinder algorithm
#' These function calls the IRFinder C++ routine on one or more BAM files.\cr\cr
#' The routine is an improved version over the original IRFinder, with
#' OpenMP-based multi-threading and the production of compact "COV" files to
#' record alignment coverage. A NxtIRF reference built using [BuildReference]
#' is required.\cr\cr
#' After IRFinder is run, users should call
#' [CollateData] to collate individual outputs into an experiment / dataset.
#' \cr\cr
#' BAM2COV creates COV files from BAM files without running the full IRFinder
#' algorithm.\cr\cr
#' See details for performance info.
#' @details
#' Typical run-times for a 100-million paired-end alignment BAM file takes 10
#' minutes using a single core. Using 8 threads, the runtime is approximately
#' 2 minutes. Approximately 10 Gb of RAM is used when OpenMP is used. If OpenMP
#' is not used (see below), this memory usage is multiplied across the number
#' of processor threads (i.e. 40 Gb if `n_threads = 4`).
#' OpenMP is natively available to Linux / Windows compilers, and OpenMP will
#' be used if `Use_OpenMP` is set to `TRUE`, using multiple threads to process
#' each BAM file. On Macs, if OpenMP is not available at compilation,
#' BiocParallel will be used, processing BAM files simultaneously,
#' with one BAM file per thread.
#' @param bamfiles A vector containing file paths of 1 or more BAM files
#' @param sample_names The sample names of the given BAM files. Must
#' be a vector of the same length as `bamfiles`
#' @param reference_path The directory containing the NxtIRF reference
#' @param output_path The output directory of this function
#' @param n_threads (default `1`) The number of threads to use. See details.
#' @param Use_OpenMP (default `TRUE`) Whether to use OpenMP to run IRFinder.
#' If set to `FALSE`, BiocParallel will be used if `n_threads` is set
#' @param overwrite (default `FALSE`) If IRFinder output files already exist,
#' will not attempt to re-run. If `run_featureCounts` is `TRUE`, will not
#' overwrite gene counts of previous run unless `overwrite` is `TRUE`.
#' @param run_featureCounts (default `FALSE`) Whether this function will run
#' [Rsubread::featureCounts] on the BAM files after running IRFinder.
#' If so, the output will be
#' saved to `"main.FC.Rds` in the `output_path` directory as a list object.
#' @param verbose (default `FALSE`) Set to `TRUE` to allow IRFinder to output
#' progress bars and messages
#' @return IRFinder output will be saved to `output_path`. Output files will be
#' named using the given sample names.
#' * sample.txt.gz: The main IRFinder output file containing the quantitation
#' of IR and splice junctions, as well as QC information\cr\cr
#' * sample.cov: Contains coverage information in compressed binary. See
#' [GetCoverage]
#' * main.FC.Rds: A single file containing gene counts for the whole dataset
#' (only if `run_featureCounts == TRUE`)
#' @examples
#' # Run BAM2COV, which only produces COV files but does not run IRFinder:
#' bams <- NxtIRF_example_bams()
#' BAM2COV(bams$path, bams$sample,
#' output_path = file.path(tempdir(), "IRFinder_output"),
#' n_threads = 2, overwrite = TRUE
#' )
#' # Run IRFinder algorithm, which produces:
#' # - text output of intron coverage and spliced read counts
#' # - COV files which record read coverages
#' example_ref <- file.path(tempdir(), "Reference")
#' BuildReference(
#' reference_path = example_ref,
#' fasta = chrZ_genome(),
#' gtf = chrZ_gtf()
#' )
#' bams <- NxtIRF_example_bams()
#' IRFinder(bams$path, bams$sample,
#' reference_path = file.path(tempdir(), "Reference"),
#' output_path = file.path(tempdir(), "IRFinder_output"),
#' n_threads = 2
#' )
#' @seealso [BuildReference] [CollateData] [IsCOV]
#' @name IRFinder
#' @md
#' @describeIn IRFinder Converts BAM files to COV files without running
#' IRFinder algorithm
#' @export
BAM2COV <- function(
bamfiles = "./Unsorted.bam",
sample_names = "sample1",
output_path = "./cov_folder",
n_threads = 1, Use_OpenMP = TRUE,
overwrite = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE
) {
# Check args
if (length(bamfiles) != length(sample_names))
.log(paste("In BAM2COV(),",
"Number of BAM files and sample names must be the same"))
if (length(sample_names) != length(unique(sample_names)))
.log(paste("In BAM2COV(), some sample names are not unique"))
if (length(bamfiles) == 0) .log("bamfiles argument must not be empty")
if (!all(file.exists(bamfiles)))
.log(paste("In BAM2COV(),", "some BAMs in bamfiles do not exist"))
if (!dir.exists(dirname(output_path))) .log(paste("In BAM2COV(),",
dirname(output_path), " - path does not exist"))
if (!dir.exists(output_path)) dir.create(output_path)
# Check which output already exists; prevent overwrite
s_output <- file.path(normalizePath(output_path), sample_names)
if (!overwrite) {
already_exist <- (
file.exists(paste0(s_output, ".cov"))
} else {
already_exist <- rep(FALSE, length(bamfiles))
# Call wrapper
if (!all(already_exist)) {
bamfiles = bamfiles[!already_exist],
output_file_prefixes = s_output[!already_exist],
max_threads = n_threads, Use_OpenMP = Use_OpenMP,
overwrite = overwrite,
verbose = verbose
} else {
.log("BAM2COV has already been run on given BAM files", "message")
s_output <- file.path(normalizePath(output_path), sample_names)
if (!all(file.exists(paste0(s_output, ".cov"))))
.log(paste("Some BAM2COV outputs could not be found.",
"BAM2COV must have crashed"))
#' @describeIn IRFinder Runs IRFinder algorithm on BAM files. Requires a
#' NxtIRF/IRFinder reference generated by BuildReference()
#' @export
IRFinder <- function(
bamfiles = "./Unsorted.bam",
sample_names = "sample1",
reference_path = "./Reference",
output_path = "./IRFinder_Output",
n_threads = 1, Use_OpenMP = TRUE,
overwrite = FALSE,
run_featureCounts = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE
) {
# Check args
if (length(bamfiles) != length(sample_names)) .log(paste("In IRFinder(),",
"Number of BAM files and sample names must be the same"))
if (length(sample_names) != length(unique(sample_names)))
.log(paste("In IRFinder(), some sample names are not unique"))
if (length(bamfiles) == 0) .log("bamfiles argument must not be empty")
if (!all(file.exists(bamfiles))) .log(paste("In IRFinder(),",
"some BAMs in bamfiles do not exist"))
if (!dir.exists(dirname(output_path))) .log(paste("In IRFinder(),",
dirname(output_path), " - path does not exist"))
if (!dir.exists(output_path)) dir.create(output_path)
# Check which output already exists; prevent overwrite
s_output <- file.path(normalizePath(output_path), sample_names)
if (!overwrite) {
already_exist <- (
file.exists(paste0(s_output, ".txt.gz")) &
file.exists(paste0(s_output, ".cov"))
} else {
already_exist <- rep(FALSE, length(bamfiles))
# Call wrapper
if (!all(already_exist)) {
reference_path = reference_path,
bamfiles = bamfiles[!already_exist],
output_files = s_output[!already_exist],
max_threads = n_threads, Use_OpenMP = Use_OpenMP,
overwrite_IRFinder_output = overwrite,
verbose = verbose
} else {
.log("IRFinder has already been run on given BAM files", "message")
s_output <- file.path(normalizePath(output_path), sample_names)
if (!all(file.exists(paste0(s_output, ".txt.gz"))))
.log(paste("Some IRFinder outputs could not be found.",
"IRFinder must have crashed"))
# Run featureCounts
if (run_featureCounts) {
reference_path, s_output,
bamfiles, sample_names, n_threads, overwrite
# IRFinder wrapper to R/C++. Handles whether OpenMP or BiocParallel is used
.run_IRFinder <- function(
reference_path = "./Reference",
bamfiles = "Unsorted.bam",
output_files = "./Sample",
max_threads = max(parallel::detectCores(), 1),
Use_OpenMP = TRUE,
overwrite_IRFinder_output = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE
) {
.validate_reference(reference_path) # Check valid NxtIRF reference
s_bam <- normalizePath(bamfiles) # Clean path name for C/IRFinder
s_ref <- normalizePath(reference_path) # Clean path name for C/IRFinder
# Check args
.irfinder_validate_args(s_bam, max_threads, output_files)
ref_file <- file.path(s_ref, "IRFinder.ref.gz")
.log("Running IRFinder", "message")
n_threads <- floor(max_threads)
if (Has_OpenMP() > 0 & Use_OpenMP) {
IRF_main_multi(ref_file, s_bam, output_files, n_threads, verbose)
} else {
# Use BiocParallel
n_rounds <- ceiling(length(s_bam) / floor(max_threads))
n_threads <- ceiling(length(s_bam) / n_rounds)
BPPARAM_mod <- .validate_threads(n_threads, as_BPPARAM = TRUE)
row_starts <- seq(1, by = n_threads, length.out = n_rounds)
for (i in seq_len(n_rounds)) {
selected_rows_subset <- seq(row_starts[i],
min(length(s_bam), row_starts[i] + n_threads - 1)
function(i, s_bam, reference_file,
output_files, verbose, overwrite) {
.irfinder_run_single(s_bam[i], reference_file,
output_files[i], verbose, overwrite)
s_bam = s_bam,
reference_file = ref_file,
output_files = output_files,
verbose = verbose,
overwrite = overwrite_IRFinder_output,
# BAM2COV wrapper to R/C++. Handles whether OpenMP or BiocParallel is used
.run_BAM2COV <- function(
bamfiles = "sample.bam",
output_file_prefixes = "sample",
max_threads = max(parallel::detectCores(), 1),
Use_OpenMP = TRUE,
overwrite = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE
) {
s_bam <- normalizePath(bamfiles) # Clean path name for C/IRFinder
# Check args
.irfinder_validate_args(s_bam, max_threads, output_file_prefixes)
.log("Running BAM2COV", "message")
n_threads <- floor(max_threads)
if (Has_OpenMP() > 0 & Use_OpenMP) {
# Simple FOR loop:
for (i in seq_len(length(s_bam))) {
.BAM2COV_run_single(s_bam[i], output_file_prefixes[i],
n_threads, verbose = verbose)
} else {
# Use BiocParallel
n_rounds <- ceiling(length(s_bam) / floor(max_threads))
n_threads <- ceiling(length(s_bam) / n_rounds)
BPPARAM_mod <- .validate_threads(n_threads, as_BPPARAM = TRUE)
row_starts <- seq(1, by = n_threads, length.out = n_rounds)
for (i in seq_len(n_rounds)) {
selected_rows_subset <- seq(row_starts[i],
min(length(s_bam), row_starts[i] + n_threads - 1)
function(i, s_bam, output_files, verbose, overwrite) {
.BAM2COV_run_single(s_bam[i], output_files[i],
verbose, overwrite)
s_bam = s_bam,
output_files = output_file_prefixes,
verbose = verbose,
overwrite = overwrite,
# Call C++/IRFinder on a single sample. Used for BiocParallel
.irfinder_run_single <- function(
bam, ref, out, verbose, overwrite
) {
file_gz <- paste0(out, ".txt.gz")
file_cov <- paste0(out, ".cov")
bam_short <- file.path(basename(dirname(bam)), basename(bam))
if (overwrite ||
!(file.exists(file_gz) | file.exists(file_cov))) {
ret <- IRF_main(bam, ref, out, verbose, 1)
# Check IRFinder returns all files successfully
if (ret != 0) {
"IRFinder exited with errors, see error messages above"))
} else if (!file.exists(file_gz)) {
"IRFinder failed to produce", file_gz))
} else if (!file.exists(file_cov)) {
"IRFinder failed to produce", file_cov))
} else {
.log(paste("IRFinder processed", bam_short), "message")
} else {
.log(paste("IRFinder output for", bam_short,
"already exists, skipping..."), "message")
# Call C++/BAM2COV on a single sample. Used for BiocParallel
.BAM2COV_run_single <- function(
bam, out, verbose, overwrite
) {
file_cov <- paste0(out, ".cov")
bam_short <- file.path(basename(dirname(bam)), basename(bam))
if (overwrite || !(file.exists(file_cov))) {
ret <- IRF_BAM2COV(bam, file_cov, verbose, 1)
# Check IRFinder returns all files successfully
if (ret != 0) {
"IRFinder exited with errors, see error messages above"))
} else if (!file.exists(file_cov)) {
"BAM2COV failed to produce", file_cov))
} else {
.log(paste("BAM2COV processed", bam_short), "message")
} else {
"already exists, skipping..."), "message")
# Runs featureCounts on given BAM files, intended to be run after IRFinder
# as the IRFinder determines the strandedness and paired-ness of the experiment
.irfinder_run_featureCounts <- function(
reference_path, output_files,
s_bam, s_names, n_threads, overwrite
) {
.check_package_installed("Rsubread", "2.4.0")
gtf_file <- Get_GTF_file(reference_path)
# determine paired-ness, strandedness, assume all BAMS are the same
data.list <- get_multi_DT_from_gz(
normalizePath(paste0(output_files[1], ".txt.gz")),
c("BAM", "Directionality")
stats <- data.list$BAM
direct <- data.list$Directionality
paired <- (stats$Value[3] == 0 & stats$Value[4] > 0) ||
(stats$Value[3] > 0 && stats$Value[4] / stats$Value[3] / 1000)
strand <- direct$Value[9]
if (strand == -1) strand <- 2
# Check which have already been run, do not run if overwrite = FALSE
outfile <- file.path(dirname(output_files[1]), "main.FC.Rds")
if (file.exists(outfile) & !overwrite) {
res.old <- readRDS(outfile)
need_to_do <- (!(s_names %in% res.old$targets))
} else {
need_to_do <- rep(TRUE, length(s_bam))
if (any(need_to_do)) {
# Run FeatureCounts in bulk
res <- Rsubread::featureCounts(
annot.ext = gtf_file,
isGTFAnnotationFile = TRUE,
strandSpecific = strand,
isPairedEnd = paired,
requireBothEndsMapped = paired,
nthreads = n_threads
res$targets <- s_names[need_to_do]
colnames(res$counts) <- s_names[need_to_do]
colnames(res$stat)[-1] <- s_names[need_to_do]
columns <- c("counts", "annotation", "targets", "stat")
# Append to existing main.FC.Rds if exists, overwriting where necessary:
if (file.exists(outfile)) {
res.old <- readRDS(outfile)
if (!all(columns %in% names(res))) {
"found but was not a valid NxtIRF featureCounts",
"output; overwriting previous output"
), "warning")
} else if (
identical(res.old$annotation, res$annotation) &
identical(res.old$stat$Status, res$stat$Status)
) {
new_samples <- res$targets[!(res$targets %in% res.old$targets)]
res$targets <- c(res.old$targets, new_samples)
res$stat <- cbind(res.old$stat, res$stat[, new_samples])
res$counts <- cbind(res.old$counts, res$counts[, new_samples])
} else {
"featureCounts output not compatible with previous",
"output in", outfile, "; overwriting previous output"
), "warning")
if (all(columns %in% names(res))) {
saveRDS(res, outfile)
} else {
.log("Error encountered when running featureCounts")
.log(paste("featureCounts ran succesfully; saved to",
outfile), "message")
} else {
.log("featureCounts has already been run on given BAM files", "message")
# Validate arguments; return error if invalid
.irfinder_validate_args <- function(s_bam, max_threads, output_files) {
if (!is.numeric(max_threads)) max_threads <- 1
if (max_threads < 1) max_threads <- 1
max_threads <- floor(max_threads)
if (max_threads > 1 && max_threads > parallel::detectCores()) {
max_threads, " threads is not allowed for this system"))
if (!all(file.exists(s_bam))) {
paste(unique(s_bam[!file.exists(s_bam)]), collapse = ""),
" - these BAM files were not found"))
if (!all(dir.exists(dirname(output_files)))) {
collapse = ""),
" - directories not found"))
if (!(length(s_bam) == length(output_files))) {
.log("Number of output files and bam files must be the same")
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