
#' normalize read coverage between samples
#' The function normalizes coverage values between samples using a scaling 
#' factor derived from differences between mean or median of coverage distributions
#' @param obj  \code{methylRawList} or \code{methylRawListDB} object 
#' @param method  a string "mean" or "median" which denotes median or mean 
#' should be used to calculate scaling factor. (Default:median)
#' @param chunk.size Number of rows to be taken as a chunk for processing 
#' the \code{methylRawListDB} objects. (Default: 1e6)
#' @param save.db A Logical to decide whether the resulting object should 
#' be saved as flat file database or not, default: explained in Details sections  
#' @param ... optional Arguments used when save.db is TRUE
#'            \code{suffix}
#'                  A character string to append to the name of the output 
#'                  flat file database, 
#'                  only used if save.db is true, default actions: append 
#'                  \dQuote{_filtered} to current filename 
#'                  if database already exists or generate new file with 
#'                  filename \dQuote{sampleID_filtered}
#'            \code{dbdir} 
#'                  The directory where flat file database(s) should be stored, 
#'                  defaults
#'                  to getwd(), working directory for newly stored databases
#'                  and to same directory for already existing database
#' @return a  \code{methylRawList} or \code{methylRawList} object 
#' depending on class of input object
#' @section Details:
#' The parameter \code{chunk.size} is only used when working with 
#' \code{methylRawListDB} objects, 
#' as they are read in chunk by chunk to enable processing large-sized 
#' objects which are stored as flat file database.
#' Per default the chunk.size is set to 1M rows, which should work for 
#' most systems. If you encounter memory problems or 
#' have a high amount of memory available feel free to adjust the
#'  \code{chunk.size}.
#' The parameter \code{save.db} is per default TRUE for methylDB objects as
#'  \code{methylRawListDB}, 
#' while being per default FALSE for \code{methylRawList}. If you wish to 
#' save the result of an 
#' in-memory-calculation as flat file database or if the size of the 
#' database allows the calculation in-memory, 
#' then you might want to change the value of this parameter.
#' @usage normalizeCoverage(obj,method="median",chunk.size,save.db,...)
#' @author  Altuna Akalin
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(methylKit)
#' # normalize by the median coverage
#' newObj = normalizeCoverage(methylRawList.obj,method="median")
#' # normalize by mean coverage and save to database in folder methylDB
#' newDBObj = normalizeCoverage(methylRawList.obj,method="mean",
#' save.db=TRUE,dbdir="methylDB")
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname normalizeCoverage-methods
setGeneric("normalizeCoverage", function(obj,method="median",

#' @rdname normalizeCoverage-methods
#' @aliases normalizeCoverage,methylRawList-method
setMethod("normalizeCoverage", "methylRawList",

    x=sapply(obj,function(x) median(x$coverage) )
  }else if(method=="mean"){
    x=sapply(obj,function(x) mean(x$coverage) )
    stop("method option should be either 'mean' or 'median'\n")
  sc.fac=max(x)/x #get scaling factor

  for(i in 1:length(obj)){
    fCs    =obj[[i]]$numCs/all.cov
    fTs    =obj[[i]]$numT/all.cov
    obj[[i]]$numCs   =round(obj[[i]]$coverage*fCs)
    obj[[i]]$numTs   =round(obj[[i]]$coverage*fTs)
  if(!save.db) {
  } else {
    # catch additional args 
    args <- list(...)
    if( !( "dbdir" %in% names(args)) ){
      dbdir <- .check.dbdir(getwd())
    } else { dbdir <- .check.dbdir(args$dbdir) }
    if(!( "suffix" %in% names(args) ) ){
      suffix <- NULL
    } else { 
      suffix <- paste0("_",args$suffix)
    # create new methylRawListDB
    for(i in 1:length(obj)){
      # create methylRawDB
      tmp <- makeMethylRawDB(df=getData(obj[[i]]),
      tmp@sample.id <- obj[[i]]@sample.id
al2na/methylKit documentation built on Jan. 12, 2025, 7:56 a.m.