# Used libraries -----------------------------------------------------
# library(Biostrings)
# library(data.table)
# library(stringr)
# library(dplyr)
# library(ape)
# Include libraries and functions -----------------------------------------------------
#' @include repcred.R
#'Accesses the CDR3 section of the sequences from a repertoire TSV file.
#'If present it will simply take the CDR3 value ,if it isn't present it will use
#'the junction (Removing flanking codons either side) else it will make use of
#'the CDR3 start and end values and split the sequence to get the CDR3 seq.
#'@param data Repertoire file in data.table format
#'@return A data.table containing the CDR3 sequence and the row it was taken from in the original repertoire file.
checkCDR3 <- function(data) {
row_count = 0
seq_ids_vector = vector()
row_number = vector()
cdr3_seqs = vector()
cdr3_start = which(colnames(data) == "cdr3_start") # Gives the column number for cdr3_start
cdr3_end = which(colnames(data) == "cdr3_end")# Gives the column number for cdr3_end
junction = which(colnames(data) == "junction")
rev_comp = which(colnames(data) == "rev_comp")
cdr3 = which(colnames(data) == "cdr3")
sequence_id = which(colnames(data) == "sequence_id")
for (seq in data$sequence) {
row_count = row_count + 1
seq_id = data[[sequence_id]][row_count]
start_num = data[[cdr3_start]][row_count]
end_num = data[[cdr3_end]][row_count]
cdr3_val = data[[cdr3]][row_count]
junction_val = data[[junction]][row_count]
if (!anyNA(cdr3_val)) {
cdr3_seqs = c(cdr3_seqs, cdr3_val)
seq_ids_vector = c(seq_ids_vector, seq_id)
row_number = c(row_number, row_count)
} else{
if (!junction_val %in% c(NA, "")) {
cdr3_seqs = c(cdr3_seqs, junction_val)
row_number = c(row_number, row_count)
seq_ids_vector = c(seq_ids_vector, seq_id)
} else{
if (data[[rev_comp]][row_count] %in% c("T", "TRUE", T, TRUE, 1)) {
seq = reverseComplement(DNAString(seq))
cdr3_seqs = c(cdr3_seqs, substr(toString(seq), start_num, end_num))
row_number = c(row_number, row_count)
seq_ids_vector = c(seq_ids_vector, seq_id)
} else{
cdr3_seqs = c(cdr3_seqs, substr(toString(seq), start_num, end_num))
row_number = c(row_number, row_count)
seq_ids_vector = c(seq_ids_vector, seq_id)
return(cdr3_seq_info <-
data.frame(row_number, cdr3_seqs, seqs_ids = seq_ids_vector))
#'Finds the duplicate CDR3 sequences in the cdr3_seqs_info file and returns them.
#'@param cdr3_seqs_info data.frame that is returned by the function 'checkCDR3',
#'@param original_data The original data.table variable that contains the whole repetoire file data
#'@param include_ambiguous_calls Boolean value of whether to include ambiguous v_calls in the analysis i.e. "IGHV-30D*1, or
getVCalls <-
include_ambiguous_calls) {
joint = vector()
sequence_id = which(colnames(original_data) == "sequence_id")
num_occur <- data.frame(table(cdr3_seqs_info$cdr3_seqs))
duplicates = cdr3_seqs_info[cdr3_seqs_info$cdr3_seqs %in% num_occur$Var1[num_occur$Freq >
1], ]
for (seq in unique(duplicates$cdr3_seqs)) {
duplicated_seqs = duplicates[duplicates$cdr3_seqs == seq, ]
v_call_genes = vector()
related_row = vector()
gene_matches = array()
seq_ids = vector()
for (row_num in duplicated_seqs$row_number) {
v_call_val = original_data[row_num, "v_call"]
if (include_ambiguous_calls == FALSE &
grepl(",", v_call_val, fixed = TRUE)) {
} else{
gene_matches <- str_match_all(v_call_val, "^(.*?)\\*| or (.*?)\\*")
i = 2
while (i != 4) {
for (single_match in gene_matches[[1]][, i]) {
if (!is.na(single_match)) {
v_call_genes = c(v_call_genes, single_match)
related_row = c(related_row, row_num + 1)
seq_ids = c(seq_ids, original_data[row_num, sequence_id, with =
i = i + 1
if (length(v_call_genes) != 0) {
seq_and_v_call = cbind(seq, v_call_genes, seq_ids)
joint = rbind(joint, seq_and_v_call)
#'The function below takes input of the data table from the function 'getVCalls'
#'and using that and the frequency table it creates plots for a section of them.
#'@param cdr3_data_table table produced from the 'getVCalls' function. Contains data on the sequences and the v-calls associated with them as well as the sequence ID
#'@param num_of_results_to_show the number of results to plot and display
#'@param aa_or_nn value to determine if the sequences should be displayed as amino acid sequence or nucleotide sequence
#'@param freq_table table containing the number of different v-calls for a given sequence.Used to rule out any sequences that only have one V-call associated with it.
plotVgeneDist <-
freq_table) {
seq = vector()
count = vector()
for (sequence in unique(cdr3_data_table$seq)) {
sequence_data <- cdr3_data_table[cdr3_data_table$seq == sequence, ]
no_row_data = sequence_data[, 1:2]
num_of_v_genes = length(unique(no_row_data$v_call_genes))
seq = c(seq, sequence)
count = c(count, num_of_v_genes)
seq_v_gene_count = data.table(seqs = seq, v_gene_count = count)
seq_v_gene_count = seq_v_gene_count[order(seq_v_gene_count$v_gene_count, decreasing = TRUE), ] #Ordered list
i = 1
while (i <= num_of_results_to_show &
i <= length(seq_v_gene_count$seqs)) {
current_seq = seq_v_gene_count[i, 1]
if (current_seq %in% freq_table$Var1) {
seq_data = cdr3_data_table[cdr3_data_table$seq == current_seq[[1]][1], ]
seq_data = seq_data[, 2:3]
writeLines(paste("\n### Sequence:", current_seq))
writeLines("\n#### Barplot\n")
main = paste("Number of occurences of V-gene calls"),
las = 2
writeLines("\n\n#### Data")
i = i + 1
} else{
i = i + 1
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