# pathCluster.R: This file contains all functions related to clustering paths
# as well as plotting clutserig results.
# author: Ahmed Mohamed <mohamed@kuicr.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
# This is released under GPL-2.
# Documentation was created using roxygen
#' 3M Markov mixture model for clustering pathways
#' 3M Markov mixture model for clustering pathways
#' @param ybinpaths The training paths computed by \code{\link{pathsToBinary}}.
#' @param M The number of clusters.
#' @param iter The maximum number of EM iterations.
#' @return A list with the following items:
#' \item{h}{The posterior probabilities that each path belongs to each cluster.}
#' \item{labels}{The cluster membership labels.}
#' \item{theta}{The probabilities of each gene for each cluster.}
#' \item{proportions}{The mixing proportions of each path.}
#' \item{likelihood}{The likelihood convergence history.}
#' \item{params}{The specific parameters used.}
#' @references Mamitsuka, H., Okuno, Y., and Yamaguchi, A. 2003. Mining biologically active patterns in
#' metabolic pathways using microarray expression profiles. SIGKDD Explor. News l. 5, 2 (Dec. 2003), 113-121.
#' @author Ichigaku Takigawa
#' @author Timothy Hancock
#' @family Path clustering & classification methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Prepare a weighted reaction network.
#' ## Conver a metabolic network to a reaction network.
#' data(ex_sbml) # bipartite metabolic network of Carbohydrate metabolism.
#' rgraph <- makeReactionNetwork(ex_sbml, simplify=TRUE)
#' ## Assign edge weights based on Affymetrix attributes and microarray dataset.
#' # Calculate Pearson's correlation.
#' data(ex_microarray) # Part of ALL dataset.
#' rgraph <- assignEdgeWeights(microarray = ex_microarray, graph = rgraph,
#' weight.method = "cor", use.attr="miriam.uniprot", bootstrap = FALSE)
#' ## Get ranked paths using probabilistic shortest paths.
#' ranked.p <- pathRanker(rgraph, method="prob.shortest.path",
#' K=20, minPathSize=8)
#' ## Convert paths to binary matrix.
#' ybinpaths <- pathsToBinary(ranked.p)
#' p.cluster <- pathCluster(ybinpaths, M=2)
#' plotClusters(ybinpaths, p.cluster)
pathCluster <- function(ybinpaths, M, iter=1000) {
x <- ybinpaths$paths
# remove constant columns
varying.cols <- which(sapply(x,sd) != 0)
tr.x <- x[varying.cols]
if(ncol(tr.x) <= M)
stop("Specified number of clusters ", M ,"is larger than varaible genes.",ncol(tr.x),"\n Choose a smaller M")
zcluster <- sample(1:M,nrow(tr.x),replace = TRUE)
ptheta <- as.matrix(aggregate(tr.x,list(zcluster),mean)[-1])
pk <- rep(1/M,M)
pmx <- matrix(0,nrow(tr.x),M)
for (k in 1:M) {
res <- as.matrix(tr.x) %*% diag(as.double(ptheta[k,]))
res[tr.x == 0] <- NA
pmx[,k] <- apply(res,1,prod,na.rm = TRUE)
pkm <- matrix(pk,nrow=nrow(tr.x),ncol = M,byrow = TRUE)
hij <- pkm*pmx/rowSums(pkm*pmx)
fit <- .C("pathMix",
X = as.integer(as.matrix(tr.x)),
M = as.integer(M),
NOBS = as.integer(nrow(tr.x)),
NX = as.integer(ncol(tr.x)),
ITER = as.integer(iter),
H = as.double(hij),
THETA = as.double(t(ptheta)),
PROPORTIONS = as.double(pk),
LIKELIHOOD = double(iter))
posterior.probs = data.frame(matrix(fit$H,ncol = M))
names(posterior.probs) <- paste("M",1:M,sep = "")
theta <- matrix(NA,nrow = M,ncol = ncol(x))
t.complete <- matrix(as.double(fit$THETA),nrow = M,ncol = ncol(tr.x),byrow = TRUE)
theta[,varying.cols] <- t.complete
theta[,c(1,ncol(theta))] <- 1
theta <- data.frame(theta)
names(theta) <- names(x)
ll <- fit$LIKELIHOOD[1:fit$ITER]
# cluster labels
zm <- apply(posterior.probs,1,max)
cl <- apply(posterior.probs == zm,1,which)
if (is.list(cl)) {
cat("\nMultiple cluster labels for some paths, some clusters might not be valid\n")
clusters <- paste("M",sapply(cl,"[[",1),sep = "")
} else clusters <- cl
return(list(h = posterior.probs,
labels = clusters,
theta = theta,
proportions = fit$PROPORTIONS,
likelihood = ll,
params = list(M = M)))
#' Predicts new paths given a pathCluster model
#' Predicts new paths given a pathCluster model.
#' @param pfit The pathway cluster model trained by \code{\link{pathCluster}} or \code{\link{pathClassifier}}.
#' @param newdata The binary pathway dataset to be assigned a cluster label.
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{labels} \tab a vector indicating the 3M cluster membership. \cr
#' \code{posterior.probs} \tab a matrix of posterior probabilities for each path belonging to each cluster.
#' }
#' @author Ichigaku Takigawa
#' @author Timothy Hancock
#' @family Path clustering & classification methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Prepare a weighted reaction network.
#' ## Conver a metabolic network to a reaction network.
#' data(ex_sbml) # bipartite metabolic network of Carbohydrate metabolism.
#' rgraph <- makeReactionNetwork(ex_sbml, simplify=TRUE)
#' ## Assign edge weights based on Affymetrix attributes and microarray dataset.
#' # Calculate Pearson's correlation.
#' data(ex_microarray) # Part of ALL dataset.
#' rgraph <- assignEdgeWeights(microarray = ex_microarray, graph = rgraph,
#' weight.method = "cor", use.attr="miriam.uniprot", bootstrap = FALSE)
#' ## Get ranked paths using probabilistic shortest paths.
#' ranked.p <- pathRanker(rgraph, method="prob.shortest.path",
#' K=20, minPathSize=8)
#' ## Convert paths to binary matrix.
#' ybinpaths <- pathsToBinary(ranked.p)
#' p.cluster <- pathCluster(ybinpaths, M=2)
#' ## just an example of how to predict cluster membership.
#' pclust.pred <- predictPathCluster(p.cluster,ybinpaths$paths)
predictPathCluster <- function(pfit,newdata) {
pmx <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(newdata),ncol = nrow(pfit$theta))
tt <- pfit$theta
tt[is.na(tt)] <- 1
for (k in 1:nrow(pfit$theta)) {
res <- as.matrix(newdata) %*% diag(as.numeric(tt[k,]))
res[newdata == 0] <- 1
pmx[,k] <- pfit$proportions[k] * apply(res,1,prod)
pmx <- data.frame(pmx/rowSums(pmx))
names(pmx) <- paste("M",1:ncol(pmx),sep = "")
# cluster labels
zm <- apply(pmx,1,max)
cl <- apply(pmx == zm,1,which)
if (is.list(cl)) {
cat("\nMultiple cluster labels for some paths: some clusters might not be valid\n")
clusters <- sapply(cl,"[[",1) # just take the first because they are all just as likely!
} else clusters <- cl
return(list(labels = clusters,h = pmx))
#' Plots the structure of specified path cluster
#' Plots the structure of specified path found by pathCluster.
#' @param ybinpaths The training paths computed by \code{\link{pathsToBinary}}.
#' @param clusters The pathway cluster model trained by \code{\link{pathCluster}} or \code{\link{pathClassifier}}.
#' @param m The path cluster to view.
#' @param tol A tolerance for 3M parameter \code{theta} which is the probability for
#' each edge within each cluster. If the tolerance is set all edges with a \code{theta}
#' below that tolerance will be removed from the plot.
#' @return Produces a plot of the paths with the path probabilities and cluster membership probabilities.
#' \item{Center Plot}{An image of all paths the training dataset. Rows are the paths and columns are the genes
#' (features) included within each path.}
#' \item{Right}{The training set posterior probabilities for each path belonging to the current 3M component.}
#' \item{Top Bar Plots}{\code{Theta}, The 3M component probabilities - indicates the importance of each edge to a pathway.}
#' @author Timothy Hancock and Ichigaku Takigawa
#' @family Path clustering & classification methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Prepare a weighted reaction network.
#' ## Conver a metabolic network to a reaction network.
#' data(ex_sbml) # bipartite metabolic network of Carbohydrate metabolism.
#' rgraph <- makeReactionNetwork(ex_sbml, simplify=TRUE)
#' ## Assign edge weights based on Affymetrix attributes and microarray dataset.
#' # Calculate Pearson's correlation.
#' data(ex_microarray) # Part of ALL dataset.
#' rgraph <- assignEdgeWeights(microarray = ex_microarray, graph = rgraph,
#' weight.method = "cor", use.attr="miriam.uniprot", bootstrap = FALSE)
#' ## Get ranked paths using probabilistic shortest paths.
#' ranked.p <- pathRanker(rgraph, method="prob.shortest.path",
#' K=20, minPathSize=8)
#' ## Convert paths to binary matrix.
#' ybinpaths <- pathsToBinary(ranked.p)
#' p.cluster <- pathCluster(ybinpaths, M=2)
#' plotPathCluster(ybinpaths, p.cluster, m=2, tol=0.05)
plotPathCluster <- function(ybinpaths, clusters, m, tol = NULL) {
if(m > clusters$params$M)
stop("There are only ", clusters$params$M, " clusters!")
pp <- clusters$theta[m,]
fidx <- 1:length(pp)
if (!is.null(tol)) fidx <- which(pp >= tol | is.na(pp))
pp <- pp[fidx]
g <- names(pp)
x <- ybinpaths$paths[fidx]
mpar <- par()$mar
h <- clusters$h[,m]
sh <- sort(h,index.return = TRUE)
nl <- layout(matrix(c(1,4,3,2),2,2,byrow=TRUE),
heights = c(.3,.7,.8,.2),
widths = c(.75,.25,.75,.25),TRUE)
par(mar = c(0,8,4,0),pty = "m")
xpos <- barplot(height = as.numeric(pp),space = 0,xlim = c(0,ncol(pp)),xaxs = "i",ylim = c(0,1),
ylab = "Gene\nProbabilities", col = c(1:length(pp))%% 5 + 1)
abline(h = 0)
par(mar = c(8,0,0,4))
plot(x = sh$x,y = 1:nrow(x),xlim = c(0,1),ylim = c(1,nrow(x)),
xlab = paste("P(M = ",m,"|X)",sep =""),ylab = "",yaxs = "i",type = "l",axes = FALSE)
abline(v = 0.5,col = 2,lwd = 2)
abline(v = 0,col = 1,lwd = 2)
axis(side = 1,at = seq(0,1,1/10),las = 1)
abline(h = nrow(x)+1)
hp <- as.factor(as.numeric(h > 0.5))
ystats <- as.numeric(summary(hp))
ylab <- c("","","","Not a\nMember","Member")
ytick <- c(1,nrow(x),ystats[1],ystats[1]/2,ystats[2]/2 + ystats[1])
par(mar = c(8,8,0,0))
x[x == 0] <- NA
x[h < 0.5,] <- x[h < 0.5,] + 1
px <- x[sh$ix,]
image(x = xpos,y = 1:nrow(x),as.matrix(t(px)),axes = FALSE,ylab = "",xlab = "",xaxs = "i",yaxs = "i",col = cm.colors(2))
axis(side = 2,at = ytick,labels = ylab,las = 2)
mtext("All Paths\nSorted By Component Membership",line = 5,side = 2)
mtext(g,side = 1,at = xpos,cex = 0.6,las =2,line = 0.5,
col = c(1:length(pp))%% 5 + 1)
par(mar = mpar)
#' Plots the structure of all path clusters
#' Plots the structure of all path clusters
#' @param ybinpaths The training paths computed by \code{\link{pathsToBinary}}.
#' @param clusters The pathway cluster model trained by \code{\link{pathCluster}} or \code{\link{pathClassifier}}.
#' @param col Colors for each path cluster.
#' @param grid A logical, whether to add a \code{\link[graphics]{grid}} to the plot
#' @param ... Extra paramaters passed to \code{plotClusterMatrix}
#' @return
#' \code{plotClusterMatrix} plots an image of all paths the training dataset. Rows are the paths and columns
#' are the genes (features) included within each path. Paths are colored according to cluster membership.
#' @author Ahmed Mohamed
#' @family Path clustering & classification methods
#' @family Plotting methods
#' @rdname plotClusters
#' @export
plotClusterMatrix <- function(ybinpaths, clusters, col=rainbow(clusters$params$M), grid=TRUE){
mat <- as.matrix(ybinpaths$paths)
mat.labels <- matrix(rep(clusters$labels, ncol(mat)), nrow(mat), ncol(mat))
mat.labels <- matrix(rep(clusters$component, ncol(mat)), nrow(mat), ncol(mat))
mat[mat!=0] <- mat.labels[mat!=0]
mat <- mat[order(clusters$labels),]
mat <- mat[order(clusters$y,clusters$component),]
mat <- cbind(mat, 'y=1'=clusters$y*(clusters$params$M+1))
col <- c(col,"black")
mat[mat==0] <- NA
mat <- t(mat)
image(mat, col=col, axes=FALSE, ylab="Paths")
# X axis
axis(side=1, at=seq(from=0, to=1, length.out=nrow(mat)), labels= rownames(mat), las=2, cex.axis=0.6)
# Y axis (ticks)
axis(side=2, at=seq(from=0, to=1, length.out=ncol(mat)), tck=-0.01,labels=FALSE,las=2)
y.coor <- seq(from=0, to=1, length.out=ncol(mat)+1)
axis(side=2, at=y.coor[which(!duplicated(ybinpaths$pidx[,2]))], labels=FALSE,, tck=1,las=2)
axis(side=2, at=y.coor[which(!duplicated(ybinpaths$pidx[,2]))], labels=levels(ybinpaths$y) , tck=-0.03,las=2)
grid(nx=nrow(mat), ny=ncol(mat))
#' @return
#' \code{plotClusterProbs} The training set posterior probabilities for each path belonging to a 3M component. \cr
#' @rdname plotClusters
#' @export
plotClusterProbs <- function(clusters, col=rainbow(clusters$params$M)){
matplot(x=clusters$h[order(clusters$labels),], y=1:length(clusters$labels),
type="l", lty=1, col=col, xlab="P(M|X)", ylab="Paths", yaxs="i")
matplot(x=clusters$path.probabilities[order(clusters$y,clusters$component),], y=1:length(clusters$component),
type="l", lty=1, col=col, xlab="P(M|X)", ylab="Paths", yaxs="i")
#' @return
#' \code{plotClusters}: combines the two plots produced by \code{plotClusterProbs} and \code{plotClusterMatrix}.
#' @rdname plotClusters
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Prepare a weighted reaction network.
#' ## Conver a metabolic network to a reaction network.
#' data(ex_sbml) # bipartite metabolic network of Carbohydrate metabolism.
#' rgraph <- makeReactionNetwork(ex_sbml, simplify=TRUE)
#' ## Assign edge weights based on Affymetrix attributes and microarray dataset.
#' # Calculate Pearson's correlation.
#' data(ex_microarray) # Part of ALL dataset.
#' rgraph <- assignEdgeWeights(microarray = ex_microarray, graph = rgraph,
#' weight.method = "cor", use.attr="miriam.uniprot",
#' y=factor(colnames(ex_microarray)), bootstrap = FALSE)
#' ## Get ranked paths using probabilistic shortest paths.
#' ranked.p <- pathRanker(rgraph, method="prob.shortest.path",
#' K=20, minPathSize=8)
#' ## Convert paths to binary matrix.
#' ybinpaths <- pathsToBinary(ranked.p)
#' p.cluster <- pathCluster(ybinpaths, M=2)
#' plotClusters(ybinpaths, p.cluster, col=c("red", "blue") )
plotClusters <- function(ybinpaths, clusters, col,...){
col <- rainbow(clusters$params$M)
rect <-strwidth("M1", units="inches")
par(omi=c(0,0,0, rect+0.5))
plotClusterMatrix(ybinpaths, clusters, col=col, ...)
plotClusterProbs(clusters, col=col)
rect2<-legend(x=par("usr")[2]*1.05, y=nrow(clusters$h), legend=paste("M",1:clusters$params$M, sep=""),
lty=1, lwd=2, col=col, cex=0.8, seg.len=1, xpd=NA)
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