#' multimodalView Function
#' This function allows to visualize the multimodal view genes of interest
#' by celltypes/ groups defined by use
#' @param modality1 Variation or Expression matrix/data frame. Rows represents
#' gene/proteins column represents group:donor (group and donor separated by :)
#' @param modality2 Variation or Expression matrix/data frame. Rows represents
#' gene/proteins column represents group:donor (group and donor separated by :)
#' @param geneList Genes of interest to explore
#' @param group_position Default 1, use 2 when columns are donor:group format
#' @param group_oi Optional, User-defined groups to consider and order
#' @param colorThreshold User-defined color threshold in color space
#' @param colorMax Maximum CV value in heatplot ("max", numeric or NULL)
#' @param colorscale Show color scale, TRUE or FALSE (default).
#' @param plotHeight User-defined Plot size (in)
#' @param titleName Title of the plot
#' @param fileName User defined filename
#' @param filePATH User-defined output directory \emph{PATH} to save result
#' @return Multimodal plot and data list
#' @keywords multimodalView
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' multimodalView(modality1=scrna_cv_res, modality2=scatac_cv_res, geneList)
#' }
multimodalView <- function(modality1, modality2, group_oi = NULL,
geneList, colorThreshold = 10,
group_position = NULL, plotHeight = 10,
titleName = "",
colorMax=NULL, colorscale=FALSE,
fileName = NULL, filePATH = NULL) {
## Define filename
if (is.null(fileName)) {
fileName <- "outputFile"
## Define output path
if (is.null(filePATH)) {
filePATH <- paste(getwd(), "/output", sep = "")
dir.create(file.path(getwd(), "output"), showWarnings = FALSE)
## Define color threshold
if (is.null(colorThreshold)) {
colorThreshold <- 10
## Define group column
if (is.null(group_position)) {
group_position <- 1
## Overlap
ov <- intersect(colnames(modality1), colnames(modality2))
if(length(ov) == 0) {
stop(date(), "Error: Column names do not match")
## Intersect column and add which were missing in modality2
cn <- colnames(modality1)
not_in_cn <- setdiff(cn, colnames(modality2))
mat <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = length(not_in_cn),
nrow = length(row.names(modality2))))
colnames(mat) <- not_in_cn
modality2 <- data.frame(modality2, mat, check.names = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
modality2 <- modality2[, cn]
## Split column names by celltypes (:)
data_annotation <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, strsplit(cn, split = ":")),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
data_annotation$sample <- cn
if (group_position == 1) {
colnames(data_annotation) <- c("group", "donor", "sample")
} else {
colnames(data_annotation) <- c("donor", "group", "sample")
## IF celltype of interest are not given
if (is.null(group_oi)) {
group_oi <- unique(data_annotation$group)
## Select group
data_annotation <- data_annotation[data_annotation$group %in% group_oi, ]
Samplecelltype <- data_annotation$sample
## Select genes
geneList1 <- intersect(geneList, row.names(modality1))
geneList2 <- intersect(geneList, row.names(modality2))
geneList <- unique(geneList1, geneList2)
## Get the data
mat1 <- t(modality1[geneList, Samplecelltype])
mat2 <- t(modality2[geneList, Samplecelltype])
colnames(mat1) <- geneList
colnames(mat2) <- geneList
output_mat1 <- mat1
output_mat2 <- mat2
## For visualization change NAs with 0
mat1[is.na(mat1)] <- 0
mat2[is.na(mat2)] <- 0
## Max color scale (CV)
if(is.null(colorMax)) {
colorMax <- 50
} else if(colorMax == "max") {
colorMax <- max(c(max(mat1, na.rm=TRUE),
max(mat2, na.rm=TRUE)),
} else {
colorMax <- as.numeric(colorMax)
## Define color function
col_fun1 = colorRamp2(c(0, 1e-04, colorThreshold, (colorThreshold + 0.1),
colorMax), c("grey", "blue", "white", "pink", "red"))
lastSector <- length(unique(data_annotation$group))
## Print Plot
pdf(file = paste(filePATH, "/", fileName, "-Multimodal-circularplot.pdf",
sep = ""), width = plotHeight, height = plotHeight)
circos.par(start.degree = 90, gap.after = c(rep(2, lastSector - 1), 40))
# circos.par(start.degree = 90, gap.degree = 5)
circos.heatmap(mat1, col = col_fun1,
split = factor(data_annotation$group, levels = group_oi),
rownames.side = "outside",
na.col = "grey", bg.border = "black")
circos.heatmap(mat2, col = col_fun1,
split = factor(data_annotation$group, levels = group_oi),
na.col = "grey", bg.border = "black")
circos.track(track.index = get.current.track.index(),
panel.fun = function(x, y) {
if (CELL_META$sector.numeric.index == lastSector) {
# the last sector
cn = rev(colnames(mat1))
n = length(cn)
circos.text(rep(CELL_META$cell.xlim[2], n) + convert_x(1, "mm"),
1:n - 0.5, cn, cex = 0.5, adj = c(0, 0.5),
facing = "inside")
}, bg.border = NA)
text(0, 1, titleName)
lgd1 = Legend(title = "Exp", col_fun = col_fun1)
message(date(), ": Check output directory for results")
## Vizualize
circos.par(start.degree = 90, gap.after = c(rep(2, lastSector - 1), 40))
# circos.par(start.degree = 90, gap.degree = 5)
circos.heatmap(mat1, col = col_fun1,
split = factor(data_annotation$group, levels = group_oi),
rownames.side = "outside", na.col = "grey",
bg.border = "black")
circos.heatmap(mat2, col = col_fun1,
split = factor(data_annotation$group, levels = group_oi),
na.col = "grey", bg.border = "black")
circos.track(track.index = get.current.track.index(),
panel.fun = function(x, y) {
if (CELL_META$sector.numeric.index == lastSector) {
# the last sector
cn = rev(colnames(mat1))
n = length(cn)
circos.text(rep(CELL_META$cell.xlim[2], n) + convert_x(1, "mm"),
1:n - 0.5, cn, cex = 0.5, adj = c(0, 0.5),
facing = "inside")
}, bg.border = NA)
text(0, 0, "")
if(colorscale == TRUE) {
lgd1 = Legend(title = "Exp", col_fun = col_fun1)
return(list(mod1 = output_mat1, mod2 = output_mat2))
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