# dbExtract.R: This file contains all functions related to pathway file
# processing into igraph objects.
# author: Ahmed Mohamed <mohamed@kuicr.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
# This is released under GPL-2.
# Documentation was created using roxygen
check.file <- function(filename, ext=".xml"){
if(is.null(filename)) stop("No file provided!")
if (!file.exists(filename)) stop("Cannot find file:", filename)
fileList = file.path(filename,list.files(filename, ext))
return(unlist(sapply(filename, check.file, USE.NAMES=FALSE)));
#' Processes KGML files into igraph objects
#' This function takes KGML files as input, and returns either a metabolic or a signaling
#' network as output.
#' Users can specify whether files are processes as metabolic or signaling networks.
#' Metabolic networks are given as bipartite graphs, where metabolites and reactions represent
#' vertex types. This is constructed from <reaction> xml node in KGML file, connecting them
#' to their corresponding substrates and products. Each reaction vertex has \code{genes} attribute,
#' listing all genes associated with the reaction. As a general rule, reactions inherit all annotation
#' attributes of its catalyzig genes.
#' Signaling network have genes as vertices and edges represent interactions, such as activiation / inhibition.
#' Genes participating in successive reactions are also connected. Signaling parsing method processes <ECrel>, <PPrel>
#' and <PCrel> interactions from KGML files.
#' To generate a genome scale network, simply provide a list of files to be parsed, or put all
#' file in a directory, as pass the directory path as \code{filename}
#' @param filename A character vector containing the KGML files to be processed.
#' If a directory path is provided, all *.xml files in it and its subdirectories are included.
#' @param parse.as Whether to process file into a metabolic or a signaling network.
#' @param expand.complexes Split protein complexes into individual gene nodes. This argument is
#' ignored if \code{parse.as="metabolic"}
#' @param verbose Whether to display the progress of the function.
#' @return An igraph object, representing a metbolic or a signaling network.
#' @author Ahmed Mohamed
#' @family Database extraction methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(is.loaded("readkgmlfile")){ # This is false if libxml2 wasn't available at installation.
#' filename <- system.file("extdata", "hsa00860.xml", package="NetPathMiner")
#' # Process KGML file as a metabolic network
#' g <- KGML2igraph(filename)
#' plotNetwork(g)
#' # Process KGML file as a signaling network
#' g <- KGML2igraph(filename, parse.as="signaling", expand.complexes=TRUE)
#' plotNetwork(g)
#' }
KGML2igraph <- function(filename, parse.as=c("metabolic","signaling"), expand.complexes=FALSE, verbose=TRUE){
stop("KGML2igraph requires libxml2 to be present. Please reinstall NetPathMiner after installing libxml2.")
if("KGML2igraph" %in% options("NPM_ENV")[[1]]$memory.err)
stop("KGML2igraph has previously caused a critical memory error. For safety reasons, please restart R.")
fileList = check.file(filename)
if(length(fileList)==0) stop("No files to process!")
# Check the parsing method.
return(KGML_signal(fileList, expand.complexes, verbose))
if(parse.as != "metabolic")
stop("Unknown parsing method:", parse.as)
if(verbose) message("Parsing KGML files as metabolic networks")
# If a directory is provided, all xml files are processed.
zkgml <- .Call("readkgmlfile", FILENAME = fileList, VERBOSE=verbose)
zkgml <- unlist(sapply(fileList,
function(x) .Call("readkgmlfile", FILENAME = x, VERBOSE=verbose)
, USE.NAMES=FALSE), recursive=FALSE)
dup.zkgml <- duplicated(names(zkgml))
dup.rns <- sapply(zkgml[dup.zkgml], "[[", "miriam.kegg.pathway")
zkgml <- zkgml[!dup.zkgml] # Remove duplicated reactions.
dup.rns <- split( unname(dup.rns), names(dup.rns)) # contains pathway info for removed rns.
zkgml[names(dup.rns)] <- mapply(
function(x, dup){
x$miriam.kegg.pathway <- c(x$miriam.kegg.pathway, dup)
}, zkgml[names(dup.rns)], dup.rns,
if(verbose) message("Files processed succefully. Building the igraph object.")
######### Make the reaction substrate network ############
edges <-do.call("rbind",lapply(zkgml,
function(x)expand.grid(x$reactants, x$name, x$reactant.stoichiometry)))
edges <- rbind(
function(x)expand.grid(x$name,x$products, x$product.stoichiometry)))
, edges)
names(edges) <- c("from","to", "stoichiometry")
########## Making the iGraph object ###################
# contructing a bipartite graph and removing loop edges
graph = simplify(graph.data.frame(edges), edge.attr.comb="first")
reactions <- V(graph)$name %in% names(zkgml)
V(graph)$reactions <- reactions
V(graph)$shape<- ifelse(V(graph)$reactions==TRUE, "square", "circle")
V(graph)$color <- ifelse(V(graph)$reactions==TRUE,"red", "skyblue")
V(graph)[reactions]$attr <- zkgml[V(graph)[reactions]$name]
V(graph)[!reactions]$attr = lapply(V(graph)[!reactions]$name, function(x) list(miriam.kegg.compound=x))
graph$source = "KGML"
graph$type = "MR.graph"
KGML_signal <- function(fileList, expand.complexes, verbose){
if(verbose) message("Parsing KGML files as signaling networks")
zkgml <- .Call("readkgml_sign", FILENAME = fileList,
EXPAND_COMPLEXES = expand.complexes, VERBOSE=verbose)
if(verbose) message("Files processed succefully. Building the igraph object.")
graph = graph.empty() + vertices(names(zkgml[[1]]), attr=zkgml[[1]])
graph = graph + igraph::edges(zkgml[[2]], attr=zkgml[[3]])
V(graph)$shape<- "circle"
V(graph)$color <- "blue"
graph$source = "KGML"
graph$type = "S.graph"
#' Processes SBML files into igraph objects
#' This function takes SBML files as input, and returns either a metabolic or a signaling
#' network as output.
#' Users can specify whether files are processes as metabolic or signaling networks.
#' Metabolic networks are given as bipartite graphs, where metabolites and reactions represent
#' vertex types. This is constructed from \code{ListOfReactions} in SBML file, connecting them
#' to their corresponding substrates and products (\code{ListOfSpecies}). Each reaction vertex has \code{genes} attribute,
#' listing all \code{modifiers} of this reaction. As a general rule, reactions inherit all annotation
#' attributes of its catalyzig genes.
#' Signaling network have genes as vertices and edges represent interactions. Since SBML format may
#' represent singling events as \code{reaction}, all species are assumed to be genes (rather than small
#' molecules). For a simple path \code{S0 -> R1 -> S1}, in signaling network, the path will be
#' \code{S0 -> M(R1) -> S1} where \code{M(R1)} is R1 modifier(s). To ditiguish gene species from small
#' molecules, user can provide \code{gene.attr} (for example: \code{miriam.uniprot} or \code{miriam.ncbigene})
#' where only annotated species are considered genes.
#' All annotation attributes written according to MIRIAM guidlines (either \code{urn:miriam:xxx:xxx} or
#' \code{http://identifiers.org/xxx/xxx}) are etxracted by default. Non-conforming attributes can be extracted
#' by specifying \code{miriam.attr}.
#' To generate a genome scale network, simply provide a list of files to be parsed, or put all
#' file in a directory, as pass the directory path as \code{filename}
#' Note: This function requires libSBML installed (Please see the installation instructions in the Vignette).
#' Some SBML level-3 files may requires additional libraries also (An infomative error will be displayed when
#' parsing such files). Please visit \url{http://sbml.org/Documents/Specifications/SBML_Level_3/Packages} for
#' more information.
#' @param filename A character vector containing the SBML files to be processed. If a directory path
#' is provided, all *.xml and *.sbml files in it and its subdirectories are included.
#' @param parse.as Whether to process file into a metabolic or a signaling network.
#' @param miriam.attr A list of annotation attributes to be extracted. If \code{"all"}, then all attibutes
#' written in MIRIAM guidelines (see Details) are extracted (Default). If \code{"none"}, then no attributes
#' are extracted. Otherwise, only attributes matching those specified are extracted.
#' @param gene.attr An attribute to distinguish \code{species} representing genes from those
#' representing small molecules (see Details). Ignored if \code{parse.as="metabolic"}.
#' @param expand.complexes Split protein complexes into individual gene nodes. Ignored if
#' \code{parse.as="metabolic"}, or when \code{gene.attr} is not provided.
#' @param verbose Whether to display the progress of the function.
#' @return An igraph object, representing a metbolic or a signaling network.
#' @author Ahmed Mohamed
#' @family Database extraction methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(is.loaded("readsbmlfile")){ # This is false if libSBML wasn't available at installation.
#' filename <- system.file("extdata", "porphyrin.sbml", package="NetPathMiner")
#' # Process SBML file as a metabolic network
#' g <- SBML2igraph(filename)
#' plotNetwork(g)
#' # Process SBML file as a signaling network
#' g <- SBML2igraph(filename, parse.as="signaling",
#' gene.attr="miriam.uniprot",expand.complexes=TRUE)
#' dev.new()
#' plotNetwork(g)
#' }
SBML2igraph <- function(filename, parse.as=c("metabolic","signaling"), miriam.attr="all",
gene.attr, expand.complexes, verbose=TRUE){
stop("SBML2igraph requires libSBML to be present. Please reinstall NetPathMiner after installing libSBML.")
if("SBML2igraph" %in% options("NPM_ENV")[[1]]$memory.err)
stop("SBML2igraph has previously caused a critical memory error. For safety reasons, please restart R.")
fileList <- check.file(filename, ext=".sbml|.xml")
if(length(fileList)==0) stop("No files to process!")
return(SBML_signal(fileList, miriam.attr,gene.attr,expand.complexes, verbose))
if(parse.as != "metabolic")
stop("Unknown parsing method:", parse.as)
if(verbose) message("Parsing SBML files as metabolic networks")
zsbml <- .Call("readsbmlfile", FILENAME = fileList, ATTR_TERMS = miriam.attr, VERBOSE=verbose)
names(zsbml) <- c("reactions", "species")
zsbml <- sapply(fileList, function(x)
.Call("readsbmlfile", FILENAME = x, ATTR_TERMS = miriam.attr, VERBOSE=verbose)
zsbml <- apply(zsbml, 1, function(x) c(unlist(x, recursive=FALSE)))
names(zsbml) <- c("reactions", "species")
#Resolve reactions and species particiapting in multiple pathways
dup.zsbml <- duplicated(names(zsbml$reactions))
dup.rns <- sapply(zsbml$reactions[dup.zsbml], "[[", "pathway")
zsbml$reactions <- zsbml$reactions[!dup.zsbml] # Remove duplicated reactions.
dup.rns <- split( unname(dup.rns), names(dup.rns)) # contains pathway info for removed rns.
zsbml$reactions[names(dup.rns)] <- mapply(
function(x, dup){
x$pathway <- c(x$pathway, dup)
}, zsbml$reactions[names(dup.rns)], dup.rns,
zsbml$species <- zsbml$species[!duplicated(names(zsbml$species))]
if(verbose) message("SBML files processed successfully")
if(verbose) message("Constructing Metabolic Network")
######### Make the reaction substrate network ############
edges <-do.call("rbind",lapply(1:length(zsbml$reactions),
edges <- rbind(
, edges)
names(edges) <- c("from","to", "stoichiometry")
########## Making the iGraph object ###################
# contructing a bipartite graph and removing multiple edges
graph <- graph.empty() + vertices(names(zsbml$reactions))
graph <- graph + vertices(names(zsbml$species))
graph <- graph + igraph::edges(c(t(edges[,1:2])), stoichiometry=edges$stoichiometry)
graph <- simplify(graph, edge.attr.comb="first")
V(graph)$attr <- unlist(zsbml, recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)
# Set graphical attributes
reactions <- V(graph)$name %in% names(zsbml$reactions)
V(graph)$reactions <- reactions
V(graph)$shape<- ifelse(V(graph)$reactions==TRUE, "square", "circle")
V(graph)$color <- ifelse(V(graph)$reactions==TRUE,"red", "skyblue")
graph$source = "SBML"
graph$type = "MR.graph"
SBML_signal <- function(fileList, miriam.attr="all", gene.attr, expand.complexes, verbose){
if(verbose) message("Parsing SBML files as signaling networks")
zsbml <- .Call("readsbml_sign", FILENAME = fileList, ATTR_TERMS = miriam.attr, VERBOSE=verbose)
if(verbose) message("SBML files processed successfully")
# DeleteReconnect non-gene reactions (translocation, spontaneous)
# DeleteReconnect all non-gene, max 3 edges (R->s->RN->s->R will be disconnected).
graph = graph.empty() + vertices(zsbml$vertices, attr=zsbml$attr)
graph = graph + igraph::edges(zsbml$edges)
if(verbose) message("No attributes distiuishing genes were provided.")
if(verbose) message("All species from the SBML file are included in the network.")
no.gene = which(lapply(lapply(zsbml$attr, "[[", gene.attr), length)==0)
graph = vertexDeleteReconnect(graph, no.gene, reconnect.threshold=3)
if(!missing(expand.complexes)&& expand.complexes)
graph = expandComplexes(graph, gene.attr, keep.parent.attr=miriam.attr)
V(graph)$shape<- "circle"
V(graph)$color <- "blue"
graph$source = "SBML"
graph$type = "S.graph"
# TODO: biopax signaling L2, Biopax metabolic L2 small molecules.
#' Processes BioPAX objects into igraph objects
#' This function takes BioPAX objects (level 2 or 3) as input, and returns either a metabolic or a signaling
#' network as output.
#' This function requires \code{rBiopaxParser} installed.
#' Users can specify whether files are processes as metabolic or signaling networks.
#' Metabolic networks are given as bipartite graphs, where metabolites and reactions represent
#' vertex types. Reactions are constructed from \code{Conversion} classes, connecting them
#' to their corresponding \code{Left}s and \code{Right}s. Each reaction vertex has \code{genes} attribute,
#' listing all \code{Catalysis} relationships of this reaction. As a general rule, reactions inherit all annotation
#' attributes of its catalyzig genes.
#' Signaling network have genes as vertices and edges represent interactions, such as activiation / inhibition.
#' Genes participating in successive reactions are also connected. Signaling interactions are constructed from
#' \code{Control} classes, where edges are drawn from \code{controller} to \code{controlled}.
#' All annotation attributes are exracted from \code{XRefs} associated with the vertices, and are stored according to
#' MIRIAM guidelines (\code{miraim.db}, where db is the database name).
#' @param biopax BioPAX object generated by \code{\link[rBiopaxParser]{readBiopax}}.
#' @param parse.as Whether to process file into a metabolic or a signaling network.
#' @param expand.complexes Split protein complexes into individual gene nodes. Ignored if
#' \code{parse.as="metabolic"}.
#' @param inc.sm.molecules Include small molecules that are participating in signaling events. Ignored if
#' \code{parse.as="metabolic"}.
#' @param verbose Whether to display the progress of the function.
#' @return An igraph object, representing a metbolic or a signaling network.
#' @author Ahmed Mohamed
#' @family Database extraction methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(requireNamespace("rBiopaxParser")){
#' data(ex_biopax)
#' # Process biopax as a metabolic network
#' g <- biopax2igraph(ex_biopax)
#' plotNetwork(g)
#' # Process SBML file as a signaling network
#' g <- biopax2igraph(ex_biopax, parse.as="signaling", expand.complexes=TRUE)
#' }
biopax2igraph <- function(biopax, parse.as=c("metabolic","signaling"),
expand.complexes=FALSE, inc.sm.molecules=FALSE, verbose=TRUE){
if (!requireNamespace("rBiopaxParser"))
stop("This functions needs the rBiopaxParser library installed. Check out the installation instructions!")
if (!("biopax" %in% class(biopax)))
stop("Error: biopax2igraph: parameter biopax has to be of class biopax.")
biopax$df <- as.data.frame(biopax$dt)
if(missing(parse.as) || parse.as=="metabolic"){
if(biopax$biopaxlevel == 3)
return(bpMetabolicL3(biopax, verbose))
return(bpMetabolicL2(biopax, verbose))
}else if(parse.as=="signaling"){
if(biopax$biopaxlevel == 3)
return(bpSignalingL3(biopax, expand.complexes, inc.sm.molecules, verbose))
stop("Parsing singaling networks from BioPAX level 2 files is not currently supported.")
bpMetabolicL3 <- function(biopax, verbose){
if(verbose) message("Processing BioPAX (level 3) object as a metabolic network", appendLF=FALSE)
to.df <- function(dt) return(as.data.frame(dt))
df <- biopax$df
df$property = tolower(df$property)
# All conversion events
lefts <- df[df$property=="left",c(from="property_attr_value", to="id")]
lefts[,1] <- striph(lefts[,1])
rights <- df[df$property=="right",c("id","property_attr_value")]
rights[,2] <- striph(rights[,2])
# Getting distiction between Metabolic and signaling reactions.
# Metabolic reactions takes only small molecules as substrates/products.
# The following lines removes any Biochemical reactions with non-small molecules
# participants.
classes <- df[ rBiopaxParser::selectInstances(biopax, lefts[,1], returnValues=FALSE), c("class", "id")]
sig.reactions <- lefts[match(classes$id, lefts[,1])[classes$class !="SmallMolecule"],2]
classes <- df[ rBiopaxParser::selectInstances(biopax, rights[,2], returnValues=FALSE), c("class", "id")]
sig.reactions <- unlist(list(sig.reactions,
rights[ match(classes$id, rights[,2])[classes$class !="SmallMolecule"], 1]))
lefts <- lefts[ !lefts[,2] %in% sig.reactions, ]
rights <- rights[ !rights[,1] %in% sig.reactions, ]
# Putting the edges into an igraph object.
graph <- graph.data.frame( rbind(lefts, setNames(rights, names(lefts))) )
reactions <- V(graph)$name %in% unique(as.character(lefts[,2], rights[,1]))
stop("No metabolic reactions found. Try parsing the file as a signaling netowrk.")
if(verbose) message(": ", sum(reactions), " reactions found.")
XRefs <- bpGetReferences(biopax, V(graph)$name)
names(XRefs) <- V(graph)$name
cat.r <- striph(to.df(rBiopaxParser::selectInstances(biopax, class="Catalysis", property="controlled"))$property_attr_value)
cat.gene <- striph(to.df(rBiopaxParser::selectInstances(biopax, class="Catalysis", property="controller"))$property_attr_value)
gene.xref <- bpGetReferences(biopax, cat.gene)
names(gene.xref) <- cat.r
XRefs[names(gene.xref)] <- mapply(c, XRefs[names(gene.xref)], gene.xref, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
# Getting attribute lists (name, compartment, pathway, MIRIAM)
# For reactions (name, reactants, reactant.stoichiometry, products, product.stoichiomentry,
# reversible, kinetics, genes, pathway)
# MIRIAM attributes
attr <- bpGetAnnFromXRef(df, XRefs[V(graph)$name])
# Name attributes
v.names <- to.df(rBiopaxParser::listInstances(biopax, id=V(graph)$name))
v.names <- v.names[match(V(graph)$name, v.names$id), "name"]
# Pathway attributes##########################
## Get Pathway name and annotations
pw <- to.df(rBiopaxParser::listInstances(biopax, class="pathway"))
pwXRef <- bpGetReferences(biopax, pw$id)
#pw.ann <- bpGetAnnFromXRef(df, pwXRef)
## Get pathway components (only reactions are returned)
pwcomp <- lapply(pw$id, function(x)rBiopaxParser::listPathwayComponents(biopax,x, returnIDonly=TRUE, includeSubPathways = FALSE))
pwcomp <- do.call("rbind", lapply(1:length(pwcomp),
function(x)data.frame(id=x, comp=pwcomp[[x]])))
## Map pathways to reaction vertices.
pwcomp <- pwcomp[pwcomp$comp %in% V(graph)[reactions]$name, ]
pwcomp <- split(pwcomp$id, pwcomp$comp, drop=TRUE)
## For metabolites, pathway attributes are inherited from reactions they participate in.
leftright = rbind(lefts, rights) ## Edges connecting metaboites to reactions
leftright$id = match(leftright$id, names(pwcomp)) ## Use numerical ids.
pwcomp <-c(pwcomp,
lapply(split(pwcomp[leftright$id], leftright$property_attr_value),
function(x) unique(unlist(x)) )
) # Do the magic :)
pwcomp <- pwcomp[match(V(graph)$name, names(pwcomp))] # Reorder to match V(graph)$name
pw.ann <- bpGetAnnFromXRef(df,lapply(pwcomp, function(x) unlist(pwXRef[x], use.names=FALSE)))
# Compartment attributes #######################
## Metabolites have compaertment attributes,
## while reactions inherit them from their catalysts.
## Get Compartment name and annotations
comp <- rBiopaxParser::listInstances(biopax, class="cellularLocationvocabulary", returnIDonly=TRUE)
comp.terms <- as.character(bpGetAttrbyID(df, comp, "term")$property_value)
#compXRef <- bpGetReferences(biopax, comp)
comp.ann <- bpGetAnnFromXRef(df, bpGetReferences(biopax, comp) )
## Get Metbolite compartments
met.loc <- bpGetAttrbyID(df, V(graph)$name, "cellularlocation", "property_attr_value")
met.loc$property_attr_value <- match(striph(met.loc$property_attr_value), comp)
met.loc <- split(met.loc$property_attr_value, met.loc$id, drop=TRUE)
## Get Catalyst compartments
cat.loc <- bpGetAttrbyID(df, cat.gene, "cellularlocation", "property_attr_value")
cat.loc$property_attr_value <- match(striph(cat.loc$property_attr_value), comp)
cat.loc$id <- cat.r[match( cat.loc$id, cat.gene )]
cat.loc <- split(cat.loc$property_attr_value, cat.loc$id, drop=TRUE)
## Combine reaction and metbolite comparments, and reorder
loc <- c(met.loc,cat.loc)
loc <- loc[ match(V(graph)$name, names(loc)) ]
# Reaction-Specific attributes#################
reactants <- split(lefts[,1], lefts[,2], drop=TRUE)
products <- split(rights[,2], rights[,1], drop=TRUE)
cat.gene.name <- to.df(rBiopaxParser::listInstances(biopax,cat.gene))
cat.gene.name <- cat.gene.name[match(cat.gene,cat.gene.name$id),"name"]
genes <- split(cat.gene.name, cat.r, drop=TRUE)
## Stoichiometry
st <- bpGetAttrbyID(df, V(graph)[reactions]$name, "participantstoichiometry", "property_attr_value")
st.met <- bpGetAttrbyID(df, st$property_attr_value, "physicalentity", "property_attr_value")
st$met <- striph(st.met[match(striph(st$property_attr_value),st.met$id),3])
st.cf <- bpGetAttrbyID(df, st$property_attr_value, "stoichiometriccoefficient")
st$cf <- st.cf[match(striph(st$property_attr_value),st.cf$id),3]
edges <- rbind(lefts,rights)
edges<- cbind(edges, st=NA)
for(i in 1:nrow(st)){
edges[ edges[,1]==st[i,4] & edges[,2]==st[i,1], "st"] <- as.character(st[i,5])
edges$st <- as.numeric(edges$st)
r.stoic <- split(edges[1:nrow(lefts),3], edges[1:nrow(lefts),2], drop=TRUE)
p.stoic <- split(edges[-c(1:nrow(lefts)),3], edges[-c(1:nrow(lefts)),2], drop=TRUE)
# Reorder our attributes
reactants <- reactants[ match(V(graph)[reactions]$name, names(reactants)) ]
products <- products[match(V(graph)[reactions]$name, names(products))]
genes <- genes[match(V(graph)[reactions]$name, names(genes))]
r.stoic <- r.stoic[match(V(graph)[reactions]$name, names(r.stoic))]
p.stoic <- p.stoic[match(V(graph)[reactions]$name, names(p.stoic))]
# Putting it together
## A small hack to distinguish compartment annotations from vertex annotation.
names(comp.ann) <- rep("compartment", length(comp.ann))
## For reactions
V(graph)[reactions]$attr <-
reactants = list(args[[2]]),
reactant.stoichiometry= list(args[[3]]),
products = list(args[[4]]),
product.stoichiometry= list(args[[5]]),
genes = list(args[[6]]),
compartment=list(comp.terms[args[[7]] ]),
unlist(comp.ann[args[[7]] ], recursive=FALSE),
pathway=list(pw$name[args[[8]] ]),
}, v.names[reactions],
reactants, r.stoic, products, p.stoic, genes,
loc[reactions], pwcomp[reactions], pathway = pw.ann[reactions],attr[reactions],
V(graph)[!reactions]$attr <-
compartment=list(comp.terms[args[[2]] ]),
unlist(comp.ann[args[[2]] ], recursive=FALSE),
pathway=list(pw$name[args[[3]] ]),
}, v.names[!reactions],
loc[!reactions], pwcomp[!reactions], pathway= pw.ann[!reactions],attr[!reactions],
E(graph)$stoichiometry = edges$st
V(graph)$reactions <- reactions
V(graph)$shape<- ifelse(V(graph)$reactions==TRUE, "square", "circle")
V(graph)$color <- ifelse(V(graph)$reactions==TRUE,"red", "skyblue")
graph$source = "BioPAX_L3"
graph$type = "MR.graph"
bpMetabolicL2 <- function(biopax, verbose){
if(verbose) message("Processing BioPAX (level 2) object as a metabolic network", appendLF=FALSE)
to.df <- function(dt) return(as.data.frame(dt))
df <- biopax$df
df$property = tolower(df$property)
lefts <- df[df$property=="left",c(from="property_attr_value", to="id")]
left.mol = bpGetAttrbyID(df,lefts[,1], "physical-entity", "property_attr_value")#
lefts[,1] = left.mol[match(striph(lefts[,1]), left.mol$id), "property_attr_value"]#
lefts[,1] <- striph(lefts[,1])
rights <- df[df$property=="right",c("id","property_attr_value")]
right.mol = bpGetAttrbyID(df,rights[,2], "physical-entity", "property_attr_value")#
rights[,2] = right.mol[match(striph(rights[,2]), right.mol$id), "property_attr_value"]#
rights[,2] <- striph(rights[,2])
graph <- graph.data.frame( rbind(lefts, setNames(rights, names(lefts))) )
reactions <- V(graph)$name %in% unique(as.character(lefts[,2], rights[,1]))
if(verbose) message(": ", sum(reactions), " reactions found.")
XRefs <- bpGetReferences(biopax, V(graph)$name)
names(XRefs) <- V(graph)$name
cat.r <- striph(to.df(rBiopaxParser::selectInstances(biopax, class="Control", property="controlled"))$property_attr_value)
cat.gene <- striph(to.df(rBiopaxParser::selectInstances(biopax, class="Control", property="controller"))$property_attr_value)
gene.xref <- bpGetReferences(biopax, cat.gene, followProperties="physical-entity")#
names(gene.xref) <- cat.r
XRefs[names(gene.xref)] <- mapply(c, XRefs[names(gene.xref)], gene.xref, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
# Getting attribute lists (name, compartment, pathway, MIRIAM)
# For reactions (name, reactants, reactant.stoichiometry, products, product.stoichiomentry,
# reversible, kinetics, genes, pathway)
# MIRIAM attributes
attr <- bpGetAnnFromXRef(df, XRefs[V(graph)$name])
# Name attributes
v.names <- to.df(rBiopaxParser::listInstances(biopax, id=V(graph)$name))
v.names <- v.names[match(V(graph)$name, v.names$id), "name"]
# Pathway attributes##########################
## Get Pathway name and annotations
pw <- rBiopaxParser::listInstances(biopax, class="pathway")
pwXRef <- bpGetReferences(biopax, pw$id)
#pw.ann <- bpGetAnnFromXRef(df, pwXRef)
## Get pathway components (only reactions are returned)
pwcomp <- lapply(pw$id, function(x)rBiopaxParser::listPathwayComponents(biopax,x, returnIDonly=TRUE))
pwcomp <- do.call("rbind", lapply(1:length(pwcomp),
function(x)data.frame(id=x, comp=pwcomp[[x]])))
## Map pathways to reaction vertices.
pwcomp <- pwcomp[pwcomp$comp %in% V(graph)[reactions]$name, ]
pwcomp <- split(pwcomp$id, pwcomp$comp, drop=TRUE)
## For metabolites, pathway attributes are inherited from reactions they participate in.
leftright = rbind(lefts, rights) ## Edges connecting metaboites to reactions
leftright$id = match(leftright$id, names(pwcomp)) ## Use numerical ids.
pwcomp <-c(pwcomp,
lapply(split(pwcomp[leftright$id], leftright$property_attr_value),
function(x) unique(unlist(x)) )
) # Do the magic :)
pwcomp <- pwcomp[match(V(graph)$name, names(pwcomp))] # Reorder to match V(graph)$name
pw.ann <- bpGetAnnFromXRef(df,lapply(pwcomp, function(x) unlist(pwXRef[x], use.names=FALSE)))
# Compartment attributes #######################
## Metabolites have compaertment attributes,
## while reactions inherit them from their catalysts.
## Get Pathway name and annotations
comp <- rBiopaxParser::listInstances(biopax, class="openControlledVocabulary", returnIDonly=TRUE)#
comp.terms <- as.character(bpGetAttrbyID(df, comp, "term")$property_value)
compXRef <- bpGetReferences(biopax, comp)#
#comp.ann <- bpGetAnnFromXRef(df, bpGetReferences(biopax, comp) )
## Get Metbolite compartments
left.loc <- bpGetAttrbyID(df, left.mol$id, "cellular-location", "property_attr_value")#
left.loc$id <- left.mol[match(left.loc$id, left.mol$id),3]#
right.loc <- bpGetAttrbyID(df, right.mol$id, "cellular-location", "property_attr_value")#
right.loc$id <- right.mol[match(right.loc$id, right.mol$id),3]#
met.loc <- rbind(left.loc, right.loc)#
met.loc$property_attr_value <- match(striph(met.loc$property_attr_value), comp)
met.loc <- split(met.loc$property_attr_value, striph(met.loc$id), drop=TRUE)#
## Get Catalyst compartments
cat.loc <- bpGetAttrbyID(df, cat.gene, "cellular-location", "property_attr_value")#
cat.loc$property_attr_value <- match(striph(cat.loc$property_attr_value), comp)
cat.loc$id <- cat.r[match( cat.loc$id, cat.gene )]
cat.loc <- split(cat.loc$property_attr_value, cat.loc$id, drop=TRUE)
## Combine reaction and metbolite comparments, and reorder
loc <- c(met.loc,cat.loc)
loc <- loc[ match(V(graph)$name, names(loc)) ]
comp.names <- lapply(loc, function(x)unique(unlist(comp.terms[ x ], use.names=FALSE)))
locXRef <- lapply(loc, function(x)unlist(compXRef[ x ], use.names=FALSE))
comp.ann <- bpGetAnnFromXRef(df, locXRef)
# Reaction-Specific attributes#################
reactants <- split(lefts[,1], lefts[,2], drop=TRUE)
products <- split(rights[,2], rights[,1], drop=TRUE)
##Genes ##totally different from level3 function
cat.gene.ref <- bpGetAttrbyID(df,cat.gene, "physical-entity", "property_attr_value")
cat.gene.name <- to.df(rBiopaxParser::listInstances(biopax, cat.gene.ref[,3]))
cat.gene.ref$name <- cat.gene.name$name[match(striph(cat.gene.ref[,3]), cat.gene.name$id)]
cat.gene.ref <- cat.gene.ref[match(cat.gene,cat.gene.ref$id),"name"]
genes <- split(cat.gene.ref, cat.r, drop=TRUE)
## Stoichiometry
lefts <- df[df$property=="left",c(from="property_attr_value", to="id")]
rights <- df[df$property=="right",c("id","property_attr_value")]
edges <- rbind(lefts,rights)
edges<- cbind(edges, st=NA)
st <- bpGetAttrbyID(df, edges$property_attr_value, "stoichiometric-coefficient")
edges$st = st$property_value[match(striph(edges$property_attr_value), st$id)]
edges$st <- as.numeric(as.character(edges$st))
r.stoic <- split(edges[1:nrow(lefts),3], edges[1:nrow(lefts),2], drop=TRUE)
p.stoic <- split(edges[-c(1:nrow(lefts)),3], edges[-c(1:nrow(lefts)),2], drop=TRUE)
# Reorder our attributes
reactants <- reactants[ match(V(graph)[reactions]$name, names(reactants)) ]
products <- products[match(V(graph)[reactions]$name, names(products))]
genes <- genes[match(V(graph)[reactions]$name, names(genes))]
r.stoic <- r.stoic[match(V(graph)[reactions]$name, names(r.stoic))]
p.stoic <- p.stoic[match(V(graph)[reactions]$name, names(p.stoic))]
# Putting it together
## A small hack to distinguish compartment annotations from vertex annotation.
#names(comp.ann) <- rep("compartment", length(comp.ann))
## For reactions
V(graph)[reactions]$attr <-
reactants = list(args[[2]]),
reactant.stoichiometry= list(args[[3]]),
products = list(args[[4]]),
product.stoichiometry= list(args[[5]]),
genes = list(args[[6]]),
unlist(args[8], recursive=FALSE),
pathway=list(pw$name[args[[9]] ]),
}, v.names[reactions],
reactants, r.stoic, products, p.stoic, genes,
comp.names[reactions], compartment = comp.ann[reactions],
pwcomp[reactions], pathway = pw.ann[reactions],attr[reactions],
V(graph)[!reactions]$attr <-
unlist(args[3], recursive=FALSE),
pathway=list(pw$name[args[[4]] ]),
}, v.names[!reactions],
comp.names[!reactions], compartment = comp.ann[!reactions],
pwcomp[!reactions], pathway = pw.ann[!reactions],attr[!reactions],
E(graph)$stoichiometry = edges$st
V(graph)$reactions <- reactions
V(graph)$shape<- ifelse(V(graph)$reactions==TRUE, "square", "circle")
V(graph)$color <- ifelse(V(graph)$reactions==TRUE,"red", "skyblue")
graph$source = "BioPAX_L2"
graph$type = "MR.graph"
# TODO: edge attributes in signaling networks
bpSignalingL3 <- function(biopax, expand.complexes=FALSE, inc.sm.molecules=FALSE, verbose=TRUE){
if(verbose) message("Processing BioPAX (level 3) object as a signaling network", appendLF=FALSE)
to.df <- function(dt) return(as.data.frame(dt))
df <- biopax$df
df$property = tolower(df$property)
############### Constructing the signaling graph ##########################
# All conversion events
lefts <- df[df$property=="left",c(from="property_attr_value", to="id")]
lefts[,1] <- striph(lefts[,1])
rights <- df[df$property=="right",c("id","property_attr_value")]
rights[,2] <- striph(rights[,2])
# Identifying Metabolic and signaling reactions.
# Metabolic reactions takes only small molecules as substrates/products.
# Signaling reactions have at least one non-small-molecule participant.
classes.left <- df[ rBiopaxParser::selectInstances(biopax, lefts[,1], returnValues=FALSE), c("class", "id")]
sig.reactions <- lefts[match(classes.left$id, lefts[,1])[classes.left$class !="SmallMolecule"],2]
classes.right <- df[ rBiopaxParser::selectInstances(biopax, rights[,2], returnValues=FALSE), c("class", "id")]
sig.reactions <- unlist(list(sig.reactions,
rights[ match(classes.right$id, rights[,2])[classes.right$class !="SmallMolecule"], 1]))
controlled <- striph(to.df(rBiopaxParser::selectInstances(biopax, class="Catalysis", property="controlled"))$property_attr_value)
controller <- striph(to.df(rBiopaxParser::selectInstances(biopax, class="Catalysis", property="controller"))$property_attr_value)
# Metabolic reactions are represented in signaling networks by their "Controller"
# where controllers of successive reactions are connected. If no "Controller"
# is assigned, no edges are drawn.
met.left <- lefts[ !lefts[,2] %in% sig.reactions,]
met.right <- rights[ !rights[,1] %in% sig.reactions,]
met.left <- do.call("rbind",
mapply(bpExpand.grid, split(met.left[,1], met.left[,2], drop=TRUE)[controlled], controller,SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
met.right <- do.call("rbind",
mapply(bpExpand.grid, controller, split(met.right[,2], met.right[,1], drop=TRUE)[controlled], SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
graph <- graph.data.frame( na.omit( rbind(met.left, met.right) ) )
reactions <- V(graph)$name %in% unique(as.character(met.left[,2], met.right[,1]))
V(graph)$reactions <- reactions
V(graph)$attr <- list(list())
graph <- makeReactionNetwork(graph)
# Signaling reactions are represeted as Left -> Controller -> Right
# If no "Controller" is assigned, it's represented as Left -> Right
sig.left <- lefts[ lefts[,2] %in% sig.reactions, ]
sig.right <- rights[ rights[,1] %in% sig.reactions, ]
sig.left <- lefts[ lefts[,1] %in% classes.left[classes.left$class!="SmallMolecule","id"] , ]
sig.right <- rights[ rights[,2] %in% classes.right[classes.right$class!="SmallMolecule","id"], ]
# No Controllers (Left -> Right)
sig.no.ctrl <- as.character(unique( sig.reactions[ !sig.reactions %in% controlled ] ))
sig.no.ctrl <- do.call("rbind",
mapply(bpExpand.grid, split(sig.left[,1], sig.left[,2], drop=TRUE)[sig.no.ctrl],
split(sig.right[,2], sig.right[,1], drop=TRUE)[sig.no.ctrl]
# Controllers present (Left -> Controller -> Right)
sig.left <- do.call("rbind",
mapply(bpExpand.grid, split(sig.left[,1], sig.left[,2], drop=TRUE)[controlled], controller,SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
sig.right <- do.call("rbind",
mapply(bpExpand.grid, controller, split(sig.right[,2], sig.right[,1], drop=TRUE)[controlled], SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
# Putting it all signaling reactions together
all.sig <- c(t( na.omit(rbind(sig.no.ctrl, sig.left, sig.right)) ))
sig.vertices <- unique(all.sig)
# Combining the signaling reactions with the metabolic one.
graph <- graph + vertices(sig.vertices[!sig.vertices %in% V(graph)$name], attr=list(list())) + igraph::edges(all.sig)
comsp <- bpSplitComplex(biopax,V(graph)$name, inc.sm.molecules)
graph <- setAttribute(graph,"complex", comsp)
graph <- igraph::simplify( expandComplexes(graph, "complex", NULL, "normal", "keep") )
stop("No Singling interaction were found.")
if(verbose) message(": ", ecount(graph), " interaction found.")
############ Getting attributes for graph vertices ###############
# Getting attribute lists (name, compartment, pathway, MIRIAM)
XRefs <- bpGetReferences(biopax, V(graph)$name)
names(XRefs) <- V(graph)$name
# MIRIAM attributes
attr <- bpGetAnnFromXRef(df, XRefs[V(graph)$name])
# Name attributes
v.names <- to.df(rBiopaxParser::listInstances(biopax, id=V(graph)$name))
v.names <- v.names[match(V(graph)$name, v.names$id), "name"]
## Get Pathway name and annotations
pw <- to.df(rBiopaxParser::listInstances(biopax, class="pathway"))
pwXRef <- bpGetReferences(biopax, pw$id)
## Get pathway components (only reactions are returned)
pwcomp <- lapply(pw$id, function(x) rBiopaxParser::listPathwayComponents(biopax,x, returnIDonly=TRUE))
pwcomp <- do.call("rbind", lapply(1:length(pwcomp),
function(x)data.frame(id=x, comp=pwcomp[[x]])))
## Restrict Pathway components to Conversion reactions (Removing PathwayStep, Control).
pwcomp <- pwcomp[pwcomp$comp %in% rBiopaxParser::listInstances(biopax, class="Conversion", includeSubClasses=TRUE, returnIDonly=TRUE),]
pwcomp <- split(pwcomp$id, pwcomp$comp, drop=TRUE)
## Since Conversions (reactions) are no longer present in the network
# (either their controllers or substrate/products are retained), vertices inherit
# Pathway annotations from reactions they participate in.
leftright <- rbind(lefts, rights, cbind(property_attr_value=controller,id=controlled)) # Vertices and reactions they participate in.
leftright <- leftright[ leftright[,1] %in% V(graph)$name,]
leftright$id = match(leftright$id, names(pwcomp)) ## Use numerical ids.
pwcomp <-c(pwcomp,
lapply(split(pwcomp[leftright$id], leftright$property_attr_value),
function(x) unique(unlist(x)) )
) # Do the magic :)
pwcomp <- pwcomp[V(graph)$name] # Reorder to match V(graph)$name
pw.ann <- bpGetAnnFromXRef(df,lapply(pwcomp, function(x) unlist(pwXRef[x], use.names=FALSE)))
## Compartment attributes #######################
### Get Compartment name and annotations
comp <- rBiopaxParser::listInstances(biopax, class="cellularLocationvocabulary", returnIDonly=TRUE)
comp.terms <- as.character(bpGetAttrbyID(df, comp, "term")$property_value)
comp.ann <- bpGetAnnFromXRef(df, bpGetReferences(biopax, comp) )
## Get Vertices' compartments
loc <- bpGetAttrbyID(df, V(graph)$name, "cellularlocation", "property_attr_value")
loc$property_attr_value <- match(striph(loc$property_attr_value), comp)
loc <- split(loc$property_attr_value, loc$id, drop=TRUE)[ V(graph)$name]
# Putting it together
## A small hack to distinguish compartment annotations from vertex annotation.
names(comp.ann) <- rep("compartment", length(comp.ann))
V(graph)$attr <-
compartment=list(comp.terms[ args[[2]] ]),
unlist(comp.ann[ args[[2]] ], recursive=FALSE),
pathway=list(pw$name[ args[[3]] ]),
}, v.names, loc, pwcomp, pathway= pw.ann ,attr,
V(graph)$shape<- "circle"
V(graph)$color <- "blue"
graph$source = "BioPAX_L3"
graph$type = "S.graph"
############Helper functions to process biopax objects################
bpGetReferences <- function (biopax, id,
followProperties = c("entityreference","component", "memberPhysicalEntity"),
id.u = unique(striph(id))
isrdfresource = biopax$df$property_attr == "rdf:resource"
propertysel = tolower(biopax$df$property) %in% tolower(followProperties)
newIDs = biopax$df[biopax$df$id %in% id.u & isrdfresource &
propertysel, c("id","property_attr_value")]
propertyget = tolower(biopax$df$property) %in% tolower(getProperties)
attr = biopax$df[biopax$df$id %in% id.u & isrdfresource &
propertyget, c("id","property_attr_value")]
attr.ls = split(as.character(attr[,2]), attr$id, drop=TRUE)
recur.ls = bpGetReferences(biopax, newIDs$property_attr_value, followProperties, getProperties)
recur.sp = split(recur.ls,newIDs$id, drop=TRUE)
keys <- unique(c(names(attr.ls), names(recur.sp)))
attr.ls = setNames(mapply(function(...)unique(unlist(c(...))),
attr.ls[keys], recur.sp[keys], SIMPLIFY=FALSE),
pos = match(striph(id), names(attr.ls))
bpSplitComplex<-function (biopax, complexid, inc.sm.molecules)
if (biopax$biopaxlevel == 3) {
compname = c("memberPhysicalEntity","component")
classes <- c("dna", "rna", "protein", "smallmolecule")
classes <- c("dna", "rna", "protein")
ref = bpGetReferences(biopax, complexid, followProperties=compname, getProperties=compname)
if (is.null(ref))
ref = do.call("rbind", lapply( na.omit(names(ref)), function(x) cbind( x, striph(ref[[x]]) ) ) )
referenced = biopax$df[rBiopaxParser::selectInstances(biopax, id = unique(ref[,2]), returnValues=FALSE), c("class", "id")]
sel = referenced[ tolower(referenced$class) %in% classes, "id"]
if (length(sel)==0)
ref = ref[ ref[,2] %in% sel, ]
return( split(ref[,2], ref[,1])[ complexid ] )
bpGetAttrbyID <- function(df, id, attr, value="property_value"){
id = striph(id)
df[df$id %in% id & df$property %in% attr, c("id","property",value) ]
bpGetAnnFromXRef <- function(df, id.ls, attr){
ann <- do.call("rbind",lapply(na.omit(names(id.ls)),
function(x) cbind(x, if(is.null(id.ls[[x]])) NA else id.ls[[x]])
id = unique(ann[,2])
return(list()[match(names(id.ls), NULL)])
db <- bpGetAttrbyID(df, id, "db", "property_value")
dbid <- bpGetAttrbyID(df, id, "id", "property_value")
dbid <- cbind(db, value=dbid[,3])
dbid$property_value <- paste("miriam.", dbid$property_value, sep="")
pos <- match(striph(ann[,2]), dbid$id)
# Split the dataframe into annotations belonging to each input id (ann[,1])
# Then split each of the daughter dataframe by the attribute name.
ann.ls <- lapply(split(dbid[pos,c(3,4)], ann[,1], drop=TRUE),
function(x) split(as.character(x[,2]), x[,1], drop=TRUE) )
return(ann.ls[match(names(id.ls), names(ann.ls))])
bpGetAnnotation <- function(df, id, attr){
ann <- bpGetAttrbyID(df, id, "xref", "property_attr_value")
ref <- bpGetAttrbyID(df, id, "entityreference", "property_attr_value")
ref.ann <- bpGetAttrbyID(df, ref$property_attr_value, "xref", "property_attr_value")
pos <- match(striph(ref$property_attr_value), ref.ann$id)
ann <- rbind(ann[,c(1,3)],data.frame(id=ref$id, property_attr_value=ref.ann$property_attr_value[pos],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
db <- bpGetAttrbyID(df, ann$property_attr_value, "db", "property_value")
dbid <- bpGetAttrbyID(df, ann$property_attr_value, "id", "property_value")
ann.ls <- as.list(as.character(dbid$property_value))
names(ann.ls) <- paste("miriam.", db$property_value, sep="")
pos <- match(striph(ann$property_attr_value), dbid$id)
ann.ls <- split(ann.ls[pos], ann$id, drop=TRUE)
return(ann.ls[match(striph(id), names(ann.ls))])
bpExpand.grid <- function(x1,x2){
striph <- function(s){
return(sub("^#", "", s))
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