## Function hrunbiasedTesting
hrunbiasedTesting <- function(nda, gene.signature, alternative ="two.sided",
test.type = c("asymptotic", "random.signatures", "random.genes"),
correction.type = c("NCsignatures", "Gsignature", "RUV", "none"),
score = NULL, seqquant = 0.25, nrs = 5000,
comp.RUV = c(1,2), adj.var.GS = "GSadj",
adjusted.var.random = NA, adjusted.var.fixed = NA, mc.cores = 1,
signature.method = "zscore", maxGenes = 5000, executation.info=TRUE, ...){
eps <- 10e-8
if(abs((sum((exprs(nda)*exprs(nda))) - prod(dim(nda)) + dim(nda)[1])) > eps)
exprs(nda) <- t(scale(t(exprs(nda))))
if(length(seqquant) != 1 & correction.type %in% c("NCsignatures", "RUV"))
warning("only the first element in seqquant is going to be used")
seqquant <- seqquant[1]
GS <- GSnegControls(nda = nda, correction.type = correction.type,
score = score, seqquant = seqquant, comp.RUV = comp.RUV, ...)[[1]]
signature.method <- signmethod.control(signature.method)
pvals.rs <- NA
rsc.gs <- randomSigCoxmeSimple(nda, list(gene.signature), sigSize = NULL,
mc.cores = mc.cores, signature.method = signature.method,
needScaling = FALSE, nite = 500, GS = GS,
adjusted.var.random = adjusted.var.random,
adjusted.var.fixed = adjusted.var.fixed, adj.var.GS = adj.var.GS,
rsc.gs <- do.call(rbind, rsc.gs)
rsc <- NULL
rsc.by.gene.all <- NULL
rsc.by.gene <- NULL
if("random.signatures" %in% test.type)
sigSize <- length(gene.signature)
randsign <- lapply(seq_len(nrs), function(j)
gs <- sample(rownames(exprs(nda)), sigSize))
rsc <- do.call(rbind, randomSigCoxmeSimple(nda, randsign, sigSize = NULL,
mc.cores = mc.cores, signature.method = signature.method, needScaling = FALSE,
nite = 500, GS = GS, adjusted.var.random = adjusted.var.random,
adjusted.var.fixed = adjusted.var.fixed, adj.var.GS = adj.var.GS,
if(alternative == "two.sided")
pvals.rs <- vapply( rsc.gs[,4], function(x) 2 * min(mean(x < rsc[,4]),
mean(x > rsc[,4])), double(1))
if(alternative == "greater")
pvals.rs <- vapply( rsc.gs[,4], function(x) 1 - mean(x > rsc[,4]), double(1))
if(alternative == "less")
pvals.rs <- vapply( rsc.gs[,4], function(x) 1 - mean(x < rsc[,4]), double(1))
rsc.by.gene <- do.call(rbind, randomSigCoxmeSimple(nda,
as.list(gene.signature), sigSize = NULL, mc.cores = mc.cores,
signature.method = signature.method, needScaling = FALSE, nite = 500, GS = GS,
adjusted.var.random = adjusted.var.random,
adjusted.var.fixed = adjusted.var.fixed, adj.var.GS = adj.var.GS,
executation.info = executation.info))
rownames( rsc.by.gene) <- gene.signature
if("random.genes" %in% test.type){
urs <- rownames(nda)#unique(unlist(randsign))
urs <- sample(urs, min(length(urs), maxGenes))
rsc.by.gene.all <- do.call(rbind, randomSigCoxmeSimple(nda, as.list(urs),
sigSize = NULL, mc.cores = mc.cores, signature.method = signature.method,
needScaling = FALSE, nite = 500, GS = GS,
adjusted.var.random = adjusted.var.random,
adjusted.var.fixed = adjusted.var.fixed, adj.var.GS = adj.var.GS,
executation.info = executation.info))
out <- list(hr.ts = rsc.gs, hr.rs = rsc, hr.tg = rsc.by.gene,
hr.rg = rsc.by.gene.all, pvals.rs = pvals.rs,
test.type = test.type, gene.signature = gene.signature)
class(out) <- "hrunbiasedTesting"
print.hrunbiasedTesting <- function(x, ...){
cat("\t",paste("Cox model results for target signature"), "\n")
res <- cbind(x$hr.ts, x$pvals.rs)
colnames(res)[5:6] <- c("pval.asy", "pval.rs")
rownames(res) <- "ts"
cat("\t", paste("random signature summary lHR"), "\n")
cat("\t",paste("random signature summary stat"), "\n")
plot.hrunbiasedTesting <- function(x, legend.out = TRUE, show.pvalues = TRUE,
show.stat = TRUE, density.tg.minpoints = 10, ...){
if(legend.out) par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 9.1), xpd=FALSE)
else par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 5.1), xpd=FALSE)
rgtest <- "random.genes" %in% x$test.type
rstest <- "random.signatures" %in% x$test.type
indic <- ifelse(show.stat,4,1)
if(length(x$hr.tg[,indic]) >= density.tg.minpoints) ds2 <- density(x$hr.tg[,indic])
else ds2 <- list(x=0,y=0)
lhn <- ifelse(show.stat,"stat","lHR")
if(rstest) ds1 <- density(x$hr.rs[,indic])
else ds1 <- list(x=0,y=0)
if(rgtest) ds4 <- density(x$hr.rg[,indic])
else ds1 <- list(x=0,y=0)
ylimm <- max(c(ds1$y, ds2$y, ds4$y, 0.2))
rus <- runif(length(x$gene.signature), 0, ylimm/8)
plot(x$hr.tg[,indic], rus, xlim = c(min(c(ds1$x,ds2$x,ds4$x,x$hr.ts[,indic])),
max(c(ds1$x,ds2$x, ds4$x,x$hr.ts[,indic]))),
ylim = c(0,ylimm ), pch="*", col=2, type="p",...)
lines(rep(x$hr.ts[,indic],2), c(0,ylimm/8), col=3, lwd=2, lty=1)
if(rstest) lines(ds1, lwd=2, lty=3)
if(rgtest) lines(ds4, col=4, lwd=2, lty=4)
if(length(x$hr.tg[,indic])>=density.tg.minpoints) lines(ds2, col=2, lwd=2, lty=2)
pos.lev <- c(".rs", ".rgene", ".ind.gene", ".ts")
ltys <- c(3,4, ifelse(length(x$hr.tg[,indic])>density.tg.minpoints, 2, NA))
cols <- c(1,4,2,3)
pchs <- c(NA,NA,"*",NA)
lev.out <- pos.lev[c(rstest,rgtest,TRUE,TRUE)]
cols.out <- cols[c(rstest,rgtest,TRUE,TRUE)]
ltys.out <- ltys[c(rstest,rgtest,TRUE,TRUE)]
pchs.out <- pchs[c(rstest,rgtest,TRUE,TRUE)]
if(!rgtest) legend("topright",
legend = paste0(lhn, lev.out), col=cols.out,
lty= ltys.out, lwd = 2, pch=c(NA,"*",NA))
coord <- par("usr")
legend(x = coord[2] * 1.05, y = coord[4],
legend = paste0(lhn, c(".rs", ".rgene", ".ind.gene", ".ts")),
col = c(1,4,2,3), lty= c(3,4, ifelse(length(x$hr.tg[,indic])>density.tg.minpoints, 2, NA),1),
lwd=c(2,2,2,2), pch = pchs.out, title = paste0(lhn, " types"), cex = 1)
leg <- paste0(c("pval.a = ", "pval.rs = "),
format.pval(c(x$hr.ts[,5], x$pvals.rs),1))
pchs <- c(20,21)
leg <- paste0(c("pval.a = "),
pchs <- c(20)
legend("topleft", legend= leg, pch= c(20),
box.col="white", bty="n")
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